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What GW event would u like to see......

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Forget GW1 events, we can play those any time we want. I want to see stuff that happened in between.


How did Shiro regain his form and consciousness, enough for Revenants to channel, despite being obliterated and consumed by Abadon?

What happened when the Jade Sea melted and those monstrous insectoids were released?

How did Gwen manage to *build*, let alone defend, Ebonhawke... deep in Charr territory, and under near-constant siege (without an active Asura Gate most of the time!)?

What the kitten happened to Razah?

What about Tahlkora's final battle?

What finally put down Zinn? was it a golem uprising? betrayal from Blimm? laboratory accident? time travel?

How, and more importantly *why*, did Ventari leave the Henge of Denravi and the warded safety there, only to make his way deep into Maguuma?

What was the early Pale Tree like? How did she defend herself against the creatures and violence (and nearby Asura) of deep Maguuma for *over a hundred years* without anybody noticing?

What put Rotscale and its army of bone dragons and dracoliches to their final rest?

How did Joko and his armies quell the demons from beyond the veil enough to "patch" the Gate of Oblivion?

How long did the Ghostly Heroes battle against the Margonites? why was Mallyx able to survive without Abadon's power sustaining him? how is he still conscious?

What caused the gargoyles' extinction?

Was there a fourth Guild War after the ascension of Kormir?

How was Divinity's Reach established as the *de facto* "Human" kingdom capitol (instead of, say, Lion's Arch)?

What was Balthazar's deal, anyway?


...or from long before.


How did the Charr subjugate nearly all of Tyria?

What were the various Centaur hordes doing before Humans arrived in Tyria and Elona?

What was the great battles against the Giganticus Lupicus?

What was the War Between the Gods like? What kind of power scorched the Crystal Ocean? (Why didn't the Elder Dragons awaken *then*, to the Gods' apocalyptic magics?)

How did the Humans spread from Orr to the other continents, especially Cantha?

What and who created the Altar of Ascension? Why did no other beings Ascend successfully until the Chosen of Tyria?

What about the Canthan Celesitals? all of their stories are fascinating, but why and how did they become Weh no Su?

Who/why are the Envoys? are they servants of the Gods? and if so, why only in Cantha? were they once Humans themselves, like the Celestials?

Literally everything about the Dredge...

What about the massive Deldrimor/Stone Summit split and subsequent wars?

How did the "original" coalition of races manage to combat and withstand the previous Elder Dragon awakening without defeating them?

How many times have the Elder Dragons awakened, and were they fought before? (play as unknown, long-extinct species!)

Have these always been the Elder Dragons, or was there a form of transference like the Gods' domains? (play as a dragon!)

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