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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. I said debuffs are ok on npc in pve if they have boons which isn’t often so definitely wasn’t implying they were great and u are throwing the 2 classes at me that have shit boon spam lol one of them the class were this thread is asking for buff? debuffing any spec of mesmer, ranger,guardian,hola and even yes scourge and they will pop boons as fast as u rip them and u will lose out hard, sry but I sdisagree

  2. I wouldn’t mind a rework but it’s unlikely as I’m sure don’t neex to explain why. A rework of steal mechanic would be nice to make it more impactful within the profession. Maybe arenet could start compensating thief for giving a lot of its tools of leverage to other professions that didn’t require them so thief stays relevant and delete perma stealth and rework it into somthing that requires set up and tactic like ramp it’s reveal damage but considerably lower accessibility and give 2 sec exhaustion if attack misses so there’s high risk/reward

  3. Nerfing or removing maul or attack of opportunity would our right cripple rangers melee viability aspecially against today’s melee power creep specs, holo,mirage,warrior to name a few no thanks, lowering the amount of viable classes makes things worse, now if mail and attack of opportunity were to get nerfed as part of a full game numbers lowered blanket nerf than that would be a good thing

  4. Debuffs are almost uselesss nowadays with easy boon reapplication via boon spam,share and clears,sounds good out loud and on paper sure. Scourge aoe and barrier are only good in group setting, gets dismantled solo and that’s fine it’s good Zerg spec but for core relying on debuffs which suck and reaper melee focused spec it’s shredded by all but noobs through kiting and the crazy other melee specs with higher sustain,invulnerabilites,block and mobility

  5. The damage is too high. Arenet may have handed out a lot of blocks, invulnerability and mobility to combat its increase,save a few profession they left out lol. Keeping a check on the damage in first place would have been ideal, create more enjoyable sustained duels that can better make use of some of the creative combat mechanics and skills arenet has developed. Would also alow more viable build diversity,adding mechanics or skills to deal with something broken is just adding more to the problem and creating more broken mechanics and skills,it’s especially a problem when only half the professions get these bandaids added to their skills etc

  6. Increasing trickery And acro’s trait percentages for Vigor and ini Regen to a actual significant value, make preparedness baseline to elevate the must have utilities,sig of agility etc would help a lot. Thief relies on evade frames and mobility and having to trait trickery and Acro to get a decent base for its resources combined with needed utility skills just to have some serviceability is too much compared to what every other professions had to trait for especially since it’s damage isn’t top dog, might be high if u trait all damage lines plus sig of Assassin tho haha. I read a lot of how bland thief utilities are but I think there pretty well designed and are fun, just not useful enough so take same few always which is bland

  7. I think if trained right all specs of necro have good dps, it’s the fact that it’s mobility and defensive capabilities are way behind most other specs in today’s version of the game,shroud was a decent defensive skill back in the day with a 7 sec CD and it’s damage was balanced with that in mind it seems but today with the invul,blocks and mobility handed out frequently to other professions shroud doesn’t serve as a good defensive tool as it once did, especially with the damage being thrown around these days

  8. Scourge is great for backline aoe span, that’s effective in zergs only,that’s fun for 15 mins or so, honestly I play more ranger and thief and love seeing solo scourges in pvp lol. Necro is designed to be pretty versatile but none of its spec’s are anywhere tuned to where most of the others are except ele,Core Engi and thief maybe,they need help to

  9. Honestly the any pvp aspect of this game is just horrible as far as balance in general and alway will be unless they balance each profession for each mode separately. I don’t know if it’s the balance team or the one who’s oversees final changes in each class but it’s like the balance team doesn’t play their own game or have anyone reliable to reference the changes because using a community helps but everyone rally’s for their own class screw the rest lol human nature. Anyway get tired of being a sitting duck on necro cus low mobility in faster pace mmo with just good damage no blocks etc, play thief for mobility mess up once and ur dead and if u don’t u still get out sustained, say screw than roll a Boonbeast and do zero damage for 2 sets of bursts on guard ,warrior or hollow smith and with all the booms still go 100-0 in 2 hits. Goes on and on lol roll whatever class u want and because of powercreep and very poor balancing effort their will always be a ton of things to complain that are op lol

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