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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Healix.5819" said:

    > They changed leadership and went from having no plans for an expansion to wanting to get one out the next year. The remainder of the living world is going to feel lackluster because it's on a skeleton crew, as practically all of their resources have been shifted to pushing out an expansion in half the usual time.


    That may be true, but the fact of the matter is they are clearly showing to me that they (( or the person/boss that orders them not to communicate))don't respect those that have spent and continue to spend on the game.

  2. > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

    > Yes...It is called going off-line, coming online...


    > Dissapearing when in combat can be caused by logging off/going to character screen. And by parking next to a node you can also appear next to a node in thin air.


    This^^^^ I have toons parked at the end of JP's. Just as some have them parked at nodes.

  3. > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

    > If you're new, there's plenty to do and a ton of people to do it with. If you're after things like the endgame..


    > 1. PvP hasn't had new maps for ages and has a bot problem that's taking forever to go away/be solved.

    > 2. WvW hasn't had much love outside of a mount that's been nerfed into the ground.

    > 3. Raids have been put on indefinite hiatus.

    > 4. Strikes have gone the way of Raids.

    > 5. Fractals got one update in nearly two years.

    > 6. Dungeons are dead.


    > When the only content getting regular, consistent, bi/tri monthly updates is Living World and Gemstore with it's nearly weekly updates, it does get a bit doom and gloom with the veterans who want more of this challenge and more reason to go through with it.


    So they intro forced grouped in the new LS with the DRM??? Not smart at all. Raid and strikes should never have been introduced. They just have to admit it and move on. The DRM may not kill the game, but it has added a nail to the coffin for me (which started with Drizzle LS). It is the first time that I am considering not buying the next exp and am not buying more gems at this point. (have both GW and GW2 and all the expansions, LS episodes BTW).

    So it's not dead yet, but is moving in that direction with the current team and the direction they are taking.

  4. > @"Silvia.9130" said:

    > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > I don't understand this at all. I can't see a thing in a battle let alone tiny earrings.


    > Then we could as well remove characters faces at all, we see them from the back most of the time, no? -.-


    We were talking about apples and you throw in an orange... LOL

  5. Some have said to report botting and let Anet handle it, or let a GM handle it and move on. I highly suspect that Anet is doing neither. (i.e The in game bot reports are ignored or put in the round filing cabinet and GMs don't bother with monitoring botters anymore).

  6. > @"Algreg.3629" said:

    > just one point: game is too hard unless you are a "fully geared veteran" and endgame gear is acquired very early so you never have to change it do not go together well.


    Now that is funny. Sure you can circumvent the the levels by using boosters etc and jump into the end game without knowing how to play and then complain about the difficulty. But that is the players fault only.! AND, btw, many players change their end game gear depending on what they are doing using the build/gear templates.


  7. > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

    > > @"Solanum.6983" said:

    > > They added 7 other missions into the game last patch and they specifically stated that there will be releases in-between chapters, if not the DRMs they added into the patch then what?

    > They added some stuff to gemshop, haven't you noticed? And there's going to be Wintersday...



    I don't think a recycled festival as well as bling and recycled stuff that I have or don't need, added to the gem shop really counts as added content in any way, shape or form.

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