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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of kitten!


    > There was a video couple of years ago of sanic doing precisely that with nomad staff dd. If anyone knows the link care to share it here.


    Powercreep is on a different level from 2 yrs ago and DD has ate nurfs since,2 yr vid is irrelevant when comparing to today’s iteration of the game. Yea and that spell breaker was op at that time to,what does that change? Druids sustain was hit by nurfs due to constant op complaints so? Pointing out when other classes were over performing doesn’t mean mes isnt.

  2. I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of shit!

  3. > @"Skada.1362" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Was just in wvw and a Chrono was 1vs5 and it took the group multiple tries to down him,people on sidelines where commenting cmon guys can’t be that hard,they finally downed him after almost 10 mins of all five on him,a few died and respawned and rejoined the fight, seems real balanced lol can’t believe anyone would defend this class as not being op. It ridiculously obvious,


    > I can go full Nomad Daredevil and achieve even better results. Same thing can be said about many, many classes. HURR DURRRR Subjectivizzzm


    I call BS on that hard

  4. Druid in the good old days may have came close but would have done significantly less damage,boonbeast maybe a 3v1 if the rangers good but won’t be hopping around 5 opponents in between resets like it’s nothing. Even all specs of guards would drop fast to focus like that once it used all its sustain skills up

  5. I agree,with that said no class should have access to a build that out sustains 5 opponents beating on it, the group had to regroup multiple times to reset their cooldowns multiple times. Whether or not it’s effective in large groups doesn’t make that ok in any way . The Chrono was hopping between the group waiting for the next group go at him lol. I amagine solo or group roaming or in pvp he’d be ridiculous

  6. Was just in wvw and a Chrono was 1vs5 and it took the group multiple tries to down him,people on sidelines where commenting cmon guys can’t be that hard,they finally downed him after almost 10 mins of all five on him,a few died and respawned and rejoined the fight, seems real balanced lol can’t believe anyone would defend this class as not being op. It ridiculously obvious,

  7. Unless ur doing the DE perma stealth backstab flav of the month thief hits like his weapons are foam these days,s/d is joke compared to the damage other classes do.i agree with the dh suggestion,wings,gs leap and judges intervention give it ok mobility and has actual viable burst damage, plus u can get 25% movement increase if u slate soaring devastation.

  8. > @"Nimon.7840" said:

    > 10 much Needed necro nerfs:


    > 1. If you corrupt a boon, also corrupt a boon from allies around you

    > 2. If necro downs another player, necro also goes Downstate but with only 20% of the normal Downstate healthpool

    > 3. Whenever the necro gets swiftness, it's automatically converted into cripple

    > 4. While wielding a greatsword, you are applied with slow for 2minutes (1 second interval)

    > 5. Necro can no longer crit. Dmg of all skills increased by 2%

    > 6. Sand savant cd/recharge rate increased by 100000%

    > 7. After moving 300units, necro gets knocked down for 3 seconds

    > 8. Maximum lifeforce reduced by 90% because necro has high healthpool

    > 9. All healing necro receives is reduced by 99%

    > 10. All cooldown and casttime are increased by 200%


    U stole that right from one of balance team members office didn’t u? Seems pretty legit tho still a bit too op!

  9. > @"James.1065" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Why would arenet give reaper such a mechanic as reaper shroud? It basically makes necro invincible and last what seems like forever. I seen a reaper 1v15 last night using just shroud and shroud 5 skill,one shot all 15 players.than it used it’s crazy op with teleport and sprectral walk to basically transverse to the other side of the map in 2 seconds just to gank a whole Zerg.just ridiculous


    > You have to stop using drugs while playing. Shroud decays naturally and is destroyed with damage.


    > No one will survive 3v1 let alone 15v1


    > Grow up


    Haha this guy!

  10. > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

    > > > @"bluri.2653" said:

    > > > AnetBenP: I checked on the infiltration rune bug. It still exists, but a fix is being worked on. It sounds like the skills guys are aware of swinder's equilibrium issue as well.

    > >

    > > Thanks for posting this here even though it's a bit funny we didn't get the latter part here from Ben or anyone.

    > > Also, what Infiltration rune bug? Bet my arm I know... the 6th Bonus is not working, isn't? ...


    > Yes the 6th bonus


    Hey man

    Thanks for taking the time to post the vids,tatts look well done.what build u mess around in wvw with?

  11. > @"kash.9213" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Get ready for all the DE mains to come and defend their cheese class and all the non thief players ranting how core/DD is fine and in fact one of the best duelers still haha


    > I use DE elite, I like it, it's a good trait line and fun to play. Why would I feel a need to defend that specialty, are you a dev who can make changes to it? Most of us understand any issues with that trait line and what it can and can't do for the profession. I also sometimes play Daredevil and will always go back and mess around on core build because those are fun to and wouldn't you know it, they have their advantages and disadvantages also. Play whatever build you want, I doubt anyone is too concerned with what you think of their build.


    Yeah trust me know one should give two shits what I think of a build lol I am in no way someone that anyone should take advice on what a good build is lol,which that said a spec/traitlines tho effective that premotes perma stealth one shot back stabs with low risk as its playstyle is in my opinion not a well designed spec/traitlines and is very unhealthy for any game involving pvp modes.

    That’s my opinion and that just what it is,a opinion but a lot of people seem to share it even among thief mains

  12. In wvw I find s/d DD fun to +1 on the outer lines of a Zerg or in small roaming parties,sword 3 good for getting in and out quick :) after doin personal story and hot maps with thief solo I was confident I. 1v1 skills untill I tried wvw for first time a few months ago,was pve only for over a yr and learned fast why always hear it’s a +1 class lol even with Assassin signet sword was barely chipping away at peoples hp and it was either reset and run or say screw it and try and fight which unless I outplayed them hard which didn’t happen often I’d get squished hard lol but it’s fun jumping on them when there otherwise occupied and helping out an ally.

  13. Sry just gets anoying always seeming post about thieves in general being low risk high reward when in two of the three specs is the opisite or thief wouldn’t be known as the harder class to pvp with,and has been for long time,only since DE cheese has that changed but people talk about thieves like they do this magical crazy damage because the get one shot by a DE back stab. People that actually play core and don’t enjoy cheesy mechanics like perma stealth hit like garbage these days and have to constantly read how thier class damage is too high lol meanwhile the hit with sword or staff and barely make a dent in opponents hp and get hit once and has to reset cuz it’s almost dead,then it’s resetting is complained about,it’s ridiculous.not every thief plays deadeye and thief state isn’t dependant on one spec. Holo is deff over performing right now but I’d never say engineers are because Core Engi isn’t great

  14. > @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

    > high risk, high reward

    > low risk, low reward


    > this is how it should be.


    > Since neither thieves nor mesmers take any risks at all, they must not do any damage.


    > So by all means, be a perma-evade-clone-spamming-invul-ball of fuzz. If every single one of your attacks amount to nothing but 10hp damage and a bit of endurance reduction on your targets.


    > Everything else is unbalanced.


    > It is really that simple.


    > Instead we got thieves and mesmers: no risk, high reward


    > And ANET, thief and mesmer players are surprised that people are fed up with this mess? Seriously?


    By thieves u mean DE only and by damage u mean perma stealth back stab I hope cuz if u feel core/DD thieves are doing to much damage these days u really don’t have any comprehension of the game and should stop posting crap. Most theif players use DE cuz it’s only thief spec that stand a chance in a strait fight and even it doesn’t and needs to resort to perma stealth backstab cheese. U say no risk because they can reset lol why do the reset,oh that’s right cuz the get downed in one or two hits,other classes don’t need zerk gear to two shot a thief. So if they can’t reset their dead, but let me gues that’s all good with u right? As long as u get the kill. If u get bursted by a core or DD regularly u deff need to improve lol

  15. > @"xZombieTaco.5809" said:

    > I'm reading previous patch notes and I can't help but wonder what in Balthazars name are you doing Anet?

    > Bring DP back

    > Bring Dare Devil Back

    > Bring D/D Core back

    > Thanks for kinda bringing S/D back?

    > and throw DE in the trash.

    > This is in regards to PvP/WvW. I don't play PvE.


    Amen brotha!

  16. > @"TheDevice.2751" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Why would arenet give reaper such a mechanic as reaper shroud? It basically makes necro invincible and last what seems like forever. I seen a reaper 1v15 last night using just shroud and shroud 5 skill,one shot all 15 players.than it used it’s crazy op with teleport and sprectral walk to basically transverse to the other side of the map in 2 seconds just to gank a whole Zerg.just ridiculous


    > That was me. I go 1v15 on a regular basis and win nine times out of five. It's mostly the class, im a pretty bad player myself.


    Least arenet could do so other classes stand a chance is remove all the block and invulnerability skills it has,combined with it high mobility it’s just too much

  17. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > Choo...Choo.....with no balance patch i expect the Mirage/Boonbeast train is getting pretty crowded.


    > I roam on Power Rev so was thinking of playing that but i dunno.....those shards are calling me so might hop on the mirage train before it pulls out of the station.


    > "Mirage is not OP and you all need to L2P"

    > ....sorry just practicing my responses to the future nerf threads in case i become a "mesmer main"




    Haha that’s awsome shit right there,ur already sounding like a mez main

  18. Why would arenet give reaper such a mechanic as reaper shroud? It basically makes necro invincible and last what seems like forever. I seen a reaper 1v15 last night using just shroud and shroud 5 skill,one shot all 15 players.than it used it’s crazy op with teleport and sprectral walk to basically transverse to the other side of the map in 2 seconds just to gank a whole Zerg.just ridiculous

  19. > @"Jski.6180" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Balance patches at start of off season make most sense to me,that way minor tweaks can be made just before or after new season starts. My two cents anyway


    > But is pvp competitive any more even? Also most of the balance are raid/pve aimed that simply happens to bleed over into pvp


    yeah true!

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