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Guild Content

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I'm hoping that a developer will see this and be able to at least say yes or no (not looking to get a serious amount of detail on it if the answer is yes but it would be awesome). I'm wondering whether or not there are any future plans for guild content. Whether that be newer guild halls, more guild missions, puzzles, and so on so forth. I feel like guilds could be so much of a bigger aspect of this game as they once were in gw1 even in pvp. I've been given a lot of hope recently with a lot of the patches, lw episodes, and the announcement of Visions of The Past and what it will bring (a lot that we've been asking for years) that the devs will hopefully be able to give me hope as a guild leader of 3 guilds that the guilds haven't just been forgotten.

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That would be a shame if that is true because guilds, I feel, are such an important part of the game and should be since you know the game is called Guild Wars. I think they had a great way of tying the guild content into the game’s story with the whole guild initiative thing. I just can’t see why they’d all of a sudden just stop development of newer or updated guild related content with no future plans for them. I completely understand why and how the missions and what not get so old. I’ve been complaining for a while that Tyria is such a ginormous game world with lots of awesome maps that either have just been left to kind of rot or never even had any real reason to visit for any other reason than world completion. I feel that guilds might soon face that same neglect. Hopefully not but it seems to look that way.

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I really hope they add more guild missions. I have even suggested that they add more guild upgrades that unlock more guild missions slots for PoF or HoT missions.

I run guild missions every week and it really gets boring. I want something that can engage the guild members, so some new puzzles or challenges would be great.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I really hope they add more guild missions. I have even suggested that they add more guild upgrades that unlock more guild missions slots for PoF or HoT missions.


This would be awesome. I can only imagine what some of the puzzles, missions, and so on would be like in HoT/PoF content. They should also update the rewards for guild missions and puzzles too. I hate to say that rewards for them are a bit lame.


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ANet addressed this a long time ago (old forums I think). They aren't going to work on new guild content. The reason boils down to not enough players bother with guild content (missions, upgrading guild hall) to justify putting in the work. They have logs that show what features players are/aren't using, and based their decision on that. Further, there was already a fair bit of complaints about guild content that was only accessible to players who bought the expansions. Adding new missions in the expansion maps would have certainly triggered even more negative feedback from free players and old players who did not buy the expansions. Finally, the last time they did add new guild content, the result was a few weeks of intense playing followed by a drastic drop off in use of the new features (i.e. players got bored really fast).


So rather than devote a team to creating new missions and guild hall upgrades that almost no one bothers with (and which made some players upset), they decided to devote their efforts to more widely played content. I'd have loved to see new guild bounties and treks in the new maps, but I understand why ANet made the decision it did.



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> @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

> ANet addressed this a long time ago (old forums I think). They aren't going to work on new guild content. The reason boils down to not enough players bother with guild content (missions, upgrading guild hall) to justify putting in the work. They have logs that show what features players are/aren't using, and based their decision on that. Further, there was already a fair bit of complaints about guild content that was only accessible to players who bought the expansions. Adding new missions in the expansion maps would have certainly triggered even more negative feedback from free players and old players who did not buy the expansions. Finally, the last time they did add new guild content, the result was a few weeks of intense playing followed by a drastic drop off in use of the new features (i.e. players got bored really fast).


> So rather than devote a team to creating new missions and guild hall upgrades that almost no one bothers with (and which made some players upset), they decided to devote their efforts to more widely played content. I'd have loved to see new guild bounties and treks in the new maps, but I understand why ANet made the decision it did.




I don't think this means players don't want more guild content - it means players wanted different guild content than:


- six home instance nodes

- a bar full of mostly pointless buffs

- everything is spaced out and as a result don't feel worth the effort

- a guild teleporter that is inferior to the current wp system

- nerfed existing guild features to add them as guild hall rewards.

- a decoration system that is both cost prohibitive, relies on a scribe and incorporates deliberate frustration features (that assembly unit is honestly just a kick to the balls).

- an arena that is both out of the way, difficult to find people to use, and plays by pve rules.

- added nothing to guilds but an item sink.



I think people want more mazes, guild dungeons, guild bounties, and more guild related cosmetic rewards.

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> @"CaelestiaEmpyrea.2617" said:

> ANet addressed this a long time ago (old forums I think). They aren't going to work on new guild content. The reason boils down to not enough players bother with guild content (missions, upgrading guild hall) to justify putting in the work. They have logs that show what features players are/aren't using, and based their decision on that. Further, there was already a fair bit of complaints about guild content that was only accessible to players who bought the expansions. Adding new missions in the expansion maps would have certainly triggered even more negative feedback from free players and old players who did not buy the expansions. Finally, the last time they did add new guild content, the result was a few weeks of intense playing followed by a drastic drop off in use of the new features (i.e. players got bored really fast).


> So rather than devote a team to creating new missions and guild hall upgrades that almost no one bothers with (and which made some players upset), they decided to devote their efforts to more widely played content. I'd have loved to see new guild bounties and treks in the new maps, but I understand why ANet made the decision it did.




I feel like more people would bother with guild content if they made guild content more engaging and worthwhile. People are not doing it because it hasn't gotten any worthwhile updates. They don't update it because few people are doing the current content. Round and round it goes.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> I really hope they add more guild missions. I have even suggested that they add more guild upgrades that unlock more guild missions slots for PoF or HoT missions.

> I run guild missions every week and it really gets boring. I want something that can engage the guild members, so some new puzzles or challenges would be great.


PoF should have included more guild hall options. Giving guilds things to work towards give people common goals. Being an idiot that plays way to many games I am going to take a system from Destiny 2. The fact that there are bonuses you can unlock for your guild that reset at known times creates repeatable content. That could work here as well. Work towards a boon that grants your guild increased magic find that resets monthly. Work towards monthly unlocks that reward guild member bonus end of month loot. The key here is scalability and it's not a punishment if the guild doesn't do something. Its value-add items and its variety. Do these activities and gain this. Again Destiny 2 does a good job in this, you need to do crucibles to get this, gambits to get something different, strikes and raids to get these others.


For missions, here are weekly tiered missions to work towards. Create guild missions that take place in the current living story maps. Guild need to defeat new world boss x amount times, collect x amount of resources to turn into the tavern to gain x. Tavern upgrades that grant bonus map benefit in LS maps after they are upgraded. There is a lot of potential in guilds but you do need to make content that scales with the guild so it works for all sizes.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"I Love Root Beer.1872" said:

> > That would be a shame if that is true because guilds, I feel, are such an important part of the game and should be since you know the game is called Guild Wars.

> That's not the reason that the game is called Guild Wars 2.



It's how a new player probably perceives it though. You see GW2 on the shelf at a game shop, learn you and your friends can form a group called a guild, learn there's a PVP area in the game. Surely you and your friends form a guild and go fight other guilds, right? Surely the guild _hall_ is your active home base for such things, or at least a big deal in the game?


Even if you dig further into the game's lore and see that the wars were a story-telling element, I hope you can see why people might be bummed by the reality of inter-guild battle not being available to them, and the amount of abandoned guild features that made themselves increasingly clear after the release of the first two halls.


ArenaNet occasionally changes their stance on things, though. If guilds swing back into their focus at any point, these are some of the things I'd like to see:


- New halls in varied environments

- Expansion of old halls (including at least one finished JP per hall, maybe only available if the guild has reached a high level; it'd be nice if they gave titles as a one-time reward for completing the puzzle to reflect the triumph of leveling your guild high enough to get access to it). The first two, at least, appear to have several unused buildings and alcoves/levels that look like they were meant to contain further content/furnishings than what was released.

- Increased guild levels & additional material requirements for those levels (particularly materials that come from underpopulated maps to help encourage people to go there).

- Re-examination/update of the guild portal system (Teleport to dungeons, strike missions, etc.)

- More decorations like the racing ramps that allow you to build structures instead of just furnishings

- Additional armors and gear with guild logos on

- Guild-logo'd mount skins

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > I really hope they add more guild missions. I have even suggested that they add more guild upgrades that unlock more guild missions slots for PoF or HoT missions.

> > I run guild missions every week and it really gets boring. I want something that can engage the guild members, so some new puzzles or challenges would be great.


> PoF should have included more guild hall options. Giving guilds things to work towards give people common goals. Being an idiot that plays way to many games I am going to take a system from Destiny 2. The fact that there are bonuses you can unlock for your guild that reset at known times creates repeatable content. That could work here as well. Work towards a boon that grants your guild increased magic find that resets monthly. Work towards monthly unlocks that reward guild member bonus end of month loot. The key here is scalability and it's not a punishment if the guild doesn't do something. Its value-add items and its variety. Do these activities and gain this. Again Destiny 2 does a good job in this, you need to do crucibles to get this, gambits to get something different, strikes and raids to get these others.


> For missions, here are weekly tiered missions to work towards. Create guild missions that take place in the current living story maps. Guild need to defeat new world boss x amount times, collect x amount of resources to turn into the tavern to gain x. Tavern upgrades that grant bonus map benefit in LS maps after they are upgraded. There is a lot of potential in guilds but you do need to make content that scales with the guild so it works for all sizes.


Except Guild members that don't have the Living World maps would feel left out. Just like those Guild members that don't have expansions aren't able to enjoy some Services.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > I really hope they add more guild missions. I have even suggested that they add more guild upgrades that unlock more guild missions slots for PoF or HoT missions.

> > > I run guild missions every week and it really gets boring. I want something that can engage the guild members, so some new puzzles or challenges would be great.

> >

> > PoF should have included more guild hall options. Giving guilds things to work towards give people common goals. Being an idiot that plays way to many games I am going to take a system from Destiny 2. The fact that there are bonuses you can unlock for your guild that reset at known times creates repeatable content. That could work here as well. Work towards a boon that grants your guild increased magic find that resets monthly. Work towards monthly unlocks that reward guild member bonus end of month loot. The key here is scalability and it's not a punishment if the guild doesn't do something. Its value-add items and its variety. Do these activities and gain this. Again Destiny 2 does a good job in this, you need to do crucibles to get this, gambits to get something different, strikes and raids to get these others.

> >

> > For missions, here are weekly tiered missions to work towards. Create guild missions that take place in the current living story maps. Guild need to defeat new world boss x amount times, collect x amount of resources to turn into the tavern to gain x. Tavern upgrades that grant bonus map benefit in LS maps after they are upgraded. There is a lot of potential in guilds but you do need to make content that scales with the guild so it works for all sizes.


> Except Guild members that don't have the Living World maps would feel left out. Just like those Guild members that don't have expansions aren't able to enjoy some Services.


That's a good point, but I am ok with them promoting their own material and using that as a sale pitch for newer content. The key take away here is don't forget Guild material needs to evolve too.

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It kind of bugs me that they are putting things like the Strike Mission portal and other group features in a new hub in Eye of the North with the next update. Those seem like perfect additions to guild halls - which should serve as rally points for groups in game (not saying don't put them in EOTM - just that they should be guild hall features).


It's one of those things that makes sense to customers/players the second they see it. I think part of the problem is that Anet has forgotten how to look at the game from the player's perspective.

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