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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > Assassin signet is not the problem,permastealth is. Stop trying to blame other mechanics

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > ^this...

    > > > > > > Blaming Assassins signet is like when people complained about torch for mirage.

    > > > > > > It wont fix the real issue, and instead nerfs every other build but the one that is a problem.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > I think we can all agree stealth on dodge might be a little over bearing given that fact you can MalBS for 20k+ on an opener. repeatedly.

    > > > > > > So fix the stealth issue, and no other build needs to be caught in the crossfire.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > aside from the fact that out there are daredevils doing the exact same because of that signet.

    > > > > > sure you can do something about stealth on dodge, but if you want to gank like in that video people will still do it. if needed as daredevil that also will use endurance to stealth and in a group they might even do it as core.

    > > > >

    > > > > Oh sure DD can do the same thing in one burst. DD couldn't immediately re-enter stealth and gank a second or third person. The gank of thief hasn't changed, and wasn't a huge problem until DE came out.

    > > > > So lets address the issue that arouse from PoF

    > > > > Not nerf everything around PoF and hope it fixes the problem.

    > > >

    > > > what prevents that DD from entering stealth? that 3s reveal?

    > >

    > > After a backstab?

    > > Yes- The fact that DD doesn't have Shadow Meld to re-enter stealth immediately after a gank.

    > > So if you BS a person with DD you have a window where you can be targeted, CC'd, or further revealed.

    > > DE doesn't truly have that window.

    > > Interesting thing as well like I said. The complaints for DD backstab was not nearly as bad as DE.

    > > So why do you think that is?

    > >

    > > Also last I played DD, you have to build full glass to achieve this damage, and you had little to no room for error.

    > > Unlike DE , you didn't have the luxury of taking the SA line for perma stealth shinanigans AND high damage

    > > Has that changed all of a sudden?

    > > And what build?

    > > And why aren't people running that instead?

    > >

    > > Edit: and please note I said Immediately after-

    > > As in MalBS to Meld.

    > > You don't have a 3second window or any window with DE before they re-enter stealth because they can take the revealed debuff and completely ignore it if they choose too.


    > so its shadowmeld causing the difference?


    > assassins signet just got changed shortly before PoF, since then any thief can do such high bursts thats why there havent been more complains before as assassins signet was different.

    > but my point was just that such instant kills like in the video are not deadeye exclusive and you wont change anything about them if you only change DE stealth access. but ofc you can change deadeye stealth access, that wont change one bit about those complains tho.


    The gw community is notorious for op threads on any mechanics or skills that are not op but are very effective,the fact no one has ever complained about assassin signet all these yrs and why all the complaints about DE have no mention of it and are based on perma stealth that should tell u somthing, stop trying to blame somthing that has nothing to do with the other and will further negatively effect specs that arnt in question,u sure ur not on erenets balance team lol

  2. > @"reddie.5861" said:

    > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

    > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > Assassin signet is not the problem,permastealth is. Stop trying to blame other mechanics

    > > > > >

    > > > > > ^this...

    > > > > > Blaming Assassins signet is like when people complained about torch for mirage.

    > > > > > It wont fix the real issue, and instead nerfs every other build but the one that is a problem.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > I think we can all agree stealth on dodge might be a little over bearing given that fact you can MalBS for 20k+ on an opener. repeatedly.

    > > > > > So fix the stealth issue, and no other build needs to be caught in the crossfire.

    > > > >

    > > > > aside from the fact that out there are daredevils doing the exact same because of that signet.

    > > > > sure you can do something about stealth on dodge, but if you want to gank like in that video people will still do it. if needed as daredevil that also will use endurance to stealth and in a group they might even do it as core.

    > > >

    > > > Oh sure DD can do the same thing in one burst. DD couldn't immediately re-enter stealth and gank a second or third person. The gank of thief hasn't changed, and wasn't a huge problem until DE came out.

    > > > So lets address the issue that arouse from PoF

    > > > Not nerf everything around PoF and hope it fixes the problem.

    > >

    > > what prevents that DD from entering stealth? that 3s reveal?

    > >

    > > btw current assassin signet is like that since PoF prepatch.


    > Core DD is far easier to deal with then deadeye.

    > i mean Deadeye is only doing the dodge kitten and off he is u cant prevent him from dodging as u didnt even saw him coming.


    > Core DD was most of the time played > steal > c n d > backstab. u could see it coming

    > not much core dd's played under perma stealth cus he would lose a ton of dmg not even sure if core dd could stay in perma stealth..


    > anyway..

    > core DD > steal > c n d > backstab > wants to run off


    > he either ports off with shadow step or backwards from where he came from.

    > but he wont be able to enter evade from to go into stealth and then gain big distance from rifle 3? skill i dunno whatever makes u port backwards.

    > so Core dd was far easier to deal with as u could predict it more or less where he was gonna be also even if he did regain stealth he would be either too far away to get to you or you know he is kitten close and can atleast react.

    > with deadeye it wont come out of stealth cus it can stay perma in it even 1s after combat.



    > DE is broken in so many ways it should get ditched off from thief class cus all whats gonna happen is thief nerf this nerf that nerf balaba

    > and only thing that get kicked hard in the nuts is core and Daredevil, while anet is trying to balance DE when they finally got it right the other 2 class will underperform cus they refuse to touch DE elite line.


    ^ this

    I don’t want anyone’s fun ruined I just don’t want core/DD to take anymore hits due to DE balancing issues. Core/DD needs some little buffs imho

  3. Seems like arena net is lazy with design,thief had dps spec before was neutered, DE coulda been great support spec. Long range class with cloak ability that does high damage that requires high tact and set up that when kneeling each type of shot has different damage/effect on target that causes different aoe boons for each shot type to allies in radius of target. Longe range support and damage

  4. > @"saerni.2584" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Would DE players be upset if stealth was like predator style stealth?


    > Would thieves care if a core game mechanic was changed to satisfy a vocal minority?


    > Depends on what buffs were introduced to compensate.


    > But seriously, this is not a good idea. Does this break target? Does tab targeting work? Click targeting? Or no targeting so you can only use attacks that don’t need a target? Does this New Stealth adequately reduce damage to compensate for increased damage?


    > There are a ton of things that would need to be rebalanced. It just makes more sense to just give most classes an ability to mark targets (which reveals them after being in stealth for 3 seconds—not the current 2 seconds b/c that short circuits short term stealth applications). That way you can fight against permastealth.


    > As to the raw damage out of stealth you have to remember that WvW is full of towers and sentries and traps to mark enemies. Now they can’t permastealth and you should see them coming.


    I would say stealth cloak would do what stealth does now as far as break target etc I still think it would promote sniper playstyle. I have no prob with DE one shorting on a build not even built for pure burst, it’s a sniper rifle, it taking multiple shots to down someone seems silly to me. With that said it should not only have a tell that gives a player a small window to counter and should take a comparable amount of tact and set up to achieve said damage

  5. Although I don’t think necro as a whole is in a great place warrior prob wasn’t the best for your comparison. They really aren’t in the greatest spot these days either, not a bad place but definitely not op enough to be used as a example imho. Mirage or boonbeast may have been better lol I’d say mirage and guard would be the classes arenet favours more so than warrior.if they loved warrior so much the deff didn’t show the love with SBr animations etc so bland

  6. > @"Marxx.5021" said:

    > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

    > > Dodge on stealth with Shadow Art is the most dumbest cheese spec a class can have to stomp a kitten of noobs in rank.

    > >

    > > Remove the stealth on dodge and i'll be happy.


    > Silent scope makes you wonder if competitive game modes are considered at all when designing specs.


    They are not,pve is what the specs are balanced towards

  7. Holo is tech futuristic spec right? Doesn’t make sense that it can’t be the one spec that can mount in pvp modes. Holo should be able to summon the delorian and it should be invulnerable with perma quickness and it’s only skill(only one for balance reasons obviously) is to run over opponents causing a automatic down state that way u can reverse over them to finish em off. Let’s send a request to arenet,anything is possible with them haha


  8. Sure if u could pop an imaginary invulnerability or somthing so u could stand and auto u’d do tons with staff,especially if u could do it long enough to bypass ur opponent blocks and invulnerability skills. So instead u gotta vault/bound spam cuz 2 hits ur dead,or go dag /pist route

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

    > > And yes, I know that this is, like, my opinion man. But if DE were deleted from GW2 today, only a small fraction of the playerbase would be upset. Some players would quit GW2, others would quit thief, while others might go back to S/D or Staff DD, but the vast majority of PvP players would celebrate it.

    > same can be said about your ranger.


    True of soulbeast prob lol

  10. > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

    > > > (I suggest to shutdown wvw+pvp entirely)

    > >

    > > LOL. Sounds like someone needs a break.


    > Funny thing is, i've been taking more breaks than ever in all Gw2 6 years combine. I won't stop until Anet completely strip down thief and mesmer. I do give Anet credit for the last patch in dealing with them but the root of the problems-their design+mechanic has not changed at all,


    > Until their core design mechanics are completely design: i'll be the one laughing while playing competitive healthy games by game companies who would never tolerate toxic designs to run rampant in their game especially in 6 years straight.


    > So yeah! going to spend more time in Pve and with more breaks lol


    > **You Get What You Tolerate**


    Good,hopefully u leave for good,games better off without immature cry babies that think it’s funny to try and destroy classes that people enjoy all because u cant take a beating, life must be fun for u!

  11. > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

    > I think the issue most thief players are having is they USED to be so much better, im actually newer to thief as of only playing since a year after PoF was released but I do know that since I have played thief still has only ever received hits, not major one to make the class unplayable but more of inconvenient ones that really had no need to be changed, example the recent change to lead attacks. correct me if this seems incorrect :) ALSO FWI I wasn't whining with my post of video I was actually saying that even though thieves take a hit every patch we stay strong and stay with our mains :P thanks for all the comments :) love seeing everyones PoV <3


    I’m an embarrassment lol I said screw this and jumped to guardian, I was weak and couldn’t take the fear of the next hammer drop lol

  12. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > You seriousky dont understand balance if you say that a giod thief will win fights but a bad one will just get recked. If you want to balance a game around the mediocre ppl than the exceptional players will stomp everything in sight. Thats just not how it works, you cant create a class with a very high skill ceiling and still buff it so that mediocre players can beat classes with a lower skill ceiling.


    > I admit that thief has a very high skill ceiling, because if you get hit you will die very quick, but thats not an excuse to buff it alot more. Buff the mediocre builds and nerf the peak of the class, if you want that, go ahead, i dont care, but just buffing all sites of the class is just ridiculous.


    > I main warrior and you can start calling me a noob for playing such an "easy roflstomp class" like many others did, but ive met thiefs that i couldnt lay a finger on an who just destroyed me, literally pummeled me into the ground no matter how many times i tried, onky when they kittened up and got greedy i was able to maybe land a succesful burst on them.


    > Also to anyone who says "but thief is no 1v1 class, its just good to +1" seriously have not understood wvw in the slightest, not even roaming. The smallest part in wvw is about duelling 1v1, sure yiu can do that, i do too, but most of the time i try to cap stuff and fight various ppl. In that open pvp world mobility is waaaay more valuable than just 1v1 power, does that not get in your heads? You cant have everything, thats just unbalanced.


    > The thiefs in the vids seem more than capable to fight other ppl, even outnumbered, so if you dont have the level of skill that is required to play thief that successfull than you should maaybe turn to another class


    > Because after all thief is hard to master but very strong if you did. Especially with roaming requiring often stealthy and mobile actions


    Seems like u don’t understand thief in wvw lol but u are correct not all of thief roaming consist of 1v1 often it’s outnumbered not in thiefs favor,best to avoid unless u kno the opponents are incompetent.if u luck out and come across a lone reaper or mesmer give it a go,decent match up. Meet any other class if u outplay them it’s possible but ull be at a disadvantage and will have to out skill them or hope opponent makes some serious mistakes. The best strategy and reason why it’s WIDELY known as a +1 class is because u will have the greatest successes taking down an opponent that’s other wise engaged ie a small group fight u stumbled across while roaming due to its poor dueling potential these days. Lastly u can follow a Zerg,u prob wont get an invite to join it but u can follow it and continue to +1 around it’s outer perimeter or if DD jump in the middle of the Zerg and bound/vault spam like a monkey and hope for best than dagger storm /shadowstep away not really contributing much lol. U can say thief strong and use the argument that I’ve seen players do well so it can’t be weak but that means little. Thief was known to be one of the harder classes to be effective at since the beginning before all the nurfs, there was good players on it then and there still is now. If a player is skilled enough on a class that has serious disadvantages he will still out play a lot of players that are less skilled on other classes,does not mean the class is strong. A player evenly skilled on a ranger or even guard would step on the thief to n a 1v1 but again a good thief would just avoid the fight until he has advantage like a +1 lol. I’m referring to core/DD not DE

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