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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Rookie.8405" said:

    > > @"dizzy.9263" said:

    > > I don't think new players in Core Tyria need mounts. I won't fight against them getting access, but I don't think they are necessary. I do think that if players pay for Path of Fire and they meet the proper level requirements then those players should be able to gain a mount (even if it is only temporary) without having the story spoiled for them. And I feel the same about the glider.

    > >

    > > This post is a bit of a thread-jack (I apologize). And I know most people don't care about the story. But I am still so angry at myself for finishing the HoT glider mission and thinking the spoilers wouldn't be as bad in the PoF mount mission.


    > As a new player I really agree that there should be a way to unlock mount without spoiling the story, and even though mounts are not that necessary, but being almost only player without them is a bit of a downer.



    SImple idea, play the game, BUY POF if you haven't and work towards a mount. Just like everyone else has done.

  2. > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

    > I have a Logitech G502, and I'm very happy with it. I've noticed no glitches of any kind.


    > I used to have a Razer Naga Chroma. Worst $120 I've ever spent for gaming. Jumped randomly around the screen, clicked things all on its own, tech support gave multiple contradictory responses, etc. I'm not sure its follies were limited to GW, though.


    Have the same one and it's fine. I has a similar experience with a Razer. I got rid of it within days of purchase.

  3. > @"Zoid.2568" said:

    > > @"Blude.6812" said:

    > > > @"Zoid.2568" said:

    > > > They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.

    > >

    > > Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.

    > >


    > A few months ago they had a job application and looked for someone with experience on consoles.


    Sorry but what was the link to an official statement from Anet regarding GW2?


  4. > @"robertthebard.8150" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"robertthebard.8150" At least you weren't called "ignorant". /smh


    > True, I'd have reported the post, but the forum didn't allow it, protected class?


    The forum reporting is bugged and can't report anything including abuse.

  5. > @"Zoid.2568" said:

    > They are working on gamepad support for GW2 and when it's finished they will probably release GW2 on Steam and also next gen consoles.


    Can you link to Anets Official statement on that please. I could find no evidence, just work-a-rounds by players and lots of 'I want' threads with personal speculation.


  6. > @"Dante.1508" said:

    > I love nothing better than attacking barrels while i have every enemy and a boss attacking..



    > Not really.


    Almost as good when the targeting switches from a wyverns directly in front of you to a target that is in another level below you, not only no line of sight but not even on the same level.(flax farm verdant brink) It happens in many maps where there are areas that have enemies below even underwater. Targeting in this game needs a major makeover.


  7. > @"Korval.3751" said:

    > I ask because GW2 is one of my favorite games and the only MMO I play today. Every time I play a new LWS, I buy $20-$50 worth of gems to say, "thank you, Arenanet." I'd love to see the game continue to thrive. I think bringing it to Steam would see more people playing. Steam's amazing search algorithm and recommendation engine helps people interested in games like GW2 find them. Perhaps GW2 could launch on Steam for the Cantha expansion! :)


    > Okay, I'm ready for the flood of "anti" comments. <3


    The only anti you get from me is that it's been discussed many many times and there are threads that clearly suggest it will never happen and why. No need to start a new topic. "Search" ty.

  8. > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"Excursion.9752" said:

    > > > Once bridge event ends you have I think 15 minutes or so to kill all the cache keepers and loot their caches before the map resets.

    > > This is the part with which I struggle. How do players zap to the cache keepers? I fly my skyscale and barely make it in time. Is there some skill/mastery unlock to allow for quick teleporting or something?

    > >

    > Each area has an Icon that is associated it each space. If you double click that Icon on the map and spend 5 supply you will drop in right there. Then if you mount a skyscale or griffon you can fly right over to the caches.


    or join group and transport to friend (the tagged commander).


  9. > @"Mortifer.2946" said:

    > > @"Poormany.4507" said:

    > > Yes to underwater mount - This is the only major mount type left that is not ingame yet and is likely to be made eventually, maybe even before Cantha.

    > >

    > > No to fishing - Many players, including myself, are just not interested in fishing in any form (see the many other threads on the topic) as it just seems very unnecessary as a system apart from roleplaying, which could easily be covered with an emote or single gemstore item.


    > Meh, so it is about the loud minority on forums then? If fishing wasn't popular, it wouldn't be put in so many games, ...like.. Animal Crossing which is selling like crazy


    Seriously?--- Comparing Animal Crossing to GW2 . NO to fishing here thanks.




  10. > @"Feirlista Xv.1425" said:

    > Tell all the people staying at home getting on the internet to stop and you all will not get DCed anymore! These issues are out of the hands of Anet because there are just way to many people online these days over taxing the system!


    No that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems all the people staying home are still playing and all of a sudden the game play has improved after a week of reports and no feed back.

    Thanks Anet.


  11. > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

    > Only if there is minimal grind involved. Maybe no grind at all and just gem store items to fill it. It sounds like fun but I have zero desire to grind out achievements if they tie it to that. It would have to be easy for me to have any interest in it. There is more than enough grind and rng content in this game already. Make this gem store only please so you "optional subscription" people have another outlet.


    Now this might have some merit with a tweak or two.

    Housing and everything that can be added to it will be cash/credit card only (no in game gold to gem purchase) from anet directly. That way it will have no affect on the game (other then take dev resources) or add any grind. Those that want housing can go ahead put up the cash.

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