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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > How cute y'all think thief can only +1 thief can 1v1 but you would need an off meta build and to learn to play it propperly. 1 shot thieves are also a 1v1 of sorts even if it is a sign of broken game.

    Of course a thief can have success in 1v1, there are a lot of people out there that are new and just learning to play,arnt very good yet etc or just made real bad misjudgments through the fight lol. U fight a equal or slightly less skilled soulbeast,holo,guard list goes on and u’ll end on ur back far more often than them,off meta build or not. Course I could be proven wrong anything’s possible:)

  2. > @"SevenAce.3067" said:

    > > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

    > > > @"SevenAce.3067" said:

    > > > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > > > @"SevenAce.3067" said:

    > > > > DS isnt that powerful nor unstopable that it could decide the game 10 out of 10 times. DS is at best casted when you need to finish up those few downed/near death opponents or when you are almost dead and you need to save ur life from death. As far as i can see what you write here you are Bronze at best so please dont cry and simply git gud. You as a thief have enogh life to withstant DS with 2 dodges. Which i beleive is standard amount of dodges for all classes not to mention all the other skills that block evade etc. There is kitten ton of other BS in this game that needs to be dealt with and DS is certainly not one of them. Good day

    > > >

    > > > Dude, I'm not complaining about it's dmg nor evade aspect but it's ridiculousness of preventing capture point due to it's evade uptime as *the fastest rotational class* in close match circumstances. 4¼s (none-interactive play in most cases) to stall the point from ticking that can be followed up with more evades due to thiefs general high evade kit, is instant can be used along with agility and shadowstep, can be reset by improvisation with rng from steal afterwards is over the top busted. Make it invul, I couldn't care less, it's basically that, when momentum is at peak in meta nowdays and those 10-15s could end up match deciding factor which I've seen happen. DS is the main root of the problem. Anything that goes beyond 2s evade frame and is accessed by a class with additional layers of evades is not cool, more so when this class is first to port on point. While DS may require additional respond in a 1v1 on node and if a core guard or mes uses renew / distort which fully ends in thiefs favor of the node.

    > >

    > > Here's an honest question: If the Thief is as great as you are making them to be, why aren't we seeing more of them in a team? Why do you even need other professions if you can rotate and cap then keep the node as a Thief easily?

    > >

    > > My point is, you're having a tunnel vision towards the Thief rather than looking at the team composition that allowed the Thief to do his job effectively and efficiently.

    > >

    > > Nerfing the Thief will not change the fact that your team comp might be trash.

    > >

    > > EDIT: typos


    > You're missing out the point near completly. As I was refering multiple times picture a scenario where there are even circumstances where match is about to end. one team has 2 nodes (say x&y) another 1. There is none on x node, their thief was on y, barely reaches x in time and holds it through uninteractable evades. Or another scenario more common, such as spawn nodes like skyhammer or cannon, you've wiped x/4 they're on spawn in 5s thief able to stall that point inb4 they regroup. DS is near as invuln as you tend to use that before you get condi pressured. only few circumstances where you can punish that is through shocking aura which is quite limited to none and line of warding (support FB) which is difficult to land. Retal is even less negligible in 1v1.


    > You do see nearly 1 thief in ladder ranked and ofc in high lvl play atleast 1 and they can all abuse that last second ditch if they know how to rotate somewhat well, doesn't require high mechanical understanding. Meta has been high momentum rotational basis so ofc thief sees play. And finally why should thief have the luxury to stall a point when it's the fastest thing moving compared to other rotational +1 specs like rev holo, guard, mirage (to some extent) which either can be cc'd off the point or burn invulns which costs them that node anyway.


    Wow! U realize every class u listed is far better at holding a node than thief. One skill used in one way to hold a node doesn’t compare to the fact that everything else about almost all classes make them better than thief for holding a node. Man the things people whine about is getting ridiculous.

  3. Maybe removing the ability to stack aoe’s, u can only take damage from the first aoe that player comes in contact with,. The damage of one isn’t bad it’s when multiple scourge’s etc start stacking them all over they tear they anything fast all while players are getting cc’d and immobilized in them. Reduce range as well maybe, prob bad suggestions bud aoe’s are definitely an issue.

  4. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

    > > Mirage is more annoying because of the condi spam, soulbeast does physical damage which is much easier to counter and less frustrating to experience

    > > not being able to do anything because of 20 stacks of confusion and 20 stacks of torment on you is frustrating. at the same time you can not do much damage back because the mirage is doging or invuln most of the time


    > what are you talking about? your post is FACTUALLY WRONG


    > condition = countered by heal, condi removal, shared condi removal from teammates, resistance transfer condis into boons , dodges and invulnerabilities

    > power damage = only countered by heal , dodges and invuls


    > how the hell is power damage easier to counter xDDxDxdxdfDxDdxDDDd, you can't use a condi removal (usually with insta cast) to negate upcoming 15k power damage as you can for condition this is COMMON LOGIC


    > on top of that condition builds revolve around setting up bursts because auto attacks dont apply enough conditions on time, how to do sustained dps as a longbow ranger or a guardian or revenant? spam 1 cause your auto attacks do 3-5k damage each

    > how to do sustained dps as a miragE? you need to use your stamina for mirage ambush cause that's the only way you get good damage


    > FACTUALLY WRONG , if anet listens to biased people like you then no wonder this game is becoming like this, condi builds are harder to play because they are easier to counter, there's a reason why on high elo power:condi ratio is 9:1

    > how dare you even say that condi is harder to counter when the entire concept of condi is the exact opposite and when the build has less sustained dmg and condi builds require more stats in order to keep up with damage cus if you only run condition damage you'll do nothing and that's why you need both power and precision


    > > @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

    > > The real question should be: Why allow such a low skill class get so many shiny rewards?

    > > The only people that are "ridiculously spoiled" are players that get carried into heavens by unbalanced overperforming builds thinking they're skilled.

    > > You really believe that amount of stuff(defensive and offensive and mobility) that is packed into 1 build is totally fine and that you can let it run without any control into PvP environment?

    > > First good balance change was a nerf to Full Counter, look at all the whine warriors spit on their forum, you know why? Because it was carrying them hard.

    > > Same situation with you defending broken Mirage, it doesn't require skill to be successful.

    > > If you want Mirage to keep having so many evades and detargets, fine by me, but yours damage and condition output is reduced by minimum of 80%, then we can call it "fine and somehow balanced".

    > > You either should have Damage/Condition Damage or ability to survive or ability to run or x or y or z, not everything into 1 build, end of the story.

    > > Now to your arguments:

    > > 1) Just because it doesn't have any kind of representation in tournaments it's not making the Mirage any less broken.

    > > 2) In WvW I only see(roaming): condi mirages, rarer power mirages, SpellBreakers, Soulbeasts, Yolosmith, teefs and even lately condi trap Druids (even condi Berserkers) and that's pretty much it.

    > > Condi Mirage is much more broken in WvW than in PvP (evade, evade, evade, evade, spam clones, faceroll on keyboard, repeat).

    > > 3) Which class is better in 1v1 then? Core Elementalist? Tempest? Core Guardian? DragonHunter? Core Necromancer? Reaper? Core Ranger? Core Revenant? ...

    > > 4) I would agree on this only if: you were talking about core Mesmer in pre-phantasm rework state, but current the Mirage doesn't require the amount of a skill that you think of.

    > > 5) Cute and fluffy and fair are small charr cubs, Mirage is annoying fly that spam skills whenever they're off cooldown.

    > >

    > > PS: Just because other classes are unbalanced (Overperforming) doesn't mean that yours (Mirage) can stay the same way.


    > mirage is the hardest class to play in the game and it's very apparent when you reach high elo and when you meet a bad mirage and a good mirage, the skill difference makes or breaks the class


    > i didn't play for more than 3 weeks and with a single game warmup i could beat a "legendary" mirage in ONE VERSUS TWO, because he isn't a good player and he can't do anything , if he played a class other than mirage he would actually do more


    > mirage is the hardest class in the game to play -fight-based (not knowledge based, which is another story and a big part of the gw2 skill set required) simply because mirage requires illusion, stamina, cooldown shatter management which is way more than other classes, your role as a mirage is being the backbone of teamfights and being elusive or stalling which requires ACTIVE DEFENSE AND PERFORMANCE (unless you play chaos+staff + healing amulet in which case you don't do damage so people shouldn't fear you anyway, as ive stated a million times, there are different mirage builds and the only rewarding ones are much harder to perform with). For example thief is 100 times easier because with thief the main skill comes from knowing when and who to fight and not actually fighting, you press tab and you press f1 and spam 1-3 and that's the entire gameplay as thief and you need to know when to disengage

    > as a mirage you need to use your stamina offensively to do damage, which leaves you exposed, you need to use your shatters with proper timing and illusions which requires much more brainpower than all the other current classes (especially the gankers, like i already mentioned. Guard/revenant/thief are the ganker role and they are incredibly easy and forgiving mechanically and you only fail with them if you take bad fights, which is knowledge based) Mirage and necro are teamfighters in their best role and this role is the hardest role to play because it's high risk and high reward


    > mirage doesn't require skill to be successful is the most gold trash i've ever read , if you get out of gold you'll see how stupidly wrong that is, JUST BECAUSE *** YOU*** INDIVIDUALLY CAN"T PLAY DOESN'T MEAN THAT THE GAME NEEDS A CHANGE. Mirage is counterable and not the best class or even remotely close in environment where people can play and use viable builds, unlike other classes (like revenant, which is completely uncounterable and the only way a revenant fails is if HE personally picks bad fights and fails due to how the class mechanics and the role/meta works)


    > also lol at saying that warrior full counter was a good nerf when warrior already isnt a top tier class in the first place


    > lets nerf everything so the guy who's too ignorant to learn to play the game can finally move from gold 1 to gold 2 , sounds about right lets butcher other people's potential fun cause some kid is too ignorant to learn the class mechanics



    > ur both kinda right. Power damage is more viable than Condi in general,most meta builds recently are power heavy and most specs arnt running Condi these days. The issue is mirage and scourge are unique with regards to this due to their ability to apply decent spike damage as well as a large amount of condi’s with a consistent reapplication in a short amount of time. Due to the damage over time nature of Condi damage and the ease of which scourge and mirage can stack and reapply it with the decent spike damage makes it very effective,other classes that don’t share scourges unique mechanics nor skills cannot compare in viability, as most classes power heavy is the way to go. I’m not saying Condi Mirage is more effective than power mirage it just Condi Mirage requires a lower skill ceiling to be very effective where as power a higher skill ceiling. Even classes like guard who eat condi’s and push out cleanses like nothing can’t keep up with the consistent fast reapplication if condi’s these two specs can push out. The initial damage plus damage overtime stacked become very punishing to the opponent, especially when Condi types in question require the opponent to stop moving and or cast skills to avoid ramping damage.


  5. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Acyk.9671" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Yes hense why zergs mostly look for the fb/scourges because their toolkit’s/design allow them to be the MOST effective specs in Zerg battles which leads to all zergs mostly consisting of the same specific specs, there’s a reason for it. That is boring for most people from what I’ve read in multiple post and not a healthy design. I’m not saying fb/scourges shouldn’t be effective in a group, ofcourse they should be given the idea of the specs. Just think that if scourges and fb were toned down a bit and some classes viability were brought up a bit than there would more diverse groups. Same goes for roaming/small group fights tho that’s another thing itself

    > > >

    > > > So what class is supposed to be competing with guard for main stab?

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Scrapper could have fitted that role with a bit more stab before december nerf. Anet chose to refocus the spec on its pvp theme...

    > >

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > By ur argument all skill require pressing bottons than therefore are designed as spamming? So if arenet deside a class that just walks forward spamming large aoe’s everywhere and stack with allies doingvthe same delete most opponents in seconds in huge area’s around battles forcing everyone to die or stay on outskirts of battle picking off the scraps,this is ok cuz other classes have to press a button to use skills? Oh wait I just described scourge.Than gues all nerf threads and balance itself is moot because every class must be balanced because it’s mech are based around pressing buttons to preform a action lol right! A scourge mindlessly spamming is far different than almost any class spamming there skill on a skill to reward level, look at that ranger,engi and thief just spammInfo his skills and the equal impact it has with scourge lol

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > it's literally every class in the game that is designed like this. not just scourge.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > there are only 4 weapon skills and autoattacks available to a player. it wouldn't make much sense to jack up the weapon skill cooldowns so that all we're doing is autoattacking each other for 3 minutes would it? and most utility and F skills on are ~30 sec cooldowns give or take which is pretty reasonable as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > the real reason that people complain about "spam" is that we're piling up a bunch of the same class into a group and then fighting each other with it. no kitten it looks like "spam". you could nerf the kitten out every class's cooldowns to like 5 minutes and it would still look like "spam" because 12 necros is 12 necros. i'm getting real sick of this "spam" complaint.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Seriously? Scourge is only class in game that can mindlessly spam aoe’s with other scourges in a group and walk forward spamming deleting large amounts of opponents. Thanks for explaining how all classes press buttons to perform skills :) so 6 thieves aoe next to a fire brand mindlessly killing hordes of enemies? Ranger,engi and warrior too? Weird it’s only scourges I see doing this. It’s funny if I mindlessly walk forward and spam on my s/d thief results are vastly different than when I do on my scourge,must just be me cuz both require pressing buttons lol

    > > > >

    > > > > and despite my explanation you still don't get it. which makes so much sense as to why you're in the forums complaining.

    > > > >

    > > > > listen, i don't like the wvw group meta any more than you do. but i at least understand the game's combat fundamentals and can differentiate "spam" from blobs of the same class grouped up together.

    > > >

    > > > Understand combat mechanics and differentiate spam from blobs of the same class grouped up together?thats good that u understand the mechanics and can differentiate spam from blobs of same class grouped together lol. what does that even mean? I’m sure anyone with half a brain cell can understand gw2 very simple game mechanics as well as differentiate spam from grouped classes,the red circles stacked everywhere is kinda hard to miss but if seeing them makes u feel special like than look at u go bud haha that’s awsome :)

    > >

    > > Unfortunately you don't seem to understand that those 2 things are linked. If scourge was providing lots of corrupts in a non spammy/reduced radius way, zergs wouldn't stack it as much. We are in a situation where its design makes you take as much scourges as possible until the breaking point (of making your squad weak) to get the most value from it. Feels like the same kind of abuse epidemic was about. On top of that scourge provides decent barrier without investing in healing power....


    > Nah, Psyco doesnt get it. 'mindless spam hurr hurr" can de said for all classes:

    > Mirage/mesmer spam clones

    > Eles spam aoe

    > Firebrands spam boons

    > Reves spam auto attacks and CoR

    > Engies spam heals

    > Thieves spam dodges and teleporting around

    > Soulbeasts spam boons with massive pewpew singletarget dmg plus huge mobility skills


    > The difference between an "omg spam skill omegalul" and knowing WHEN to cast WHAT, makes a huge difference. People think (and rightly, to a point) that scourge is easy cause of the aoes. You waste that shroud, its another 24-30s of getting your ability to bomb again, which could be huge in the fight. Imagine half scourges of a squad wasting their bomb. Enemy will just kill you.


    Sry guys I double posted. It’s 2019 and there’s not a simple delete post button?

  6. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"Acyk.9671" said:

    > > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > Yes hense why zergs mostly look for the fb/scourges because their toolkit’s/design allow them to be the MOST effective specs in Zerg battles which leads to all zergs mostly consisting of the same specific specs, there’s a reason for it. That is boring for most people from what I’ve read in multiple post and not a healthy design. I’m not saying fb/scourges shouldn’t be effective in a group, ofcourse they should be given the idea of the specs. Just think that if scourges and fb were toned down a bit and some classes viability were brought up a bit than there would more diverse groups. Same goes for roaming/small group fights tho that’s another thing itself

    > > >

    > > > So what class is supposed to be competing with guard for main stab?

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Scrapper could have fitted that role with a bit more stab before december nerf. Anet chose to refocus the spec on its pvp theme...

    > >

    > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > > > > By ur argument all skill require pressing bottons than therefore are designed as spamming? So if arenet deside a class that just walks forward spamming large aoe’s everywhere and stack with allies doingvthe same delete most opponents in seconds in huge area’s around battles forcing everyone to die or stay on outskirts of battle picking off the scraps,this is ok cuz other classes have to press a button to use skills? Oh wait I just described scourge.Than gues all nerf threads and balance itself is moot because every class must be balanced because it’s mech are based around pressing buttons to preform a action lol right! A scourge mindlessly spamming is far different than almost any class spamming there skill on a skill to reward level, look at that ranger,engi and thief just spammInfo his skills and the equal impact it has with scourge lol

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > it's literally every class in the game that is designed like this. not just scourge.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > there are only 4 weapon skills and autoattacks available to a player. it wouldn't make much sense to jack up the weapon skill cooldowns so that all we're doing is autoattacking each other for 3 minutes would it? and most utility and F skills on are ~30 sec cooldowns give or take which is pretty reasonable as well.

    > > > > > >

    > > > > > > the real reason that people complain about "spam" is that we're piling up a bunch of the same class into a group and then fighting each other with it. no kitten it looks like "spam". you could nerf the kitten out every class's cooldowns to like 5 minutes and it would still look like "spam" because 12 necros is 12 necros. i'm getting real sick of this "spam" complaint.

    > > > > >

    > > > > > Seriously? Scourge is only class in game that can mindlessly spam aoe’s with other scourges in a group and walk forward spamming deleting large amounts of opponents. Thanks for explaining how all classes press buttons to perform skills :) so 6 thieves aoe next to a fire brand mindlessly killing hordes of enemies? Ranger,engi and warrior too? Weird it’s only scourges I see doing this. It’s funny if I mindlessly walk forward and spam on my s/d thief results are vastly different than when I do on my scourge,must just be me cuz both require pressing buttons lol

    > > > >

    > > > > and despite my explanation you still don't get it. which makes so much sense as to why you're in the forums complaining.

    > > > >

    > > > > listen, i don't like the wvw group meta any more than you do. but i at least understand the game's combat fundamentals and can differentiate "spam" from blobs of the same class grouped up together.

    > > >

    > > > Understand combat mechanics and differentiate spam from blobs of the same class grouped up together?thats good that u understand the mechanics and can differentiate spam from blobs of same class grouped together lol. what does that even mean? I’m sure anyone with half a brain cell can understand gw2 very simple game mechanics as well as differentiate spam from grouped classes,the red circles stacked everywhere is kinda hard to miss but if seeing them makes u feel special like than look at u go bud haha that’s awsome :)

    > >

    > > Unfortunately you don't seem to understand that those 2 things are linked. If scourge was providing lots of corrupts in a non spammy/reduced radius way, zergs wouldn't stack it as much. We are in a situation where its design makes you take as much scourges as possible until the breaking point (of making your squad weak) to get the most value from it. Feels like the same kind of abuse epidemic was about. On top of that scourge provides decent barrier without investing in healing power....


    > Nah, Psyco doesnt get it. 'mindless spam hurr hurr" can de said for all classes:

    > Mirage/mesmer spam clones

    > Eles spam aoe

    > Firebrands spam boons

    > Reves spam auto attacks and CoR

    > Engies spam heals

    > Thieves spam dodges and teleporting around

    > Soulbeasts spam boons with massive pewpew singletarget dmg plus huge mobility skills


    > The difference between an "omg spam skill omegalul" and knowing WHEN to cast WHAT, makes a huge difference. People think (and rightly, to a point) that scourge is easy cause of the aoes. You waste that shroud, its another 24-30s of getting your ability to bomb again, which could be huge in the fight. Imagine half scourges of a squad wasting their bomb. Enemy will just kill you.




    I did not state anywhere the game is not spammy I simply said the the mindless spam/stacking of aoe’s like scourge being main example is far more effective and exploitable than other classes that can do the same,rev’s as an example can spam away but doesn’t negatively impact gameplay of other players like a group of scourges walking forward spamming aoe bombs everywhere. If u think that’s the same thing than somthing wrong lol ur second paragraph kinda proves my point aswell explains how the spam skills are different between the classes so

  7. > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > @"Xterra.6172" said:

    > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > > > By ur argument all skill require pressing bottons than therefore are designed as spamming? So if arenet deside a class that just walks forward spamming large aoe’s everywhere and stack with allies doingvthe same delete most opponents in seconds in huge area’s around battles forcing everyone to die or stay on outskirts of battle picking off the scraps,this is ok cuz other classes have to press a button to use skills? Oh wait I just described scourge.Than gues all nerf threads and balance itself is moot because every class must be balanced because it’s mech are based around pressing buttons to preform a action lol right! A scourge mindlessly spamming is far different than almost any class spamming there skill on a skill to reward level, look at that ranger,engi and thief just spammInfo his skills and the equal impact it has with scourge lol

    > > >

    > > > it's literally every class in the game that is designed like this. not just scourge.

    > > >

    > > > there are only 4 weapon skills and autoattacks available to a player. it wouldn't make much sense to jack up the weapon skill cooldowns so that all we're doing is autoattacking each other for 3 minutes would it? and most utility and F skills on are ~30 sec cooldowns give or take which is pretty reasonable as well.

    > > >

    > > > the real reason that people complain about "spam" is that we're piling up a bunch of the same class into a group and then fighting each other with it. no kitten it looks like "spam". you could nerf the kitten out every class's cooldowns to like 5 minutes and it would still look like "spam" because 12 necros is 12 necros. i'm getting real sick of this "spam" complaint.

    > >

    > > Seriously? Scourge is only class in game that can mindlessly spam aoe’s with other scourges in a group and walk forward spamming deleting large amounts of opponents. Thanks for explaining how all classes press buttons to perform skills :) so 6 thieves aoe next to a fire brand mindlessly killing hordes of enemies? Ranger,engi and warrior too? Weird it’s only scourges I see doing this. It’s funny if I mindlessly walk forward and spam on my s/d thief results are vastly different than when I do on my scourge,must just be me cuz both require pressing buttons lol


    > and despite my explanation you still don't get it. which makes so much sense as to why you're in the forums complaining.


    > listen, i don't like the wvw group meta any more than you do. but i at least understand the game's combat fundamentals and can differentiate "spam" from blobs of the same class grouped up together.


    Understand combat mechanics and differentiate spam from blobs of the same class grouped up together?thats good that u understand the mechanics and can differentiate spam from blobs of same class grouped together lol. what does that even mean? I’m sure anyone with half a brain cell can understand gw2 very simple game mechanics as well as differentiate spam from grouped classes,the red circles stacked everywhere is kinda hard to miss but if seeing them makes u feel special like than look at u go bud haha that’s awsome :)

  8. > @"Safandula.8723" said:

    > > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

    > > > @"SevenAce.3067" said:

    > > DS isnt that powerful nor unstopable that it could decide the game 10 out of 10 times. DS is at best casted when you need to finish up those few downed/near death opponents or when you are almost dead and you need to save ur life from death. As far as i can see what you write here you are Bronze at best so please dont cry and simply git gud. You as a thief have enogh life to withstant DS with 2 dodges. Which i beleive is standard amount of dodges for all classes not to mention all the other skills that block evade etc. There is kitten ton of other BS in this game that needs to be dealt with and DS is certainly not one of them. Good day


    > Tell me than, how often do u see thiefs taking basi? Or thiefs guild(lol) ? 5%of thiefs? Mby 10? I doubt. Op is kinda right, ds needs nerf, nor fun to play with or against. 4s is way to much


    Ever class has one or 2 elites that are used far more than others,same as traits, just because it’s the best pick or one of the best picks doesn’t mean it’s op,can mean others are borderline useless as well

  9. Yes hense why zergs mostly look for the fb/scourges because their toolkit’s/design allow them to be the MOST effective specs in Zerg battles which leads to all zergs mostly consisting of the same specific specs, there’s a reason for it. That is boring for most people from what I’ve read in multiple post and not a healthy design. I’m not saying fb/scourges shouldn’t be effective in a group, ofcourse they should be given the idea of the specs. Just think that if scourges and fb were toned down a bit and some classes viability were brought up a bit than there would more diverse groups. Same goes for roaming/small group fights tho that’s another thing itself

  10. > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

    > You don't need to be in squad on a deadeye, I mean if you are playing it properly then a lot of the time you shouldn't even be near your squad you should be out flanking / behind the opposing zerg, so it is rather pointless being in a squad given that.


    > However that aside the balance is the most atrocious I have ever seen in a game, it is not uncommon for 80-90% of a 50 man squad to be made up of the same 3 elites (I don't even need to name them), 3 out of 18 elites, it is laughable and people wonder why WvW is dead. (and let's not even go into how dull the combat is with these three as the meta).


    I brought this up in state of wvw thread and got replies explaining to me that fb/scourges are fine and nothing needs to be done with them as all classes are designed to skill spam just as fb/scourge is so their fine and in no way overshadowing most other classes.

  11. U guys should jump into the thread below this one where a player is complaining about constant squad kick due to him being DE. U can explain to him that it’s unfortunate that he’s being kicked by zergs looking for fb/scourges etc and that the Zerg commander clearly doesn’t understand that the DE can contribute just as much since it’s designed to mindlessly skill spam and if does so will have the same effectiveness as a scourge lol

  12. Im usually running DD and my server is pretty accepting and almost every Zerg train I follow shortly sends an invite, I always decline to not take the spot cuz I’m all over the place lol just follow the Zerg train and use ur mobility to help ur allies by being a +1,revive others and spam weakening fields on enemy groups to make them easier to down for ur group. Been fun for me and atleast feel like I’m contributing. Bring lots of blue prints and supplies as well lol

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