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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. arenet listened to the community and added the DE spec, community should have known useing arenet poor ability to balance thier own game as well as being able to differentiate good constructive feedback and feedback that clearly biased,based off un justified emotions reactions ie cries of salt that now core and DD will be slowly dragged down by arenet attempts to balance deadeye even though DE is a very different playstyle for most. DE is the worst thing to happen to the thief profession not because it was a bad idea more so that because it would obviously be a tough spec to balance by nature I don’t think arenet a team were the best group to attempt it.thief was initially soposed to be a lethal 1v1 class with little access to aoe’s but has speed and mobility to compensate for its low sustain and lack of good aoe,problem is most of its speed and mobility has been shared even with more sustainable professions over the yrs thru balance patches,new e-specs etc, ontop of this other more sustainable specs got fed blocks and access to invulnerability to help balance the damage creep so thief is in the fight with good damage low sustain and all of its back of tricks have new improved iterations within the other professions especially mesmer. It’s already getting overshadowed badly,I can’t speek for other players but the times I do pick up thief it’s for its playstyle and theme,not for effectiveness.unfortunately because aren’t has a difficult time balancing each specific problem within ONE of the professions specs they lack the ability to tone down that aspect without bleeding it’s effects into the brother specs or builds that are in no need of change and in fact may need improvements to be relevant. Maybe it’s lack of knowledge and or experience playing the game.arenet almost needs a panel of passionate gamers to employ that play their creation daily and are knowledgeable of all of its classes and how they are performing in all game modes modes and have them discuss the balance issues to the balance team before each balance patch

  2. > @"Duckota.4769" said:

    > Idk man. Im sick of them nerfing core thief every single update they try to address "burst dmg" instead of just removing stealth on dodge from deadeye so we can poop on them for failing at running glass.


    This ^

    Cuz of stealth and deadeye core and DD will remaine mobile glassy moderate damage poke and run +1 role opisite of their very description. So computation for their grassiness is what now, mobility? Most classes have now


  3. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:


    > > Spectral armor got no love at the loss of the trait that increased its effectiveness how do you miss the most important spectral skill after removing the trait for them


    > Correct me if I am wrong but, wasn't Spectral Armour by far the best spectral skill? I felt it was leaps and bounds ahead of the rest in terms of usefulness, so I'm not surprised they didn't add anything.


    I think he means with these changes spectral walk etc was compensated for the over all nerf to spectral skills exept spectral armor which got no compensation and just nerfed yet was the best of the lot and now it’s just ok and other spectral skills went from meh to ok

  4. > @"lodjur.1284" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > What are your thoughts? This shift away from shroud as a 2nd HP bar, are we properly compensated defense wise?


    > There's nothing to compensate necro for, "2nd healthbar" is/was such a useless defense mechanism that losing the defensive part of it is a net gain/loss of 0 (very slightly exaggerated). It is by far the worst defensive mechanic in the game. I mean shroud isn't even necro's primary defense mechanic, necro's primary defense mechanic is having a support player babysit you.


    > Personally I would like to see the second health bar removed completely from at least RS (pref DS too) and instead of absorbing damage while in shroud convert lifeforce into health (at some sane ratio) or in some way prevent damage.


    > While we're on the topic being locked out from your utility skills just cause you're in your class mechanic is not okay.

    > Not being able to receive healing from allies just because you're in your class "defense mechanic" is also not okay, imagine the uproar if warriors couldn't heal while blocking/invulnerable or mirages while evading/stealthing


    So much this ^

    People that don’t play necro always rally against necro buffs using shroud as a reason as if it’s some amazing defensive ability when I’m reality offers reaper barely any, it’s also probably a large reason necro has zero mobility, people that play necro know this, it’s a cool mechanic but not worth how much it will hold necro back during balance discussions much like stealth does thief, but that’s another discussion

  5. So what if soulbeast was becoming a duelist? Rangers don’t require to be range based,their rangers cuz they range off the land not because their archers who excel at range, if ranger ever lost a lot of its dueling potential a lot of the people including me would drop the class, nurfs were pretty fair this round tho

  6. I’m a ranger main that uses the dirty Boonbeast build and I’m not nearly as skilled as most of u out there, I’ve been playing for 3 yrs but man their are great players out their and I’ve won some duels I shouldn’t have, do I want ranger toned down? Not if other classes wernt but if other classes were toned down to and some buffed I wouldn’t be upset about it. Yeah I’m a hypercrit but most use overturned builds or cheese as a way to counteract others builds and cheese lol

  7. All classes should have the tools if played skillfully to counter all other professions like guard has eagis, thief mobility and burst,necro debuffs and Condi damage or power if reaper etc each should have their own thing that’s effective but arenet given most of the classes mix bag of other professions tricks and some already had enough, it’s to a point where mesmers a better thief and guards a better warrior etc

  8. Deadeye should lose perma-stealth aswell, I know some people would complain that a thief can pop in and kill them but it makes more sense for a glassy class than for a guard for example sword teleporting in and bursting u to 0 while having Ageis and protection up whole time lol

  9. To the post above issue I find is high sustain builds that use tons of blocks and invulnerability skills also have access to good mobility tools,Boonbeast i swoop,greatsword leap,same for warrior, guard leap and teleport,holo shrink invul and stealth access and than thief has ability to reset but very little else to compansate. A class shouldn’t have to depend on whittling away defenses as well as being so glassy it needs to reset,if it’s natural sustain and access to defensives are so low it’s reseting fights as its main way to service than it should have a high enough burst to take any profession down in a single bust if opponent doesn’t skillfully use there deffensive options effectively to avoid the unhealthy stab and run crap that thief is now which isn’t fun for either party’s in most cases. Mirage is poorly balanced because it has access to far to many things compared to the other professions

  10. IMHO professions that have higher sustain should have good damage but not great,access to protection buffs(-33 damage) no invul skills, a block and just enough mobility to traverse maps and duel efficiently, medium Susan classes better damage, less access to protection buffs,a block and no invul. Glass classes highest damage,teleport,block and a invulnerability skill( high CD, low duration) no access to protection buffs. Arenet balance team I gues thinks the high sustain professions should have the invul,blocks,protection access,really high damage,great mobility, necro excluded.the glass classes of the game get damage on same lever as classes with way higher sustain yet way less access to defensive options other then better mobility(not by much in a lot of cases) which results in pike and retreat play styles which isn’t healthy,too few classes give enough meaningful support to the team in a for a mmo so get tight metas with not only same few builds but also classes and that’s not healthy. Example necro and reaper I always get frustrated with its lack of mobility,blocks and invul access compared to other professions with natural high sustain professions but maybe it’s the other classes have too much not that necro has to little. Games got a lot going for it and I find the community pretty decent as well as can be expected from us humans lol but game needs a lot of changes as far as balance direction. Pve is decent but all pvp modes are so imbalanced that new players get frustrated and don’t bother with them which is unfortunate

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