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2x2 is nice, but DuoQ is a problem here


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That's the problem with mixed queue's.


If they give people the option to SoloQ in 2v2 then there should be a separate SoloQ and ladder for the times where people don't have the option to play with anyone else, which really extends to everyone at least once. There's maybe a few streamers/content creators who can summon an equally ranked Duo partner at the snap of their fingers, but everyone else is probably switching between Duo and Solo.


2v2 DM seems like the best chance to try something like this because people are usually worried about the population split being an issue, but matchmaking 4 people in teams of 2 is leagues easier. Hoping we get something like this for the next mini season.


Mini seasons were great ideas too, getting new content and new ways to play is great and balance aside, the feedback has been generally great. Hope that influences new potential ways to play like Teams/Solos split. Overall very different ways to play.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> It's not so much duo Q, but the fact that Monkeybrand exists and becomes ridiculously broken when paired with anything that plays well with it.



LoL Seriously. I haven't had time to play much since the patch, but I think every single 2v2 I've been in had a firebrand on the opposing team...and I was also queuing with a firebrand on my team.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> It's not so much duo Q, but the fact that Monkeybrand exists and becomes ridiculously broken when paired with anything that plays well with it.


This is it. To be competitive you either are: 2 Firebrands, or Firebrand & Necro/Rev.


Edit: Classes rn are horribly balanced for 2v2. Conquest much more balanced. Hopefully ArenaNet's announced follow up small patch will balance Firebrand, Necro.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> > It's not so much duo Q, but the fact that Monkeybrand exists and becomes ridiculously broken when paired with anything that plays well with it.


> This is it. To be competitive you either are: 2 Firebrands, or Firebrand & Necro/Rev.


> Edit: Classes rn are horribly balanced for 2v2. Conquest much more balanced. Hopefully ArenaNet's announced follow up small patch will balance Firebrand, Necro.


In some ways, it's actually good data for the balance team to finally see just how meta-defining Firebrand really is. And it's not because of the balance patch, FB was always this good.


And it really isn't Nec/Rev. It's just about any competent bruiser build. 2v2 is revealing to everyone what many of us already knew, which is that FB has been at the center of Gw2s balance problems since PoF release. The kit is flat out overloaded.

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Agreed, duoQ in 2v2 has more advantage, other things equal. two solutions: 1) duoQ match with duoQ only; 2) increase the duoQ matchmaking MMR. But the second solution is also problematic due to the existence of FB.


Also, I don't know why there are also many core guards. Since the match making is based on class, not elite specification, they put themselves into disadvantage once they que.

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Removing duo queue entirely is pepega.

Removing solo queue entirely is also pepega.

^^^Stop making the above two suggestions. ^^^



Honestly the only problem is it seems that being duo or not has zero effect on matchmaking, meaning that being a duo with a build comp specifically designed to be synergistic is always going to be a distinct advantage against any team that is not. So the simple fix would be tweaking matchmaking so that it doesn't match duos vs non duos. Or at the very least, is extremely unlikely to do so.

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  • 4 weeks later...

> @"Genesis.5169" said:

> Ive been beaten as DUO vs PUGs and have beaten DUOS in PUGs. Its you man not them. They earned their score time to earn yours.


I normally am at odds with Genesis and his competition philosophy but he's right. Its backwards to join 2v2 games and be upset because the group you fight decided to enter together.


Find one friend. Solo q, if you like a partner you get offer to match with them to make the rest easier.


This shouldn't even be an arguing point.

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