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What does WvW need to attract new and old players who have already abandoned the game?


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* New Alliance System till the end of this year.

* New WvW Maps.

* Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

* Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

* Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

* More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

* Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

* Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

* Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

* Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

* Make ruins really useful or delete them.

* Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

* Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

* More WvW Achivements.

* More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.

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Map changes like the one to Orgewatch a while back and now Mendons and SMC are welcome. It doesn't need to be much but it does feel fresh when other companies do the same with their games. Move trees around, adjust terrain, something...


Biggest thing WvW needs is a way to reward those who are good at the game and win on a regular basis. I imagine this will be easier in 2050 when alliances come out but its something that needs to be done in a fair way that doesn't involve night-capping, blobbing, karma trains, etc. GvG support and better gold income/rewards would be my next top priorities. GvGs probably not the best use for resources anymore though given the amount of people that would actually participate in them is getting to be less and less. I don't think it would bring back the guilds or players that already left for the lack thereof anyways.

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@"subversiontwo.7501" Speaks about it quite frequently. You need to be able to play with friends. Everything beyond that is just window dressing, and sure changing your curtains every now and then freshens up the house, but it doesn't mean anything if you can't share it with people.

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The balance changes brought me back as a beta/launch player who has left and come back a couple times. Along with the adjustments to the mounts. I wouldn't have known about the changes if I hadn't heard about them on MassivelyOP podcast, although eventually I would have checked in on the forums or reddit.


Notifying older players of the changes is one thing ANet could do better with maybe a quarterly email campaign with the major changes highlighted could help.

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Killboard? Eve online has a Killboard that desplays the fit ( or build ) of the ships involved and also location etc. That all goes in to a ranking system. I wonder if GW2 could possibly have that for Wvw. It also displays whether others where involved . So you have solo vs group kills. It makes for some very competive play as you might find more solo players trying to rank up for Solo kills in Wvw instead of zerging.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

not needed. Whant to join some specific server ? wait transfer and do it. What as guild join? Choose low popularity rever and join all.


> * New WvW Maps.

not need. Main game play item is players, and builds, tactic. And voice "push push push left left push push push push "

The color of trees and grosses around is not care.


> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

for me it is not old map.


> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

yes, true. Will be good add pips progress on Edge of the Mist.


> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

if people in some guild interested thay can do that himself on side tool (discord or web, or etc)


> * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

current is more that enough


> * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

Trebuchet not must top item anyway.


> * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

reward currently who protect and defend is very good.


> * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

enough. Why more? no


> * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

we have additional +pips count. It is great.


> * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

not like - not use. Not root problem.


> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

why ? I like it.


> * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

I like kill frogs on ebg. We have good exp reward from that.


> * More WvW Achivements.

add 1000kk kills ? :)


> * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

ask "more Tactics" from yours commander.


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what shall i say, nearly 100% agree on the terms u listed.

these are the most important though.


> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

> * New WvW Maps.

> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

> * delete ruins

> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

> * Remove PvE events on the maps

those would be my personal core points, changed it up a bit


> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

> * New WvW Map

> * Do something more useful to/with Edge of the Mists

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

> * Overall a Server leaderbord, unless Alliances comes

> * delete ruins, or at least the cap-able buff thing.






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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.


> * New WvW Maps.

YES! Make a 3 smaller maps with 2 towers, 1 keep, and 3 camps.

> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.


> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

Return Skirmish track progress would be a start.

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.


> * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.


> * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

> * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

All for it.

> * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

All for it as well.

> * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

Goals to shoot for. Sure.

> * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

Delete, put an underwater keep there with a dome over it.

> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.


> * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

make them give larger WXP rewards and war score on completion

> * More WvW Achivements.

Add in WXP pots for completing them as well as Ascended Armor boxes.

> * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

> 1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.

That sounds cool.

How about a WvW trap that knocks down players for 3 seconds? Litter the tower with them. Would seriously be hilarious.



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**The same things that have been discussed since 2012:**


1. Alliances (or population balance on a world-creation level).

2. Scoring (or population balance on a map-creation level).

3. No queues (a fix to the back-end handling the world-to-map creation systems)

4. An informed direction and decision-making on map-making (more maps, but good maps)

5. More rewards for score on a world-creation level

6. More content for a guild-level (where world-creation has reestablished creation of guilds)

7. More rewards for content on a guild level


All of these build upon each other, have symbiosis or synergies. When all of them point in the wrong direction, WvW heads in the wrong direction. When all of them point in the right direction WvW will begin heading in the right direction.


**Up until this patch** the systems balance needed adressing and introduction of the Warclaw had caused a number of unrelated issues (such as invalidating players who had previously bought vanilla and HoT or simply were F2P players looking to get a positive first impression of the game). While these things have sparked controversies I am at least seeing the present change of direction there in a positive light. It may not approach things the way I would have, but I see the positives outweighing the negatives with a fair margin and what I have seen so far from the new "team" has at least restored some faith in them taking this to something tolerable, within a reasonable timeframe, even if it is in their own way. I believe we will see a positive total within 6 months.


I have been meaning to make a thread about the Warclaw boon / WXP solution. It is not a solution I would have pursued or even considered but it is looking like a sufficient way to address those issues too. **So, credit where credit is due. It is hands down the most positive change in the patch**, surpassing even the TTK impact on new players even if it isn't noticed much by all of us who have our mounts. **Good job on that Anet**. See the list above for other very destructive things that are embarrassing to see existing in 2020 and should be addressed post-haste.


Alliances still holds the #1 spot despite its size and scope, in part because it is already underway and looks like a solid system, but also because it addresses two very fundamental problems: Our ability to recruit and (re-) create guilds and our ability as players to help the company recruit new players to the game (mode). The gem-paid transfer system milks the existing playerbase and hinders our ability to reach out and pull new players into the game. That has to be a net loss for the developer.


Every other suggestion in my list is somehow linked to those two core issues.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

> * New WvW Maps.

> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

> * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

> * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

> * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

> * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

> * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

> * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

> * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

> * More WvW Achivements.

> * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

> 1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.


1. Alliance System is just another way to promote what we already have, so it's not useful at all. Mere smoke.

2. WvW Maps... yes, but seeing how certain part of the WvW community took the desertic map (and how Anet destroyed it with wrong decisions and poor design), I don't think they'll risk again.

3. Revamp old maps? I'd wish! But this same "certain part" raged just with the idea, and look what happened.

4. EotM point: agree.

5. Guild Rank Leaderboard? For what? For stroking egos? WvW shouldn't be for this. If you want this, make a proper and separated game mode for GvGs. End.

6. More sieges, movable sieges... yes, like the beta Cannons that were a LAME idea. Noooo, thanks.

7. Healing Oasis has null use. Remove it directly.

8. Better rewards in general... I agree, but without promoting bandwagoning for this.

9. Ruins should be removed. It doesn't make the game mode better.

10. PvE events... what PvE events, if most of them were deleted? Skritts and centaurs? Remove them.

11. WvW Achievements? Sure.

12. More Tactics? No. That was a VERY bad idea. Killed many options for small groups. Remove them all.


Said this, I don't see anything about making WvW worth, like recovering Tournaments and proper, worth prizes, real balance in populations (WITHOUT more lies about how they're settled actually, T5 disappearing from EU servers is the proof Anet were lying about the populations, and they keep doing it.. and if Alliances are released at some point -LOL, good joke, true?-, these datas about population will continue being based in wrong points).

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> * New Alliance System till the end of this year.

> * New WvW Maps.

> * Revamp old Maps; Alpine and Eternal Battleground.

> * Do something more useful to Edge of the Mist, at the moment this map is dead.

> * Create a guild rank leaderboard, so that players can score for their guild by using the guild tag on all PPT and PPK.

> * More sieges, different types of sieges, movable sieges.

> * Healing Oasis (Trebuchet skill 5) is garbage.

> * Better rewards for defensive players; those who protect and defend their fortifications.

> * Better rewards for those who tier up their fortifications (camps, towers, keeps).

> * Better rewards for those who reach 1k, 2k... 10k level; Why not "Novelties" or "PvP Gizmos"?

> * Make ruins really useful or delete them.

> * Remove all POI's and Vistas from maps.

> * Remove PvE events on the maps or make them good and better rewardable for doing them.

> * More WvW Achivements.

> * More Tactics and Improvements to camps/towers/keeps like:

> 1. Mount Trap: Within the fortification area, all enemy players will dismount and will not be able to mount until they leave the area.


You have a lot of good suggestions here and similar ones were also valid in the past.


* On the leaderboard front it's been said before people like to chase numbers. Numbers and stats on where you are, where your guild is in a given week and potentially during the alliance term. Playtime has been shown to draw people in just by itself. Could see numbers in score, kills, caps, ruins, playtime per map, times attacking, times defending, there are a ton of metrics. This information could also help people when we get to alliances, ok we need a mix of PPKers and PPTers, havocs and roamers, what have we got.

* On rewards, the new armor is a good example of a potential weekly draws. Something you have to work for over time based on participation. Could also see kill quests, collect a quest, kill 50 players, kill 25 Rev, 25 War...and turn in for reward or reward tokens for kill quest vendors. New titles to work toward, new achievements.

* Give players more things to capture and hold even if it's not a walled structure.

* Tiered Guild missions, week long missions that guild members can work towards (proportioned to guild sizes) that are rewarded in tiers. Tier1, T2 & T3.

* Create new upgrades. Capture a camp that can't deliver supply, add the sapper upgrade that deploys explosive packed dolyaks towards enemy structures. Upgrade sentries to checkpoints and patrols. Give players upgrades that they can lend a hand in, turn in 'x' materials to help community unlock something when structure reaches a certain level.

* Add back in open world gathering, and add more nodes both inside structures and in open world. More appear in towers keeps and camps as they increase in tier. Perhaps open field node farms out of the way spots. Now this one may seem off but there were quite some fun fights when a group would stop to gather and next thing you knew a open field fight broke out because another group was swinging by to do the same.

* Reward everyone for end of the week participation and for placement, yes I know stacking, but we are already going to get that with alliances, but pay everyone if they were active, placement is just extra on top. You could even add some betting tiers in this. Player at being of week pays for a goal, if they meet it they get their ante back and then some, the higher the challenge the higher the ante and the more the return.

* WvW collections in the HoT method, gear people could work toward that require doing a combinations of sub-achievements; kill x players, defend x camps, capture x objectives....Those you could sub in new earnable skins in each time alliances change.

* Maps, that a whole thread by itself. Personally could see anything from current map refreshs to EoTM options, to new maps, to open field maps that are literally copies of living world maps with all their critters and things for people to cap that can't be upgraded, to maps that are pure siege warfare maps with fixed siege positions, capture the flag/king of the hill maps to rotating maps. Warhammer Online was never dull because we had a gambit of maps to fight cross. Could see their push/pull maps work here as well but in a three sided version.

* Create boons that people can apply that carry over outside of WvW and within. This could tie into some of the above or be tied into the weekly tracks. Reach x level and unlock 'x' magic find, 'x' karma gain, 'x' coin gain.


It comes down to keeping things fresh, giving people goals and new places to see and fight. Players already have a lot of self created content in WvW, but we have lost many because that wasn't enough on it own. There have been many more in the forums overtime but a lot has been on hold as we wait on alliances but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered.

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Remove mounts

Remove food except food from the WvW provisioner (AKA remove t7 food).

Nerf boons more, especially AoE boons.

Nerf siege

Remove guild banners

Remove stacking stealth and then also remove the force-reveal from the sentry debuff

Revert most of what was done this patch and instead just cut down the expansion-specific content like the elite spec traits/utils/new weapon coefficients/gear with too many stats/etc.

Rework every single PoF specs completely from the ground up because they're anti-fun to play against and all failed concepts. ALL of them.


It's nothing more than a wishlist. It basically mandates moving back more towards core game in the name of WvW. The raids community would throw a fit if their DPS went down, though, so it won't happen.


So yeah, I don't anticipate on coming back to seriously play the game. Forum PvP is more satisfying.

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