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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"KrHome.1920" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Odinens.5920" said:

    > > > I look at it this way - if you initiate a fight against me and I come out on top and you run away, rather than finish what you started, I'm not chasing you, and I'll consider it a win. I don't have time to chase pansies around a map.

    > >

    > > Issue with that is some specs and or builds are meant for hit run playstyle and players that are utilizing this are only playing to their spec/class strengths and would actually be considered a poor decision for them to stay and duel as some classes/builds this would be suicide. Especially with the builds running around these days.

    > First of all: resetting is not a playstyle, it's a reset.


    > Regarding poor decisions:


    > Experiences of a reaper player:

    > If one of these "I am afraid to die an go for cheese mode" powercreep mobility builds leaps to 1500 range after he messed up (usually done by GS warriors to regenerate or longbow soulbeasts), then I do a leap in the opposite direction and move on which is usually too much distance for them to catch up again and it often breaks combat so that I can teleport back to keep.


    > You know what the typical reaction of these people is? ... **/laugh**


    > Isn't it a poor decision to disengage when you can't re-engage?


    > WvW idiocy...


    Ur wrong! Thief resetting is part of its playstyle

  2. Some classes get so much and some so little. The classes that get little are usually continually nerfed and if they get some nice things they get removed or nerfed to uselessness,others get so much and than either buffed even more or small inconsequential nerfs come patch time, just some class/specs seem on a different level compared to others by a large margin performance wise

  3. I agree they shouldn’t solely listen to players due to obvious reasons but at same time time after time changes have been made the point to the fact that the balance team may not have knowledge of how the class is played let alone how it’s outa sink with the game. I kno most developers don’t play their own game but they usually don’t buff over performing specs and nerf current underperforming specs which arenanet team has done in the past on numerous occasions leading players to question if they’ve played the game lol

  4. > @"Odinens.5920" said:

    > I look at it this way - if you initiate a fight against me and I come out on top and you run away, rather than finish what you started, I'm not chasing you, and I'll consider it a win. I don't have time to chase pansies around a map.


    Issue with that is some specs and or builds are meant for hit run playstyle and players that are utilizing this are only playing to their spec/class strengths and would actually be considered a poor decision for them to stay and duel as some classes/builds this would be suicide. Especially with the builds running around these days.

  5. Wvw is full of invincible 3 shot builds,I fail to see how that’s less of a problem than someone who gets cc’d,who’s hits are blocked or opponent is invulnerable than proceeds to be two or three shot from 20000 hp to 0. Running away may be annoying to u but so are the cheesey powercrept builds that ur no doubt running so quit complaining.

  6. I wish there was no CD on petswap or beast mode to allow a smoother less clunky playstyle,would allow for more tactical and diverse rotations.even if soulbeast took a small hit else where for it it would be worth it imo. Merging white a dead pet to revive it should be changed,to easy to exploit

  7. > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

    > Its hard to believe bad weather will stop just the balance portion of an update but the rest of the update goes threw.

    > Isnt it all compiled togeather as one update?

    > If they can push cash shop items threw but not balance and skill adjustments then whats the point of playing. They certaintly dont deserve my money thats for sure.


    It was never going to be a balance patch, no one confirmed or released that it would be so

  8. Another few weeks atleast! Lol than there’s a small chance a part of mesmer will get nurfed that confuses all players including mesmers mains due to changing very little and not effecting the build causes all the out cries.same can be said for soulbeast. Hopefully the next nurf they do the take into account the nurfs sugestions mesmer mains have made, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like playing them much lol

  9. > @"Razem.4513" said:

    > I would love to get a gunslaying purifier elite spec with duel pistols, similar thematics to lucian in lol. The gameplay could fit a guardian theme by designing skills/mechanics that target "weak points" of the enemy that the spec essentially cleanses/purifies as it does damage. The blue flames of the guardian spec devouring a white pistol would be a great design to go along with such a spec.


    Well after reading ur suggestion it becomes very apparent that my idea does infact suck lol. This would be sweet!

  10. > @"XatraZaytrax.2601" said:

    > Skritt will be outed as the true dragon masters -- have you ever seen a skritt impacted be any dragon mayhem, no undead skritt, no plant skritt -- and they will rise up to take dominion over all Tyrians to show that they were the true threat all along.


    You freind just ruined decades worth of planning

  11. I think the skills decent if arenet ever actually throws some meaningful nurfs to the powercrept club to change things up because adding more powercreep doesn’t help but if they keep doing what they’ve been doing and the specs not in the club don’t get some buffs the meta won’t change nor will the fotm classes. It will continue to be fb,scourge,mes,soulbeast,DE and holo and rest is uphill battle if that’s what u want to play.doesnt seem like a fun direction either

  12. Most classes have little issues kitting around a guard do to its CD heavy playstyle,thieves,mes,soulbeast,warrior even holos with stealth etc dance around them,people complain about their aegis/aegis reset even though it uses those as a Defense for its mobility issues save for necro lol yet most classes these days were given as many blocks as well lol

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