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Constant QQ In map about Scourge


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> @Kuya.6495 said:

> why post a video of a sb vs a scourge when half the forum also wants sb nerfed?


Hollts is a passionate necromancer streamer player who fight to give necromancer hope by using any life that's left out of Necomancer. Hollts knows what's coming for Necromancer but keeps on fighting to give Necromancer a purpose in the battlefield.


Be grateful to have a necromancer streamer who continue to fight for the Necromancer class to the end.


" **A Cause Worth Fighting For Is Worth Fighting For To The End** " , Grover Cleavehand

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> @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > @ramorambo.6701 said:

> > That's because spellbreaker is pretty much on par with scurge (if not even bettter)

> > they'll get both heavely nerfed dude, don't worry


> You want scourge vs thief?

> I can tell the man who play as scourge in this video to do that. And if its no match for the thief.. Can we ask for heavely nerf too ?


Not sure about what you're trying to say but thief is definitely less meta than scourge or sb, not to mention that this game is about capping points, not duels.

Also i don't really care about threaths about thief nerfs (if you were trying to say such a thing) since i can play pvp with almost all classes dude;; i only seek a decent pvp without SS tier classes

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> @ramorambo.6701 said:

> > @"silent killer.5732" said:

> > > @ramorambo.6701 said:

> > > That's because spellbreaker is pretty much on par with scurge (if not even bettter)

> > > they'll get both heavely nerfed dude, don't worry

> >

> > You want scourge vs thief?

> > I can tell the man who play as scourge in this video to do that. And if its no match for the thief.. Can we ask for heavely nerf too ?


> Not sure about what you're trying to say but thief is definitely less meta than scourge or sb, not to mention that this game is about capping points, not duels.

> Also i don't really care about threaths about thief nerfs (if you were trying to say such a thing) since i can play pvp with almost all classes dude;; i only seek a decent pvp without SS tier classes


My point is


You said that because spellbreaker on bar with scourge and you said they will get heavily nerfed

I said how about if the thief will won 10 of 10 duels vs scourge? He also needs nerf if the scourge needs ( heavily nerf )

And yea the pvp not about 1v1 its about capturing and stuff like that.



Me as scourge i never feel save if i stand on node for more than 30 sec tho

Even though its not about 1v1 but when scourge stands to cap

He became even more expose for the aoe classes who can easily disengage.


So quit your overreacting ffs

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > why post a video of a sb vs a scourge when half the forum also wants sb nerfed?


> Hollts is a passionate necromancer streamer player who fight to give necromancer hope by using any life that's left out of Necomancer. Hollts knows what's coming for Necromancer but keeps on fighting to give Necromancer a purpose in the battlefield.


> Be grateful to have a necromancer streamer who continue to fight for the Necromancer class to the end.


> " **A Cause Worth Fighting For Is Worth Fighting For To The End** " , Grover Cleavehand


You do know Hollts think scourge is overpowered and that they need to be nerfed, right?

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> @Azamanaza.5740 said:

> Majority of these QQ's are probably because they don't know how scourge works and hence don't know how to counter them.



there is no "definite" Spellbreaker > Scourge counter. There is only one game changing factor: **Is the Scourge lucky enough to strip/corrupt Resistance?**

- if yes: Scourge wins (and Reaper too btw.)

- if no: Spellbreaker wins


This is clearly visible in the video (which does not show skillful play but only a skill-spamfest of two broken classes).


Spellbreaker is countered the moment you are able to negate Resistance and overload him with soft-cc-condis (only then you can kite him) and damage (doesn't matter if condi or power damage - just don't burst into blocks/Endure Pain). This is the only counter Spellbreaker has atm.

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> @Amadeus.5687 said:

> > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > why post a video of a sb vs a scourge when half the forum also wants sb nerfed?

> >

> > Hollts is a passionate necromancer streamer player who fight to give necromancer hope by using any life that's left out of Necomancer. Hollts knows what's coming for Necromancer but keeps on fighting to give Necromancer a purpose in the battlefield.

> >

> > Be grateful to have a necromancer streamer who continue to fight for the Necromancer class to the end.

> >

> > " **A Cause Worth Fighting For Is Worth Fighting For To The End** " , Grover Cleavehand


> You do know Hollts think scourge is overpowered and that they need to be nerfed, right?


Yes, I do know that. I had posted prior to that in another thread that Necromancer need adjustments but not to be stripped to uselessness. Once again, I putt all blame to Anet for mistreating and abusing Necromancer of how they are. As i said before, Necromancers is the most nerf class compare to the other classes and is the most targeted-focus class for its identity.


I found a 3years old thread that is in full agreement with Necromancer mistreatment and abuse.


name of thread: "Slowly losing our identity?"




"I’m depressed more and more when i look at what they give to other classes and don’t to us"

"Actually the necro is the more useless class ever appeared in GW2"

"We have find a little glory with the advent of Condition Meta in spvp, but then every other classes find that they also can deal condition damage, frequently more condition damage than the necromancer (engi for example)"


"Then we’re actually without a role, without a image that reflect us. We’re always been the class with high hp that use conditions, die slowly and kill slowly. And it can be good, but acually even more classes can deal better condition damage, survive better (because they have different skills to evade the damage and we don’t have one) and we die very quickly because the enemy can deal so much damage in direct and condi build that make us unable to survive or escape, because we haven’t skills to survive or escape from a combat"


"If 4 enemy focus on a bunker warrior, he can survive for 13 sec jus with Immunity skills, then they have to skill he’s high amount of hp, toughness and healing"

"If 3 enemy focus on a necromancer, if the necromancer haven’t already the DS bar full he can’t neither active it and if the DS bar is full he can survive for almost 4 seconds before a dps group strip away the DS from he. Then kill the necromancer is more easy than kill a warrior. We have only Fear and protection, but the enemy can use a breakstun or stability to evade our fear and protection reduce by 33% the damage, but all alone isn’t good enough to make us survive. Also because without the DS our damage is very very very low (you can use the dagger but it’s not very good in spvp or in wvw)"


-Warrior is still the brainless fighter with high damage. And now is able to don’t die.

-Mesmer is still the class that make you mad to be killed.

-Ele is still the hybrid class that can do everything with a DD build and deal high damage with the staff

-Ranger is still the long range fighter that kill the enemy before he come to deal damage (more or less) and fight with his pet to deal even more damage

-Thief is still the hiding finger in the… that make you speak bad words when you drop dead in 3 sec while you’re running in www or when you flee away from the mid in spvp

-Guardian is still the bunker support that everyone want, but that can reach high damage if he want

-Engi is still… I don’t know what ANet want to do… but it’s still it!


**We’re no more what we’re planned to be**

**Our class is a class without a real identity.**




(“If victims stay in a vulnerable state, it can lead to prolonged periods of helplessness and hopelessness.”)


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Looking for that "Top weaver vs Top scourge". But Spellbreaker are the only ones who can get that much resistance, and thus, being able to compete with a scourge.

Spellbreaker vs Scourge doesn't mean anything. When you look at the Spellbreaker condibar, he should melt in a second without resistance, other classes do that pretty well (I'm talking about melting against scourges) or avoid fighting scourges. That's the main problem here, only broken spec can beat broken spec.

Also please note that PvP is not about fighting 1v1, you've got to defend points, which is barely doable against a scourge when not playing a spellbreaker with a 6sec FC.


I just end up trying to avoid the aoe, and so seeing myself loosing the point i'm supposed to defend because if I go in, i'll melt instantly from burning and torment which can't be cleaned that easily (because cripple poison and whatever conditrash they can apply by just pressing a single button, fanny af indeed)


We're all looking for the next balance patch.

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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Amadeus.5687 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > > why post a video of a sb vs a scourge when half the forum also wants sb nerfed?

> > >

> > > Hollts is a passionate necromancer streamer player who fight to give necromancer hope by using any life that's left out of Necomancer. Hollts knows what's coming for Necromancer but keeps on fighting to give Necromancer a purpose in the battlefield.

> > >

> > > Be grateful to have a necromancer streamer who continue to fight for the Necromancer class to the end.

> > >

> > > " **A Cause Worth Fighting For Is Worth Fighting For To The End** " , Grover Cleavehand

> >

> > You do know Hollts think scourge is overpowered and that they need to be nerfed, right?


> Yes, I do know that. I had posted prior to that in another thread that Necromancer need adjustments but not to be stripped to uselessness. Once again, I putt all blame to Anet for mistreating and abusing Necromancer of how they are. As i said before, Necromancers is the most nerf class compare to the other classes and is the most targeted-focus class for its identity.


> I found a 3years old thread that is in full agreement with Necromancer mistreatment and abuse.


> name of thread: "Slowly losing our identity?"


> https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/forum/professions/necromancer/Slowly-losing-our-identity


> "I’m depressed more and more when i look at what they give to other classes and don’t to us"

> "Actually the necro is the more useless class ever appeared in GW2"

> "We have find a little glory with the advent of Condition Meta in spvp, but then every other classes find that they also can deal condition damage, frequently more condition damage than the necromancer (engi for example)"


> "Then we’re actually without a role, without a image that reflect us. We’re always been the class with high hp that use conditions, die slowly and kill slowly. And it can be good, but acually even more classes can deal better condition damage, survive better (because they have different skills to evade the damage and we don’t have one) and we die very quickly because the enemy can deal so much damage in direct and condi build that make us unable to survive or escape, because we haven’t skills to survive or escape from a combat"


> "If 4 enemy focus on a bunker warrior, he can survive for 13 sec jus with Immunity skills, then they have to skill he’s high amount of hp, toughness and healing"

> "If 3 enemy focus on a necromancer, if the necromancer haven’t already the DS bar full he can’t neither active it and if the DS bar is full he can survive for almost 4 seconds before a dps group strip away the DS from he. Then kill the necromancer is more easy than kill a warrior. We have only Fear and protection, but the enemy can use a breakstun or stability to evade our fear and protection reduce by 33% the damage, but all alone isn’t good enough to make us survive. Also because without the DS our damage is very very very low (you can use the dagger but it’s not very good in spvp or in wvw)"


> -Warrior is still the brainless fighter with high damage. And now is able to don’t die.

> -Mesmer is still the class that make you mad to be killed.

> -Ele is still the hybrid class that can do everything with a DD build and deal high damage with the staff

> -Ranger is still the long range fighter that kill the enemy before he come to deal damage (more or less) and fight with his pet to deal even more damage

> -Thief is still the hiding finger in the… that make you speak bad words when you drop dead in 3 sec while you’re running in www or when you flee away from the mid in spvp

> -Guardian is still the bunker support that everyone want, but that can reach high damage if he want

> -Engi is still… I don’t know what ANet want to do… but it’s still it!


> **We’re no more what we’re planned to be**

> **Our class is a class without a real identity.**




i said it in different places

What are we? We are not the melee class nor aoe too

We can't survive vs any type of aoe classes we don't have any resistance nor powerful shield to negate the damage to 0 like all other classes's has

We are atm nothing but raw condition damage

And yet they want to nerf it as heavy as possible . I saw people also aren't happy with the scourge being able to do a lot of dps in the raid too?

Why ?are you the raid's boss? Or you are the lawyer for him!



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> @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > @Amadeus.5687 said:

> > > @Burnfall.9573 said:

> > > > @Kuya.6495 said:

> > > > why post a video of a sb vs a scourge when half the forum also wants sb nerfed?

> > >

> > > Hollts is a passionate necromancer streamer player who fight to give necromancer hope by using any life that's left out of Necomancer. Hollts knows what's coming for Necromancer but keeps on fighting to give Necromancer a purpose in the battlefield.

> > >

> > > Be grateful to have a necromancer streamer who continue to fight for the Necromancer class to the end.

> > >

> > > " **A Cause Worth Fighting For Is Worth Fighting For To The End** " , Grover Cleavehand

> >

> > You do know Hollts think scourge is overpowered and that they need to be nerfed, right?


> Yes, I do know that. I had posted prior to that in another thread that Necromancer need adjustments but not to be stripped to uselessness. Once again, I putt all blame to Anet for mistreating and abusing Necromancer of how they are-their identity. As i said before, Necromancers is the most nerf class compare to the other classes and is the most targeted-focus class for because of their identity.



> quote-


> (“If victims stay in a vulnerable state, it can lead to prolonged periods of helplessness and hopelessness.”)

> Necromancer


It's a bold claim to say you are the "most" nerfed profession out there, based on a random QQ thread for 3 years ago, when we can dig up all the same QQ threads on all the other old profession forums.

You should really check out the other profession forums and you might realize a lot of other professions face same, if not worst, issues. Being melodramatically is common on the necromancer forums is common, but it ain't very constructive


While I do agree on core Necromancer needs some serious fine tuning and that power reaper needs a helping hand, I also do believe Scourge needs some fixes. And I also believe several core professions, if not all of them, have the need of some serious fine tuning.


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