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Any chance of a new race, ANET?

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @Cirrion.8951 said:

> > It doesn't have any real game play impact like a new transportation method or new Elite specs do.

> New elite specs add nothing for players who choose to play other specs instead. So that's no different from new races.


It changes the composition options of the groups they are part of by adding new skill combinations to their teammates. A new race can make no such change to the meta short of adding an overpowered racial skill.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Can you link a dev statement that says "no mounts"?

> They never said that, just like they've never said "no new races".


> Even the first FAQ stated:

> > Will there be mounts?

> >Other than map travel and asura gates, there will be no other methods of long distance travel such as mounts, ships, etc in Guild Wars 2 **upon initial release**.


Indeed so I was remembering right. However, as it was posted earlier in the thread:


I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.


They never said anything else about mounts other than "not at release" while they've been clear about new races, that they are "unlikely".

That's the difference between mounts and races.

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A new playable race would mean new areas, a new town (specific to the race), a new storyline (specific to the race), NPCs of that race added everywhere in the world.. This would be a massive thing to be rolled out into the game! WOW! Is that possible at all?


I tend to believe that adding a new prof. would be by far easier and a lot more realistic. It could come with a living story, like it happened with the revenant profession already once. We know it is possible. I would dream to have ritualist and/or assassin from GW1 back.


Now of course, it does not prevent to keep dreaming of a new race... What I do... LOL :3

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Personally I would love to see a new race and class packaged together in the next expansion. Call me a crazy dreamer however I would love to see an underwater expansion based around the Largos, they could be both fit into the theme of mermaid mythology and they could have them choose to be evolved to answered the call of the commander and offered to fight for the sake of the world. Largos since they already have similar to human models already they just need unique faces under their masks without looking ~too~ super alien-monster like. Have it so when they swim/fight underwater their legs turn into a mermaid tail (personal wish that'll never happen) instead of the weird floaty wing things, some of their race skills would have different effects or added abilities for when they're underwater for extra flavour. Their unique elite skill could be taking their underwater form and projecting a large song infused water column forwards.


If I had my way the new class would be bard a jack of all trades class that can do a tiny bit of everything. New weapon for the class (yes a new in game weapon) would be harps, a ranged weapon that when you use the skills from 1-5 would create different songs and effect everyone in an aoe range depending on what order you use the skills in. For an example using skill 1, skill 2 then skill 3 in order would make you preform 'rhapsody' or something which would increase power/condition damage for your teammates. Using skill 5, skill 4, then skill 3 in order you would preform 'misery cord' which would inflict vulnerability and cripple or something on enemies around you. Now of course how would you use your attacks after starting a song without over writing it? I guess the easiest choice would be to use the skill you ended the song choice with a second time so like 1,2,3,3 to change song maybe hold down 3 again for a second which would allow you to cancel the song to start another one.


Instead of a god choice or spirit animal they would be able to choose from one of three factions which would determine which armor class they wear to alleviate the "now there are four of 'x' armor classes" problems. In order to keep it balanced you could change their base stats to fall in line with other characters of that armor class so like heavy>bard would be similar to the stats of guardian or warrior and light>bard would be in line with elementalist or necromancer. Opening quest could be a short little intro with the water expansions big bad invading the mermaid starter town that way you can combine the new expansions main town with the new race like divinities reach meaning less areas need to be made. The level 10 and 20 personal story quests would be based off which armor faction choice you made while the level 30 one could revolve around picking one of the other races to help out with getting accustomed to the surface world leading right into the Order choice where it would branch out like any of the current races stories leading up to undead dragon fight. The only real difficulty here is making the first few sections of story quests but if you combine them all in that expansions main town hub it would really cut down on the need to add extra zones just for a couple personal story plots.


Weapon options could be staff, scepter, pistol both hands, focus and daggers both hands. Elite specs could be other takes on musical names like Minstrel, Spellsong or Lyricist. One focusing on making it more melee tank/support with swords able to reflect skills back onto enemies and empower their strikes with a chant and other such goodies. Other other could be a Banshee based off the Longbow or shortbow that uses their powerful shrieks to confound and cast tons of debilitating effects which would primarily be a long ranged aoe spec focused on dps and conditions.


While it may not be everyones cup of tea, I personally would absolutely love to play this game as a bard class where strategic use of abilities combo with yourself for extra effects.I feel like there is a real lack of comboing in this game. While yes you can set up fields and have combos with other classes no current class in the game can combo with it's own skills in order to make new skill combinations. The Weaver is the closest thing to this so why not take it a step further and make it it's own class? I'd easily pay 100$ to be able to play GW2 as a musical mermaid haha. People seem to be saying that making another "furry" race would be to difficult with the clipping issues on different pieces of gear yet at the same time standard humans are too boring. Well using mermaids you get the best of both worlds.

You get a generally easy model based on humans for land, with the majority of the different race feel from the face/hair/ears. Think LONG hair, (which looks as though you're underwater even on land which would help with clipping issues) while also giving us a racial choice that has super long hair so our choices of hair length don't stop at the shoulder (for everyone other then the Norn). Pearls/Seashells bubble themes maybe a starfish in the hair instead of a flower.


I just really feel like there is a lot that could be done with this whole setup. Taking already existing things in the game and expand on them giving a little focus to the lesser seen Tyrian characters. We do have underwater abilities even though fighting underwater doesn't seem to be everyone's favourite thing but if it could be focused on a bit more I think many people would jump into it. We haven't had a Water based big bad, we haven't had any focus on the Naga or Largos at all in game even though in certain areas of the first game there were quite a few Naga enemies. There is quite a lot to work with using an underwater theme and enough lore in the game to work with it.


Would be great if they took this theme and ran with it. While the theme of revenant is super cool their playstyle isn't really engaging. I really feel like this game needs a self comboing engaging playstyle class that keeps you using different abilities and trying different things in all kinds of orders all the time to make new effects that way it keeps the player actively involved in playing their class rather then a set 'rotation' constantly. Using songs is an easy way to make that combat mechanic happen naturally cause when playing music you strike different cords to create different sounds. While the execution make take a lot of work I think the end results would be fantastic.



People already can buy musical instruments and enjoy playing music in game. Why not turn it into a class combined with evolved Largos playable race in a water-based expansion?

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> @Ardid.7203 said:

> I really like the idea of a new race, as long as it is NOT Largos or Kodan.


And here is the other problem with adding a new race: which race do they add? Whatever they choose will leave people disappointed. I suspect that most people that are in favour of adding a new race are actually in favour of adding a _specific_ new race.

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> @Cirrion.8951 said:

> > @Ardid.7203 said:

> > I really like the idea of a new race, as long as it is NOT Largos or Kodan.


> And here is the other problem with adding a new race: which race do they add? Whatever they choose will leave people disappointed. I suspect that most people that are in favour of adding a new race are actually in favour of adding a _specific_ new race.


There would be some criteria for it, though.

* Various appearances for customization (+Tengu -Kodan -Largos)

* Lore/geography supports (+Tengu +Skritt -Largos)

* Popular/Consistently wins polls on the topic to justify how much bank ANet would make (+Tengu -Largos)


But I'm not gonna hold my breath. ANet is strapped enough as it is with an incomplete base profession (Revenant), elite spec balances, Living World season maps, probably already having a foot into the next expansion (which could include Tengu, ANet, just sayin'), and releasing more appearance skins. It's pretty clear ANet's focused on content.


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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> it's possible, but it would take more efforts than in most MMO's, where a new race doesn't have their own racial stories. it would be tricky to implement. but I'm pretty sure that if they'd figure out a way to do it (with all the support of the community to add a new race) they would eventually do it. the same thing can happen here as it happened with the mounts story, "no mounts" became "yes mounts". all we can do is wait and hope.


They never said no mounts though. That was something the player base was saying. Player base =/= devs.


> @Alga.6498 said:

> Also, remember "no expansions, gw2 has Living World stories so gw2 will never get any expansions" :hushed: =)


They never said this either. A year after the game came out people were asking about expansions and they said at the time they were focusing on the living story which they did. We didn't see an expansion until 2 years later. Again, this is a case of the player base saying something the devs said that the devs never actually said.

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> @"Noel Vheurdrakkhein.3096" said:

> I've seen on YouTube and the wiki, that the Tengu were a possible new playable race... Any word on that?


> Do we know if we'll ever get a new race to play at some point?


If we would go to Cantha, it would be the logical thing to bring in the Tengu as a playable race. Otherwise it would become to human centric after just that in the Pof expansion. Unless the next expansion brings us further into the Charr homelands and the rest of the Shiverpeaks of course. We will have to wait and see.

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> @Palador.2170 said:

> Well, it's not off the table.


Pretty much, it is.

It's not so much that they've outright said that they will never, ever consider it. But instead, they have said multiple times that it's more costly than we think and that they already have short-, medium, and long-range plans for the same resources. So it might happen "some day," but that won't be anytime soon enough to make this discussion useful to influencing the details.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @Palador.2170 said:

> > Well, it's not off the table.


> Pretty much, it is.

> It's not so much that they've outright said that they will never, ever consider it. But instead, they have said multiple times that it's more costly than we think and that they already have short-, medium, and long-range plans for the same resources. So it might happen "some day," but that won't be anytime soon enough to make this discussion useful to influencing the details.


Kind of like a parent telling a child who just got a big toy book to look through that they want for Christmas and the kid checks off half of the book and the parent say "you'll get them all soon/some day. Just hope Santa can get all on the sleigh."

That day never comes.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @Palador.2170 said:

> > > Well, it's not off the table.

> >

> > Pretty much, it is.

> > It's not so much that they've outright said that they will never, ever consider it. But instead, they have said multiple times that it's more costly than we think and that they already have short-, medium, and long-range plans for the same resources. So it might happen "some day," but that won't be anytime soon enough to make this discussion useful to influencing the details.


> Kind of like a parent telling a child who just got a big toy book to look through that they want for Christmas and the kid checks off half of the book and the parent say "you'll get them all soon/some day. Just hope Santa can get all on the sleigh."

> That day never comes.


No, it's like the parent telling the kid that there's a lot of stuff in that book and we can't manage most of it, including the pony or the trip to Lunar Disneyland, because we already have other plans. ANet has never said we'll get it all some day; they've always said that they have plans for the future and only so much room to change things around. At the same time, they've admitted that priorities change and so they can't completely rule out the obvious, like LS1 or new races or race change.


Basically, ANet responds to most of our requests with one of the following generic responses:

* Great idea, we're working on it already. (Usually means it's coming out soon.)

* Great idea, but it doesn't fit our current plans.

* Great idea, but it's more difficult than it sounds...and doesn't fit our current plans.

* No response at all.


We treat each "great idea" response as if it means ANet is seriously considering things, whereas for (2) & (3) it's the opposite (they aren't). And we take "no response" to mean that they aren't listening, when it could very well mean that they are working on it but aren't sure when it's going to be ready (if ever), so they don't want to get our hopes up or down.


In short, we want what we want are we aren't mostly interested in hearing anyone (including ANet) tell us we can't have it.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @Palador.2170 said:

> > > > Well, it's not off the table.

> > >

> > > Pretty much, it is.

> > > It's not so much that they've outright said that they will never, ever consider it. But instead, they have said multiple times that it's more costly than we think and that they already have short-, medium, and long-range plans for the same resources. So it might happen "some day," but that won't be anytime soon enough to make this discussion useful to influencing the details.

> >

> > Kind of like a parent telling a child who just got a big toy book to look through that they want for Christmas and the kid checks off half of the book and the parent say "you'll get them all soon/some day. Just hope Santa can get all on the sleigh."

> > That day never comes.


> No, it's like the parent telling the kid that there's a lot of stuff in that book and we can't manage most of it, including the pony or the trip to Lunar Disneyland, because we already have other plans. ANet has never said we'll get it all some day; they've always said that they have plans for the future and only so much room to change things around. At the same time, they've admitted that priorities change and so they can't completely rule out the obvious, like LS1 or new races or race change.


> Basically, ANet responds to most of our requests with one of the following generic responses:

> * Great idea, we're working on it already. (Usually means it's coming out soon.)

> * Great idea, but it doesn't fit our current plans.

> * Great idea, but it's more difficult than it sounds...and doesn't fit our current plans.

> * No response at all.


> We treat each "great idea" response as if it means ANet is seriously considering things, whereas for (2) & (3) it's the opposite (they aren't). And we take "no response" to mean that they aren't listening, when it could very well mean that they are working on it but aren't sure when it's going to be ready (if ever), so they don't want to get our hopes up or down.


> In short, we want what we want are we aren't mostly interested in hearing anyone (including ANet) tell us we can't have it.


The thing is if the parent said that to the kid, the kid would just be a bit sad and probably cry that they want the stuff, but in the end give up as they won't get it.

In this situation, if in the past they pretty much said "Would like to, but we can't. At least with how things are, it's not in the seeable future." and people still kind of clinging onto it, that sounds like the former than the latter on the parent example.


In my defense though, I'm very pessimistic as I usually expect the worse before the good. That way I would be more happy when the events turn out for the better than be disappointed in what I didn't get.

"Thought so... we're not getting a new race... BUT WE GOT A GRIFFON MOUNT! YAAY!", would be the idea.

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It's more like, say the kid wants some big fancy item. And the parent says "Honey, we can't afford that"

It doesn't mean "We will never get that for you" but nor does it mean "We will start saving up to buy it for you right away."

It just means that it's not currently possible.


They might decide it's affordable later, they might never feel like it's affordable.

People will interpret it either way and argue with other about whether or not they believe anet said it will or won't happen.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> Indeed so I was remembering right. However, as it was posted earlier in the thread:



> I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.


Players are too focused on that single quote. For instance, this is what they said in an another interview:

>“… we absolutely are going to do sweeping new features that you would traditionally only get in expansions – large regions, content and progression additions to your characters in the form of growth and professions and **races**. Those are all things that you will see in the lifespan of Guild Wars 2.”


Adding new races is clearly not impossible, and it's something that has been "on the table" for years.

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> @Zaltys.7649 said:

> > @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > Indeed so I was remembering right. However, as it was posted earlier in the thread:

> >

> >

> > I asked whether they have even considered adding a new race for PoF. Mike said that no and then added that new races in GW2 are "not impossible but very unlikely" to appear in the future. Implementing them would require a lot of resources that can be spent better on creating new content relevant for all players.


> Players are too focused on that single quote.

Since Mike O'Brien said that recently, it's a lot more relevant than something that was considered years ago.


But it's not only that one quote. Other developers have chimed in explaining why it's more work than most of us imagine.


> For instance, this is what they said in an another interview:

> >“… we absolutely are going to do sweeping new features that you would traditionally only get in expansions – large regions, content and progression additions to your characters in the form of growth and professions and **races**. Those are all things that you will see in the lifespan of Guild Wars 2.”


> Adding new races is clearly not impossible, and it's something that has been "on the table" for years.


First, that quote dates back to [January 2014](http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2014-01-14-you-thought-that-was-it-for-guild-wars-2 "January 2014"), before any expansions were out, before the end of the content droughts, before ANet had established the current 2-3 months between new story pattern. Colin Johanson was the person who said it and he's no longer at ANet (I don't mean that nothing he said mattered, only that that's part of the context).


Second, as I've said before, ANet doesn't often say, "no, we're not considering"; when they do, it really means it's not being considered. That doesn't mean it won't ever happen; it does mean it's not happening today or next week or even with the next expansion in about 2 years. If ANet is working on something they don't want to talk about, they simply ignore the question or redirect it.


In short, people keep pointing to the quote because it's a very clear indication of where ANet's priorities are going in to 2018. (Whereas the other quote was a clear indication of how things were going in to 2014.)

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