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Poll: Is WvW More Enjoyable After The Patch?


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This meta absolutely does not work with the the tanky stats available in WvW. It’s much better in PvP where they just removed any stat combo that might present a problem.


We are back to the point where a group of 10 organized players can tank 30+ players, and spike called targets one at a time. If this is your definition of fun, well have fun.

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> @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> Now? I feel like I am a paper bag fighting people. I chased a FB for two minutes dealing “damage” and they just kept running and finally I decided it was not even worth it.

Now? *Now*?!


Before the patch I've literally chased a firebrand from SE tower (as we killed their zerg there and they scattered) all the way up to garrison, while he did nothing to me. Just chasing and trying to damage as he ran straight forward cycling all defenses and heals. I could not kill him before he got to safety.

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> @"duillyn.2697" said:

> Edit: I have changed the question as there has been a lot of ongoing responses: How have your enjoyment levels been in WvW since the patch on Tuesday?


> (Original question: As title, how have your enjoyment levels been in WvW over the last 24 hours?)


I know people pick on pollsters, but after two weeks you should do a fresh one. This is a more even split than I would have thought after people's reactions to patch notes.

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> @"Substance E.4852" said:

> You now die in 5 hits instead of 3


> It's a welcome change to roamers I'm sure but zerg fights still feel about the same. Maybe a little less instagib'y but I didn't really feel much of a difference when skill lag is applied on top


Actually, to me roaming felt more balanced before we patched. But let's talk about it again in two weeks after builds are tweaked and dust settles more.

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> It's been all zergs so far, which is pretty unusual at the hours I play. Need more time to get a better idea.


Revising to a yes. While there are some builds that seem a bit sketchy in how much abuse they can take (and in one case, dish out) the overall feel of combat has been far more interesting, and counterplay is actually a thing that exists again.

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Right now? Right now its worse. There are clear outliers currently, Firebrand, Core Necro and Soulbeast, that are ridiculously broken and make everything else not really matter in small-scale skirmishes. The condi bunker meta that exists otherwise is also not really fun. However, maybe the next patch will fix it, who knows.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> imo overally it's better. There are some builds that are out of line, but I didn't expect everything to be well and balanced after first balance pass (and from what I've seen/heard, neither did anet), so just need to wait for some more adjustments.


Do not release something knowing it’s broken. Game developers get hated on when they full release a game before it’s worked out and sold as a finished product and not a test. If they released this in a open test server then fine fix the issues there prior to full release. Cough*anthem*cough

I would rather have the game prior with few broken things that are manageable over break everything with few full working things. FB and Necro are not broken everything else is unfinished and compromised.


Also, I read somewhere they should have adjust health pools or toughness instead. I’m not an expert but I would like to have seen this in play.

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> @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > imo overally it's better. There are some builds that are out of line, but I didn't expect everything to be well and balanced after first balance pass (and from what I've seen/heard, neither did anet), so just need to wait for some more adjustments.


> Do not release something knowing it’s broken.


Except it's easier to gather data this way and I don't think it's broken to the point of making the game unplayable, so I'll live with that I guess. But I get what you're saying.


>Game developers get hated on when they full release a game before it’s worked out and sold as a finished product and not a test. If they released this in a open test server then fine fix the issues there prior to full release. Cough*anthem*cough


The game was released 7 years ago aaaaand I think the devs will always be hated by someone for something. Just read some of the responses on this forum in regards of this patch. While some of them is definitely a good feedback, there are also people that don't understand what's happening and just cry for the sake of crying "because something changed". The main issue here is that the next balance patch shouldn't take 3 months, so lets see how that goes :p


> I would rather have the game prior with few broken things that are manageable over break everything with few full working things. FB and Necro are not broken everything else is unfinished and compromised.


Interesting opinion which I (and apparently many others) disagree with. I don't see how suddenly "everything is broken". And here we can go back to what I already wrote:

"the devs will always be hated by someone for something"


That's mostly meaningless, because no multiplayer game will ever make everyone happy. You like x, I like y, the devs need to make a decision either way.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > imo overally it's better. There are some builds that are out of line, but I didn't expect everything to be well and balanced after first balance pass (and from what I've seen/heard, neither did anet), so just need to wait for some more adjustments.

> >

> > Do not release something knowing it’s broken.


> Except it's easier to gather data this way and I don't think it's broken to the point of making the game unplayable, so I'll live with that I guess. But I get what you're saying.


True, analogy: it is easier to find the cure for things on dead people but we should try before that point and prevent it.


> >Game developers get hated on when they full release a game before it’s worked out and sold as a finished product and not a test. If they released this in a open test server then fine fix the issues there prior to full release. Cough*anthem*cough


> The game was released 7 years ago aaaaand I think the devs will always be hated for something by someone. Just read some of the responses on this forum in regards of this patch. While some of them is definitely a good feedback, there are also people that don't understand what's happening and just cry for the sake of crying "because something changed". The main issue here is that the next balance patch shouldn't take 3 months, so lets see how that goes :p


No it shouldn’t, and I will not hold my breath for it.

I have spent a lot of time playing, acquiring, experiencing, and enjoying the game. And for those seven years it has been roughly the same. And I have had some complaints but never enough that I wanted my voice heard. Now I am speaking up and do not wish to wait months for more “fixes”.


> > I would rather have the game prior with few broken things that are manageable over break everything with few full working things. FB and Necro are not broken everything else is unfinished and compromised.


> Interesting opinion which I (and apparently many others) disagree with. I don't see how suddenly "everything is broken".


Instead of watching what to me was experienced combatants fight it is now just paper bags slap boxing. I just do not understand how you(as a whole opinion) are okay with it? I am open minded. But the combat dynamic has shifted and I play GW2 for a reason instead of other offerings.

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> @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > > > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > > imo overally it's better. There are some builds that are out of line, but I didn't expect everything to be well and balanced after first balance pass (and from what I've seen/heard, neither did anet), so just need to wait for some more adjustments.

> > >

> > > Do not release something knowing it’s broken.

> >

> > Except it's easier to gather data this way and I don't think it's broken to the point of making the game unplayable, so I'll live with that I guess. But I get what you're saying.


> True, analogy: it is easier to find the cure for things on dead people but we should try before that point and prevent it.


I don't think that's true at all, mind hitting me up with some source/explanation for that claim? :D


> > >Game developers get hated on when they full release a game before it’s worked out and sold as a finished product and not a test. If they released this in a open test server then fine fix the issues there prior to full release. Cough*anthem*cough

> >

> > The game was released 7 years ago aaaaand I think the devs will always be hated for something by someone. Just read some of the responses on this forum in regards of this patch. While some of them is definitely a good feedback, there are also people that don't understand what's happening and just cry for the sake of crying "because something changed". The main issue here is that the next balance patch shouldn't take 3 months, so lets see how that goes :p


> I have spent a lot of time playing, acquiring, experiencing, and enjoying the game. And for those seven years it has been roughly the same. And I have had some complaints but never enough that I wanted my voice heard. Now I am speaking up and do not wish to wait months for more “fixes”.


Again, I don't think saying that the game didn't change over the years is true at all, but ok.


> > > I would rather have the game prior with few broken things that are manageable over break everything with few full working things. FB and Necro are not broken everything else is unfinished and compromised.

> >

> > Interesting opinion which I (and apparently many others) disagree with. I don't see how suddenly "everything is broken".


> Instead of watching what to me was experienced combatants fight it is now just paper bags slap boxing. I just do not understand how you(as a whole opinion) are okay with it? I am open minded. But the combat dynamic has shifted and I play GW2 for a reason instead of other offerings.


Well, I don't understand how you can claim you've been here for 7 years, had some thing you didn't like about the game and yet never bothered to make a single post about it, but now claim you're invested in the game, but here we are. I'm not sure what you expect me to say here where it literally all boils dwon to what I already wrote in previous post: That's mostly meaningless, because no multiplayer game will ever make everyone happy. You like x, I like y, the devs need to make a decision either way.

We can also reverse the question and ask how were you ok with non-stop boon spam and constant overkills and I'm not sure what answer can you give me to actually agree with you. The combat dynamic shifted, because obviously that was the whole reason for this change, so while absolutely not being perfect, it at least did something about the previous bad state of the game.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > True, analogy: it is easier to find the cure for things on dead people but we should try before that point and prevent it.


> I don't think that's true at all, mind hitting me up with some source/explanation for that claim? :D


That is fair, bad analogy. I will take the hit and will say I was incorrect in claiming that.



> Again, I don't think saying that the game didn't change over the years is true at all, but ok.


I was not saying that it never changed but nothing to the point we are the test subjects of what to me is more like a beta status. why not a test server prior?


> >

> > Instead of watching what to me was experienced combatants fight it is now just paper bags slap boxing. I just do not understand how you(as a whole opinion) are okay with it? I am open minded. But the combat dynamic has shifted and I play GW2 for a reason instead of other offerings.


> Well, I don't understand how you can claim you've been here for 7 years, had some thing you didn't like about the game and yet never bothered to make a single post about it, but now claim you're invested in the game, but here we are. I'm not sure what you expect me to say here where it literally all boils dwon to what I already wrote in previous post: That's mostly meaningless, because no multiplayer game will ever make everyone happy. You like x, I like y, the devs need to make a decision either way.

> We can also reverse the question and ask how were you ok with non-stop boon spam and constant overkills and I'm not sure what answer can you give me to actually agree with you. The combat dynamic shifted, because obviously that was the whole reason for this change, so while absolutely not being perfect, it at least did something about the previous bad state of the game.


The prior things that I did not like were not as large scale as this. I am not claiming I am now invested in the game I have been. Just now want my voice to be heard, and no multiplayer game will make everyone happy. I was mostly happy, now mostly unhappy I do not want to fight forever I hardly get the time to play for hours in one sitting. Everyone keeps saying it only added a few seconds, if you fight a worthy opponent(not that I am the best) it will go on quite some time(no longer spikes adrenaline). I am not trying to get you to agree with me, again I am just trying to be heard. If I am part of the minority then so be it then you will get what you want and I will not. I also never had a constant problem with boon spam or overkills(doing too much damage?).


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> @"Riddle Mituan.5061" said:

> I'd say its not that much difference compare with before. The factor changed might just the players waiting for this patch so the WVW seem more active abit with double buff.

> Meanwhile, something else screwed that's why I voted less enjoyable.

> I could appreciate the idea behind to nerf those skills too OP to offer other traits/trait lines a chance to be selected.

> But these 300s i-CD traits just unacceptable.

> I couldn't see any point if anyone still gonna run them after that doubled tripled CD change.

> 5 mins could be the situation we engage into 2nd or even 3rd group in WVW and we gonna have some trait skills still recharging.

> I dont against the idea to increase the CD abit but 300s just too much.

> For example, U could make stances on warrior longer to 120s or so and decrease the duration to 6-8s.

> 300s for 2 easy trigger stances just too long and quite much a waste of 2 traits, I doubt if anyone would even still select these 2.

> They are not like getting nerfed just directly got threw into trash can.

> Some other minor things I might still need investigation.

> But all these 300s CD need a fix.


Another guy who didnt get the memo that the balance team cant change mechanics, only numbers, and that they changed them to 300sec to basically delete passive traits to redesign them later. Those are just placeholder.


Zerging has become alot more enjoyful, not relying on autotraits to save ne from 15k bursts.


And roaming, well condispecs, but they proabably going tonbe toned down.


But ppl complaining about not being able to 1vX? Now those X cant spike you down without knowing what they are doing. If you know what to dodge/block, etc you can fight them way better, especially when you can actually cc them without them having 2 million stunbreaks/stabs

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"GlazedEntity.8591" said:

> > Now? I feel like I am a paper bag fighting people. I chased a FB for two minutes dealing “damage” and they just kept running and finally I decided it was not even worth it.

> Now? *Now*?!


> Before the patch I've literally chased a firebrand from SE tower (as we killed their zerg there and they scattered) all the way up to garrison, while he did nothing to me. Just chasing and trying to damage as he ran straight forward cycling all defenses and heals. I could not kill him before he got to safety.


That's how it should be. A player spec'd full heals should be able to match a player spec'd full dps. HPS should equal DPS. SO, all things being equal, they should be able to survive forever. It's when it's multiple players chasing said healer that you find out what is overtuned. Given equal skill, 2 players spec'd full dps should be enough to kill a player spec'd full heal. I get that this game doesn't understand that, and that isn't what is, or even was, happening.

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It is much more fun (blobfights).


Fights last longer and the strongest server doesn't 1-push the other 2. Also if you get jumped by stealthcheesers, you don't usually get 1-shot but can regroup.

Also you can usually get past chokes without getting 1-shot.


Now attacking enemy keeps is still quite terrible as they have the double claim buff and such making equal fight quite impossible. Hope they fix that.


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1. I went from driving a McLaren Senna GTR to a friggen Kia Rio or worse (my damage satisfaction went from YEEEEEEE to REEEEEEE, I mean seriously THIS IS NOT SATISFACTION ANET!)

2. Now imma a condi pirate (seems pirate shipping came back not complaining about the condi so much since I can finally use my vipers gear on (scourge =bags);

3. Complaining about condi because I was loving my power scrapper before the patch and didn't need personal condi clears (my sigil of Air hasn't proc'd once and I loved that shit).


I don't play ranger BUT I've fought them on my power scrapper and Anet you did them a disservice! Pew pew rangers weren't that OP imo but now who wants them in squad? No one, they add nothing.


Balance patching should reflect all inclusiveness not 3-4 classes in a zerg and the rest can go roam/scout.

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decidedly worse now. Roamer/scout not much fun now at all. well at least not on my warrior. damage to low sustain doesn't even attempt to be successful. I have tried many build and gear changes. to end up with no positive results. At the moment I have burst skills enhanced/boosted as much as possible. so I at least get some damage. as a roamer some sustain is required to get through a fight. So far sustain results are zero. I am left with giving up on it.

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Already tired of this stupid new condi meta and nerfs. The biggest winner are the Arrow Cart users. 5 ACs can litteraly stop a 50s Squad at certain Towers/Keep because of the insane damage..


New meta also means, make something T3 and put 30 Arrow Carts in it and it takes 2hrs get into Hills f.e


Some servers already mastered this shit meta.

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Personally, I would put more enjoyable at the moment because it shook things up. There are other factors outside of balance which account for that too though, for example more players overall at the moment.


If this will be more enjoyable over the long run will be determined which further balance changes are introduced and how the classes and games combat is shaped.

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> @"phreeak.1023" said:

> Already tired of this stupid new condi meta and nerfs. The biggest winner are the Arrow Cart users. 5 ACs can litteraly stop a 50s Squad at certain Towers/Keep because of the insane damage..


> New meta also means, make something T3 and put 30 Arrow Carts in it and it takes 2hrs get into Hills f.e


> Some servers already mastered this kitten meta.


I agree about AC but it's not about insane damage because the healing got reduced everywhere so the AC's damage feels bigger.

Well there is plus and minus on this patch actually. The fight could last longer but condi is really hurting, I think the balance patch didn't quite hit the mark yet.

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I dropped my toughness gear and went full marauder. It works universally against condi bunkers and even in the zerg.


Soldier, wanderer etc. are useless attribute combinations now. You can't kill anything anymore with these (that's not necessarily bad).


Even berserker works in smallscale.


Durability rune is useless, because no one needs it.


I am not surprised lots of people struggle against condi rev. It isn't that strong when you just drop your toughness for power. The old "2600 armor is optimal for wvw" rule is outdated.

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