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Role Players getting trolled :c

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Im a RPer myself and the block function that exists in game is fine enough for me, if you are doing RP so seriously that the model of the player is ruining the scene it may be best to keep it to private instances. In an MMO one cannot and shouldnt expect to be able to avoid players, one has to adapt, and that includes being able to ignore characters intruding on ones session.

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Another ncsoft game had player made channels where people could set up rp groups. By the end those people never left their housing plots so it didnt matter but it was a very nice feature. I have never rped myself but I like watching from a distance. Ive seen far more rpers out in the wild in this game than any other by far. Lots of neat settings that are out of the way.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> Im a RPer myself and the block function that exists in game is fine enough for me, if you are doing RP so seriously that the model of the player is ruining the scene it may be best to keep it to private instances. In an MMO one cannot and shouldnt expect to be able to avoid players, one has to adapt, and that includes being able to ignore characters intruding on ones session.


I feel like hiding from the entire community is a pretty awful way to solve the problem. You must haven't had someone stand on you spamming bright particle effects that shake your screen for hours, which I'm happy you haven't had that happen. It happens in DR weekly, at least.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Im a RPer myself and the block function that exists in game is fine enough for me, if you are doing RP so seriously that the model of the player is ruining the scene it may be best to keep it to private instances. In an MMO one cannot and shouldnt expect to be able to avoid players, one has to adapt, and that includes being able to ignore characters intruding on ones session.


> I feel like hiding from the entire community is a pretty awful way to solve the problem. You must haven't had someone stand on you spamming bright particle effects that shake your screen for hours, which I'm happy you haven't had that happen. It happens in DR weekly, at least.


Wouldn't making everyone else invisible also be "hiding from the entire community"?

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> I do like the idea of completely hiding disruptive players and their actions when they're blocked in non-competitive game modes. The only concern I have is how odd that's going to look if they happen to attack enemy mobs in your presence, but I can't think of any way that would outweigh the benefits.


Just do the same thing WvW does, replace them with a triangle, so you know someone's there, but not who.



I find it amusing that people are saying ArenaNet would never hide player models, because its dehumanising or w/e, when the entire way WvW is set up (including the ability to hide names, use generic models, team colors, etc.), does just that.


You can turn your enemies into nothing but faceless blobs who you kill over and over like a mob for WXP, but for some reason, in WvW, its keeping the temperature down, while in PvE its increasing the temperature (?).

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Im a RPer myself and the block function that exists in game is fine enough for me, if you are doing RP so seriously that the model of the player is ruining the scene it may be best to keep it to private instances. In an MMO one cannot and shouldnt expect to be able to avoid players, one has to adapt, and that includes being able to ignore characters intruding on ones session.


> I feel like hiding from the entire community is a pretty awful way to solve the problem. You must haven't had someone stand on you spamming bright particle effects that shake your screen for hours, which I'm happy you haven't had that happen. It happens in DR weekly, at least.


I have, but i also have alot of the extra effects turned off so i dont get motion sick including screen shake. Hiding other players in the game is also hiding from the community. I also dont and refuse to RP in DR period due to A.) playing a female, and B.) playing a charr, but thats another issue and another topic.


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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> Wouldn't making everyone else invisible also be "hiding from the entire community"?


No, that'd be the current suggestions people are giving: Go RP in your guild hall, go RP in a private chat, go hide in a corner, go play another game.


Vooping people you've chosen to block is not the same as vanishing the whole community, and the fact that the problem is so bad that people want it in the first place should make it clear just how persistent some of the trolls can be. If anything, I'd say it would be a QoL feature like any other added to the game; something that allows me to tailor my experience without impacting other people. Any social argument against it can already be made against the current block system (blacklisting, exclusion, etc). The only difference requested here is a lack of player sounds, visuals, and party/squad invites in addition to the removal of their chat text once they've been blocked.


For maximum flexibility, I'd even suggest that you keep the normal block system in place as the default and then have a tick mark in your settings for 'Show/Hide blocked user models & effects' for people who don't necessarily want to empty out their screen, but can't take the chat spam any more.


I say all of this as someone who's been playing for years and who has seen the upper limits of what the current system can do and how it fails and how it could potentially be improved. I'm someone who wants to stay here and keep playing this game, and being supportive of this particular issue comes from a place of positivity; I think it'd remove a lot of ire from the game.


> @"trixantea.1230" said:

> I think that Anet should focus on adding new content and fixing the many bugs/issues the game has instead

Considering the size of the company's staff - why not both?

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I know close to nothing about role playing but my interest is piqued now. How about enabling PvP in role playing sessions? The odd troll would be quickly disposed of. And players could role play fights. I'm aware it's difficult to define "role playing session" in the game logic and this is a double edge blade - role players could become trolls.

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I feel that Arenanet would benefit from giving roleplayers a little more attention. It might benefit the longevity of the game. Roleplayers often play the game a lot more consistently in order to get titles and skins that support their vision of their character. When other people are bored with the story and have earned all the living world related achievements, roleplayers are inventing their own stories and continuing to play the game.


They opened up un-instanced areas for roleplayers. They added sittable chairs and we are all thankful! But with the introduction increased emote and say chat range and of Megaservers they greatly reduced the amount of freedom and privacy roleplayers used to enjoy. Tarnished Coast used to be the unofficial roleplay server for NA - but when Megaservers came, there was no place to roleplay without being griefed.


Guild Halls don't solve the problem because it is a set location. While you could argue most roleplay occurs at a bar or tavern - some groups brave the open world or desperately want to but are afraid. People WANT to explore and use the beautiful locations around Tyria for their own world building and stories but unless they find truly remote locations that's not going to happen. Besides, it makes it more difficult for earnest walk-up rpers to join in.


A roleplay only chat channel won't solve griefing. A non roleplayer would just join in. Infact most solutions still allow for griefing.


So what is the solution? I might have one, but it's not perfect.


Make popular roleplay spots instanced -similar to the guild initiative headquarters but combined with PVP Arena maker mechanics. People who enter the area experience a drop down menu that includes options to continue your personal or living story session if that happens in that area, but also shows a list of active instances you can join for rp - same as the Spvp arena maker thing. Roleplayers can also make private instances which they can invite their friends/guildies to.


Whoever opens the instance has the option to boot someone out, close the instance or pass the ability to some one else in their party. That would make griefing less effective.

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> @"Leo.3428" said:

> I know close to nothing about role playing but my interest is piqued now. How about enabling PvP in role playing sessions? The odd troll would be quickly disposed of. And players could role play fights. I'm aware it's difficult to define "role playing session" in the game logic and this is a double edge blade - role players could become trolls.

This sounds close to implementing PvP in Open World, something many of us are vehemently against. Granted, you're advocating for its use in a small, selected scenario, but once you start down this path ...


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Leo.3428" said:

> > I know close to nothing about role playing but my interest is piqued now. How about enabling PvP in role playing sessions? The odd troll would be quickly disposed of. And players could role play fights. I'm aware it's difficult to define "role playing session" in the game logic and this is a double edge blade - role players could become trolls.

> This sounds close to implementing PvP in Open World, something many of us are vehemently against. Granted, you're advocating for its use in a small, selected scenario, but once you start down this path ...



All that would lead to is far more trolling so id rather not even see it in that fashion.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Leo.3428" said:

> > I know close to nothing about role playing but my interest is piqued now. How about enabling PvP in role playing sessions? The odd troll would be quickly disposed of. And players could role play fights. I'm aware it's difficult to define "role playing session" in the game logic and this is a double edge blade - role players could become trolls.

> This sounds close to implementing PvP in Open World, something many of us are vehemently against. Granted, you're advocating for its use in a small, selected scenario, but once you start down this path ...



....forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will...



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Just want to thumbs up all the RPers because they are making this game more interesting. It is after all a Role Playing Game. You seem to be quite numerous compared to other games I played and it is really fun to come across a group with imagination and one that communicates in /say since it is fun to watch.

I don't think complete blockage of other players is the solution though. It is after all a game where different people meet and there will be jerks. Dealing with jerks is part of our world will it be fantasy or real. A bit of help from the devs and game masters wouldn't hurt though.

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> @"Endless Soul.5178" said:

> As a role player (well not as much these days, but I did do a lot of it in previous years) who has been trolled quite a bit during our public sessions, I really get what OP is asking for. It would have been nice to have a report feature that encompassed what these role play greifers were doing.


I"m not inclined to think that some of the actions the OP and other are describing are worth or justify being reported for, and as would follow, possibly banned for.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

>> Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.


>> I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone. There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.

What happened exactly? Or detailed example.

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> @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> I"m not inclined to think that some of the actions the OP and other are describing are worth or justify being reported for, and as would follow, possibly banned for.


I also hope people aren't confusing reporting with banning. I have no idea what the numbers are of reports to ANET action taken but I'd wager its only a few percent.

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> @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.


> **I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone.** There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.


I do it because it's fun to ruin ya'lls cringefest.


Rpers are the most cringy people you'll ever meet in mmos and they have a habit of doing that cringy garbage in public areas where you're tying to get stuff done. Very annoying to be, for example, escorting an npc to a destination and coming upon a charr and sylvari having an intimate conversation about tossing his salad like it's never been tossed before.

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> @"Valdenroth.6530" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.

> >

> > **I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone.** There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.


> I do it because it's fun to ruin ya'lls cringefest.


> Rpers are the most cringy people you'll ever meet in mmos and they have a habit of doing that cringy garbage in public areas where you're tying to get stuff done. Very annoying to be, for example, escorting an npc to a destination and coming upon a charr and sylvari having an intimate conversation about tossing his salad like it's never been tossed before.


I disavow the all of the above. While I"m not a fan of RPing, I don't go out of my way to bother RPers, nor do I equate most of them to ERPers (those filthy, filthy ERPers).

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GW2 never occured to me as a game for role players - though it has a pretty nice world, races and lore. Not your usual dwarves, elves ... and not the WoW stuff but it's own unique history and lore which I like.


Then again with all the achievements and stuff it is focused on players that want to complete things and want action or single player living story, etc.


Role playing in other MMORPG afaik is possible on dedicated role playing servers. Since we here only use servers for WvW this wouldn't be an option. Only option I can see is to use a "RP" tag on the char that blocks whispers in chat and allows you to join a separate instance of the map. (Make separated RP instances. and enforce different rules there. Starting with the character names that need to be RP-like.)

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> @"Valdenroth.6530" said:

> > @"Jackeroo Sundown.7526" said:

> > Dearest A Net, please show your RP community a tiny bit of love. Report features that work in our favor would be amazing, or better yet, let us block people and not even see their character at all. We can't report people unless they say stuff in /say chat, which is almost never the case. Letting blocks make characters and their animations invisible in PvE areas would fix ALL of our problems with the few toxic members that consistently harass the RP community. Just blocking out the person 100% would make us so happy. Until then, there's a small group of scummy humans that get off to spamming skills in the middle of a bunch of people just being nerds. Would be nice to be able to enjoy my night off work doing what I love.

> >

> > **I'll never understand people that go out of their way to pester other people from doing what they wanna do if they're not harming anyone.** There's a ton of content, just go do that. We're just people trying to have fun.


> I do it because it's fun to ruin ya'lls cringefest.


> Rpers are the most cringy people you'll ever meet in mmos and they have a habit of doing that cringy garbage in public areas where you're tying to get stuff done. Very annoying to be, for example, escorting an npc to a destination and coming upon a charr and sylvari having an intimate conversation about tossing his salad like it's never been tossed before.


So your "solution" to meeting...two(?) RPers, is to be extra cringy yourself? What a brilliant plan. :#

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