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Condition Suggestion (Modification to Bleed/Poison/Confusion)

Avion Blade.4869

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Bleed Condition:

[shorter duration; but a much more massive initial damage, but then diminishes significantly per tick]. When hit with a bleed; the first tick is always the worst; but the next tick is something like 75% of the previous. So 100, then 75, then 56


Poison Condition:

[Longer duration; with a small insignificant initial damage, but a dangerous multiplier per tick over time]; Heal skills should automatically remove any poison Stack, but the damage from the poison and the heal reduction still applies while heal skill is used] When someone is sick; their health worsens especially at the peak of the disease; but then it is overcome by medicine. Likewise; poison should start off as a small damage in the first tick; then significantly increases in the next tick (maybe something like 120% of the previous; so 100, then 120, then 144 etc.) , and the next. Using a heal skill will get rid of poison; although damage is still taken upon use. Yet, if not treated; it will be great loss to health points over a long time.


Confusion Condition: (retains same damage output; waive primary and healing activation punishment)

[Does not affect primary auto attack, does not affect heal skill]. Affects only weapon skills other than number 1 skill; and utilities other than heal skills. Designed to punish special attacks and non-heal utilities.


Personal Opinion:

- By making these changes; these three conditions no longer become abusive, nor are they unable to be countered. If hit hard by bleed it will go away quickly, but if you neglect to get rid of poison; it will punish you. Thus, poison may force you to use a heal skill earlier than you don't want to. So if you don't heal; you might get caught at the wrong time; but if you do heal you might not be able to heal through another massive hit. [Depends on if you have condi cleanse or not, but you still have a way to heal poison. Moving to confusion; basic attacks don't damage yourself when hit with confusion, but when you try to go fancy with confusion on you [because you are confused!]; it is punished like you go dizzy on yourself; healing does not remove confusion, nor do you take damage from confusion when using heal.


This way, melee based bleed builds can still get their reward, but their opponent have a chance to counter; poison builds can get their reward but in itself is not over powered; and confusion builds can do their job to mitigate their opponent's dps' but not have them suicide themselves from auto attacks and healing. Bleeds are usually difficult to land as they require to have the opponent fixed for a hit; poison is usually easy to reapply, so initial damage is low; and confusion is a curse and a psychological impact on the player due to self damage on skill use. (should I risk the skill; or not).


TLDR: When these new conditions hit and are not treated.


Bleeds : OUUUCHHH; owwwwwww; ahhhh; im good; that was close.


Poision; nah its fine; uhhh... ill be okay; ughhhhh; AAAHHHH!!!! NURRRSEEE NURSEEEE!!!!!!!


Confusion: [Non primary attack, non heal]Hahahaha watch this!!! OUCH OUCH OUCH OUCH.


Stacking increases their intensity and damage output, but multipliers still apply per tick based on the group stack during the first hit. (If group stack 1 is 5 seconds with 5 stacks, and another group stack of the same condition hits 3 seconds later with the same stack; they are shown as stacked together, but the multipliers are separated based on the group stacked together. So the first stack will end at the 5th second, and the second grouped stack has the next two more seconds to go; and the multipliers are separated based on the grouped stacks; it is not combined. Therefore; additional stacks increase perceived damage per tick; but they shed off per group.

1 - 2 - 3 (1) - 4 (2) - 5 (3) - (4) - (5)


5 - 5 - 10 - 10 - 10 - 5 - 5


.# = group stack 1

(#) = group stack 2



Please let me know what you think! Thanks.



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I've been complaining for years about how bad they messed up the balance of condi. Here's what seems to have happened:


- condi was designed as short duration damage ticks against high armor targets

- they forgot condi penetrated armor

- they buffed up condi to where its damage was competitive with power regardless of armor

- they added in cleanse and resistance effects because it became really powerful

- cleanse and resistance became too powerful so they buffed up condi damage and nonsensically made it longer duration even though the battle system is quick paced

- the cycle continued


They need to peel back literally all of this. Shorten durations, lower damage, nerf resistance to only prevent 50% instead of 100%, and gut the shit out of cleanse. Condi should be low-medium damage output but very hard to mitigate. Power should outperform it against low armor targets and it should outperform power on high armor targets.


Why they decided to nerf power so much and leave condi alone with the big patch is beyond me.

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Condis should have never stacked.


They should have made each Application of Condi stronger and need to be reapplied.


"BURST DAMAGE OVER TIME" just sounds contradictory and stupid.


If it is a DoT, it's a DoT.

If it is a Burst, it's a Burst.


Condi in this game is just stupidly designed to do be able to "Burst over Time"


It's just as stupid as other games that allow DoTs to critically strike, but now that I have played Gw2, I understand why the decision to make such a stupid mechanic exists.


In Gw2, Power is held back by building 3 stats : Power, Precision and Ferocity.


All are equally important to achieve high damage.


Condi is only affected by 2 stats, Condition Damage and Expertise.

(And in some cases for professions, they can hit Duration cap without Expertise at all)


This gives them too much extra stats to build whatever hell they want without compromising damage while still being able to stack Condis up to do "Bursts per Second"



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Power builds were the best defence against condition spammers pre power nerf update. The point of the nerf was to bring the power creep that had been occurring since the release of H.o.T. The problem is with the power creep was also the addition of more condition damage in the form of various profession skills. Anet did not take that into account in the last nerf update so now condition is the dominant Meta. Conditions needed the same reduction as power did . And with the added reduction in healing it's even worse.

In order to properly balance condition damage .is conditions should only be applied if the armour is penetrated . Meaning that in a hit only a certain percentage of damage that has not been mitigated by the armour can be condition damage. Toughness must mean something in this game and as of now it means nothing and pointless having.

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