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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Sounds like u just don’t like fighting thief lok


    > indeed, they usually die too fast and are really salty when they keep dying to a fellow thief.


    When I die to a fellow thief I’m like meh it’s cuz I’m playing thief lol I’ve come to terms with the u make a mistake ur dead playstyle, and I make a lot of mistakes lol

  2. I agree thief has to rely on said mechanics these days to stand a chance at downing anything due to these cry babies that just want free bags,if they die than class is op lol. They want the cheese mechanic changed or nurfed without any fixes as to why thieves have to rely on them in first place which would leave them useless which is what they want, funny thing is when a mirage,holo,fb,scourge or ranger player actually complains about a weak class as thief as being op, it’s hilarious. Oh wait gues I listed off most classes there didn’t i haha

  3. With regards to op Druid healing teammates in zergs or sharing all the crazy boons boonbeast can provide as well as large area cripple with barrage would be enough to be considered helpful in my eyes,healing scrapper as well, thief can drop weakness areas if combining clusters on poison fails with short bow,plus +1 with skies that arnt close to aoe fields that will one shot u would be kinda helpful lol these arnt nearly as good as fb,scourge,warrior or rev’s but it’s somthing

  4. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > DE is cheese and is strong but core and DD are not ok and are underperforming right now and should not be left like that just because DE needs some further stealth restrictions, and I feel the same for warriors and other specs who have specs that are underperforming especially if the other specs are being gutted because of one of the three specs are overtuned


    > DE was considered by most as trash when PoF was released. then they redesigned it making it stronger while also forcing them to play a little more visible. now any change you add to core will affect DE, wich means if you want to buff core without deadeye you would need to add synergies that require 3 traitlines. as for DD.. well that is our evasion focused spec, i prefer fighting against stealth spamm over evasion spamm any day so i dont really care about daredevil.


    DE relies on stealth,core and DD don’t,u can deff tone down stealth access and length to tone down DE and buff core and DD in any non stealth manner and DE having its main mechanics nurfed further would in turn still be decent because of buffs in other areas

  5. DE is cheese and is strong but core and DD are not ok and are underperforming right now and should not be left like that just because DE needs some further stealth restrictions, and I feel the same for warriors and other specs who have specs that are underperforming especially if the other specs are being gutted because of one of the three specs are overtuned

  6. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah a core thief or DD that does any significant damage is not only glassy but as glassy as u can be and for u to loose a significant amount of hp u must be glassy to, with all the boons invulnerability and blocks classes like ranger,warrior,holo list goes on and fact that their all tankier ontop of doing same damage aaaaand having more sustain ur saying that thief should have slightly more mobility,just ok damage and so little sustain that evading and often resets are needed to live is fair? Lol than ontop people complain that they can reset like wow why not not just make it so thief cant defend itself and just stands there with a smile to take its beating lol than people be happy. Now keep in mind I’m excluding DE stealth cheese builds, stealth should be a lot more limited to this ef and only accessible to thief


    > you can complain all day about thief being bad. if you exclude DE for this then it doesnt matter, because then you say yourself that thief is ok. do you see warriors complaining about the poor state of their profession because of berserkers?


    Yes I have seen a lot of warriors complain about state of warriors due to berserkers and I exclude the DE because it is cheese and uses mechanics core and DD don’t use, completely different playstyle and damage compared to core and DD and those two keep getting gutted because of nurf cries about DE, eventually all thief players will have to play DE to get kills and see the cries than Lol it’s almost to that point now, It’s pretty strange to think that a class with three different specs with three different playstyle is based only off of one spec as far as balance goes no?

  7. People need to accept they have more blocks,invulnerability skills,most classes got their mobility buffed,way more sustain,hp and even same access to high damage spikes for shit sakes haha,yeah getting backstabbed is a annoying way to take damage but that’s thief no? Take that away and not buff it’s dueling potential it’s just left with running away

  8. Rouge thief concepts are always similar they are low hp,have low access to skills that give sustain and have to rely on mobility and quick damage spikes to down a opponent, if the damage spike isn’t enough to down opponents it is useless and no point in fighting any 1v1 which damage nurfs have now turned it into a +1 class which is crazy because the point is having high damage with fast burst to balance the low sustain and hp lol

  9. Yeah a core thief or DD that does any significant damage is not only glassy but as glassy as u can be and for u to loose a significant amount of hp u must be glassy to, with all the boons invulnerability and blocks classes like ranger,warrior,holo list goes on and fact that their all tankier ontop of doing same damage aaaaand having more sustain ur saying that thief should have slightly more mobility,just ok damage and so little sustain that evading and often resets are needed to live is fair? Lol than ontop people complain that they can reset like wow why not not just make it so thief cant defend itself and just stands there with a smile to take its beating lol than people be happy. Now keep in mind I’m excluding DE stealth cheese builds, stealth should be a lot more limited to this ef and only accessible to thief

  10. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > But, is there not some sort equilibrium here that the three professions that are not wanted in zergs (Thieves, Rangers, Engineers) also happen to be amongst the BEST duelist and roamer professions? The exception of course is the Mesmer, but isn't Mesmer always the exception?

    > >

    > > Also, while I agree Thieves, Rangers and Holos don't offer much to a zerg that can't be done better by a Herald, Ele or Scourge, I have to object to the notion that Medi-Scrapper isn't wanted. On the contrary, I see lots of commanders asking for them in their squad. It sucks that the Gyro nerf happened, but even after that, they still offer a ton of healing throughput and reverse boon-corrupt, which IMO is better than condi cleanse.

    > >

    > > It's also a very simple role to play, so the entry level for new players is low compared to a Firebrand. I'm not going to argue the math about whether a raid spot would be better filled by a FB or Water Ele, but I've been playing Medi Scrapper more and more lately, and not only is it very fun, but I've seen the difference it makes in fights.

    > >

    > > Pretty useless in a PPT/Karma train though, and it sucks at bag farming since no ret / reflect, but if you're following a fightmander, it's hella fun to play. Just my 2 copper.


    > thief is far from best dueling class nowadays lol.

    > what can thief beat nowadays?

    > a mesmer and necro maybe? rest will just out sustain you or wreck you.


    > anet has turned thief into a wet noodle, yes balancing thief on hp punch bag standing still and get 100 of boons pumped up your kitten its easy to say thief is balanced.

    > but when u shove a pair of brains in ur "hp punch bag" thief will lose just about 3/4 of his DPS.

    > i cant just wack 11111 in duel with staff or w/e is raid using for thief i cant ram on all dps skill/trait lines in wvw and get rid of every single deffensive ability (barely have any but still).


    > thief used to be good and is still good when u fight a guy who doesnt know thief good yet. but if u have played thief u shouldnt have much of a issue smashing them down to ground in a 1v1.


    I think DE stealth cheese builds combined with the fact that people that don’t play thief can’t let go of the good ol days when thief could actually burst a good player and down them in a duel if the thief was good, and was fair because it had low hp and relied on evasions as it’s only way to sustain itself. Unfortunately people can’t stand being out played even if learning how to fight the class was easily possible and just as expected cried for nurfs lol and now these new players that are still learning or are at half hp etc gets +1 bursted by a thief and hears all the info from non thief players that go on about thief like they still actually hit hard compared to their low hp hits like a noodle,non DE I mean. I find it interesting a class given the +1 role in pvp because it can’t 1v1 any class if players of equal skill is still called out as op in duals,it’s expected tho lol.a +1 decap class is that for a reason lol not cuz they choose to be

  11. > @"Menyus.4610" said:

    > Very good idea, they should nerf initiative, so you could not stack stealth and all when ooc, this way you can still use stealth attack for engage by using skills like BP, HEal skill, shadow refugee, shadow refugee already op by its pulsing stealth, and it CAN STACK UP TO 12 SECONDS :OOOOOO..

    > I extremely support this idea, this could also make thieves not gank every 15 seconds, but only like 30-60 when their cds got off, i extremely hate when me the full zerker elementalist with staff dies to a thief by ONLY ONE LISTEN CLSOELY ONE SKILL "Backstab", this way we could reduce this, also nerf aa on dagger because i really hate when a thief does 2 x 600 Double Strike to me cos that is like 1200 and 1200 is like 12.5% hp of my staff elementalist, this way i have to like respawn from waypoint cos a cheese ov erpowered thief can like aa me in 5 seconds, i cant even move my mouse to endurance bar to click and dodge


    Haha if ur dying to non DE thief on a regular basis u definitely need to learn ur class better wow

  12. Now that DE has received some nurfs hammer hits that effected core & DD among other nurfs core/DD have received over last couple years what reasonable buff’s would the community like to see core/DD get in near future, if any?

  13. > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

    > > More QQ from people who want to play thieves like brawlers.

    > >

    > > The class is in a fine spot and it's better than it has been in a while. The direct nerfs from last patch were pretty inconsequential, whereas the indirect buffs (i.e. nerfs to other classes) helped out thieves quite a bit.

    > >

    > > I love this game, but the community is so hyper-focused on class balance or any other reason people can use to justify their difficulties being successful in PvP. There's almost no conversation about how what players have done to get better or how they can adapt to difficulty. It's all defensive excuses from people who want to justify their entitled whining.

    > >

    > > This game really needs more people that can put on their big boy pants and stop being so kitten emotional about everything.


    > Every time there is a butchered underpowered spec almost everyone who doesn't play that spec will gather 'round and be like _"This is fine"_ just because they don't want to have one more profession they'd actually have to outplay, now I am not saying you are not playing Thief, I don't know anything about whether you do or not, but the points in the Video are all hard facts while all you say is literally _"put up with it"_, well that is kitten. No. Ele should probably put up with their insanely kitten up state too I suppose? Everyone should bow down to Mesmers, Warriors, Rangers and Holos? "Put up" with them because its what big boys do? Big boys ignore problems according to you? They don't solve them? Big Boys don't stand up for what is right but rather silently take all the blows? I've seen this "argument" million times before, it's been always reactionary kitten.


    > Also, it is objectively worse than it has **ever** been with an exception to DE which is what everybody complains about


    Agree 100%

  14. People complain about a 4 sec on evade in dagger storm that does random aoe that’s not even doing high dps and whined to get stability removed from it yet having 6-8 sec or more in a lot of other cases totally invulnerable and blocks ontop etc on their op classes that arnt even as glassy as the thief haha such BS people are so transparent

  15. Haha wow,thief is literally being destroyed slowly and as usual we get a post saying their in a great spot,thief player I’m sure lol and another saying their enjoying the spec that’s literally half the reason core and DD are getting gutted and ontop mentioning not using certain traits that are what?are op? lol there literally some of the few ones left effective. Post like these may as well not exist,there’s far too many people that are babies that have got all but hurt when they got ganked by thieves and now have a hate on for them and just want to keep them weak so they can roll over them with there power crept class.if u lose to a core or DD in pvp or wvw ur a bad player or new

  16. > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Oldgrimm.8521" said:

    > > > > its going to be a good change, since no one wants to play against a thief who resets and OOC during combat,

    > > > >

    > > > > so we can penalize thieves who OOC, via no initiative out of combat, and initiative decay when trying to escape from engagement.

    > > > >

    > > > > this will not affect PvE greatly since thieves just auto attack, and we dont have initial burst like other classes

    > > > >

    > > > >

    > > > They have to reset because over last few yrs thief has been nurfed to the ground because arenet pushing deadeye and because of cry babies,their too weak to stay and duel

    > > >

    > >

    > > not enough nerfs, since they say its not fun to play against a thief that resets the fight and comes back, in this proposed changes, thieves will be more committed to a fight

    > >

    > > no more resets, no more stealth spam, good old hard core toe to toe fighting


    > Core and DD need substantial buffs to realistically stand a chance at a tie to toe fight, but in reality us humans are selfish and Whiny lol so people who get out played by thief and somehow lose to the weaker thief spec excluding deadey cant handle that they lost(whiny) and people who main other classes will rally for any class they dislike to be nurfed to the ground so they can stomp it into the ground every fight with zero regard for the players that injoy the class. Which is why as bad as erenanet is at balancing listing to its community about how to deal with balancing is very bad


    Yes nurf it more so it’s useless and u can have fun stomping it with zero challenge, it’s a +1 and decap cuz it’s fast but weak at fighting,even weaker these days, remove resetting and ur just a free bag of loot as a thief,awsome!

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