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Saltspray dragon pet!

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> @"Hoover.6394" said:

> > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > > @"Hoover.6394" said:

> > > well we gonna probably get a mount now...

> >

> > I think we've gotten all the mounts we're going to get at this point, Anet's moving on to new masteries.


> I mean a dragon mount skin for skyscale :P


Well, I'm not opposed to that per say, but some issues do come up when I think about it. First thing that comes to mind is the fact that saltsprays undulate when they move/fly. This would be really awkward and even unpleasant to watch on screen, it might give some people motion sickness (there were people complaining about getting motion sickness with the _raptor_ so I can only imagine how much worse it would be). Another is that saltsprays have a very different body type than the skyscales, having a serpentine body and only four limbs instead of the skyscales six. They would have to use a completely different skeleton and animation set. Obviously this is all contingent on the saltsprays having more or less the same design, but I"m not really inclined to think Anet would change the basics of their design, the serpentine part especially.

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I don't see it happening as a Ranger pet tbh, Saltspray Dragons are pretty big Dragons.. and that was just the Gw1 variant.

I expect if we see Albax or Kunnavang in Gw2 they will be close to if not quite a bit bigger than Aurine is atm.


I am hoping for new Ranger pets in the expansion though, so far we've had a couple with each expansion so I expect another 4-5 will come with Cantha.

My predictions/wants for new pets are as follows.


White Tiger: Probably an easy rehash of HoT's Tiger but a very cheap and easy one to make a new pet so im putting it on the list because it's a likely candidate.


Reef Lurker: With the Jade Sea being a likely returning location and very likely being a massive region with a significant amount of underwater content to explore I would think that at least 1 new Canthan pet would have to be an underwater based creature.

Reef Lurker would fill this role and provide a whole new type of Ranger Pet (Crustacean) that could be added to later.

The Red Variant Lurker could also be added in Kaineng city as a simple reskin clone pet with a few minor differences.


Panda: Some don't think this likely due to the Chinese and it's rules/laws depicting dead Pandas in games etc However I think it important to note that dead pets have been largely a thing of the past in Gw2 for a good while now.

It's been a long time since our pets actually died in combat and had to be revived in Gw2, they just go into a idle state these days and the only way they ever show in game in a dead state is via some kind of bug.

With that in mind I think it gives Anet a good loophole to include this incredibly popular and beloved animal in the Canthan expansion, I can also personally state that my wife would be absolutley ecstatic if they were added as she like a number of people these days has a complete obsession with anything Panda related. XD

With all that said Gw1 did eventually add Panda's as Ranger pets as well and we already have both a Minipet and a Tonic for them so this one is an extremenly high demand imo and I really hope they add it to the game.


Crane: Basically a new variant of Moa Bird and could be rigged to the Moa Model.


Giant Rat: Another whole new type of pet we've not seen yet in Gw2

Kaineng city had a massive underground city if anyone remembers that was swarming with criminals and all sorts of grime etc, it was effectively a slum.

I very much am hoping and looking forward to revisting the entire underground regions of Kaineng city in Gw2 and this would be a perfect place for us to find and tame our very own giant rat companion.


Pheonix/Rainbow Pheonix: This one is going to be in exceptional high demand for anyone who played Gw1.

The Rainbow Pheonix was effectively a Legendary pet that took a great deal of work to obtain, passing it up for return in Gw2 would leave a lot of Rangers very disappointed.

This epic pet needs to come back, and for those that have never seen it before.. here.


Also a size comparrison to a Gw1 player.. these pets were not only awesome they were huge as well. (which does lead me to think that it'll probably not be in the game but if it is then it'll possibly only be usable in PvE content due to it's size etc)



Racing Beetle: A Smaller and natural species of Rollar Beetle native to Cantha, The Rollar Beetle mounts we have in Gw2 are actually modified giants created by Asuran Science.. they're not naturally supposed to be that big and in their native size they are better suited as Ranger companions than as mounts.


Ferothrax: These once thought extinct Saurians from the Tarnished coast have surprisingly survived thanks to an exotic animal market.

Ferothrax eggs seem to have been smuggled to Cantha at some point before the Elder Dragons awoke and have been hatched into captivity as pets.

Keeping a powerful creature like Ferothrax contained is no easy feat however and over time these Saurians have escaped into the wilds of Cantha and have been successful in their survival over the centuries and have been able to populate themselves around the continent.


Kappa: Despite their aggressive nature by sheer accident a young boy befriended a wild Kappa while out playing.

It turns out a Kappa's loyalty can be bought.. and for as little as a cucumber.

When the young boy was beset by an angry group of Kappa he attempted to defend himself with the only thing he had in his possession.. a cucumber.

Luckly for him one of the Kappa mistook this act of self defense as an offering and after chowing down on this delicious food it turned on it's fellow Kappa and chased them away saving the boy and continuing to follow and protect the boy wherever he went in the hopes that the boy would continue to reward it's loyalty with more delicious cucumbers.

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