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Suggestion: Working Up a Sweat!!


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They probably considered it somewhere at the beginning of the franchise when they decided the art style of the world. In the end, they opted for something more stylized than realistic. You can see echoes of that in the cartoony writing and the overabundance of pop culture easter eggs hidden in the world, its NPCs, quest names, and idle dialogue.


If you request a workout clothes outfit, though, you're likely to get some support.

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I agree, the characters are cartoony. I'm not sure what their program looks like. If it is possible, they could offer in the store, a device which you click once for a slightly sweaty sheen to your character; a second click, for more sweaty; and a third click to return it to the original texture. That way, players who want that look, can control the appearance. I think it would be popular. In addition, I think your idea of offering a workout outfit, is a great idea!!

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> @"Alaina.7245" said:

> Has GW2 considered offering the ability to apply a sweaty look to your character? I work with the DAZ3D program, and you can easily create a sweaty look to your character by simply increasing the glossiness level. It makes the character look more realistic. - Alaina


You have to take into account the client and server loads when it comes to expanding shading networks like this. Simple is better, which is why another thing is the reduction of polycounts whenever possible.


I work in Maya, and use grotesquely large shading networks and my polycounts go into the millions. While this gives me extremely realistic 3d models that even 3d print whith photorealism, this is beyond the realm of acceptable when it comes to video game development. Everyone's playtime would consist of watching a loading screen for 45 minutes, doing a bit of stuff, then watching another for an hour.



Remember, video game 3d modeling is about being as efficient and optimized as possible to reduce loading times as much as possible.




P.s DAZ 3d is a good beginner tutorial for 3d modeling. If possible, try playing around in Maya or 3DS Max. DAZ is a very limited program in what it can do, but it is extremely simplified to introduce 3d modeling. I prefer Maya over 3DS (and I'm getting familiar with AutoCAD as well).


One thing you can do is increase the complexity of your 3d models and then note the length of time it takes to render the scenes. This gives you an idea of why less complexity is better.

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> @"Rogue.8235" said:

> P.s DAZ 3d is a good beginner tutorial for 3d modeling. If possible, try playing around in Maya or 3DS Max. DAZ is a very limited program in what it can do, but it is extremely simplified to introduce 3d modeling. I prefer Maya over 3DS (and I'm getting familiar with AutoCAD as well).


A bit off topic here, but DAZ 3D is NOT a 3D modeling application, it doesn't have ANY actual modeling tools. It's used for posing, animation and rendering. The only real modeling job you can do with it is rigging and that's limited.


> @"Alaina.7245" said:

> Has GW2 considered offering the ability to apply a sweaty look to your character? I work with the DAZ3D program, and you can easily create a sweaty look to your character by simply increasing the glossiness level. It makes the character look more realistic. - Alaina


On topic, they already change the skin of your character with infusions, so adding a more glossy skin shader should be possible. Although they'd need to create filters for every single armor/outfit in the game so the sweat appears only on the skin (which is highly unlikely to ever happen), remember that infusions cover the entire character, so they'd have to add this sweat shader on your armor too. And I'm not sure you'd want that.



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Thanks Maddoctor. Your right, DAZ3D, and GW2 are two totally different programs. Increasing the glossiness should not slow down the game, because you are not really changing the resolution, only the appearance of how glossy the skin appears. However, if the armor would have to appear sweaty as well, that would be undesirable.

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There's already females with skimpy armour skins and buttcapes everywhere. Adding sweat is just going to make GW2 look more like an MMO version of the Dead or Alive series. Why don't you add in beach volleyball while you're at it?


Not that I'm against it..

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