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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Kyarra.8912" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Open world requires nothing

    > > It can be done naked with a stick

    > Sorry for our worthlessness, but some noobs here DO need a build and some weapon to do OW events.


    This! Some off us get very little time to play do to life and shit so our skill level may not be high and find some ow content challenging

  2. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:


    > > Condi clear is so quick and fast in this game your opponent probably clears anything you put on them within seconds which leaves you without initiative or any endurance if you are also running DD spam dodge for condis.


    > I am running DD but i am not spaming for Conditions I am dealing my dmg through Traps as i said before - I am Trapper

    > each trap = 6,5 poison 4,5 and imob + sb 4 choking field and autoattack from within field giving poison if in field

    > i got Two traps and i am also runing either Impairing daggers or distracting daggers = either another 6,5 poison + slow and imob which grants me dmg advantage through exp, weakness if i am running Distracting daggers i simply have 3 more interupts whichi timed good can be basically interrupt ever 6 seconds

    > i especially love when i see another class raise hands = flip D dagger and he be like dayumn i didnt heal myself and i got tornemnt on my kitten for 1,4k if i stand 3,3 if i move

    > on small point where we ''have'' to fight i got the advantage since i can run around it interupt foe and simply leave him step on the ground.

    > if it gets grim i swap to d/d to finish off but even then i do not spam just one 3 one 2 and then again backing off to place trap or interrupt

    > i know what i am talking about guys i play it for over a year and something i made my rotation and the recent changes didnt change almost anything for me except for LA nerf

    > so...


    > Also EDIT:

    > Choking field + autoattack from a distance is the single best +1 i can imagine you drop the field under everyones feeet and simply autattack them if you want you can use Cluster bomb now and detonate it on place since it got buffed and is actually useful now.



    Man U say u watch sindrener’s vids and think a trapper’s build is gonna stack up? U hoping he’s just gonna stroll thru them? Lol. The guys does far more than poke and reset, thief requires good positioning which I’m sure ur aware of,isn’t that the point of the quick resets? Thief is a class that requires not only knowledge of the class but a good knowledge of the class ur fighting,sind has both. U don’t get the rep he has these days where people wanna tear u down more than lift u up(u seem like this guy) without playing at a high level of skill on a constant basis.ontop he takes the time to stream vids and has no problems gives tips to help thieves perform better so u ranting and throwing insults at the guy just discredits all the shit u say.plus who the fuck cares if he presses his buttons hard?what kinda shit is that? Lol and who are u again?

  3. This whole thread is funny,soulbeast is broken,anyone defending it knows it but who cares? It’s great for pve and that’s all that really matters. U guys are going back and forth for what? To improve the balance of ranger for gw2’s pvp modes? Gw2 pvp modes are complete garbage haha and is going to be barren soon,every mmo has its far share of rage quit post but this year gw has to have made a record. Good job arenet team lol the pvp is a mash of the cheesiest builds players could produce exploiting the garbage balance arenet has achieved and wvw is nothing more than blobs running forward with thier fb and scourge Condi spam circles and outside of those u got ur holo, soulbeast and mirage’s all using the same cheese builds. And all the community complains about arenet garbage balancing yet it’s the community choosing these builds helping arenet kill the game so what’s the point of these constant nerf threads lol who cares just play till u quit too lol

  4. Not only is it questionable how arenet with the experience they have they in any way were so absent minded(to put it nicely) to make a spec like DE in a game offers pvp modes lol I wonder what other developers or balance teams would say if they saw the state of DE,mirage and soulbeast compared to the states of other classes. Another question is what kind of player finds DE enjoyable to play?children? Or players who are such low skill at playing mmo’s they have to resort to perma cheese one shots lol I’d be embarrassed to be running around as a DE haha

  5. > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > > > > @"Exitus.3297" said:

    > > > > > > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Exitus.3297" said:

    > > > > > > > > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > > > > > > > > @"Exitus.3297" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > @"syszery.1592" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > @"omgdracula.6345" said:

    > > > > > > > > > > > People in here really trying to defend stealth on dodge? **That is the single most broken mechanic I have seen.** You are literally defending something that has no cooldown other than your stamina limitation that gives extreme benefits to the user. Hell it doesn't even have an ICD.

    > > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > > Ok, you must be pretty new to this game, right? a) Stamina is a real restriction and b) Mirage Cloak (1s dodge + can be used while stunned), Soulbeast boon stacking (in particular the damage+sustain resulting from this), Rampage and Holosmith are all perfectly balanced, right?

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > Yes, Endurance is a restriction. But when you have 3-4 seconds of stealth per dodge to stall the fight, with plenty of ways to increase the flow of Endurance, one has to ask how restrictive it actually is when implemented in this way.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > I also find it interesting that you point out that Endurance has restrictions, just to use Mirage Cloak as a counter-example to back up your point when it is also limited to Endurance. Is Mirage Cloak too strong in its current implementation or not? I can imagine you might be equally annoyed by someone arguing "Well, it's limited to Endurance so it's balanced" in order to defend it. Keep in mind, I am fully aware of how frustrating it is to fight a Mirage as any class besides a Thief.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > > But I digress. Your counter-argument seems to be "These classes over here are equally if not more unbalanced." Perhaps you are correct, but it is irrelevant to this discussion. Each of the classes mentioned have their own threads/discussions on what to do with them.

    > > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > I didn't mean to give counter examples. I was just referring to the claim that Silent Scope would be _"the single most broken mechanic"_ in the game. That's why I mentioned e.g. Mirage Cloak which is in my opinion at least as strong as Stealth on Dodge. But I agree that mentioning Souldbeast and Holosmith is problematic, because it's not one mechanic that makes them so good atm but several skills that functions very well together.

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > The problem is that Deadeye was just redesigned to function like this: Stack Malice and then execute a stealth attack for a major advantage. But how should this work if you have no good access to stealth? Like e.g. on Shortbow and Sword/Pistol? So just removing the stealth trait would basically make Rifle no longer really fitting the design (yes, you can use Kneel + Sniper's Cover + Free Action + Death's Retreat but that's ridiculous and you would die trying this against any competent opponent...) which would also be stupid because it's _the_ Weapon for Deadeyes...

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > Also, stealth is the only real defensive mechanic in nearly any Deadeye build. I mean (in WvW at least) you can run Acrobatics over Deadly Arts or Critical Strikes but this will significantly lower your damage (which is what many people want, lowering the burst) and one basically only does this to get more frequent use of Silent Scope anyway. And besides this option there is nothing left: No Rifle-skill has a build-in evade (like S/D), block or any kind of damage mitigation. You don't even have an interrupt, an unblockable attack or a reliable blind...

    > > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > > To sum it up: Most people believe that bringing back the old Silent Scope would fix the problem with high stealth uptime. But it is simple not true... Even before the redesign it was possible to have this amount of stealth. It was basically just better because you had stealth + dodge whenever you need it (at the cost of fluent gameplay)... Now you more or less _waste_ energy if you are forced to dodge while Revealed. But that's what most people who just qq don't understand.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I agree that Silent Scope is not the _most broken_ mechanic in the game. It is however a mechanic I think most of us can give good commentary/criticism on since I'm assuming the lot of us in this thread are Thief mains.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > Stealth is definitely a defensive mechanic as well as an offensive mechanic that is crucial for the Deadeye due to how their Malice expenditure works. They do absolutely need that quick and easy access to stealth. This is why I was glad ANet added a stealth to Deadeye stolen skills (they were borderline useless without it). The issue is that in its current form, there is too much reward for very little risk or investment. It's simply a dumb mechanic that is needlessly frustrating to fight against. Nevermind the fact that the Malice stacking you mentioned doesn't seem to affect the Deadeye the way it should because it is very frequent that they completely ignore its purpose and just outright burst the target from stealth.

    > > > > > > >

    > > > > > > > I'm also of the opinion that Shadow Arts generally needs to be addressed as it is a key player in the "perma-stealth" issue. I've stated in the past that it is a generally unhealthy traitline that rewards passive gameplay (with the exception of Rending Shade) which ANet generally frowns upon, which is why it is so surprising they haven't touched it. It's in a bizarre limbo where it's useless in some settings but frustrating to fight in others. My point here is I agree with you that this is a multi-faceted issue.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > SA needs rework, but it's not mandatory for perms stealth.

    > > > > > > Main problems with deadeye:

    > > > > > > 1. High opening burst.

    > > > > > > 2. Easy access to stealth.

    > > > > > > 3. Crazy amount of stealth.

    > > > > > > 1st and 3rd point are not bad by themselfs. What makes this combo broken is adding these 2 AND also 2nd point - silent scope, that gives deadeye way to easy reset potential. U just swap to rifle, dodge roll once or twice and reset completely. That's unacceptable to leave this as it is cuz it promotes way to low risk, high reward gameplay.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > That pretty much sums up the issue here.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > SA is still a poorly balanced trait line though.

    > > > >

    > > > > This sums up nothing. It just is a list that more or less characterize what defines the current meta: a) have good burst and b) bring enough sustain (and mobility for roaming).

    > > > >

    > > > > Replace 3 by "Crazy amount of sustain" and you basically have characterized what fighting an engineer feels like... Or replace 3 by "Crazy sustain" and add 4 "Easily apply many boons" and you have described Soulbeast... Oh, how about replacing 3 by "Crazy amount of defensive cds" and add 4 "Ridiculous mobility" and you characterized Mesmer? Should I go on?

    > > > >

    > > > > This list of so-called "main problems" (for Deadeye) is just a list of things you don't like to deal with and hence just cry for nerfs.

    > > >

    > > > Holos and sb have a balance issues, while deadeye and mirage are just trashly designed(or both of this problems).

    > > > If u tune down the soul beast or holo fighting them won't be a big problem, while mirage with mirage cloak still will be cancer, and deadeye will still be able to reset in every possible situation, until the mechanics won't be changed.

    > > > There is a difference between numbers and bad design

    > >

    > > And what is the problem if someone resets? You also get out of combat, heal to full hp and your skills come off cd... So no one should really get a huge advantage out of that.


    > The problem I think they are bringing up as far as reset is that you can make a mistake and not worry about it. Missed a skill? Reset, Got caught and punished? Reset. Someone got the jump on me? Reset.


    Issue is if they couldn’t reset no one would play the class. Due to how little damage they can sustain they would have to out play and make zero mistakes every fight to stand a chance at a win in the 1v1 fight.arenet would have to make some changes to make their mistakes a little more forgiving

  6. > @"Caelthar.7513" said:

    > Thank you all for your input.

    > I might add that I'm not interested in playing "That one number 1 build", but something I'd enjoy. Nothing kills profession enjoyment for me as using all my skills in crazy burst and then waiting for cooldowns (see my revenant commentary).


    > Based on ZeftheWicked's description, I'm leaning towards Ranger because of that fluidity and complexity he describes. That's the main reason I like Engineer so much. Plus I've played ranged classes in most games, sword Holosmith being my first "main" melee character across multiple games.

    > Thank you very much :)


    Cant go wrong with ranger!

  7. > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

    > > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

    > > > @"Prophet.1584" said:

    > >

    > >

    > > > thief can have multiple shadowsteps to move the same distance you mentioned and more

    > >

    > > You do realize to achieve 2200 disengage on a thief, assuming no immediate perfectly-placed 1200-unit-far-away ambient creature, it requires a weapon swap to a weapon which has very little combat potential, a minimum of 12 initiative (full bar 100-0 forcing all skills on its kit to a minimum 3s cooldown from 3 left over from Preparedness, assuming Trickery - 6s otherwise - for a single cast of one ability) and a 20-50 second cooldown (at best, traited Steal, at worst, shadowstep), right? That's literally complaining about a spec burning almost every single resource it has - from full resources - just to not die. And then it has no kill pressure for 10 seconds and must be within 900 range.

    > >

    > > Yes, a thief can absolutely cover more distance than a ranger in theory, but it's also the entire existence of its defense/how it was and has been balanced since beta, and needs to burn way more resources at virtually every point in any scenario to disengage than soulbeast.

    > >

    > > Soulbeast's mobility is a problem because its mobility, similar to Mirage, is basically without any real semblance of resource cost. Like I posted above, the same is said about its damage and its defense. Almost zero major sacrifices are made relative to other professions.


    > @"DeceiverX.8361" I only want to say ... 2 skills ... that's all ... Shadowstep and then Infiltrator's Arrow ... 1200+ 3x900 = 3900 range. That's it, nothing more ... eventually 1 invisibility skill too at the end.

    > Please tell me what class can follow a thief with these 2 skills? And believe me, there are MANY thieves who are using these skills without losing any damage/pressure on the enemy.

    > What you say about swap weapon, little potential combat, CD on the skills, etc is nonsense ... because ranger also or any other class it will be on CD on the running skills. Swoop for birds, swoop on Greatsword are used in combat too, and maybe exact on the time you need it to run away it will be on CD. So please, don't tell us that the runner class of GW2 or the best class with disengage ability is not a Thief, but ranger or other class. I can prove you any time and any second that a zerk (glass cannon) thief cand go in the middle of 2-5 enemies, killed someone, and then disappear even he has only 15k HP. The only other class who can do this is Messmer, not Ranger, not Warrior, no one. Why? Because these 2 class, Thief and Mesmer, have the best abilities for going in stealth many seconds and teleport.

    > Have a good night!


    Yeah problem isn’t as simple as that, a thief shadowssteps than swaps to IA and after 2 shots has to run until 5 ini opens up,often dagger storms on CD from fight.ranger doesn’t have to catch up to thief only needs to keep close enough to range down with its lb which isn’t hard I do this a lot easily with gs/lb and owl lol I Never out right catch em but my bow drops them a lot of times before they get away

  8. > @"sinsrock.1702" said:

    > > @"RedShark.9548" said:



    > > well obviously they could have just walked into one of their structures, so technically you shouldnt win that fight, but neither should they....

    > > the thing is, thief can just reset time and time again (especially against guards) until the guards make a big mistake, or have something big on cd.


    > I just recently switched to a guard I was wanting to run DH which is what im currently learning to play but WOW man they REALLY have no mobility at all lol it really sucks for roaming xD thanks for the comments :) I definitely think that guards should be able to destroy a thief if they have the right stuff " currently running DH lb and messing around with core guard atm too :)


    Radiant,virtues and dh, spec soaring devastation for +25% movement speed and ji. Gs amd sword/focus. It’s not as mobile as a lot of the classes but that might make it more bearable for u lol, with ji and precast focus 4 than gs 2 can do well +1 enemies aswell. Core guard has great burst but less mobility


  9. Wether a class is more complex than another is a completely personal thing I think because although ranger had more damage types I find guard more complex due to having imo a more complex defensive mechanics,having low hp and relying on block thru Aegis,retaliations,reflects etc. I find managing fb tomes and timing their skills if solo to be more complex than Druid avatar. Although I really like soulbeast the gs skills are just as basic,utilities if running meta builds are just boon applications and damage modifiers. Both have easy rotations.other than core Engi, ele and weaver no classes are that complex. Guard skills are just more enjoyable to look at in my opinion lol

  10. > @"Max Kolanko.7068" said:

    > Scourge has clear weakness. He is easy to kite and he isnt mobile. He isnt great duelist.

    > He has his niche - area denial and condi removal/very hard condi dmg.

    > Thats what I call a good design.


    I agree with that exept good design doesn’t involve a specs main function to spam mindlessly in a area

  11. > @"Max Kolanko.7068" said:

    > There is so many problems with Gw2 PvP. You can write an essay about balance only. I will write a lost of problems that arenanet didnt address and I dont belive that they will ever address it:

    > - balance (or lack of it) - it is directly a result of frequency that balance patches are introduced. They are big and they are rare. It is quite different way of introducing balance changes than any PvP focused game like LoL or Dota. In Leagueoflegends - the biggest competitive game - small balance patch is introduced every 2 weeks and big changes are introduced with midseason/preseason patches.

    > -visual clarity - it is a result of graphic style. It is pretty impossible to get a very clear gameplay with the graphic style. It can be better with some changes but nothing spectacular can be made to improve it.

    > - limited amount of gamemodes - Stronghold and spvp are the only 2 modes that can count as competitive gamemodes. It is very small amount in comparison with other mmorpg titles. Limited amount of gamemodes shows how much attention have pve in comparison to pvp.

    > - design choices and frustrating mechanics. I dont really understand how devs could make so good designed spec like scourge/holo/druid and then they have introduced so bad designed spec like deadeye. Deadeye is a perfect example how even a good idea can bring terrible results.


    Scourge well designed? Or did u mean to put it next to deadeye? Lol

  12. When I was having any issues radiant,virtues and dh, think it’s templates called radiant greatsword worked great. Gs with sceptre/focus was what I found was most versatile. If u meet any tough baddies hit enemies with focus 4 than gs5 or gs2 than immediately hit judges intervention. A lot of times all the sword projectiles will hit the one enemy deleting them out right,champs not so much obviously lol

  13. I don’t enjoy mesmers or any of their spec so I am in no way biased. It’s no secret they are over preforming and have been for a while,the class is too loaded. With that said a lot of mesmer mains admit the class is op and offered up a lot of changes that would have toned them down but in arenanet fashion the didn’t listen and nurfed things the had little effect on the builds that were a problem. Sounds like what they did to core thief and DE lol there are a lot of mesmer vids out there showcasing how little effect the nurfs had on mirages problem builds

  14. > @"Trittium.9104" said:

    > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > @"Trittium.9104" said:

    > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

    > > > >

    > > > > What's that single button on mirage that apply 15 stacks to you of every single condi in the game? I wanna use that magic button too.

    > > > >

    > > > > The way you described the builds shows off an high ignorance about the game even tho you stated to play it since 5 years.

    > > > >

    > > > > Maybe with the new elite specs did you remain outdated and never played one yourself to know how they works?

    > > > >

    > > > > Could be.

    > > >

    > > > Or maybe it's Hyperbole (but relevant) and you could contribute to the conversation or just leave. I've dumped more time into this x-pac then any other x-pac of any other game ever. I'm well aware of what I'm talking about, but once again -- Hyperbole -- over your head I guess.

    > >

    > > No point on making hyperboles and jokes then, if you have something against those profession, analyse the traits or skills that for you are broken and maybe suggest a change.

    > >

    > > Tell me one example of one meta build recent or from the past which wasn't "cheesy"?

    > > If a build it's meta, means it works and outshine all the other builds, and for this reason it's cheesy?

    > >

    > > If i wanna roam in wvw and be a good roamer who flip camps, get sentries kill dolyaks, what are my best options to survive and do well this? Playing a meta roaming build.

    > > If i wasn't constantly ganked 1vs2 1vs3 1vs4 1vs5 etc. Maybe I wasn't forced to play something like mirage (even tho it's a very fun profession for me) and I could try even other builds, but being wvw all about ganking, the only build that helps me survive and sometimes win outnumbers is condi mirage, so I do play it.


    > Good for you. If you aren't going to contribute to the thread please move on.


    I think he was agreeing with u in a way stating he was pushed to playing a meta build to survive in wvw

  15. > @"Wukie.1794" said:

    > Maybe I am wrong, but I feel like the weapon that an elite specialization unlocks shouldn't be garbage to use. I was so excited to finish unlocking Dragon Hunter, turns out I am yet ANOTHER profession using a greatsword. Starting to feel like no matter what I choose I end up with a kitten greatsword.


    It was decent as well as traps but soon after as usual when something another class has is effective all non guard players whined like babies to nurf it,welcome to gw2 community

  16. > @"Bazsi.2734" said:

    > I know how to fix deadeye, here is what needs to be changed:


    > Dodgerolling applies reveal for 5 minutes, stacks up to 3 days. This reveal does not activate the "Revealed Training" trait, nor can it be removed.

    > Silent Scope makes rifle sounds somewhat less loud.

    > Malicious Intent: you get very angry when thinking about killing the enemy, which creates an omnious area around you that's visible even if you're in stealth.

    > Be Quick or Be Killed: you have only a few seconds to kill someone or you die. You can't respawn after that.


    > I think this is a well thought out and balanced suggestion that would make DE feel so much better.



    Might want to add removes itself from thief profession entirely,or nurf cry’s will still come in masses solely because it’s thief lol

  17. I to would love a moderate damage increase to lb. it’s a cool design skill wise and most importantly fun to use but the dps blows unless opponent is tearhered with big game slotted standing in a symbol which sybilic evenger etc trailed lol adding 15% damege increased to bow skills to spear of Justice active would be awesome. Also somthing a little extra to the knock back grandmaster trait to make if feel more like a grandmaster trait would be great. The lb seems mostly for utility but this way with a realistic set up it could do decent damage as well

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