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Cantha and the tengu.

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If you're truly taking us to cantha in the far flung future.... could you please make the tengu playable. It would be the perfect place for them; I know it probably wont happen as it seems anything I want goes that way. (Rip my norn expansion, with elite specs and so on themed around it.) But I felt like it would be good to bring it up now that the winds of cantha are blowing strong, and you seem to be aiming that way.


As a long time player Id love to experience tyria as one of them, and learn of them. Plus they'd look cool next to everyone else in our roster of player characters~

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Tengu would be a perfect, PERFECT addition!


First of, they can sort out the problem with 'story' by just giving the Tengu their own leveling experience.

They could get their own class armors and special sets at the cost of, maybe, being unable to wear some of the older sets.

Either way, heck, it would be so good to have them as playable.

Need birbpeople!

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> @"Blur.3465" said:

> Tengu would be a perfect, PERFECT addition!


> First of, they can sort out the problem with 'story' by just giving the Tengu their own leveling experience.

> They could get their own class armors and special sets at the cost of, maybe, being unable to wear some of the older sets.

> Either way, heck, it would be so good to have them as playable.

> Need birbpeople!


I want to believe friend, I do. I've wanted them for years since they got their face-lift in HoT but with all the nay-sayers and the people telling A-net "Dont" I just never believed due to the lack of cantha. With this existing hope has sired into bloom and while im upset my norn might get the shaft in this saga which was promised to give me all the norn I could of wanted and then some, The idea that my other favorite race would become playable makes me smile. We shall see but I hope they figure it out and get it going, I hope they can make this work.... Odin knows that I've been wanting A-net to make a comeback due to my love of the franchise and going back to where my journey began all those years ago? Sounds like a trip Id love to take.

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If they made Tengu playable AND expanded racial skills in general I think it would be excellent. Instead of creating whole new specializations it would be like adding a layer of specialization to all pre-existing characters as well. Train in new racial skills that you can select. Add some odd new weapon for each race if you want as well...

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> @"Malavian.4695" said:

> If they made Tengu playable AND expanded racial skills in general I think it would be excellent. Instead of creating whole new specializations it would be like adding a layer of specialization to all pre-existing characters as well. Train in new racial skills that you can select. Add some odd new weapon for each race if you want as well...


Oooh... like a shapeshifting tree for the norn. A heavy legion themed charr line, humans and their gods with asurans getting their tech. Sylvari getting mordrem/druidic magic of some sort... that sounds so nice.

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Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.


You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.


If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.


Who knows.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.


> You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.


> If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.


> Who knows.


Knowing full well it wont be the cantha I remember and love, there is only one reason Id ever submit myself to more human lore drizzled all over everything. And that would be if they gave us tengu, im sorry my expectations are that it would be playable. That it will be a weeaboo haven and that EVERYTHING will have anime references everywhere with nothing of the original cantha to be seen. Im not excited as much as I am dissapointed, knowing this saga will be rushed to finality the race I play now will get next to nothing (I doubt norn will get any focus this saga. Seems charr are the real focus.) So I mean all this did was give me a small inkling of hope friend, I know im foolish to hope as time and again the prove to me im not the demographic they make the game for anymore. But Ill savor the hope while I have it, Im not sure how much more disappointments I can handle with this game anymore.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.

> >

> > You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.

> >

> > If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.

> >

> > Who knows.


> Knowing full well it wont be the cantha I remember and love, there is only one reason Id ever submit myself to more human lore drizzled all over everything. And that would be if they gave us tengu, im sorry my expectations are that it would be playable. That it will be a kitten haven and that EVERYTHING will have anime references everywhere with nothing of the original cantha to be seen. Im not excited as much as I am dissapointed, knowing this saga will be rushed to finality the race I play now will get next to nothing (I doubt norn will get any focus this saga. Seems charr are the real focus.) So I mean all this did was give me a small inkling of hope friend, I know im foolish to hope as time and again the prove to me im not the demographic they make the game for anymore. But Ill savor the hope while I have it, Im not sure how much more disappointments I can handle with this game anymore.


It can only truly be a disappointment if you continue to set unrealistic expectations for it. While yes it would probably be nice to see new races, I just don't think its a feasible endeavor to embark upon just for the sake of adding a new race. There is a **lot** that needs to go into that and their time and effort is better spent on actual gameplay elements to keep the game going. It doesn't really have to do with them not catering to "your" demographic and I, at least personally, believe that its just not a realistic expectation to have for them going into any expansion. Like I said, the amount of time and effort needed for that is **a lot**. So it really doesn't have to do with a different demographic.

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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.

> > >

> > > You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.

> > >

> > > If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.

> > >

> > > Who knows.

> >

> > Knowing full well it wont be the cantha I remember and love, there is only one reason Id ever submit myself to more human lore drizzled all over everything. And that would be if they gave us tengu, im sorry my expectations are that it would be playable. That it will be a kitten haven and that EVERYTHING will have anime references everywhere with nothing of the original cantha to be seen. Im not excited as much as I am dissapointed, knowing this saga will be rushed to finality the race I play now will get next to nothing (I doubt norn will get any focus this saga. Seems charr are the real focus.) So I mean all this did was give me a small inkling of hope friend, I know im foolish to hope as time and again the prove to me im not the demographic they make the game for anymore. But Ill savor the hope while I have it, Im not sure how much more disappointments I can handle with this game anymore.


> It can only truly be a disappointment if you continue to set unrealistic expectations for it. While yes it would probably be nice to see new races, I just don't think its a feasible endeavor to embark upon just for the sake of adding a new race. There is a **lot** that needs to go into that and their time and effort is better spent on actual gameplay elements to keep the game going. It doesn't really have to do with them not catering to "your" demographic and I, at least personally, believe that its just not a realistic expectation to have for them going into any expansion. Like I said, the amount of time and effort needed for that is **a lot**. So it really doesn't have to do with a different demographic.


It really isn't that difficult, you can keep saying it is but I've watched and seen for myself what it would entail. The armor is put into a program that snaps it to the portions of their model that it can link too which is why charr have so many issues. I doubt they hand craft everything for each race, because pardon my french if they did than they clearly aren't good with charr or norn and it would make sense as to why they were ignored most of the time. Tengu and Charr share the same model and the only difference is the posture really, so Tengu are there and are done. They had a face lift in HoT, and it was because they were going to be playable and the reasoning they gave as to why they decided against it is because tengu and rev's coming out at the same time almost assured there would be nothing but tengu revenants..


My expectations are low, so low I expect play-ability and that might be a stretch. I've learned to really look at games as "What gimmick are you going to try and use, to push your money milking scheme?" Why wont races happen? Simple. Can't be milked like mounts or gliders, that is why we won't see it and honestly Im over the human centric crap. So if it comes out and isn't too my taste or it didn't manage to inspire me to be interested that will be on them, but I know full well it wont be the cantha I want and will be some weird anime thing. (Id be surprised if it was still imperial china/fedual japan in theme.) And all the armor will only really look good on humans again, so no my expectations are as low as they can be. But I can still want and hope, The game has been a disappointment for years to me and as it goes the reason I get on are the friends I've made not for my own personal goals or machinations. They failed to make me care in PoF, The last time I cared was HoT which in my opinion was the best content release (Content wise) they had ever done. Story has gotten better over time but it just... I don't know I don't really play mmo's for a story, it never works out and if I wanted story id go play Witcher 3... or dragon age origins or any other number of single player game.


Part me however thinks... they might just be doing this as the "Oh crap, in case of X break glass." And this will be the "Legion" that was to WoW to guild wars 2 which means they could pull out all the stops. Honestly they kind of have too... They've burned their player base so many times that Id be surprised if they held back and did a PoF that it would go over well.. (PoF was a mess at launch even worse than HoT because at least HoT was fun. The PoF maps were boring, large and empty with bounties kind of just being bleh..) Kind of one and done maps, with no reason to return to them due the HoT maps still having legendary crafting accessible through them and almost required to be done for said crafting.


You might not want, see or believe its possible.. I know it is and I know it wouldn't take them as much time as everyone claims or even as much work. They themselves said voice acting is neither that expensive or time consuming, and the model is basically done it just needs sprucing in the hair and face department but they data-mined tons of heads and accessories back durring HoT. Hell this thing has Idle animations just like the player races, and they had the voice of Illidan for the male PC they only needed the female PC. Seems close to shipping ready to me hoss~

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > > Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.

> > > >

> > > > You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.

> > > >

> > > > If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.

> > > >

> > > > Who knows.

> > >

> > > Knowing full well it wont be the cantha I remember and love, there is only one reason Id ever submit myself to more human lore drizzled all over everything. And that would be if they gave us tengu, im sorry my expectations are that it would be playable. That it will be a kitten haven and that EVERYTHING will have anime references everywhere with nothing of the original cantha to be seen. Im not excited as much as I am dissapointed, knowing this saga will be rushed to finality the race I play now will get next to nothing (I doubt norn will get any focus this saga. Seems charr are the real focus.) So I mean all this did was give me a small inkling of hope friend, I know im foolish to hope as time and again the prove to me im not the demographic they make the game for anymore. But Ill savor the hope while I have it, Im not sure how much more disappointments I can handle with this game anymore.

> >

> > It can only truly be a disappointment if you continue to set unrealistic expectations for it. While yes it would probably be nice to see new races, I just don't think its a feasible endeavor to embark upon just for the sake of adding a new race. There is a **lot** that needs to go into that and their time and effort is better spent on actual gameplay elements to keep the game going. It doesn't really have to do with them not catering to "your" demographic and I, at least personally, believe that its just not a realistic expectation to have for them going into any expansion. Like I said, the amount of time and effort needed for that is **a lot**. So it really doesn't have to do with a different demographic.


> It really isn't that difficult, you can keep saying it is but I've watched and seen for myself what it would entail. The armor is put into a program that snaps it to the portions of their model that it can link too which is why charr have so many issues. I doubt they hand craft everything for each race, because pardon my french if they did than they clearly aren't good with charr or norn and it would make sense as to why they were ignored most of the time. Tengu and Charr share the same model and the only difference is the posture really, so Tengu are there and are done. They had a face lift in HoT, and it was because they were going to be playable and the reasoning they gave as to why they decided against it is because tengu and rev's coming out at the same time almost assured there would be nothing but tengu revenants..


> My expectations are low, so low I expect play-ability and that might be a stretch. I've learned to really look at games as "What gimmick are you going to try and use, to push your money milking scheme?" Why wont races happen? Simple. Can't be milked like mounts or gliders, that is why we won't see it and honestly Im over the human centric kitten. So if it comes out and isn't too my taste or it didn't manage to inspire me to be interested that will be on them, but I know full well it wont be the cantha I want and will be some weird anime thing. (Id be surprised if it was still imperial china/fedual japan in theme.) And all the armor will only really look good on humans again, so no my expectations are as low as they can be. But I can still want and hope, The game has been a disappointment for years to me and as it goes the reason I get on are the friends I've made not for my own personal goals or machinations. They failed to make me care in PoF, The last time I cared was HoT which in my opinion was the best content release (Content wise) they had ever done. Story has gotten better over time but it just... I don't know I don't really play mmo's for a story, it never works out and if I wanted story id go play Witcher 3... or dragon age origins or any other number of single player game.


> Part me however thinks... they might just be doing this as the "Oh kitten, in case of X break glass." And this will be the "Legion" that was to WoW to guild wars 2 which means they could pull out all the stops. Honestly they kind of have too... They've burned their player base so many times that Id be surprised if they held back and did a PoF that it would go over well.. (PoF was a mess at launch even worse than HoT because at least HoT was fun. The PoF maps were boring, large and empty with bounties kind of just being bleh..) Kind of one and done maps, with no reason to return to them due the HoT maps still having legendary crafting accessible through them and almost required to be done for said crafting.


> You might not want, see or believe its possible.. I know it is and I know it wouldn't take them as much time as everyone claims or even as much work. They themselves said voice acting is neither that expensive or time consuming, and the model is basically done it just needs sprucing in the hair and face department but they data-mined tons of heads and accessories back durring HoT. Hell this thing has Idle animations just like the player races, and they had the voice of Illidan for the male PC they only needed the female PC. Seems close to shipping ready to me hoss~


It isn't just about the armor sets and animations.


They would need a starting zone, their own personal story, racial skills, voice actors for the player characters themselves. None of those things are cheap or simple, nor are they already done.


The starting zone alone would mean either adapting an existing area for it or developing an entirely new one, as well as creating a story to justify their presence and for it to fit within existing canon and tooling dialogue, missions, and such for it.


They would also need to create their racial story from level 2 to 30+, multiple variations mind you, so as to be on par with the personal stories of the existing races as their decisions during character creation determine what takes place in them.


Then from level 40 to 60+ they would need to create another whole new set of stories considering the timeline where the three orders (Priory, Vigil, Order of Whispers) have already been formed into the Pact.


Then from level 60 to 80 this is a similar endeavor as this section of the personal story involved the Pact a well as the fall of Zhaitan at the end.


It isn't some small undertaking and you can't neglect the effort that would need to go into it so that anyone who does want to play Tengu gets the effort put into their implementation that many would expect is due. Retconning existing lore into having the Tengu just being there from the beginning would defeat the purpose and just create a lot of unnecessary confusion.


You might not care terribly about the lore factor in regards to something like this but it is still a factor and one that would not be ignored were they ever to go about adding a new playable race. Like I said, its a much bigger thing than you might want to acknowledge.

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They would need to retroactively place tengu in all of necessary historic events. Otherwise tengu commander would make no sense.


Thing is that storyline of Commander is very specific and very personal so it would take alot of work for a tengu commander to make sense.

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For story they could start at lv 60 or 70 and have a smaller story that leads to them being pact general at lv 80, like death knights in wow like a decade ago XD, no need to add retroactively them in the same story.

Don't really care for them myself though. I wouldn't make one.

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Aye I can see them giving Tengu their own leveling experience. When it comes to killing Elder dragons, the only thing that should be done is just change dialogue for the Tengu characters.

It's definitely more complicated, but it's not like it's not doable.

Honestly, with Tengu as an addition, GW2 would have some of the most unique races to choose from. Charr are already popular because of their uniqueness and lore, Tengu would be too, especially for people who love birds (like myself! I love my parrots!). No other MMO out there introduced a bird race. At least none that I am aware of.


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> @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > @"KryTiKaL.3125" said:

> > > > > Don't get any unsubstantiated expectations for something like this, though.

> > > > >

> > > > > You might want it, but if they don't actually make the Tengu playable don't let your misplaced expectations dictate your reactions.

> > > > >

> > > > > If they add them, cool, sure, whatever. However I highly doubt we will be getting a new playable race out of the next expansion. There is an unreasonable amount of work that would need to go into that, which I know has been rehashed over and over again whenever this topic has arisen and with how content dead PoF ended up being and how persistently starved for content people have been ever since I don't think devoting the amount of time needed for a new race would be the best approach.

> > > > >

> > > > > Who knows.

> > > >

> > > > Knowing full well it wont be the cantha I remember and love, there is only one reason Id ever submit myself to more human lore drizzled all over everything. And that would be if they gave us tengu, im sorry my expectations are that it would be playable. That it will be a kitten haven and that EVERYTHING will have anime references everywhere with nothing of the original cantha to be seen. Im not excited as much as I am dissapointed, knowing this saga will be rushed to finality the race I play now will get next to nothing (I doubt norn will get any focus this saga. Seems charr are the real focus.) So I mean all this did was give me a small inkling of hope friend, I know im foolish to hope as time and again the prove to me im not the demographic they make the game for anymore. But Ill savor the hope while I have it, Im not sure how much more disappointments I can handle with this game anymore.

> > >

> > > It can only truly be a disappointment if you continue to set unrealistic expectations for it. While yes it would probably be nice to see new races, I just don't think its a feasible endeavor to embark upon just for the sake of adding a new race. There is a **lot** that needs to go into that and their time and effort is better spent on actual gameplay elements to keep the game going. It doesn't really have to do with them not catering to "your" demographic and I, at least personally, believe that its just not a realistic expectation to have for them going into any expansion. Like I said, the amount of time and effort needed for that is **a lot**. So it really doesn't have to do with a different demographic.

> >

> > It really isn't that difficult, you can keep saying it is but I've watched and seen for myself what it would entail. The armor is put into a program that snaps it to the portions of their model that it can link too which is why charr have so many issues. I doubt they hand craft everything for each race, because pardon my french if they did than they clearly aren't good with charr or norn and it would make sense as to why they were ignored most of the time. Tengu and Charr share the same model and the only difference is the posture really, so Tengu are there and are done. They had a face lift in HoT, and it was because they were going to be playable and the reasoning they gave as to why they decided against it is because tengu and rev's coming out at the same time almost assured there would be nothing but tengu revenants..

> >

> > My expectations are low, so low I expect play-ability and that might be a stretch. I've learned to really look at games as "What gimmick are you going to try and use, to push your money milking scheme?" Why wont races happen? Simple. Can't be milked like mounts or gliders, that is why we won't see it and honestly Im over the human centric kitten. So if it comes out and isn't too my taste or it didn't manage to inspire me to be interested that will be on them, but I know full well it wont be the cantha I want and will be some weird anime thing. (Id be surprised if it was still imperial china/fedual japan in theme.) And all the armor will only really look good on humans again, so no my expectations are as low as they can be. But I can still want and hope, The game has been a disappointment for years to me and as it goes the reason I get on are the friends I've made not for my own personal goals or machinations. They failed to make me care in PoF, The last time I cared was HoT which in my opinion was the best content release (Content wise) they had ever done. Story has gotten better over time but it just... I don't know I don't really play mmo's for a story, it never works out and if I wanted story id go play Witcher 3... or dragon age origins or any other number of single player game.

> >

> > Part me however thinks... they might just be doing this as the "Oh kitten, in case of X break glass." And this will be the "Legion" that was to WoW to guild wars 2 which means they could pull out all the stops. Honestly they kind of have too... They've burned their player base so many times that Id be surprised if they held back and did a PoF that it would go over well.. (PoF was a mess at launch even worse than HoT because at least HoT was fun. The PoF maps were boring, large and empty with bounties kind of just being bleh..) Kind of one and done maps, with no reason to return to them due the HoT maps still having legendary crafting accessible through them and almost required to be done for said crafting.

> >

> > You might not want, see or believe its possible.. I know it is and I know it wouldn't take them as much time as everyone claims or even as much work. They themselves said voice acting is neither that expensive or time consuming, and the model is basically done it just needs sprucing in the hair and face department but they data-mined tons of heads and accessories back durring HoT. Hell this thing has Idle animations just like the player races, and they had the voice of Illidan for the male PC they only needed the female PC. Seems close to shipping ready to me hoss~


> It isn't just about the armor sets and animations.


> They would need a starting zone, their own personal story, racial skills, voice actors for the player characters themselves. None of those things are cheap or simple, nor are they already done.


> The starting zone alone would mean either adapting an existing area for it or developing an entirely new one, as well as creating a story to justify their presence and for it to fit within existing canon and tooling dialogue, missions, and such for it.


> They would also need to create their racial story from level 2 to 30+, multiple variations mind you, so as to be on par with the personal stories of the existing races as their decisions during character creation determine what takes place in them.


> Then from level 40 to 60+ they would need to create another whole new set of stories considering the timeline where the three orders (Priory, Vigil, Order of Whispers) have already been formed into the Pact.


> Then from level 60 to 80 this is a similar endeavor as this section of the personal story involved the Pact a well as the fall of Zhaitan at the end.


> It isn't some small undertaking and you can't neglect the effort that would need to go into it so that anyone who does want to play Tengu gets the effort put into their implementation that many would expect is due. Retconning existing lore into having the Tengu just being there from the beginning would defeat the purpose and just create a lot of unnecessary confusion.


> You might not care terribly about the lore factor in regards to something like this but it is still a factor and one that would not be ignored were they ever to go about adding a new playable race. Like I said, its a much bigger thing than you might want to acknowledge.


Look they don't need a personal story I can break this down and make it work, make it work properly and make it work with LESS effort than people are asking for while retaining what it is people are asking for.

* They get an instanced ten level starting zone, within the dominion which showcases what has happened durring the time we have been galabanting around doing things. The commander falls in this saga and we somehow had ended up tied to them; This way we step into current events and simply are the commander. OR we forego the starting zone and just say we were one of the tengu who joined the pact; So you can go through the original arc (I have no clue why you'd want too.... the base games story is trash.)

* Make you start at level 70, you must have a level 80 on your account so you can make tengu.



And thats it, that is all you have to do. The lore!?!? LMFAO the lore of this game is a joke my friend, it pays no respect to established lore and merely does whatever is cool and needs to be done. We haven't had the dev's or the company respect their lore since this game came out; All this because the roleplayers want to have their character remain the same as everyone else. Which is 100% the problem and the fact that this is being used to hinder the development of cool things that would refresh the gameplay of core zones? This is the same tired arguement that is thrown out everytime a new race is brought up; This is the same tired arguement that has been debunked numerous times because we can just have them SKIP all of the original story as they were not there. You could even have the commander die at any point, we did die with balthazar we could insert our tengu there where they stepped up to fill those shoes. We could die to bangar due to the blow with the bow; And they could step in there and become the new commander. There are so many ways to make this work; We don't need a new starting zone, we don't need a 1 through 80 personal story we just need them to make it make sense.


Revenants are STILL not cannon outside of rytlock, so if you were a revenant in the prior arcs you're not cannon at all. Because he is the first revenant, they didn't care about the lore then and they didn't care about the lore when they turned balthazar evil. They didn't care about the lore when they introduced and killed vlast for NO REASON and they don't care about the lore now. There has never been a circumstance where they have cared about the lore at such a level it would hinder people from doing something in game, or obtaining something. non-humans using god power through the flame sword sohothin? Makes no sense. A charr becoming a shining blade? Makes no sense. Trahern dying to sate the rabid hate he had garnered for the SAKE of sating it and not for a worthwhile arc's close? Makes no sense.


So please I am a lore nerd, I love the lore of this world PRIOR to guild wars 2. But the sequel has done everything in its power to destroy established lore, heck even its own lore with stuff such as Asgeir and jormag. Jormag just let him go and it wasn't him punching his tooth out of his face and yeeting it down to hoelbrak, it was jormag giving it basically too him. Or the fact that it wasn't svanir pulling on the power and willingly succumbing for power, it was drakkar corrupting his mind and yadda yadda. No one is bad and everyone is redeemable, our villians are beyond god level threats and we are now expected to believe a charr with a magic bow.... Managed to bring us low? Us? Who has fought gods and monsters far beyond this charr, us who has more experience and battle prowess and wears LEGENDARY gear. Sure. Lore. Makes sense.... I guess... maybe.... wait... nevermind.


Tengu can happen, they should happen. I know they probs wont but I mean it would be a nice give for the fan-base. We have three humanoid races and two bestial races... one more bestial would even it out and be great.

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You can keep downplaying the effort/costs associated with adding a new playable race but Anet has already stated several times that it’s unlikely for those reasons. They’re clearly in a better position to know what it would take to implement something like this than you. The best you’ll probably get is a combat tonic.


Also, tengu wouldn’t make sense to be in Cantha as a playable race or anything else for that matter.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> You can keep downplaying the effort/costs associated with adding a new playable race but Anet has already stated several times that it’s unlikely for those reasons. They’re clearly in a better position to know what it would take to implement something like this than you. The best you’ll probably get is a combat tonic.


> Also, tengu wouldn’t make sense to be in Cantha as a playable race or anything else for that matter.


1. They know the way to cantha and we do not, they could lead us there and the opening or seg-way into the canthan storyline is going to the dominion of winds. Because we are called there due to the tengu wishing to return to their homeland; They have seen our deeds and know we can help them with this and humbly ask us to help them go home. Maybe more over they didn't get everyone out and they are worried for their kin, due to the growing tensions to non humans over there~

2. And you mean like they were with mounts? Oh!! OH !! what about living world being equal to expansions, both of these turned out false and both of them have become something of a meme. They've said numerous times voice acting is simple. They have also been proven to use a program which makes the armor work with the models, so no its not a monumental effort. They can do it; Its a matter of if they want to put in the effort as the domain in which their game resides has steep competition from other games who give a TON More with their expansions than A-net has with Gw2 and it would be a good way to pull in new people, old people and draw a ton of attention to the product.


You can keep playing up the effort of a minor task that I've seen ONE person work on in other games and get out with minimal effort. You could also try and push the narrative "Id rather them put the resources elsewhere." But thats how I feel and felt about raids, oh those are dead as a doornail now aren't they? Looks like we have plenty of resources to go around perhaps? Hmm. It also would break up the basic and tired/boring human lore which honestly I and many others couldn't be bothered to care about..

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > You can keep downplaying the effort/costs associated with adding a new playable race but Anet has already stated several times that it’s unlikely for those reasons. They’re clearly in a better position to know what it would take to implement something like this than you. The best you’ll probably get is a combat tonic.

> >

> > Also, tengu wouldn’t make sense to be in Cantha as a playable race or anything else for that matter.


> 1. They know the way to cantha and we do not, they could lead us there and the opening or seg-way into the canthan storyline is going to the dominion of winds. Because we are called there due to the tengu wishing to return to their homeland; They have seen our deeds and know we can help them with this and humbly ask us to help them go home. Maybe more over they didn't get everyone out and they are worried for their kin, due to the growing tensions to non humans over there~


Everyone knows where Cantha is. The Tengu, who have isolated themselves, now suddenly want humans to help them go back to Cantha where other humans had exiled them? That’s a bit of a stretch and also something unlikely to happen.


> 2. And you mean like they were with mounts? Oh!! OH !! what about living world being equal to expansions, both of these turned out false and both of them have become something of a meme. They've said numerous times voice acting is simple. They have also been proven to use a program which makes the armor work with the models, so no its not a monumental effort. They can do it; Its a matter of if they want to put in the effort as the domain in which their game resides has steep competition from other games who give a TON More with their expansions than A-net has with Gw2 and it would be a good way to pull in new people, old people and draw a ton of attention to the product.



Mounts were different. It wasn’t about the cost.


Living world is the equivalent to expansions *IF* they had included features from previous expansions such as elite specs. Content-wise, they’re nearly identical. Another thing that I left off is that unlike expansions where Anet received money from everyone that accesses that content and features, the LW content is generally “free” for all active players as it’s subsidized by the gem store.


Please provide a source to your claims about the voice acting and ease of doing the armor.


> You can keep playing up the effort of a minor task that I've seen ONE person work on in other games and get out with minimal effort. You could also try and push the narrative "Id rather them put the resources elsewhere." But thats how I feel and felt about raids, oh those are dead as a doornail now aren't they? Looks like we have plenty of resources to go around perhaps? Hmm. It also would break up the basic and tired/boring human lore which honestly I and many others couldn't be bothered to care about..


Not all games are created the same. What may be easy to do in one game may not be as easy in another or even possible for that matter. It’s been well known how much of a mess Anet’s coding is and how much effort they’ve had to make for something that should have been simple.



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