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Role Players getting trolled :c

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The reason that a lot of roleplayers rp in emote/public is because they want to ensure other roleplayers know they are there. The way map instances work now, there is a high chance that roleplay could be happening in multiple instances of say Divinity's Reach and no one would ever know it. I've encountered new players to the game who can't even find other roleplayers half the time. It takes knowing someone who can bring you into the proper roleplay shard. If you're roleplaying privately you're never going to meet anyone new and the roleplay community will suffer because it's hard to find each other.


Honestly just having a roleplay chat option would fix a lot of this. Those who don't want to see roleplayers can turn that off and those wanting to find roleplayerrs can turn it on. As far as filling up a map, we have just as much right to be there as anyone else.


Also having something else besides just five guild slots to bring members of the community together. I'm not sure expanding on guild slots (though I'd pay gems for this) is the answer nor exactly giving something specific with roleplayers in mind. It's just that guilds are limited, multiple instances split up potential contacts/those of like interests.


Ultimately, however, it would be nice if Anet gave roleplayers some attention. Roleplayers immerse themselves into the lore and story of the game in a very in depth way. Many enrich their creativity with the details that Anet offers us and tries to add nuance and flavor in a grand scale. It's not all about ERP, there are roleplayers that never take part in that. They enjoy the game and it's world enough to give it their creative attention. There are many that create story arcs that follow the living world as the episodes release.



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I get that it is anoying, when you want to RP and suddenly lord shinypants shows up and starts to spam skills. Taking the RP to a more private location would help and maybe even improve some of the RP stuff. Not every story has to take place in a major city.


The only thing I, as a person who couldn't care less about RP in this game, wished for was that RPers took their banter to /w or /d. Having the chatbox spammed by banter in /me, especially given the range of the emote chat, isn't just anoying to non-RPers but also draws attention to the RP in progres.

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> @"Valdenroth.6530" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.

> >

> > **I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone.** There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.


> I do it because it's fun to ruin ya'lls cringefest.


> Rpers are the most cringy people you'll ever meet in mmos and they have a habit of doing that cringy garbage in public areas where you're tying to get stuff done. Very annoying to be, for example, escorting an npc to a destination and coming upon a charr and sylvari having an intimate conversation about tossing his salad like it's never been tossed before.


This feels judgemental to me. People who like or enjoy different things from you aren't cringefest and pretty much shouldn't be targets for your actions, even if you don't like what you're doing. If someone is breaking the tos in game, report them. If they're not, you don't really have to like what they're doing to just get on with what you're doing. I mean I've been a pro wrestling fan most of my life and my wife absolutely hates it, but if she jumped up and down in front of the tv while I was watching it, we'd have a problem. She has no right to do that and you have no right to intentionally interfere in someone, within the rules, having fun in the game. In fact, you don't even have a right to attack people for breaking the rules, because that would make you no better than them.


Anyone's opinion on what is cringe and what isn't isn't really relevant here and frankly says more about them than it does about the people they're complaining about.


And RP is not ERP just for the record.

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> @"YtseJam.9784" said:

> I would personally want an option to block all RPers... To me this is not part of the game, it is something you guys invented and it annoys me. Why don't you take your spam to a guild chat or something else instead of flooding the maps with your says and emotes? I don't want to read your stories, it is sometimes disgusting and I hate every time I go to a map and get my chat box full of your spam


they use their pretend characters to go on a virtual date, and let everyone know by spamming map chat with their x kisses and emotes. that is cringe to the next level. how sad

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Im a RPer myself and the block function that exists in game is fine enough for me, if you are doing RP so seriously that the model of the player is ruining the scene it may be best to keep it to private instances. In an MMO one cannot and shouldnt expect to be able to avoid players, one has to adapt, and that includes being able to ignore characters intruding on ones session.


> I feel like hiding from the entire community is a pretty awful way to solve the problem. You must haven't had someone stand on you spamming bright particle effects that shake your screen for hours, which I'm happy you haven't had that happen. It happens in DR weekly, at least.


I don't know man, DR being RP-central is pretty common knowledge. Not to excuse jerks for being jerks and suggest that you guys should give way to the jerks by going somewhere else, but in the grand scheme of things, this is unlikely something that ANet would actively intervene so you might wanna consider RP-ing in other maps. The game is 8 years old and into season 5 of living world, there's plenty of public dead maps around if you don't want to confine your RP to just private instances. Besides, the random events might introduce some spontaneity and improv into your play.

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I also noticed this is coming from people that are mostly PVE-centric. News flash: We play this game more than you. We lead your metas, we are pub-stomping you in PvP, pushing your towers in WvW, and directing you in Raids.


So if you really think Roleplayers are some sort of cringe-fest, then let me retort in that and say I think it's pretty cringe to try and cast out folks who are not ERP centric at all, and instead applying creativity to where it is due. Please flaunt your raid things more, so I can bust out my legendaries and auras and whatever else nonsense because apparently that is what it is coming down to now: childish flaunting and bragging rights.

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Devs look at RPers like they do WvW players- they don't care & wish you'd just go away.

I love most RPers, I don't RP myself but I was in an RP guild & my role was to kind of give the warm welcome to new players & basically figure out where they sat as far as the RP event that the guild was currently doing & introduce them. The group was so nice, this was back during the big LA/ scarlet event & we were about 90 players strong. But the RP community always seems to be grasping at straws that don't exist. I say, look forward to Pantheon: rise of the fallen. It's a niche MMO targeted at RPers & players who like to work for the content/ go their own pace.

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > I also noticed this is coming from people that are mostly PVE-centric. News flash: We play this game more than you. We lead your metas, we are pub-stomping you in PvP, pushing your towers in WvW, and directing you in Raids.

> >

> > So if you really think Roleplayers are some sort of cringe-fest, then let me retort in that and say I think it's pretty cringe to try and cast out folks who are not ERP centric at all, and instead applying creativity to where it is due. Please flaunt your raid things more, so I can bust out my legendaries and auras and whatever else nonsense because apparently that is what it is coming down to now: childish flaunting and bragging rights.


> That was the most unnecessary rant and flex I've seen in a while. Maybe you were just roleplaying an kitten if so well done


It's also unnecessary to say RPers should disappear, but you know, we can't have everything that we want now can we?


If I'm RPing the kitten what are you doing exactly saying my post is unnecessary ? A lot of things said in thread is unnecessary, get over it.


Or don't, I don't live your life or anyone else's ???‍♀️


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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> Why not trying GW1?

> Everything outside a city is instanced and you guy could roam and play at your hearts desire


No way, part of the point of roleplay in a MMO is to find new people to interact with. That's part of the reason people actually RP in public. Is to have the unexpected interaction with someone we've never roleplayed with before. Besides, we shouldn't have to go play there and people want to roleplay charr, asura, sylvari and norn? That is a terrible suggestion.

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Tbh roleplay kinda creeps me out so I just quickly leave when I see that :)

I won't bother anyone, but if you're roleplaying in public, and refuse to do it in instances, you should at the very least be aware that some people don't like having their chat filled with rp messages... Sorry to hear that some people are bugging you because of it, but in a public space they have the right to do whatever they want that's within the terms of service, just like you do.

You should ask for a specific roleplay chat channel or something that's opt in - instead of asking for report features and similar nonsense.

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> @"rune.9572" said:

> OP wants to get rid of other people while at the same time forcing other people to tolerate their shenanigans




The OP is requesting an addition to the block feature that everyone in the game would have the option of using. OP would intend to use it to curate their RP experience, but it would be available to all players for whatever reason they might have. People can already block roleplay out of their chat box, but there is currently no viable way to block the visual noise and effect spam of other players.


This is a feature that could be useful for roleplayers, but is not intrinsically linked to them. It is a proposed reduction of visual noise.


(Their second suggested feature is expanded report options, but people have been asking for those for literal years, and no not just RPers either.)


EDIT: Here's a [similar thread](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1251827) with more detail about how an expanded block might work.

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A great addition to options that would benefit both RPers and streamers is "Don't display players outside of squad when I'm in a squad". Works only on PvE, blocks all chat and emotes from players who are not in squad, turns their nameplates into little triangles like in WvW and makes their character model disappear. The reason for little triangles is because of players who has this option turned on during boss events etc. There is absolutely no reason this couldn't be implemented and it's not even that hard to do either.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll add to that: Add Character Name next to "Portal Entre" (even though it gets ugly) skill, "yellow portal" from Gizmo as well as Aviator's Box, Box of "Fun" and the trash you sell in Gem Store trolls use to annoy other players. This way we could block that specific person and get rid of all of their childish.

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I have seen RP people never using anything but emotes (how do they even do that?). These people obviously want to be noticed, so if someone goes there to be a prick, i guess you got noticed. Of course, i'm sure there are those you don't even know exists, so no one bothers them, unless they go look for them and yes, they should be punished.

I guess what i'm asking is, why not use party chat or something?

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Even in squad chat or party, the emote is written in chat if you are close enough. Sometimes there is emotes in map chat, but that's because they emote in map chat. (To get noticed? Not knowing? To troll?) But anyway, one solution for that, add an option to make disapear players and their speech bubbles if out of squad/group. Or outside the map? Rp out of bounds?

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> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> This wouldn't allow player who play the game normally to understand what's going on with invisible visuals, buffs, lost hp when doing events and killing world bosses. Just imagine that you are playing the game and you start seeing mobs die without knowing what really happened.


Well, some players cannot have maximum "Character Model Limit" or "Character Model Quality", and have alot of invisible players running around. I've seen many times invisible effects too, especially at world bosses, but I might be wrong. (And I despise the current setting of these graphics options in PvE, where seeing NPCs is more important than seeing the horde of players which cause all NPCs become invisible)


The suggestion is a PvE improvement. Blocking a player who is being annoying is pretty much a choice by the player being annoyed.

Wouldn't be bad.


On other hand, RP could be taken into party or squad chat, shouldn't be a problem in PvE atleast, as no one will see it and there is no other use for it.


Tho Emotes are probably not limited to those chats...

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