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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. 25% movement from a rune which usually comes at a price of another usefull stat,fireworks is decent.gs leap which most classes have a leap,sword tele requires target so gap closer,wings of resolve a shorter leap,ji which requires target so gap closer only and the skill in question relies on ally to target,if they don’t leap or stealth or tele themselves making it do nothing. Roaming on guard can be ok and not what I’d consider slow but it in know way compares enough to the other Mobility most classes can have if as much effort is put into making it mobile,definitely not enough to keep the tele in question half useless

  2. > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

    > > > Not a big fan of skills that are nearly useless in a 1v1 which is why I would love MI to function like blink, but I think there's a good chance it would end up being quite OP and overtune guardian mobility.

    > >

    > > Not at all,guard would still fall behind all classes exept necro in mobility. The healing aspect may have to be shaved or somthing similar but I’m sure most guard players would be ok with that considering the skill being usefull in all instances and not jut when a ally is around, and that’s if ally doesn’t port or jump right when cast it causing it to do nothing lol


    > A DH with sword/greatsword, JI and MI is going to be more mobile than like 80% of the other popular roaming classes, beaten out only by mirage, thieves and maybe owl soulbeast if they also run GS. It would certainly be able to outrun any warrior build, holosmiths, revenant and eles.


    > I can tell you from experience that a melee DH running sword, GS, JI and with +25% MS is actually potent enough to stop a mirage from disengaging/resetting over a certain distance.


    Yeah cuz their known to be one of the least mobile and removing the restriction makes them now one of the most mobile? Right! Thief,mesmer,warrior,ranger all would still be more mobile and have better ranged options

  3. Yes! They are far worse than the zergers who have a handful of scourges that mindlessly walk in a direction spamming shades. Definitely far worse than the people who solely blame arenet for the handful of powercrept cheese builds that almost everyone freely chooses to play on their own etc lol gankers are no worse skill wise or player wise than any other type of player lol

  4. > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

    > Not a big fan of skills that are nearly useless in a 1v1 which is why I would love MI to function like blink, but I think there's a good chance it would end up being quite OP and overtune guardian mobility.


    Not at all,guard would still fall behind all classes exept necro in mobility. The healing aspect may have to be shaved or somthing similar but I’m sure most guard players would be ok with that considering the skill being usefull in all instances and not jut when a ally is around, and that’s if ally doesn’t port or jump right when cast it causing it to do nothing lol

  5. Radiant shaman or radiant monk.gets staff somewhat similar to DD staff skills. F1 skills add a damage type burning condition to each skill,different effect on each skill. F2 defensive bonus added to each skill,f3 adds healing effect to each skill. Every skill gets a different effect added. Than have all three F skills add a baseline effect onto each skill of the non elite weapons,f1 causes stacks for 6 sec on all attacks,f2 causes aoe damage 10% reduction to player and ally’s. F3 causes aoe healing etc. Be kinda cool lol or not

  6. > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

    > Hello all So I am newer to guard im sure people have seen my posts before about DH, I decided to give core a go and its fun its a blast actually except for 1 thing, I see the Radiant hammer version really hitting for some hard numbers and insta downing people which is amazing however


    > I WANT TO USE GS because I finally got my first legendary and I am IN love with the GS I got

    > im looking for some help on the burst for GS because I don't seem to EVER down someone with my burst with GS like I see other people do to me with GS


    > Combo ive been doing --------- start casting whirling blades ---JI+ Virtue of justice --symbol of wrath..


    > I was messing around with doing all that but then adding smite condi for the extra umph which has seemed to help but then im out a utility skill is this wise or no ? does anyone know what I SHOULD be doing ? P.S im using S/SH + GS my gear may not be fully optimized as well I do not have Cavalier trinkets yet I have zerk.

    Hit f1-2-3 focus 4 before ur gs2 or gs5 than ji than smite conditions followed by symbol usually brings most classes close to downed state,if not blocked

  7. Lb 5 is a cool skill but is rendered useless most times due to the defensive skills being powercrept, most times people just walk thru it knowing the damage is trivial and so is the immobilize due to being able to shake it off or avoid it easily. The CD is too high as well. The immobilize portion of the skill has such a long tell it should be unblockable/unstripable to be punishing to players that don’t capitalize on the long tell,that or increase dps and reduce cast time. True shot should have had knockback added to it base skill,suits it far more considering cast time is supposed to be a charge to make the shot more powerful,a aoe heal on blind on lb 1 would be a nice little addition.also due to set up of tether with spear of Justice the damage increase on big game hunter should be baseline to due to set up and restrictions wouldn’t have been op.funny how some classes get some toys and some don’t

  8. I like the fact that fb is great support and ok damage.if u want dps use core guard,great damage and ok support or bit less dps burst but more mobility and ok support use dh. Seems like a good balance to me which is rare from arenet lol as a guard main I’m glad all guard elite specs aren’t great at everything or there’d be constant nurf posts like there is with mirage right now lol

  9. The restriction leaves the skill not used in most cases which is a waste,removing it would not make the skill op but would make it a viable substitute for another utility skill. It can be valuable in certain scenarios yes but there are always better choices than it due to the restriction. With mobility being at an all time high across the board it doesn’t make sense that it hasn’t been removed although I can see why it would have been implemented at release even though such restrictions always make the skill as clunky as it is usefull

  10. Now are the traits the problem or the staff?with all these mesmer op threads it’s getting confusing what’s op and what’s not lol seems like it’s everything.mirage could use some adjusting but all these threads are getting ridiculous. Soon we’ll have mirage walking is op or the way mirage holds its weapons is op threads popping up. Maybe we should ask for arenanet to limit what foods/utilities mesmer can use? Mirage is no more op than the boonbeast/sic em builds rangers are using,the way ranger traits and elite traits synergize can make them just as op as any mirage.tho it’s goid design for them to synergize like they do the numbers on some skills/utility skills should definitely be lower as well as some of the coefficients within they trait lines.same as holo’s,I have far more matches where I feel helpless against a holo than I ever do a mirage.until holo,soulbeast,DE,scourge aoe spam etc get toned down there’s no point in nurfing mirage to accomplish what?now those other blatantly powercrept specs can now dominate with just one less spec in their cool kids group? Ele/elites,core thief/DD,Core Engi,necro,warrior/berserker are the only specs in the whole game that arnt powercrept to some degree.im not a huge mirage player myself but most of the nurf cry’s come from an emotional place whether from multiple losses from one or because of bias which often leads to either just wanting the class gutted and ruined which is bad for the game or most ask for changes in the very mechanic that was given to the class to difine it and differentiate it from others example being mirage cloak. I’m not defending mirage as this is what happens to all classes that are over performing and probably one of many reasons arenet doesn’t listen to its players as often as we players think they should.

  11. If rev is like a warrior/thief cross mesmer is like a thief/mage cross.

    I find them very fun and a unique class type/playstyle. My only gripe is I wish I could alter the classes effects colour,not a fan of pink or purple but that’s a minor issue at most.

  12. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"Paradox.2018" said:

    > > Mirage is not so hard to take down with DD D/p but still formidable, cus it have more stealth than core and DD thief, more range, and same or even superior mobility while in combat (invul, invi, blinks, etc.. etc..)


    > Care to tell me how mirage has more stealth and mobility than dd? Thanks in advance.




    It doesn’t. It has great mobility and decent stealth but infiltrator arrow and shadow step alone makes thief more mobile

  13. I find rev far more fun to play,both are good/viable.rev has higher skill ceiling leading to more longevity regarding learning resulting in slower burnout period on the class. Not sure if fun is a big factor in ur decision and is in itself highly subjective

  14. Seems pretty populated for a dead game,and for everyone who think it’s dead is ur life at such a point ur using ur time to post in a game u feel is dead? If so I am truly sry for that. It may not be at a high point right now but dead it is not

  15. U know a class is ridiculously op when the mesmer try hardship always resort to the most ridiculous rational’s to defend their class. Yeaaahhhh that’s right don’t move or cast skills that’s how U’ll kill me,no point in running cuz my thief like mobility,so yeahhh it’s ok shhhh it’s ok just stand there and don’t attack and u’ll Sure show me lol

    So classes have to use all their utility slots for Condi removal to avoid the one class from abusing condi’s.scourge does but avoid the aoe circles and ur good. Than If torment is stacked don’t move or use skills lol nice! But we’re sopised to be aggressive to take them down but be aggressive with less movement or skill usage,also nice! Ontop of their high evades and defences they can disengage or chase as well as thief. That right there sounds like a well thought out spec and completely balanced,not sure what the community has an issue with?lol

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