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Posts posted by Blude.6812

  1. > @"Jimbru.6014" said:


    > - Auto-targeting that targets everything except the mob that is actually in front of me hitting me. Auto-target should only pick up the closest target attacking you, or the closest unobstructed target in range in front of you, in that order of priority. Auto-target should never pick mobs that are out of range and/or obstructed.




    ^^ This, and not only that example, but in many areas they target mobs that are in a level below the player and never should a non combatant creature auto targeted.

    and add custom cursors (not 3rd party) that don't get lost on busy screen and the ability to turn of other players visuals like gathering and gliders.

  2. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > I agree with you, but it is the only immediate solution. They increased the rewards for LS dailies but made each map rotate in once every 6 days. That gives you prob only 1 day a week to do it. The general feeling is on daily map days, that map is

    > populated. Having done Jade recently ish, I am inclined to agree.


    > Is a change coming? Almost certainly not or at least not in the near future. This is realistically your best shot in getting it done even though it isn’t ideal


    The changes messed up Thunder Peaks too!


  3. > @"FOX.3582" said:

    > Seems like people aren’t playing for fun anymore. Almost everyone is thinking about one thing only; how to get as much loot in the least amount of time. Sad.


    The may be true, but the fact of the matter is Anet has a lot of activities, collections etc that are not fun and are just prolonged grinds for collections with incredibly restrictive RNG with poor returns.

  4. > @"Zexanima.7851" said:

    > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

    > > That's what I don't get. You don't want to necro older threads that have already covered these topics and then create a new one that doesn't add anything new to those discussions anyway.


    > Idk what to tell ya mate. I'm sitting at work with nothing to do and was thinking about this so I figured I would see if anyone wanted to discuss it. You're welcome to pay no mind and not comment if it bothers you that much. Every time I want to talk about something I don't go "Oh, better go digging through the bowels of the forums to make sure someone else hasn't already discussed this before. Far be it from me if I accidentally bring up a conversation had before". Some new may come of it yet, it's not like the discussion is closed. That's why you **discus** it with other people to figure out **new** ideas. Maybe someone who didn't see the older threads will chime in, who knows.



    Nah, I bet you have likely been around long enough to know that mods close and end necro'd threads. This is one of the ways people have used to purposly get around that. "Accidents" ???? nah. (discuss)

  5. > @"Westenev.5289" said:

    > > @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

    > > Are we playing the same game? There has only been one jp released since pof was released and it was ur khan gauntlet.


    > What about Thunderhead Peaks (the dwarven crypt area). That had a few (fun) mini JP's you could complete at your leisure.


    > Personally, I'm kind of hoping for another chalice of tears. Hard JP's bring out the best in the community, IMO.


    Kinda of thinking that Anet had way too many complaints about this type of extremely bad jumping puzzle design and will never do it again. As for JP's they got it right in the latest maps. Swim right by and get the reward with out having to jump.

  6. > @"GW Noob.6038" said:

    > > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > Longbow gets outperformed by scepter as far as damage goes, that is why.


    > Which begs the question: WHY did Anet make a one-handed weapon much more powerful than a two-handed weapon? You don't have to answer that, I just find it absurd and unjustifiable.


    > > When the evil, DPS-meter using meta pushers put out builds, they normally put in the best in slot equipment, which would be why you don't see longbow advertised as the weapon of choice a lot.


    > Those are the people you see attacking inanimate golems, and such? I don't think they're evil people - they're creepy, no doubt about that, but I don't think they're evil. When I first started playing I tried one of the "meta" builds at Megabattle for my Ranger...it was so disastrous that it was almost comical! After a week of that stupidity, I stopped using their build and developed my own build that didn't require me to have my own personal Druid following me around! :D


    > I'll probably windup using a Greatsword as my main, with the longbow as my secondary.



    Greatsword and scepter with torch (have to use it since I have Meteorlogicus) and will switch out to longbow depending on circumstances for my Guardian.

    As for my Ranger, it's bow and double axes with greatsword as an option.


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