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The joke is very real. Anet haven't learn from the past years at all. In this moment, the game is revisiting gw2 beta>pre-gw2 era. Broken builds with Bad Designs everywhere are nothing new to gw2 in 2017. The game that was played 5 years ago, are being recycled and replayed all over again in 2017.

Even the meta's repeats itself in cycles... Bunker>Condit>Power. Nerf condi we get powe, Nerf power we get bunker, Nerf bunker we get condi= Rinse+Repeat.


Here is a revisit to Diamond Skin Elementalist in 2015=healbot. Yes, we're revisiting Diamond Skin Elementalist all over again in 2017

Notice the player in the video admitting the mistakes he/she makes... that should tell you the direction Anet want for wvw+pvp


(Many of us competitive ex gw2 players soon realized... it was Anet decision to not make wvw+pvp healthy nor competitive... so we left)

quote:" **Repeatedly Mistakes Is A Decision** "



(player- "This video is meant to showcase how strong the build is, not the play - I make a ton of mistakes in" )


(The player in the video is to not be blamed nor to be harassed)

As the saying goes, "you give them the tools to use... they will build it" enjoy :)

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Burnfall.9573 , its Anet forcing their vertical class design since we dont have vertical class armor progression, new gimmick needs to be desirable for players, they use spam skills, power creep skills etc, in a way to force players to want the new cool kid build, actually within 2 expantions they maneged to overwhelm/flood/overflow(pick up the word that makes more sense) the game with it... to make those new classes desirable.

The next expantion will be more of what we had on HoT and PoF... overtuned.. and the next one will be even more ....


That actually made some players not buying PoF...some already learned how awfull ANet is on class design to catter the bad players with their extermelly dumbed down combat gameplay, even their pve is one of the most dull gameplay i ever played... duno where inovation fits....



Due Anet incompetence (i think its the right word) on evolving gw2 with a bunch of placebos, i really feel tempted quitting this game, my only problem is that i like to play with alot of players from the server i am on WvW, that is the only thing that makes me login once in a while on the game, its not the content that ANet created, but the players...cause what Anet creates actually makes me want to play other games...

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> @Amrothian.3721 said:

> lol I top dps on my Weaver normally dunno what you are talking about


Right ...weaver dps ele on WVW ...of course i see those die faster than i can count in zerg fights really ? i have to learn then cuz im probably noob. They are the first ones to die and first ones i target . and i am Mid line celestial staff. Scourge Outlive eles 3 times and do far more damage ... same for firebrand guard ... and yea finally warriors spellbreakers are now meta ( wich is very good since that class DESERVE its place on meta.) and they are also extremely cost-efficient. The very hard to play mesmers ( for me :P) are also meta and very efficient. has for the eles... Aura eles : even suckier than before with the new meta , Power ele ? outclassed , LOW HP AND GLASSY , Condi ele ? HAHAHAHA!!! , and water ele.... OMG ITS BORING and the efficiency is average with the new changes. but hey... weaver in wvw .. oh yea we love to kill those :D yup its time to change :disappointed:

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> @Aeolus.3615 said:

> Burnfall.9573 , its Anet forcing their vertical class design since we dont have vertical class armor progression, new gimmick needs to be desirable for players, they use spam skills, power creep skills etc, in a way to force players to want the new cool kid build, actually within 2 expantions they maneged to overwhelm/flood/overflow(pick up the word that makes more sense) the game with it... to make those new classes desirable.

> The next expantion will be more of what we had on HoT and PoF... overtuned.. and the next one will be even more ....


> That actually made some players not buying PoF...some already learned how awfull ANet is on class design to catter the bad players with their extermelly dumbed down combat gameplay, even their pve is one of the most dull gameplay i ever played... duno where inovation fits....



> Due Anet incompetence (i think its the right word) on evolving gw2 with a bunch of placebos, i really feel tempted quitting this game, my only problem is that i like to play with alot of players from the server i am on WvW, that is the only thing that makes me login once in a while on the game, its not the content that ANet created, but the players...cause what Anet creates actually makes me want to play other games...


i wholeheartedly agree with you. I know many ex gw2 players including many former Esl players who play in competitive games i play gave the same reasons and who refuse to trust Anet for one bit.


I mean, what has Anet done to bring back former gw2 players? Absolutely Nothing!

with each expansions. Anet only gives them more reasons to stay away from gw2


Esl players+ gw2 former players including former gw1 players are in full agreement with you as i shared your post with them. Even some curious players including dissbelief players who tried gw2 trial are left with disappointments for how easily it takes with no effort of any knowledge in playing the game= dumbing down is the correct wording.


" **words spread like wildfire** " the state of gw2 is spreading everywhere and it is unstoppable.



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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread....


> I thought Ele was better for organised play such as giant effin waterfields with blasts, static fields, chills, lines, immobolises... Do you guys really believe Ele is now useless?


What ele has, other classes do it better.


You can either give ele a defined role, or blur the roles of other classes to the same state as ele. seems the direction is the latter.

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I still have my full zerk staff ele I bring into WvW... but long gone are those days. I like to play builds I enjoy - don't let the meta take hold of you all the time. Intriguing how many commanders still ask for "meteor up top?" for mortars etc. They need you, be a team player and remember to have fun!

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread....


> I thought Ele was better for organised play such as giant effin waterfields with blasts, static fields, chills, lines, immobolises... Do you guys really believe Ele is now useless?


That used to matter, but it really doesn't anymore.


The boon duration from HoT essentially made stability a permanent feature of most modern comps, which largely nullifies your CC potential. Additionally, due to the tankiness of condition based builds, it's generally optimal to stack everything on tag now, which means there's no real backline to focus or try to separate. The target cap means that skills such as static field are easily overwhelmed by numbers, and procs like Rev's Eye for an Eye often makes it too dangerous to open a fight with CC for a squishy build like DPS ele. On top of all this, waterfield blasts have been replaced by direct healing as the primary method of sustain. Regroups used to be a big target for CC chains but they're both less frequent and less susceptible now.


In the case of soft CC, the high uptime of resistance makes it largely negligible. That leaves damage. It is indeed very easy to tick top DPS in a large fight on an ele, but unfortunately, most of this damage is wasted because it's too spread out. Small ticks are outhealed almost immediately, and you only really kill things with large bursts of damage or conditions. Meteor hits can't compete with CoR, let alone massive burn stacks.


Meanwhile, because of the tanky meta encouraging people to stack everything on tag, retaliation is stronger than ever. There are also several condition damage traits that proc either off damage or indirectly through retal. In the end, you're typically punished for landing your skills well, and end up taking more damage than you deal to any single target, without ever getting hit. That, combined with the fact that DPS ele is extremely vulnerable to burst, means it's just not worth the risk in an organized group.


It's sad, really, because ele used to be _the_ carry class in zergs. It had the highest potential for a single player to influence a fight, with a very high skill cap, and was extremely rewarding to play. Now it's made obsolete by builds that literally just spam their skills on a tag.

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> @sephiroth.4217 said:

> I can't believe what I'm reading in this thread....


> I thought Ele was better for organised play such as giant effin waterfields with blasts, static fields, chills, lines, immobolises... Do you guys really believe Ele is now useless?


Our Weavers are doing good damage and rank pretty high on our meters. I still play staff Ele and usually an auramancer build, I use cc's mainly. My big waters are used more for condi clears since not many people have blast skills on their bars. The class is nowhere as good as it used to be, I don't think they are useless though. Mist form has been made almost useless in getting out of trouble with the amount of things that can cc it. You have to really be careful where you are during fights, Ele's melt very quickly.

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> @LordTemujin.5498 said:

> > @Amrothian.3721 said:

> > lol I top dps on my Weaver normally dunno what you are talking about


> Right ...weaver dps ele on WVW ...of course i see those die faster than i can count in zerg fights really ?


Yes, really. It pretty much only works in zergs, and it requires you to be extremely careful about your positioning. You have zero utility unless you plan for it accordingly. But the damage output pays off for that. Whether you like to be a one-trick pony ele is a different matter. But to say it doesn't work is just wrong. Yeah, it does work. If you pull it off. Other classes can make pretty much the same easier, only with a little bit less dps.

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I've had my ele for a long time but recently I've been playing ele more and while the healing is great so is the damage. With Weaver running a glass staff build you can push extremely high critical damage and power with good crit chance. I've shredded people with meteor showers in WvW.


Just earlier I was on and when both zergs are positioning I laid down a meteor shower right in the path of the enemy zerg that was pushing and downed 6 people on my own, before the real fight even started.


Playing extremely glassy like this it's all about positioning. And let me tell you I did die a lot because I was out of position. Thanks to all those nice people who res.


Coming from an engineer main, seeing the amount of Carnage I can do with glass staff ele is insane.



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Ya ele realy fallen from the best wvw class due to power dmg getting nerf and condi dmg getting buff. Ele as a class never was updated to fit these new type of wvw game play staff still mostly a power dmg wepon with support (the roll ele is playing now). For some reason staff never got a real condi dmg tool though burning or bleeds.


Weaver sadly dose not make up for the amount of power dmg mitigation that all the classes have now. Weaver can do dmg it just cant do dmg to any thing with a brain (so dead bodys are great for weaver to hit and gets your dps numbers up there or npc / pets).


Tempest still a powerhouse of support as well as still having high enofe dmg to add to a fight. The auras are still of use.

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