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Daily events need to be adjusted please.


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I'll be honest: if it takes me more than 5 minutes to do a daily, I won't bother. 99% of the time, I can find three dailies that can be done that quickly, so I'm not too fussed if the occasional PoF daily takes me out of my comfort zone. Today was an ugly one, since all of them were close to my max time allotment. To be fair, I'm willing to do the PvE-like dailies in WvW and PvP arenas, so I'm choosing among 12 options rather than just 4.


Still, I can't agree with the OP. Give it some time to learn how to do PoF dailies efficiently... and then you can decide if they really are a lot less inconvenient. I wouldn't mind if there were more options; I just think there are lots of other, more important things for ANet to work on instead.

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> @Menadena.7482 said:

> This same argument came out when HOT is released. Basically the zones are are from the zones you have access to, which is different for different people.

It is much worse now, though. PoF bounties in particular seem to pop up constantly, and there's usually only one or two dailies in core Tyria. I've had to resort to WvW to get the dailies done in time on more than a few occasions.


Here are today's dailies:

- Daily Tribulation Caverns Jumping Puzzle (core, requires completion of another JP to even get there)

- Daily Maguuma Jungle Lumberer

- Daily Desert Highlands Bounty Hunter (PoF)

- Daily Dragon's Stand Event Completer (HoT)


Bounties are the worst (for me, at least). Can't solo them, and there's rarely any trains for those in my time zone. So I'd have to start my own and who knows how long it'd take for enough folks to show up. Definitely not a quick daily.

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Don't think I will be doing today's dailies as I don't see 3 I can do.

WvW and PvP is not an option as all those are pretty much impossible for me. Lumber I can get through the guild hall, but bounty is too much of a problem try and get set up, Dragon's Stand is group dependant, but if it's a daily, maybe there will be enough people to be on more than one map so I don't have to worry about it being full.

Jumping Puzzle... maybe.

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> @Khisanth.2948 said:

> It's a bit weird. PoF dailies being skewed towards bounties make them unappealing despite bounties being one of the few appealing things about PoF.


Are they? Unfortunately they don't seem to be all that popular. When there was a bounty daily a few days ago I spent multiple hours in the map doing map stuff and never saw a bounty train (yes I looked at LFG) or even just an announcement in chat that someone was starting a bounty. I have seen talk about huge numbers of bounty trains and although I have participated in a couple they don't seem to be as popular as something like Champ trains used to.

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> @FrizzFreston.5290 said:

> Despite most bounties being totally possible with just 5.

Maybe with experienced players. Who are few and far between.


I ported to Brightwater to check for trains. ...and happened to port straight into Wayfarer, which was camping at the waypoint. Nine minutes left in the bounty. There were about twenty players, with more porting in all the time. Still nearly ran out of time, because almost everyone went down quickly.


And as usual, nothing but trash for rewards. Absolutely not worth the time spent, even less so if I actually had gathered a group first.



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I think the PoF and HoT dailies should NOT replace the core ones. They should be made separate, like WvW and PvP dailies are.


That way we would always have the consistent core Tyria Vista/Gatherer/X dailies, plus the other mode/area dailies to choose from.


Making dailies a bit easier/faster would be totally harmless, since 2 gold is nothing with the current economy and surprise gold sinks we get with occasional releases, and the 10AP is capped anyway. There, no harm done, just more dailies to choose from.

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> @Djinn.9245 said:

> > @Khisanth.2948 said:

> > It's a bit weird. PoF dailies being skewed towards bounties make them unappealing despite bounties being one of the few appealing things about PoF.


> Are they? Unfortunately they don't seem to be all that popular. When there was a bounty daily a few days ago I spent multiple hours in the map doing map stuff and never saw a bounty train (yes I looked at LFG) or even just an announcement in chat that someone was starting a bounty. I have seen talk about huge numbers of bounty trains and although I have participated in a couple they don't seem to be as popular as something like Champ trains used to.


I mean for me. Can't speak for other people.


WvW Veteran Creature slayer is a literal hit or miss since they have a 15m respawn timer.


Tribulation Caverns is pretty easy but even if it isn't for you there are probably a bunch of mesmers around there anyway.


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I would like to see an option of choosing between core Tyria, HoT or PoF dailies. I would sometimes like to have a reason to go back to the older maps than be forced to do HoT or PoF dailies instead. They already have Tyria dailies for those that don't own the expansions. Why not make them available to all. More choices would be a good thing.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @Menadena.7482 said:

> > This same argument came out when HOT is released. Basically the zones are are from the zones you have access to, which is different for different people.

> It is much worse now, though. PoF bounties in particular seem to pop up constantly, and there's usually only one or two dailies in core Tyria. I've had to resort to WvW to get the dailies done in time on more than a few occasions.


> Here are today's dailies:

> - Daily Tribulation Caverns Jumping Puzzle (core, requires completion of another JP to even get there)

> - Daily Maguuma Jungle Lumberer

> - Daily Desert Highlands Bounty Hunter (PoF)

> - Daily Dragon's Stand Event Completer (HoT)


> Bounties are the worst (for me, at least). Can't solo them, and there's rarely any trains for those in my time zone. So I'd have to start my own and who knows how long it'd take for enough folks to show up. Definitely not a quick daily.


One thing that bugs me is you have a Pathfire and HoThrones daily in the same day. It pulls us in opposite directions and I basically drop the ones that aren't convenient. I just did WvW Land Claimer and WvW Veteran Creature Slayer as the 2nd and 3rd. When the third expansion comes out; will we have 3 dailies pulling us to all points across the world? To paraphrase Highlander; there should be only one expansion-daily.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Today's Dailies:


> Lumberer - Guild Hall easy-peasy

> Land Claimer - PvE in WvW pretty easy

> Veteran Creature Slayer - completely PvE in WvW easy-peasy


> And there's always the PvP rooms set up just for Dailies.


> Or, if it is too irritating, one could always earn the 2 Gold elsewhere...shouldn't take too long.


> Good luck.


Easy peasy when there aren't a bunch of hats guarding the vets or land claims just to stop you from the daily. Every single daily from every single area (core/Hot/PoF) should be open for the player to choose and not arbitrarily restricted by some dev. One has BOUGHT all the exp and should be able to access all the dailys. Simple as that.

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