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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. Man when will nurf cries stop? The ji pre load casting has been a trick used for how long? Compared to other thing in this game that’s one of the things that triggers u? Reminds me when dh was released and nurf cries came in about the traps, the kitten traps that the dh has to lay AT ITS FEET AND triggered haha so a skill that requires set up and is laid at the players feet was op damage wise? Lol course cuz seems silly arenet nurfed them cuz why not. And revs are finally doing well and ur complaining? I don’t play rev but I’m glad people who do are doing well with the class,in the past they were always said to be the worst so I think they deserve a good spot these days

  2. > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > If u don’t mind me asking what spec I roaming on?

    > Me? I came back to the game some months ago and stick to DH as well, and SpB. Just because they somewhat counter that laughable burst damage madness, and are quite potent in outnumbered fight :# Its quite fun, and as I said, one can still win vs. OP build+low skill players.




  3. The bow is dh theme, spear of Justice active should include 15%damage increase to bow skill when performed on tethered opponents. Knockback grandmaster tho usefull at times is a silly grandmaster and should include another boon of some sort to make it befitting a grandmaster trait. Just my opinion, that way the bow is a good utility weapon but with set up can do decent dps

  4. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > I used to play with this guy who would play core engi no matter the "meta" no matter what we needed him to play. He did it so he could have the psychological win at the end of the day. If he lost he would just say "of course I lost I'm playing core engi." If he won he would say "wow this guy is trash he lost to a core engi." No matter what he had a way to make himself feel like he was the underdog, that the odds were against him. Sometimes he would lose a lot one day and complain about how op everything else was. I feel like this op could've been written by him.


    One one hand props to him for playing what he enjoyed and not what the meta dictates,on the other if he was in a organized group sometimes that comes with the responsibility to work with the group and fill the job that’s required even if it’s not what u like doing,but that comes with excepting a request to join a organized group. Complaining of losses aren’t helping anymore either lol I roam on dh and eat dirt big time a lot, not best Roamer but doesn’t have to be,it’s just fun lol

  5. > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can


    > You talk as if people didn't complained about Deadeye since Day 1 from PoF.


    Oh they did lol and as a result core/DD got further nurfed and DE got buffed. There was a large majority with in the community that warned a sniper spec would be a disaster balance wise in a mmo’s pvp mode but a larger majority wanted it and they got it lol an invisibilie sniper at that lol. But it kinda fits into the invulnerability holo,boonbeast/zerk lb,endure pain warrior,Condi Mirage,Condi spam scourge meta cheese builds so their balanced as far as I’m concerned haha. Thief needs somthing,their so hated by the community they aren’t allowed buffs it seems unless it’s DE buffs due to arenet promoting its newest spec. Imagine a s/d core fighting these builds? Yeah be a real balanced fight lol

  6. > @"enkidu.5937" said:

    > For me, personally, losing vs. such builds is not the problem, but its just unfun to play vs. such build.


    > There's no skill-based matchmaking in WvW, so one encounters all sorts of skill. There also isn't a limitation to the numbers in each roaming encounter, so even if one has found a 1 vs. 1, it might end up in a 2 vs. 5, or a 20 vs. 1 :o Consequently, one also has some wins vs. OP build + low skill, or vs. OP builds + outnumbered.


    > But theres simply not much fun to play vs. builds, that stack dodge/evade, or damage, or mobility, or stealth . . . And with "stack" I clearly do not mean 2 or 3 synergetic skills / traits :#


    If u don’t mind me asking what spec I roaming on?

  7. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > Meh, by reading the forum I already learned, that 80 % of its users got no idea what healthy gameplay is and they will just defend their easy way to play.

    > Can't agree with op at all points, but yes, certainly all specs are overcreeped and needs to be tuned down


    I agree! The fact that people in this community actually defend the state that wvw is in right now makes me not only question the the state of the community as well as where the pvp modes as a whole will end up in the future considering it’s the community not just arenet that drives the meta. With that said OP u either have to just decide to not care and just play what u enjoy and have fun,outcome doesn’t matter if ur having a good time in the end OR as the saying goes if u cant beat them join them lol


  8. > @"LaFurion.3167" said:

    > Trying to roam on core s/d thief, getting 1v3 1v4 by condi mirage and 2 boon beasts, all day every day.


    > Trying to play a melee class on 220ping on a good day.


    > I really wish we had an arena queue system. Why 2v2 was removed I will never know, but after I have enough clips for my next wvw commentary video, i'll just reroll to dead eye cheese and pick and choose my fights instead of walking for 5 minutes and getting chased accross the map by 4 decked out pew pew rangers AND a holo smith AND a condi mirage who chase me like I'll drop a chak infusion.


    > I don't like pvp, it is super toxic, full of bots, and elitists, the mmr system is broken, and i hate the circle holding aspect of it. So I play wvw. I love roaming but the "fights" are few and farrrrrrr in between.


    > I'll see you all as a dead eye guys and girls! perma stealth and just instantly remove revealed when I fail my one shot, lets see 5 guys try to chase me 500 miles for a loot bag as dead eye.



    > Yes I am super annoyed. WHY is it so important for a gang of five to chase down and annihilate a core thief? WHY is there no new pvp game mode after 6 years that we can just queue up for? People have been asking it for years and the arena system was a hit...



    > whatever. perma invis dead eye cheese will be my wvw contribution from now on, no more dueling attempts getting run over. losers. absolute losers. omg its a core thief we'll just pop 2 sic em and zephyr and chase him accross the map for no reason other than to kill him because he has no other game mode to go to hurr durr. yeah the condi mirage can join in too because even though he can make an ARMY he still is IMPOSSSIBLE to run from and has more mobility than soul beasts... idk why zzz.




    > While we're at it lets make this a "bad experiences" thread. Whats your stressfull wvw experience? Mine is having to run around for ages hoping for a fight then having some randoms come jump in, all day every day for the past 3 days.



    Trying to duel in wvw on core thief in today’s version of the game mode is asking to be frustrated,it’s weak as kitten now. Although people still argue core is still a top dueler like the old days,not sure if they truly believe that or just like them nurfed into the ground as they’ve been and are afraid of them getting buffed and standing a chance in a fight. Let’s face it people love downing thief’s lol. DE perma stealth backstabing doesn’t help either lol. I’ve said many times all these nurfs to core and DD ontop of non thief players falsely claiming it’s in a good spot due to their dislike of the class hoping to keep it weak are gonna make a large majority of core players to get frustrated and jump on the DE perma stealth train. Than the community turns around and whines about all the DE players haha it’s hilarious. I say do it, Go DE for sure and cheese as many people as u can as often as u can

  9. > @"Sontaran.5904" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Ur best bet is to mess around with all the weapon combo’s and just use what u enjoy the most. DE perma stealth rifle/dp is probably ur best bet if results are ur main prerogative. Unfortunately all the viable builds thief had continually got nurfed into the ground due to nurf cries. S/d is probably ur best duel oriented set but be warned will only be effective if ur skill level on thief are high and relies on u having a very good understanding of how other classes work as a whole. Although some of the community seemed to think thief is a top dueler, who knows maybe it will be for u.as uve already gathered sb is amazing for travel/disengagement


    > It's good advice, but it's definitely tough when roaming in tier 1 right now. I took a long break, and I came back after a bunch of thief nerfs. I just need to get my bearings and push on with the sets I enjoy!


    Exactly! U’ll l lose some and win some,just have fun, that’s what matters. The games has a lot of powercreep in it and other than DE thief kinda got left behind so a lot of ur match ups will seem one sided but don’t get triggered or frustrated cuz things are always changing around in this game. Plus if core thief or DD ever get buffed to the level of other classes ur gonna be a monster to fight at that point lol

  10. Ur best bet is to mess around with all the weapon combo’s and just use what u enjoy the most. DE perma stealth rifle/dp is probably ur best bet if results are ur main prerogative. Unfortunately all the viable builds thief had continually got nurfed into the ground due to nurf cries. S/d is probably ur best duel oriented set but be warned will only be effective if ur skill level on thief are high and relies on u having a very good understanding of how other classes work as a whole. Although some of the community seemed to think thief is a top dueler, who knows maybe it will be for u.as uve already gathered sb is amazing for travel/disengagement

  11. I just don’t understand why whirling defenses doing more damage than 100 blades is a concern. All skills do various amounts of damage and just happens wd does more than 100 blades, why does it matter? Whirling axe’s doesn’t root you like wd and a lot would argue a damage loss for not being rooted would be superior to more damage rooted. So one could argue why should ranger be rooted when warrior can use whirling axe’s un rooted?

  12. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I’ve seen great core necro’s so gues there in a great spot to. We’ve all seen great players on all classes so by u and few others logic thier all in great spots lol so gues balance achieved,good job arenet lol

    > See, you do understand it.


    Haha I think I do! The way forums are around here DE must be most balanced of all,seems like a lot of players are performing well on it and are using it to its potential lol thanks for changing my outlook :)

  13. > @"Dino.2743" said:

    > Thanks mate, I should definitely try that! Funny enough, the furthest I've gotten in PVE was to Heart of Thorns starting zone, even though I played the game for like 2 years. It just wasn't fun with Thief, but should be with Ranger. :D


    I did exact same thing as u, thief in pve is very spammy and not a lot of variations with its rotations which gets boring fast,although it was fun in pvp before DE and the yrs of nurfs. If ur used to thief ull enjoy all the flavor ranger had with its rotations,weapons,pet taming/skills when u get soulbeast. Try and get soulbeast as soon as u can, for me was like ranger 2.0 lol. Anyway have fun

  14. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Halo,soulbeast, mirage and warrior rule the 1v1’s Eles and thief’s have to out play their opponents unless they are against the few they counter, or players not aware of their surroundings, been ganked by few DE’s but if they fail the burst which is often their dead or they run because they can’t do anything else lol.guards are great 1v1 aswell just don’t have any disengaging capabilities unless dh and even then not good of pressured by out numbered fights that consist of classes with better mobility. People complain about thiefs ability to reset even though their sustain is to low to stay and fight and lets be real here, these days classes like holo,soulbeast mirage list goes on can reset mid fight while laughing, they don’t need to reposition lol


    > Hahaha the times of warrior being on a number one spot in 1v1s are long gone, what year are you playing at? 2013?


    Who said warrior was #1? I believe I said mirage,ranger,engi(holo) and warrior last. So u think in 1v1 sbr or core warrior don’t fare well against necro,thief and guard? Sry I forgot to put rev in list lol

  15. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Emi.4152" said:

    > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > > > @"Emi.4152" said:

    > > > > I'm honestly surprised by thief being in 4th for 1 v 1. at least in my own experience.

    > > > >

    > > > > Mesmer 20/ 80 ish for the thief if power. 60 / 40 if condi? but only if they feel like sticking around. something like that

    > > > > Ranger hardcounters thief. at equal skill levels there is no reason a ranger should ever lose

    > > > > Engineer hardcounters thief. or rather, holo hardcounters thief. if the stars align the thief might have a chance?

    > > > > Warrior 50 / 50 if skilled vs skilled. low to average skill level matchups would be heavily in the warrior's favor i would think.

    > > > > Revenant 70 / 30? ish in the favor of the rev

    > > > > Elementalist like 70 / 30 ish in favor of ele. unless its yolo fresh air... then... who knows~

    > > > > Guardian hardcounters thief and has done so since the beginning of the game

    > > > > Necro depends on skill level... at lower skill levels its really easy for the necro to random down a thief. skilled vs skilled would favor the thief like 20/ 80? but a necro that knows how to 1 v 1 and doesn't panic is super rare so...

    > > > >

    > > > > yes, a 'good' thief should be able to position perfectly, bait skills out, and out maneuver against 'insert profession here' but against an equally good player they would be able to counter a thief in just as many ways. there are almost no favorable match ups for thief and a bunch of hardcounters running around in wvw. most zerg builds have enough sustain to reach a safe tower unless they're being dumb and decide that, "of course, why shouldn't i be able to beat that roamer on my zerg build?"

    > > > >

    > > > > the irony is out of all the classes i could find all alone in wvw... i'm most excited to find another thief... since then i'm almost guaranteed to get a bag.

    > > >

    > > > I would be inclined to side with your analysis of thief if I had not seen a highly skilled thief in action.

    > > >

    > > > I saw a sword pistol core thief defeat a skilled boonbeast 1 on 1 with well timed interrupts and bursts.

    > > > I've seen that boonbeast dueling others and his win rate was usually at least 90%.

    > > > It was just mind-blowing at a stage when everyone (except corrupt necros) seems to be struggling against boonbeast builds, which are becoming just as prevalent as LB builds.

    > >

    > > i mean.. no offense but... how often do you see that happen? yes, i've seen 1 thief beat a big bad boonbeast therefore thief must be a strong 1 v 1er. there's a gap in logic there somewhere...


    > Yes, the gap in logic is your average personal experience in your average tier with the enemies you meet on average vs the known capabilities of the class in the hands of good players.


    > The class **should** be judged on the latter.


    > Its like... I can beat 9 out of 10 condi mirages I meet in a 1v1. Because I bring cleanse. And I can also beat 9 out of 10 thieves. Because I bring sustain.


    > Should I argue that the mesmer and thief is the worst 1v1 classes based on how often I see good players?


    > No because thats not really representative of the capabilities of the class. The good players set the standard. Anything else just indicate how *easy* it is against players that cant fight the class.


    Yeah no! If a player has to be really skilled to play a class and be as effective as all other classes with average players than somthing is wrong,like ur logic. I’ve seen great core necro’s so gues there in a great spot to. We’ve all seen great players on all classes so by u and few others logic thier all in great spots lol so gues balance achieved,good job arenet lol

  16. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > I saw a sword pistol core thief defeat a skilled boonbeast 1 on 1 with well timed interrupts and bursts.

    > > I've seen that boonbeast dueling others and his win rate was usually at least 90%.

    > > It was just mind-blowing at a stage when everyone (except corrupt necros) seems to be struggling against boonbeast builds, which are becoming just as prevalent as LB builds.

    > I had a duel on S/P thief with a boonbeast. It was a 10 minute stall match. No chance of killing each other. We both moved on then.


    > I doubt S/P can reliably kill that cancerbeast. Sword is too static and predicable. Just move to 1200 range to recover (ez for a boonbeast) and the thief can't reach you anymore with instant bursts as long as steal is on cooldown.


    > So I think your boonbeast had pretty bad positioning.


    U sir are a very good player to pose a draw on boonbeast.

  17. > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

    > > @"Emi.4152" said:

    > > I'm honestly surprised by thief being in 4th for 1 v 1. at least in my own experience.

    > >

    > > Mesmer 20/ 80 ish for the thief if power. 60 / 40 if condi? but only if they feel like sticking around. something like that

    > > Ranger hardcounters thief. at equal skill levels there is no reason a ranger should ever lose

    > > Engineer hardcounters thief. or rather, holo hardcounters thief. if the stars align the thief might have a chance?

    > > Warrior 50 / 50 if skilled vs skilled. low to average skill level matchups would be heavily in the warrior's favor i would think.

    > > Revenant 70 / 30? ish in the favor of the rev

    > > Elementalist like 70 / 30 ish in favor of ele. unless its yolo fresh air... then... who knows~

    > > Guardian hardcounters thief and has done so since the beginning of the game

    > > Necro depends on skill level... at lower skill levels its really easy for the necro to random down a thief. skilled vs skilled would favor the thief like 20/ 80? but a necro that knows how to 1 v 1 and doesn't panic is super rare so...

    > >

    > > yes, a 'good' thief should be able to position perfectly, bait skills out, and out maneuver against 'insert profession here' but against an equally good player they would be able to counter a thief in just as many ways. there are almost no favorable match ups for thief and a bunch of hardcounters running around in wvw. most zerg builds have enough sustain to reach a safe tower unless they're being dumb and decide that, "of course, why shouldn't i be able to beat that roamer on my zerg build?"

    > >

    > > the irony is out of all the classes i could find all alone in wvw... i'm most excited to find another thief... since then i'm almost guaranteed to get a bag.


    > I would be inclined to side with your analysis of thief if I had not seen a highly skilled thief in action.


    > I saw a sword pistol core thief defeat a skilled boonbeast 1 on 1 with well timed interrupts and bursts.

    > I've seen that boonbeast dueling others and his win rate was usually at least 90%.

    > It was just mind-blowing at a stage when everyone (except corrupt necros) seems to be struggling against boonbeast builds, which are becoming just as prevalent as LB builds.


    That would have been cool to see for sure. Thing is that player is probably skilled enough on most classes and do the same. Thing is if u need to be at a very high skill level to be effective and stand a chance against most classes and the fact thief is known for that compared to other professions makes a statement in on itself

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