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Market Prices / Skin aquisition - bit of a rant

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Well ANET (sorry going to jab at you on this one) . They done this with a charr cultural helm and put it behind 4 metas (or bought keys) for a CHANCE ... RARE chance at that to get a charr helm. If this is their ploy to give us racial armor. No thanks. Because people will hike up the cost (as is this 5-7k helm that doesn't really look like a 5-7k helm) and people will not even get it.


Now with that being said. *cough* anet, can you please put that into a common drop? Because people shouldn't have to go behind 4 metas or spend 5g+ for a rare chance that is probably very rare after hitting the rare rng part of the chest to get. Then the rich people in this game will get shat on for trying to manipulate the market and buy up all of them to raise the price so the average joe cannot get it. "Oh just farm for it" I can see some of you saying. But you think the average person is going to farm 5-7k gold anytime soon? Don't think so. "Well then it's exclusive for the rich" , then don't make it culturally bound and we will have this conversation again and the vicious cycle never ends.


Why I say this? Look at the raven set. Nearly couple weeks ago 300g for raven top . Now? 1500 gold+ I don't think it's that popular. Or... again *cough* maybe make it a drop that drops more frequent. Sorry for the rant but this game is SOOO big, that if people were to actually collect many of these sets (which I think they would have good intention on doing). Knowing the barrier behind a meta (dragonfall/teq/drakkar) and the chance of getting the item is so low, I don't have time a day to do all these metas and pray to god I get one of these things. And then to say "Oh well just open 1,000 chests and you can get 1 of the skins." this is basically saying you got 1:1000 chance of getting a skin. That's a big yikes with all the other stuff in a normal play setting. People have a couple hours a day. a meta takes like 30 mins and on a strict time table. These skins I would LOVE to pay gold for but then again with the mentioned above, maybe I retract that statement.


Now on a fair note, I think they did the runic part BEAUTIFULLY. You can pay lots of gold or farm well for it either way it's a win / win. I would like that as well as the drakkar and other meta sets. Reward those that come back often to do your metas. Not just with some 1-5% chance. But with actually giving them some kind of progression towards the cool weapon set otherwise you will get disgruntled (i.e. me and others. "I been here every meta for months and got 0 chests") oh well come back tomorrow and waste my gameplay for some low chance and no progression to something I actually like/want.


Anyway, I really do hope you can find a balance other than letting ultra rich people price fix or you have rng at a super low rate to get your amazingly crafted weapon/armor out to its users. Thanks for listening to the rant.

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Here's the thing. They have to have some rare to get items or players will complain there's no rewards worth doing metas for. You can't have it both ways.


I'd rather have metas with worthwhile rewards to get players to do them.


If the playerbase doesn't value the charr helm at whatever price it is now, it will go down as more players get it and put it up for sale cheaper than what the last guy did until it gets to a price point that people will pay for.


On the very rare occasion ANet does step in and alter things if the item is not in the price range it wants but those are usually the building blocks for crafting and not end products. Or if there were other items of similar type (like other racial helms) that have a much higher creation rate than the charr helm, then they'd likely step in then.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.


I'd still be fine with it. It might change my desire for it once I realize how expensive or time consuming it would be to obtain it. I might grumble a bit, but I'd still be fine with how rare it is.


Or it becomes my new long term goal to work toward.


Maybe you have problems with things being rare if you want them, but don't assume everyone else does.

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> @"Seera.5916" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.


> I'd still be fine with it. It might change my desire for it once I realize how expensive or time consuming it would be to obtain it. I might grumble a bit, but I'd still be fine with how rare it is.


> Or it becomes my new long term goal to work toward.


> Maybe you have problems with things being rare if you want them, but don't assume everyone else does.


Good for you, you're an outlier. I don't assume everybody since 100% is extremely rare but in this case my statement reflects the majority. We are talking artificial scarcity for pixels in a video game here. I maintain that rare titles make better long term goals than cosmetics. They allow the achievers to work for something they can display and be proud of without blocking other players for items that are a question of taste and personal preference. There is no reason to make skins that rare. I recognize my opinion on this is not shared by several of the forum users here. I'm just one of those people that will unequip my boots before paying more than two gold for an invisible skin.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> I suspect that something has gone wrong with the raven top.


> Since the last release it's probably fair to say that more people are running strikes than before and yet the supply has all but dried up.


Assuming players are even doing that one beyond the weekly (if they don't just skip it) or the weapon collection.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.

You didn't fix anything, all you did was add your own entitlement.

There are plenty of things in this game I want but cannot afford... I'm fine with it.

I call them "goals".

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Traders and their customers do cause artificial inflation, and that would be really annoying if it were for something important or a staple, as with other games, but in this case it's a skin that most people who won't pay 5kg for it would just ignore.


Sure, I would definitely like for anet to make teq/3worm drop fixed hoard-shards and puke-shards, for eg, but things like infusions and collectibles, meh.


But what they should continue to do, is to make an acc-bound version purchasable from an npc to cap the gouged price, like you mentioned

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.

> >

> > I'd still be fine with it. It might change my desire for it once I realize how expensive or time consuming it would be to obtain it. I might grumble a bit, but I'd still be fine with how rare it is.

> >

> > Or it becomes my new long term goal to work toward.

> >

> > Maybe you have problems with things being rare if you want them, but don't assume everyone else does.


> Good for you, you're an outlier. I don't assume everybody since 100% is extremely rare but in this case my statement reflects the majority. We are talking artificial scarcity for pixels in a video game here. I maintain that rare titles make better long term goals than cosmetics. They allow the achievers to work for something they can display and be proud of without blocking other players for items that are a question of taste and personal preference. There is no reason to make skins that rare. I recognize my opinion on this is not shared by several of the forum users here. I'm just one of those people that will unequip my boots before paying more than two gold for an invisible skin.


I think you're incorrect in the assessment that titles would be better for achievers than rare skins/items, for one, players can't see their own titles vs being able to see the skins/items they have. Secondly, having those rare skins/items available will drive some of the players base to try for them on a regular basis, and I think it's closer to 50/50 than a majority(which by the way is only 50.1%), and based on previous posts regarding rarity of items from those that post on the forums(which in itself is a minority of the player base) it runs closer to 50/50 than further away from it.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.

> You didn't fix anything, all you did was add your own entitlement.

> There are plenty of things in this game I want but cannot afford... I'm fine with it.

> I call them "goals".


Opinion, not entitlement. Chill

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > @"Seera.5916" said:

> > > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > > "It's okay for some things in the game to be rare until it is something you want." Fixed that for you and, trust me, it's true.

> > >

> > > I'd still be fine with it. It might change my desire for it once I realize how expensive or time consuming it would be to obtain it. I might grumble a bit, but I'd still be fine with how rare it is.

> > >

> > > Or it becomes my new long term goal to work toward.

> > >

> > > Maybe you have problems with things being rare if you want them, but don't assume everyone else does.

> >

> > Good for you, you're an outlier. I don't assume everybody since 100% is extremely rare but in this case my statement reflects the majority. We are talking artificial scarcity for pixels in a video game here. I maintain that rare titles make better long term goals than cosmetics. They allow the achievers to work for something they can display and be proud of without blocking other players for items that are a question of taste and personal preference. There is no reason to make skins that rare. I recognize my opinion on this is not shared by several of the forum users here. I'm just one of those people that will unequip my boots before paying more than two gold for an invisible skin.


> I think you're incorrect in the assessment that titles would be better for achievers than rare skins/items, for one, players can't see their own titles vs being able to see the skins/items they have. Secondly, having those rare skins/items available will drive some of the players base to try for them on a regular basis, and I think it's closer to 50/50 than a majority(which by the way is only 50.1%), and based on previous posts regarding rarity of items from those that post on the forums(which in itself is a minority of the player base) it runs closer to 50/50 than further away from it.


You make a fair point about players not being able to see their own titles. I just can't get on board with extreme rng. It didn't feel good in my Diablo 1 days and it still feels bad in the games I play now. There needs to be a better and more fun way for players to gain prestige that want it while not putting some things extremely out of reach for most. Earning rewards and having long term goals is fine. It just never should take years for an online game item. Weeks and months is fine for the hardest to obtain items.

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I don't know...if everything can be obtained within a couple of weeks, or even a couple of months, then there would likely be a lot more "There's nothing to do" laments.


The Devs have talked about long-term goals for the game. Guild Halls and Legendaries, to name a couple. Some players can finish those goals in much, much less time, and some take even longer.

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In my experience, the games that are fun to play are the ones worth going back to. My friends and I still play Half Life 1 pre-steam because it is a riot not because we are still grinding to earn something in it. It is "pre-achievement craze" anyway which is nice because we literally turn it on and have fun. There is no "what are you working on?" debate so we can decide what to do. We just have fun. Parts of GW2 can be like this such as beatle racing but for the most part this game involves grinding once you pass the story. Earning a skin should not be a focus but I can't offer a viable solution tbh.

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Just do without. Lots of stuff in the game that I think look cool, but I'm not going to spend 600 gems on this, or 2000 gems on that. So the Raven chestpiece looks great? Nice. Can't get it to drop and it costs too much gold on the TP? Live without it. That should be the worst of your problems, both in game and in real life.


It's only an issue if you let it be. You would be amazed how liberating it is to look at the latest gem store addition, or in game collection that requires hours of mindless grinding and just say "it's nice, but meh...".


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If the hard to get skins were gemstore items we wouldn't be debating. I could get the skin I want while supporting the game without being blocked by a zero fun grind wall. I do not see gemstore skins as an issue at all. Buying gold with gems to get skins isn't a big deal either until it crosses an unreasonable line because the rarity is out of line with the gaming population for a given item or skin.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> If the hard to get skins were gemstore items we wouldn't be debating. I could get the skin I want while supporting the game without being blocked by a zero fun grind wall. I do not see gemstore skins as an issue at all. Buying gold with gems to get skins isn't a big deal either until it crosses an unreasonable line because the rarity is out of line with the gaming population for a given item or skin.


But is the item out of line with other similar items? IE: is there an Asura helm that's more common?


If it's out of line many won't get it. And at that point ANet will assess if there are enough generated to match what it thinks should be the right amount in game. This is independent on cost for this item as it's not a building block for other items.


You either want the item enough to buy it with time or money, or you don't. ANet will decide if the ratio of who is willing to and not willing to is where they want it and will adjust accordingly.

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if the raven ceremonial armor set was ascended rarity, then I would be fine with the RNG rarity as is.... however, the set is less than exotic quality: it's yellow (rare). SO it should be easier to obtain. most of the pieces are easily acquired as they should be. the chest piece (called "Garb"), is so rare an RNG drop that you might as well make it a precursor.


so, basically, YES, the item is out of line with other similar items.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> In my experience, the games that are fun to play are the ones worth going back to. My friends and I still play Half Life 1 pre-steam because it is a riot not because we are still grinding to earn something in it. It is "pre-achievement craze" anyway which is nice because we literally turn it on and have fun. There is no "what are you working on?" debate so we can decide what to do. We just have fun.

Exactly. It's entertainment time, so I play what is fun.


> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Parts of GW2 can be like this such as beatle racing but for the most part this game involves grinding once you pass the story. Earning a skin should not be a focus but I can't offer a viable solution tbh.

A big part of that is rooted in what activities you enjoy. If I think about why I keep playing GW2, it comes down to doing activities I enjoy. Fortunately for me there's lots of them. For example I regularly pug dungeons just for the fun of it, while thousands of dungeon tokens rot in my wallet. I realize that "doing stuff for the fun of it" isn't popular these days, but if you try you might just find a surprising number of fun activities in this game, too.


As for rare/expensive drops there really aren't a lot of them in this game. We regularly have threads both from people complaining about their cosmetic item of choice being expensive as well as those who live for the chance of rare loot and think there's not nearly enough of those in this game. If the item you prefer is among the few tailored to those players that like to "play the lottery" then you have to decide whether it's worth it to you or be content with the 2nd best (that's easier/cheaper to aquire). Shutting the "lottery fan" type of players out by getting rid of the few ultra rare drops doesn't look like a valid alternative to me.


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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > In my experience, the games that are fun to play are the ones worth going back to. My friends and I still play Half Life 1 pre-steam because it is a riot not because we are still grinding to earn something in it. It is "pre-achievement craze" anyway which is nice because we literally turn it on and have fun. There is no "what are you working on?" debate so we can decide what to do. We just have fun.

> Exactly. It's entertainment time, so I play what is fun.


> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Parts of GW2 can be like this such as beatle racing but for the most part this game involves grinding once you pass the story. Earning a skin should not be a focus but I can't offer a viable solution tbh.

> A big part of that is rooted in what activities you enjoy. If I think about why I keep playing GW2, it comes down to doing activities I enjoy. Fortunately for me there's lots of them. For example I regularly pug dungeons just for the fun of it, while thousands of dungeon tokens rot in my wallet. I realize that "doing stuff for the fun of it" isn't popular these days, but if you try you might just find a surprising number of fun activities in this game, too.


> As for rare/expensive drops there really aren't a lot of them in this game. We regularly have threads both from people complaining about their cosmetic item of choice being expensive as well as those who live for the chance of rare loot and think there's not nearly enough of those in this game. If the item you prefer is among the few tailored to those players that like to "play the lottery" then you have to decide whether it's worth it to you or be content with the 2nd best (that's easier/cheaper to aquire). Shutting the "lottery fan" type of players out by getting rid of the few ultra rare drops doesn't look like a valid alternative to me.



Well said. I have no desire to shut anyone out. I just hate that there are skins I really like that will never be as valuable as my time in thier current rarity. I don't have the expendable cash to bring them within reach either. Three other people besides me depend on my income so my purchasing of gems must be capped. To those of you that benefit from that type of content I say gratz. You truly can have something that most players can't.

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