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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > @"henosis.8796" said:

    > > I'm experiencing it too.


    > Everyone is as this is not a client-sided bug but a bug in the game itself that got distributed to clients with one of the recent patches.


    > I wonder if ArenaNet is aware of this...?


    Well, All the threads were merged by the mods so I suspect Anet is aware of it. But they, more often than not, choose not to interact or drop a note about. Respect is a two street imho.

  2. Get rid of locked (contested) WPs for the whole game. No reason not to let you jump in to battle. Imagine a general saying to the paratrooper 'sorry guys you can't parachute because there is a battle going on' . It's just a dumb restriction.

  3. > @"Jilora.9524" said:

    > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

    > > > > @"Malavian.4695" said:

    > > > > For pities sake just give us the achievement. it's not even that hard a race...

    > > >

    > > > You can do it despite the bug.

    > >

    > > Ya you can but YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    > Ya obviously. So use a work around or wait for a patch. It's not like there's actual new underwater content you need this for. I unlocked it and haven't even tried to gain the 2mil exp because there is nothing to do with the Skimmer underwater so no reason to need it now and get all frustrated


    Giving them a free pass ? Oh well.

  4. > @"Harak.8397" said:

    > I can't even dive during the race in Lion's Arch at the moment. The indicated key does nothing.

    > Edit: Remapping and holding the key down from the start of the race actually gets it working..but then you're much to slow to finish within the time limit.


    Gave up with the race, many are stuck there now because of the bugs (already suffered through the other bug in the collection). Tried a few of the suggested workarounds with no success. Putting the game to bed for the night and hope I can race tomorrow.

  5. > @"Arimanari.9365" said:

    > I've been having this issue for about a month now, and while I kept expressing my frustration with this *bug* to my friend, he had no issue whatsoever at the time. I guess whatever happened, is somehow account related and not everyone got affected at the same time. The lack of any response from Anet or acknowledgment of the problem, is just laughable.


    After saying your friend had no issue, I tried a client repair. Didn't work , still no above/below indicators ( as well as nothing from Anet-- at least they said something about the TP issues).

    Edit , didn't see this addressed in the patch notes. Too bad.

  6. > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

    > Thank you, Devs for all your hard work and passion.

    > We can see that passion and love for the game when we see you on Guild Chat or read/see your interviews.

    > We can even see that passion from Devs that no longer work at ArenaNet.


    > Again, thanks, and know you are appreciated by some.


    > Edit: horrid typo; what was I thinking?


    Yes I especially like how they interact with the bugs forum and community and keep us up to date about the bug reports they are addressing in a timely manner

  7. > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

    > > @"coso.9173" said:

    > > yeah, I don't think so. A single player having too much power to pester others, it would probably be even worse than the problem it tries to solve.


    > People use gag boxes at chest so why not this. Make 'em work in WvW as well so they could trip up people on the warclaw.


    Because those players are often called griefers (among many other words) when they do so and they also like to use other items that can be placed to do the same. Do you?

  8. > @"Tony.8659" said:

    > I'm not sure if this came up before but, I would love if Anet (are you reading this?) can give us mouse cursor color choices in the menu options. This is not hard to add at all I'm sure. Lots of games give us this choice. Overwatch as an example you can choose many crosshair colors. I would love to have some color choices for the cursor. My choice would be bright green. Sometimes it's a bit hard to see when it gets hectic like during a meta or world boss event. And before anyone says there are options out there, thank you but, I want it from Anet themselves.


    Yep , more cursor options have been asked for for years! Ignored by Anet and the community is forced to go 3rd party. It's really too bad.


  9. > @"CottonRunt.1936" said:

    > Has there been any response to this? I searched all the related posts, and could not find anything. If this was an intended nurf to the environment, it would be great if someone from ANET would let us all know.


    Nope nothing, their SOP!!!! It baffles me how no one at anet noticed this during their testing nor even cares to acknowledge it or that it is being addressed.

  10. > @"Delita Silverburg.8632" said:

    > Hmmm my most hated maps... I'll give my top 3.


    > 1. Draconis Mons - This map can eat a kitten. I mostly hate this map for the absolutely worst designed time gate achievement in the game for aurora. I legit still go back to the map at least monthly just to tell it I hate it in Map Chat.

    > 2. Tangled Depths - As the name states, navigating this nightmare of a map is abysmal. It's overly complex and all of the HoT maps have too many mobs. You spend most of your time trying to look at the map and figure out where you're going only to be attacked by some random thing. Thank God for the Skyscale, at least it makes it bearable to traverse this convoluted mess of a map now.

    > 3. Jahai Bluffs - This map was another monster to complete achievements for Vision. Constant attacks from mobs everywhere with beams, and people hate it so much that it's basically deserted. Until Anet swapped over the daily Living World Achievs to the new system, it was almost impossible to get a group together to take on the Djinn. I'd wait for literal hours trying to find enough people to complete event necessary for the legendary trinket.

    > 4. Honorable mention Drizzlewood Coast - frantic after meta champ chain? check. ridiculously uncoordinated wvw attempts? check. no waypoints? check. anti-skyscale mobs? check. never ending hidden achievements that you could have completed on your 10th go at the meta instead of your 20th? check. Strike mission that isn't even remotely like a raid? check. Achievement that requires you to do the strike 50 times? check. 1000g achievement weapon collection? check.


    # 4 wins hands down. And that looks like that's the future unless there is a change, but I doubt the current lead would allow it.

  11. > @"Yasai.3549" said:

    > Prologue.


    > Each passing episode just makes me hate the entire direction of this season.

    > Not only are the metas not fun, they aren't rewarding, are extremely time consuming, with tons of really long and dreary achievements.



    > This will drive players so far away, and now the casual PvE playerbase is going to be driven away as well.


    > An MMO shouldn't aim to keep their players STUCK to their game, a game should aim to ENCOURAGE PLAYERS TO RETURN.

    > I have no doubt in my mind most players who "quit" the game are finding lesser and lesser reason to log back into Gw2 because there just isn't any draw to it, and inversely, there is just so much more annoying aspects that people hate being introduced by the boatload with each episode.


    Agree 100%. Been around since GW1. Drizzlewood may be the final straw for me if the new team doesn't figure out how to get back to the games roots.

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