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WvW still has way too much.....


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- CC's You're on the battlefield getting ping ponged around and they nerfed all your stun breakers and stab yet there's 50 million CC's LOL

- Mobility. All these classes still have their 1200 Blinks, leaps and ports in tact for some reason. Run away gameplay

- Stealth, You can stack up tons of it still and it's untouched.

- Condi application. You nerf cleanses but keep all the condi's in tact is just LOL worthy. Immobilize is the worst and is as bad as a CC.


There's probably more that I missed.

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Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.

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agreed. all of those four are atm going pretty big. esp the absurd CC-spam is crazy... nerfing stability was the worst thing Anet could have done.


made also no sense, what is that thinking? "we remove damage from CC, most classes cannot even choose to disequip those CC, so let us nerf stability too, so people can mindlessly spam trashy CC to the map"

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.


Yes I agree. I also bought all the skins with gold. I grinded this game in pve so hard to get as much gold as possible for the last 3 years so I could buy all the skins and passes, legendary armor and everything.

I set foot in wvw for the first time since 2012 and for some reason anet thinks it's OK for me to die in under 10s?


Keep in mind, I run the BEST build with the highest DPS. Kitten this balance, anet!

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Too much sarcasm here. But what most said is the truth. We spent so much RL money on expansions, mount skins, BLC keys and lounges but only to have our characters nerfed back to 5~6 years ago power levels. Even healers feel ineffective. It's totally a new game now, Goon Wars 2.

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I'd like to see the Condition damage brought down just a notch as well. I think brining the multiplier from 2.2 down to 2 and reducing the stack damage from 22 to 20 would at least be a start. If they don't change the metric it's going to go back to all elemental bombs.

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Agree. Right after (another) Stability nerf the already absurd usage of CC got right through the roof. Nothing unusual, another ArenaNet "balance" patch ...

As always, seems like ANet consider Live WvW simply as Beta Test phase 2, and then look at forum for big rants to see which changes needs another tweak.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.


True, I think every build/class I don't play should be nerfed, otherwise it's toxic and unbalanced.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Power damage also needs more Nerfs. It's rediculous that I can die in under 10 seconds. Until ttk is increased above 30 seconds I recommend you stay away from this game's pvp as it's just not fair. I am entitled to win most of my fights as I have boughten most of the warclaw skins and armistice bastion pass.


The current meta is burstier then before, but it's not power builds that burst mainly now, it's condition builds, against power builds you atleast have options to counter - toughness, Protection, incomming damage immunity abilities, -%damage talents and such, meaning in the current meta the only power builds that really are able to still kill you fast are glass cannons, and hardly viable except hitting unprepared enemy.


Condition bursts in the current meta has no real counter, you have condition removal ofcourse but thats an effective way to counter traditional condition builds, against condition burst builds it hels not, some classes have condition removal with stun breaks, but many do not have that combination, and losing 50% of your health during 1 second of codition burst before doing a cleanse, perhaps removing 2 conditions that aren't even damageing you, before you can use your next and instead die.


Currently there are way too much condi burst, I'v tried going the route of Condition removal, having 5 ways to remove total of 12 conditions with semi fast Cool downs, but it doesn't really help, and if you'r talking resistence.. yeah only a few professions have access to that, and timing it right with 1-3 seconds uptime at best is usually way to hard, meanwhile condition builds are easier to play in general then power builds, many have AoE attacks, too many builds can go real high damage and burst without sacrificing toughness / vitality and so on, tell me of a power build that can do high burst damage without using Power, Ferocity & Precision, only using power or such.


And yeah other not bursty condition builds also got buffed with this patch with nerfing power aswell since they usually fair better in longer fights.


A good start could be to decrease condition damage around 33% aswell, and perhaps look at condition bursts, either give out resistence more readily like protection, or make another stat like toughness that is anti condition damage.

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I agree. This game needs a waaaay higher timetokill. You don't even have time to react and you are already dead. Not fun. I can't remember when I had my last fight that lasted longer than 5 seconds. And even IF you somehow find somebody they run away with their mount and their twelvethousand blinks and avoids.


I had a few fights earlier where I was opened on and ganked, and I still outskilled them into downstate, but lost because one of their friends came around the corner and bursted me to death.

No matter which profession and which build i try. Everything seems to be kitten right now. The only way to have fun is to team up and condibomb people.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> they couldve just increase everyone’s HP by 30% globally.


doesn't matter. you just get stunned and cc'd to death in a zerg fight even if you have the best stab rotation known to man. They really need to do something about stability in wvw since the fights are always better in meta's where you can have a decent uptime(aka vanilla gw2) but now there's so many strips in the game it's really unfun to play and becomes a spamfest for applying boons or stripping them. Stability should not be as easy to strip and you should have to do some decent coordination to keep a decent uptime of it is all i'm saying like the old days with stab 1 and 2.

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To much of anything is bad. No matter if its CC, Stealth, Power, Condi's, Number Enemy Players, etc... It is impossible to normalize when there are to many variables to take into consideration. Zerg / Player comps can change every night. I'm pretty sure everyone here complains about one thing or the other about your experiences on a given night and it probably varies. The key is adaptation. Do you or your zerg adjust well to the situations at hand that night. If not then your probably getting tired of getting killed / wiped. Those who don't adapt to the battlefield typically get left lying face down on it.

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Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.


CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x seconds

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> @"Bish.8627" said:

> Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.


> CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x seconds


This game will never get diminishing returns. There's a crazy policy bible somewhere that says the combat has to be rubbish. :(

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Bish.8627" said:

> > Since the patch, imobilise is a real issue, get condi spammed, cleanse, either imob is still there, or another 20 seconds was slapped on right after. Stab should kill imob, and it should never stack so high.

> >

> > CC's need diminishing returns BADLY, get cc'd next one has half time, after 5, you are immune for x seconds


> This game will never get diminishing returns. There's a crazy policy bible somewhere that says the combat has to be rubbish. :(


I think imob might be enough to stop me playing WvW a while. An ele just gave me imob for 6 seconds, while spamming other skills, I stripped their boons and killed them but still. Being stuck in imob not moving, getting rid of it, getting it again right after is not fun game play. Maybe dodge should break it at a minimum

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