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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Khalisto.5780" said:

    > > @"phokus.8934" said:

    > > No balance patch today. Confirmed by Ben P.

    > >

    > > They seem to be following their previous cadence of "mid season balance patches".


    > still wondering why they don't do it on off season


    Because having time to tweak things before new season starts would make sense


  2. its funny people are so vocal about over performing specs no matter their clas preference yet only people complaining about underperforming specs are players of that class lol when arenet listens to the whiners and nurfs a class often the nurfs are to much and ruins a build or hits the class to hard in to many aspects yet those same whiners jump to the next op class to complain about and aren’t vocal at all about the nurf going to far,it’s like well I have no problem with the class when I fight them now so problem fixed with zero regards for the players who happen to enjoy the class. IMO i’d like mirage,soulbeast,scourge Condi aoe spam and holo tuned down but I’d also like them to remain a challenge and don’t want them gutted,that’s not good for the game.not sure what typical theif minded was soposed to imply

  3. I get one shot by the cheese DE builds all the time and I get that it’s frustrating but I also feel it’s funny it produces so much salt due to the fact had people not constantly whined about thiefs being op not because it was in most cases but because people are petty as shit and got all butt hurt cuz they personally dont like or play the class and losing to them was somehow worse than losing to another class. Maybe so many thief players wouldn’t have jumped on DE to actually feel like they stand a chance fighting against today powercrept meta builds most people are playing that are cheesy in their own ways as well lol

  4. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I like thief a lot. not a fan of DE,just don’t find it very fun personally but I love that it creates soo much salt and whining haha I hope more thief players get tired of their gutted core/dd specs( again ruined by whiner cry babies) and jump onto DE and produce more even more salt, community deserves it lol


    > Typical thief mindset, ppl like you all flock around cheese classes with stealth and high mobility. Same ppl that throw siege on dead ppl after they killed them with bigger numbers in wvw. Lel. Sure go all for DE, make everybody salty and then cry yourself when anet listens to the salt and nerfs yet another thief specc to death. You are so closeminded that you dont even see the bigger picture. Go ahead, cut off your own head. I wont be sad to see you spew more salt around than you already did in other threads.


    I play dh mostly so...... definitely not a meta spec,thief is my favourite character archetype but over the yrs arenet and whiners have ruined it,even more so since the addition of DE

  5. > @"Yannir.4132" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > > > @"Bazooka.3590" said:

    > > > > These companies didn't listen to their players.

    > > > I think you'll find that "listening" is not the same as agreeing.

    > > >

    > > > > They didn't want to get feedback

    > > > Similarly wanting feedback is not the same as following player suggestions.

    > > >

    > > > ****

    > > > Now, if you had said simply, "I'd like to see more engagement between the developers and the players, more road maps, and more opportunities to influence what happens next," I imagine most people would agree.

    > >

    > > Don’t really play warframe anymore these days but one thing they did do was Digitsl extremes keeps in contact with its player base on a fairly frequent basses,even have streams every few weeks ontop of frequent dev streams. Arenet should consider somthing similar


    > GW2 does have streams. There's just the unfortunate fact that most GW2 players aren't interested in PvP so that means the streams are practically never focused on that. They are mainly community art showcases or showcases of specific game design like map design, or story, etc.


    > What would actually be more interesting is if the devs did regular visits to Twitch streams of known community members. I mean how awesome would it be if Ben was a guest on TeaTime? This would take some activity from the streamers themselves but also the willingness from ANet to open up communication with their community. Ben is already frequently in Jawgeous's/Jebro's channel talking about things(not as a dev but as a person).


    I agree that would be great

  6. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > And for the record micheal Jordan coulda been a mediocre bball player compared to a handful of non recognized/discovered players but how likely is that,same kitten,not really a good way to avaluate skill


    > you are willingly not taking into consideration clear possibility. and that is enough for me. Also i am not entitled to anything. please keep americanism's in america in EU we dont use such noble words. It is simply my oppinion and you dont need to shove in my face the fact i have an oppinion. And yes if you disagree you may and we dont need to talk about this. I read yours you read mine we disagree you said your version i said mine. We still disagree. the end.

    > You wont change others mind. good day


    I’m canadian bud! Also I don’t disagree with the fact that there’s probably amazing players out there not known,ofcourse there is,was just saying that doesn’t discredit players like Sind,vallun from being ONE of the better players out there does it? It’s just fortunate that they take the time to share there tips etc in streams and tube videos. A good day to u to man :)

  7. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > And jack before u blast me I’m nobody and will tell u straight up I suck even tho been playing a number of yrs:)


    > I frankly dont care enough to blast on you or something. I am nobody as well. But the thing is just because someone gets famous by dropping YT vids doesnt mean they are THE BEST thief ever. There might be THE best thief out there not posting vids ever in his life and you simply dont know about him. Lets say it like this. Sind and Vallun are the best thieves you know about. Also playing power thief these days is like riding a motorcycle. Playing condi is like riding bicycle. If you get to hill such as lets say someone with tons of condi cleanses or stuns. Motorcycle will get you over it easily cuz it has the powerful engine which will push you through. Bicycle tho will require that you work hard with your legs to push yourself up the hill. And that is the exact same way it works in pvp as far as thief goes. I wont admire someone who plays power because i know those are either one shot gimicks or blink and hide flies. So if there is some The best thief we dont know about, he plays condi not power because he is The best and can afford playing condi cuz his skill allows him to play whatever the hell he wants because he is the best. that is what i have to say to this


    Ur opinion is ur own man and ur definitely entitled to it just no need to hate on some one in a public forum especially when we both kno he’d more than likely school u,but atleast if u paid very close attention ya may learn somthin :) no disrespect meant!

  8. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > And jack before u blast me I’m nobody and will tell u straight up I suck even tho been playing a number of yrs:)


    > I frankly dont care enough to blast on you or something. I am nobody as well. But the thing is just because someone gets famous by dropping YT vids doesnt mean they are THE BEST thief ever. There might be THE best thief out there not posting vids ever in his life and you simply dont know about him. Lets say it like this. Sind and Vallun are the best thieves you know about. Also playing power thief these days is like riding a motorcycle. Playing condi is like riding bicycle. If you get to hill such as lets say someone with tons of condi cleanses or stuns. Motorcycle will get you over it easily cuz it has the powerful engine which will push you through. Bicycle tho will require that you work hard with your legs to push yourself up the hill. And that is the exact same way it works in pvp as far as thief goes. I wont admire someone who plays power because i know those are either one shot gimicks or blink and hide flies. So if there is some The best thief we dont know about, he plays condi not power because he is The best and can afford playing condi cuz his skill allows him to play whatever the hell he wants because he is the best. that is what i have to say to this


    U realize Sind competed in the gw2 comps when they existed right? That’s how he got respect,not thru iUtube,and it’s gw2 no player is famous lol

  9. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > mesmers and thieves are so broken, any real nerf would be a complete redesign. So best to just ban those classes from pvp and wvw. Problem solved.


    > Thief? Really? I feel like thieves overall are on the back foot right now.


    They are! It’s why a lot of thief players resort to a spec like DE,maybe some find it fun but I’d imagine most don’t or it getting old fast,but it is atleast effective


  10. > @"apharma.3741" said:

    > > @"UfoCoffee.2084" said:

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > > > > mesmers and thieves are so broken, any real nerf would be a complete redesign. So best to just ban those classes from pvp and wvw. Problem solved.

    > > >

    > > > I hope u mean DE specifically cuz core theif is far from broken and needs buffs

    > >

    > > S/D isn't in a bad place. D/P needs a slight damage buff. Deadeye is annoying but easy to kill if you focus it. Bad players just ignore it and let if freecast.


    > D/P doesn't need a damage buff. Nerf sustain/defence across classes so there's more openings. Maybe also look at the damage these sustaining builds can do too so the D/P thief isn't getting killed in 2 hits by a build that can tank the +1 to some degree.


    I agree that a nurf to sustain across the board not effectively making thief squishiest would help but if that doesn’t help core definitely needs a damage boost so u can actually stand a chance fighting back with a s/d,dd or d/p build without having to have three times the skills of ur opponent lol

  11. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Bazooka.3590" said:

    > > These companies didn't listen to their players.

    > I think you'll find that "listening" is not the same as agreeing.


    > > They didn't want to get feedback

    > Similarly wanting feedback is not the same as following player suggestions.


    > ****

    > Now, if you had said simply, "I'd like to see more engagement between the developers and the players, more road maps, and more opportunities to influence what happens next," I imagine most people would agree.


    Don’t really play warframe anymore these days but one thing they did do was Digitsl extremes keeps in contact with its player base on a fairly frequent basses,even have streams every few weeks ontop of frequent dev streams. Arenet should consider somthing similar

  12. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > > > ???? this guy is playing traps and thinks ill walk into them

    > > > >

    > > > > Hey man any chance u get time throw some more vids on the ol utube channel,if ur still playing that is,don’t blame u if ur not. Thanks for the content etc.

    > > >

    > > > done i exported like 5 streams it will be up in a few hours

    > >

    > > Was wondering this one day watchin a stream,ur from Sweden right? Do u ever listen to tunes from bands like Klamath,before the dawn etc? I live in a small town in Canada and seems like no one knows em lol anyway just wondered if Swedish Melo death bands did well there.


    > Yes im Swedish, and no i don't listen to any of them:)


    Haha fair enough!

  13. Anything is viable in OW for sure but u can feel the disparity between weapons as well. Dh isn’t alone in this but for a themed weapon for an elite spec it should perform at a level that represents that and not feel ineffective compared to other weapon options.it just needs a decent dps boost and one grandmaster trait change

  14. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > ???? this guy is playing traps and thinks ill walk into them

    > >

    > > Hey man any chance u get time throw some more vids on the ol utube channel,if ur still playing that is,don’t blame u if ur not. Thanks for the content etc.


    > done i exported like 5 streams it will be up in a few hours


    Was wondering this one day watchin a stream,ur from Sweden right? Do u ever listen to tunes from bands like Klamath,before the dawn etc? I live in a small town in Canada and seems like no one knows em lol anyway just wondered if Swedish Melo death bands did well there.

  15. Knock back should be baseline for lb 3,damage increase to all skills when tethered by justice,maybe 15% lb5 for its cast time and CD should buffed in some way in pvp modes in particular. Players just stroll thru it 9 times outa ten with all there blocks and clear. It’s a fun weapon in my opinion in design and visuals just needs a boost in effectiveness

  16. Oh boy so sry,good for u that u work 90 hrs,no one said u had all day to play either so not sure what ur trying to prove stating that,is it a comp? I work 95hrs been bodybuilding for over decade,have a wife bunch of animals etc lol, so what no one gives a shit! Was just stating there’s people that vary in skill or gaming aptitude in general. Oh shit and yeah buff lb haha to stay on topic!

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