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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Halandir.3609" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > > @"Halandir.3609" said:

    > > > I'm always mildly surprised by the responses to anyone asking something like "Can we have some kind of fishing in this game?"

    > > > The veterans seem to shoot EVERYTHING down immediately because its (not to their, extremely specific, liking and therefore) extremely hard to implement or draws resources away from some imagined content that 2.4% of the games population enjoys.

    > > > GW2 is an older game. Guess what: Doing whatever they have been doing for 8 years will NOT attract new players. Selling expac3 to 75-85% of the remaining pop may seem fine but how realistic do you think expac4 is then?

    > > >

    > > > IMO. GW2 desperately needs random/rare/exciting loot: Hey, random/stupid/simple fishing would work!

    > > > As for: "But fishing is horribly/mind-numbingly simple/stupid!" - Yeah, follow your own advice from nn threads: Just don't do it!

    > > > Some claim: "But fishing requires resources..." Sure. So did "adventures" - To be blunt: Who sells this game to their friends because of "Wooo - Adventures!"... Right! - Fishing would be like ONE minigame/adventure that friends could actually relate to...

    > > > If all else fails: Grab resources from encapsulated content, enjoyed by a very small percentage of veteranplayers that pay most of their "gems" with ingame gold. (And please: Stop the "all Gems are sold for IRL currency" story: Gold/cash conversion never ran out of gems or gold: Anet actually have the ability to print pixels :-))

    > > >

    > > >

    > >

    > > Please don't clump all veterans in as a single group. Believe it or not, "vets" have differing tastes. I for one am supportive of fishing


    > Sorry.

    > You are absolutely right. I should have written "SOME veterans" or (probably even better) "A FEW veterans" instead of "THE veterans".

    > Thank you for clarifying/pointing this out.



    and some new players don't want it either. You can't separate and name and blame one group when the game has such a diversity of players. That being said there are numerous threads about fishing already.

  2. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Zohane.7208" said:

    > > In principle I like the idea.

    > >

    > > However I fear that it could also lead to unwanted side effects, such as harassment of people who put up the "wrong" kind of item or someone getting nagged at to put down more stuff "cause you did at xxx event so you obviously have". Also it could give stalkers more tools.


    > Especially for those times when the personal merchant auto-spawns on top of something when the player didn't intend it to do so.


    and that would be a great reason to have it!!!! "didn't intend to do so"????? LOL

  3. > @"Luthan.5236" said:

    > Useless suggestion. Not adding anything fun to the game and instead making it more bloated with useless mechanics. It will get boring to play if you have to restock on ammo. (People already buy unbreakable harvest tools from the gem store cause it is boring to restock on such stuff.)


    > Besides: If you want such stuff for ranged weapons (guns) you'd need to introduce it for melee weapons as well. (Maybe having to use a sharpening stone to make the blade sharp again after some uses.)


    ^ This, 100%---- another one of those ideas with no merit.


  4. > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > @"Adul.1520" said:

    > > The reason why people feel the need to say this is that Anet seemingly has the impression that people who don't raid don't just not raid because they don't want to raid, but because there's not enough of a difficulty ramp between non-raid and raid content. Which is, for the most part, wrong, if you actually listen to what people who don't raid say their actual reasons for not raiding are.

    > Thanks for posting that. I don't know from where Anet gets their metrics that seem to push their development decisions more toward raids. I only know, that for my small sub-set of friends who play GW2, we don't fall into that category.


    > Maybe ANet sees more income from the raiding community?



    Or maybe the new ones in charge have decided that they don't like (or more likely don't understand) the original premise of GW2 and why people where attracted to it and bought it. They feel they must change it to what other MMO games are like because that is what they know.

  5. > @"Hannelore.8153" said:

    > Please use the forum search, there's a half dozen very long threads on storyline disconnects from cinematics, with solutions.


    > But basically, your computer and/or internet connection is likely a potato, and can't handle keeping the game's network code running at the same time as trying to play a cutscene, and usually just lowering your settings solves it.


    > The idle disconnect problem is also discussed extensively in those threads.


    There is always one helpful response lol.

  6. > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > > @"zealex.9410" said:

    > > > Just like a new raid or a new fractal ppl need to get used to the encounter.

    > > Which is true if you enjoy that type of content. Forcing it on those who don't is, IMO, not a grand idea.

    > >


    > Fortunately players don’t have to do this content.

    LOL, thanks for the laugh.

  7. > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

    > Will in game housing be included in GW2 next expansion?

    > Everquest has it, Elder Scrolls Online has it, World of Warcraft has it.

    > Guild Wars 2 should have it!


    Search function works great on a subject that has been discussed lots of times. and NO!!!!!

  8. > @"Karkara.9067" said:


    > eventually i expect the devs to realize that they could give free legendary as rewards and people in GW2 still wouldn’t want raid like content, also expect for the community to realize that fragmenting the community with paid expansions will not make content better, in fact it will only make the mastery’s that we have useless, like when we had HOT and POF.


    This^^^^^^^^, but I don't think they will realize this. they have blinders on.



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