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Posts posted by Psycoprophet.8107

  1. I could be wrong but what I got from the articles was arenanet pulled resources from gw2 development team whether it was members or funds to try and grow by branching out into new projects which is usual expansion. Unfortunately it seems like they did this prematurely as usually a company expands when It can do so without negatively impacting its main project,the very project providing the finance of the new projects. Now if the new projects grew successfull worst case gw2 players would have dealt with lack of support as they have been noticing over the last couple years but in the long run the business may have faired very well.unfortunately seems like they weren’t ready to take on other commitments and not only has the development of gw2 suffered the last couple yrs for it but the projects are now cancelled due to what I can only assume was due to lack of progress in nsofts eyes ultimately who’s money is being used for the projects u cant really blame them for saying enough is enough. They stated that all these ongoing projects were causing un sustainable draws on their funds so lay offs arnt a surprise. That what I got from the articles though I could be wrong so.

  2. > @"Zenith.7301" said:

    > > @"Lady Vanithy.6495" said:

    > > > @"Scar.1793" said:

    > > > You are also right about testing and feedback. Players told Anet time and time again but they do not care.

    > > > Say what you want about Activision or Blizzard but at least they got PTR and feedback is taken into account during testing.

    > >

    > > You obviously never played on the PTR. Blizzard is notorious for not listening and pushing unfinished/buggy kitten out to the live servers even with pages upon pages of feedback on the PTR forum.


    > An outright lie. Multiple tuning changes to proposed changes have come out of the PTR, and you don't even need Blizzard because ESO also has iterated changes on PTS and if you don't want to talk about MMO's, MOBAs like LoL change their proposed changes based on feedback on the PBE all the time.


    > Blizzard also has a lengthy beta period out of which changes are iterated on (even if they are not the changes people want, some of the feedback does make it to the changes).


    > Anet on the other hand doesn't even bother to preview the patch notes to the players, but they outright don't care about player feedback when they do balancing.


    > The single closest thing we had to PTR was the beta weekends on HoT in which they dedicated 2 weekends to feedback on elite professions for almost all specs (druid, since it was one of the last specs, only got screwed with 1 weekend). And changes did come out of those minuscule PTR approximations like the mesmer shield phantasms being made actually functional since before what they did was throw a bouncing shield that would randomly slow some targets and apply alacrity to SOME, making the shield phantasm skill terrible and the fact deja vu at first could only trigger the phantasm upon blocking which meant mesmers in PvE content could not reliably get phantasms up.


    > In PoF we didn't even get class specific beta weekends and at best we got a single open world PVE beta weekend.


    > Anet has been pretty clear that they don't care to iterate on class balance alongside the community.



    arenanet should preview patches to players pre release and provide a feedback thread for each class,than once changes are released they should be considered in testing for first month. At the end of the month after arenet has played the builds,players have played the builds and combined with with the feedback can actually make a informed descision. What we have now is barely tested changes that either end up ruining builds or are way overpowered and don’t get changed for a ridiculous amount of time.

  3. > @"incisorr.9502" said:

    > no wonder this game is imbalanced when the community is so small and whenever the more known players / streamers don't like something that doesn't fit their narrative they can just quite literally personally address /talk to developers who happen to watch their stream and spin a tale in such a way that the average viewer can relate to it so that the game gets the patch notes that certain people desire, not that the game needs


    > It's been 7 years since gw2 launched and you still have no line of sight teleports (Steal, phase traversal,judge's intervention) which are by far the most broken skills in the game. There's no counterplay to these skills, they are active, play-making skills, which means that whenever you use them there's a chance for something big to happen.


    > Who cares bout mesmer F2 confusion ? it can be cleansed ,it can be dodged, it can be resistance'd , it can be healed. it doesn't do anything by itself and it's mostly telegraphed and obvious. Meanwhile steal results in a kill with a much higher % of usage on high elo. both are relatively the same cooldown , steal does less damage by itself

    > if there was a statistic on how many times a guy died on 1.7k+ elo cus of steal it would be much higher than cry of confusion, which doesnt even do dmg by itself unless you use skills


    > but to keep going on how this topic is misguided, even soulbeast itself isn't that broken compared to herald/thief/-guard (and guard doesnt work in every game so have that in mind)

    > soulbeast is strong and overstatted but it doesn't have something that makes you drop dead, it doesn't have forceful abilities that end you - unless you over commit. There will always be " the strongest duelist " and before soulbeast it was mirage and people were still whining about mirage, the whining about the strongest duelist will never stop - it's the role thats' the problem and not the class in this example, if you spec for 1v1 you're going to win 1v1 that's how it works? Every role has a best-of

    > i dont see anyone crying about core condition engineer not being as good as scourge and i want it to be as good as scourge but it isnt cus its condi application isnt good enough for today's meta


    > so yeah to summarize it, the majority of people dont know how to judge properly and fairly. The things people whine about have counters even if they are very strong but they arent what breaks the camels back. Skills with no (reasonable) counterplay that force kills are whats broken and those skills are the ones ive mentioned a million times by now. The problem is that the game is 5v5 objective based game and that you have people who judge classes by how they 1v1 against each other, which is beyond ridiculous to even think of and yet


    > gw2 has never been a good game for that exact reason, it's a slightly above average game but it won't ever be a good game until you get rid of insta cast no line of sight teleports which are what pushes over kills in 5v5 which then snowballs the map

    > and you have your best example with now the monthly tournament ending and a random thief was in the winning team, wonder why it wasnt a random mesmer? cus nobody wants a random mesmer cus it's role isnt as influential and gamebreaking/important as a thief is. Which is why there hasn't been a mAT without thieves/revenants but there are mats without mesmers. But yeah the lone voice of reason is easy to silence with a crowd of angry peasants


    Thief and guards more broken than mesmer? Wow haha

  4. Shouldn’t be a surprise to arenet employees as sad as it is. Maybe using the bulk of resources to expand and grow gw2 further seeing as it is its main project and having some success behind it landing in top 3 mmo’s last few yrs. constant balance changes,updates and new meaningful content on a regular realistic basis with advertising on top would have went far. Than if and when the game has grown enough that arenet could branch resources for a new project without negatively effecting its growth maybe things would have been different. The rate that arenet has been releasing meaningful content with actual substance has been unacceptable in today’s standards and the fact that the reason that’s being implicated was a total mismanagement of resources which was totally avoidable it is no surprise that nsoft said enough is enough.even with nsoft past discretion’s u can hardly blame them. Arenet literally let us players that have spent thousands on their game to support them and are passionate about their game deal with unneeded delays and sub par service for some time now to work on other unannounced projects most which are now cancelled. Again tho sad for anyone to lose their job but not surprising. This may actually be great news for gw2 players though as the company now may redirect its main focus back to gw2 with whoever is left on the team.

  5. What a surprise. They build a large mmo that continually earned a spot within top three and decided to half ass bare minimum support it with infrequent balance changes,content etc and use money and resources elsewhere for what? To develope mobile or other games that were were a business risk at best? I get to move forward expanding is favourable but putting all its money and rescoursed to give its biggest project the best chance to grow and once it has to a point that it can continue to while expanding to other projects would have been far better plan. Who makes the plans there and what board ok’d these discussions?

  6. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Nothing better than having a player hopping around in front of u looking to fight so u endulge them and as soon as the fights going ur way three more rush in and gank u lol the best feeling in the world :)


    > keep an eye on the envoirement, think how long the fight will take and how likely he will get reinforcements in that time based on the map situation etc.

    > it might happen if you just joined the map but you should quickly have a picture of who is running around on it and then such a situation will be rare. many experienced roamers therefor will rarely get into such a situation, no matter if their build is good at disengaging or not.


    U serious? Let me gues DE player? Classes like necro hell any non roaming class can have this happen due to players laying in wait in perma stealth or any soulbeast,Mirage,thief,holo or warrior can use there crazy mobility to jump u from outa site locations in seconds flat and reaper etc is gonna what disengage? No just die lol. No ur surroundings is a weak argument man especially with state wvw or pvp is lol I’m not saying it shouldn’t happen as I’ve been on the ganker end of the scenario many times so I’d be a hypocrite if I said it shouldn’t,just saying awareness of their surroundings wouldn’t have helped them and it definitely sucks to be on other end especially with a mobility gimped spec lol.

  7. Would be nice if even a real buff in mobility was the only thing necro got. I read somewhere reaper was inspired by the old horror movie troupe where the villain is slow and hard hitting. Thing is most classes have far better mobility and hit just as hard,not to mention if those villains were hard hitting and just slow they wouldn’t be so intimidating and the troupe would fail hense the villains ability to always be a step a head ahead or just behind the characters no matter how far they run/drive or fly lol where as in gw2 necros more comparable to a walking dead zombie than it is Jason or Myers lol

  8. > @"dagger dave.5201" said:

    > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > Yeah how can I gank and cheese anyone playing any spec that doesn’t have broken mobility/disengagement skills that are trying to get back to the group battle?now they MAY stand a chance oh no lol part of what makes a good roaming class is good in and out of combat mobility with good disengagement skills ontop meaning they will still have an advantage over non roaming specs


    > "I like to spam f12345 on my necro me good player"


    Yeah haha that’s why I mentioned in post above roaming has reached the levels of a Zerg scourge.i get that their supposed to shine in groups but their mindless Condi aoe puking everywhere has gotten absurd in wvw

  9. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"witcher.3197" said:

    > > > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

    > > > So, you are upset because you don't get to gank unsuspecting people anymore?

    > > > Why can't you chase them with your new mount?

    > >

    > > Who's talking about unsuspecting people?

    > >

    > > How can I chase someone on a mount with my mount which is exactly the same speed?


    > maybe that chain to pull the gate can be used to pull others off their mounts ? :3


    This would be sweet!


  10. Yeah how can I gank and cheese anyone playing any spec that doesn’t have broken mobility/disengagement skills that are trying to get back to the group battle?now they MAY stand a chance oh no lol part of what makes a good roaming class is good in and out of combat mobility with good disengagement skills ontop meaning they will still have an advantage over non roaming specs

  11. > @"schloumou.3982" said:

    > Ok. Let me state something for all those people who hate on roaming in here. If you and your friend want to flip that westcamp quickly on your zerg/PvE/fun-build, you are roamers too. Just very bad ones. Its like competing in a bicycle race with your little unicycle without any training and then complain about that toxic sport and how it is just about bullying little bikes. And these lonley poor people on the map that get ganked are roamers too but they mostly dont complain because thats what roaming is about imho: making the best of a bad situation.


    > @topic:

    > I see a potential problem in the mobility advantage roamig specs need due to the high dmg atm. You can see in the vid @ 0:17 how fast it moves. You will not be able to separate people eg., if everyone just moves at max speed. Escaping mounted groupes could become a nightmare when everyone can decide when to enter combat with you at will and could force people even more into cheesy stealth builds.


    > [trailer@17sec](



    So because a player chooses to flip camps on a non fotm cheese powercrept build due to wanting to play builds they find fun and not just cheese to win at all cost thier bad Roamer s? Lol right! Roaming for the most part these day consist of players not choosing builds based on fun or anything other than choosing the fotm cheese one/2 shot super multiple blocks/invulnerability with added unblockable power crept garbage cheese builds to run around with to be as cheesy and anoying to solo or small groups.the roaming has gotten as ridiculous as scourges in zergs are. Although these builds still have bloated disengagement skills leaving out thief cuz it’s squishy design hopefully adding mounts plus nerfs to these classes will make things more tolerable to the non 4 meta roaming classes we have now to traverse the maps with these builds around. Anyone defending the cheese roaming builds are try hard shit players that like to feel like their champs in life lol

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