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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Stealth should be used in moderation as a means to get the jump on someone or as a quick way to escape a hit and not be sustainable like it is now with SA Deadeyes, such a cheese machanic that will only hold them back as far as ballancing descisions are concerned and that’s unfortunate and that’s from a player that mostly plays thief

  2. Skilled players kite all specs of necro easily and the melee specs in this game shrug of the burst of reaper with blocks and invulnerability,necro doesn’t have these and shroud is laughable if used for sustain,no way to bait out the openers blocks and high burst due to being so immobile so u just hit high damage and hope their not experienced with their class and don’t use their Defenses to shut u down

  3. I agree with the dropping the shroud damage reduction a bit if people would stop thinking of it as some magic heartier or extra health bar.shroud dissipates at a fast rate as well as when damage is taken,no excuse for its low mobility.with today’s builds and high damage/sustain as most classes being able to use blocks and invulnerability skills to almost take zero damage by end of the necro/ shroud burst which leaves life force almost depleted it deff is not much of a sustain boost anymore

  4. a lot of the professions these days have a lot of passive and active defences ontop of the high sustain they’ve also been given blocks and invulnerability to go with the ever increasing mobility that’s being handed out(except for poor spooky man) the thief is now good damage,low sustain unless vault and bound spam,invigorating prec and sig of malice is good for Tyria but garbage vs hot or human players(high damage,aoe and conditions way out paces the sustain). the players better off avoiding hits in the first place causing a spam of the few evade skills which for how glassy thief is isn’t enough,not against these other classes that hit as hard or harder and can stay in the fight far longer not only due to class machanic that suit the class like high hps,high toughness and high dps but are also given better utilities to stay in fight blocks and invulnerability traits,which u would think would be given to glassy classes more so than already tough scrappy ones lol to avoid the constant need to reset fights which isn’t fun for anyone if it’s only option

  5. I deff agree necro would benefit from more invul or block options considering its lack of mobility compared to what other professions have now ontop of them also haveing tons of blocks as well as invul options. Seems like without a team or suport any necro is a sitting duck to skilled players. The hard slow hard hitting old school movie monster troupe doesn’t work if u leave out the main reason it’s feared, the supernatural mobility that makes Jason etc always find u even if u drove 300 miles away and hid in some random house in some random closet he’d be in it waiting or be in the room secs after u to gut u lol he deff didn’t can it there.they basically made necro a walking dead zombie hahs

  6. Seems like due to constant nerf cry’s by the community whether because our favourite classes got ganked one too many times by thieves or because their playstyle didn’t agree with a lot of people arenet for some reason made a choice to listen and actually allowed whiners to thief into a class not even suited to the roles in its discription. Sure sindrener and some others due to way above average knowledge and skill can 1v1 decently but for most a win in 1v1 depends on if opponent messes up their timing or rotation. In a game that’s evolved through power creep to where it is now where so many classes have high burst,sustain and a plethora of invul and blocks classes like thief who don’t have highest damage and is rivaled by few other classes in mobility should be receiving some more blocks or deffensive options other than spamming vault,dodge to oviod by 1 or 2 shot or having to reset

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