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Posts posted by BlackTruth.6813

  1. Oh and btw, for this "identity" to work on Berserker, you can't nerf Arc Divider (Which is BAD POWERCREEP, something that YOU FAIL TO SEE here on the Beserker Rework, but went "full paranoid" on baseline fast hands, something that multiple people FAILED to prove was potentially catastrophic yet Arc Divider shoots itself in the foot). Nice logic, nice "non-catastrophic change" because baseline fast hands is more catastrophic but you failed to back that premise up, much like how you're failing to back this Berserker rework up that creates positive gameplay..


    > @"Sobx.1758" said:

    > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > > > @"KelyNeli.4516" said:

    > > > > @"otto.5684" said:

    > > > > I said core warrior is more versatile than berserker. Where are you getting core warrior is useless from?!

    > > > >

    > > > > Also, this is not silver struggles. If you play GS and rifle in competitive sPvP you are a free kill.

    > > >

    > > > Besides different burst skill, some heal, extra movement speed and adrenaline, there is not too much that would differ core warrior from berserker.

    > >

    > > Wow, just no ... The whole way berserker plays is completely different than core warrior. THIS is the reason there is a problem with berserker, because there is a non-berserker mode that is deficient to core warrior in design.


    > You probably haven't heard that yet, but non-berk mode is weaker, because berk mode is stronger. I also heard a rumor that if you don't want power swings, you can always play core warrior or SB and you won't have to complain about different playstyle of something that's supposed to have one :+1:



    Ok why don't we take away automatic pet from soulbeast (Make them completely merged) and shatter from chronomancer (Since you already have "COOL DOWN RESET F5") because it "creates an identity and a different playstyle"


    LOL. That's how you sounded when you went against baseline fast hands. That's why it's hard to take you seriously anymore.


    Oh and btw, for this "identity" to work on Berserker, you can't nerf Arc Divider. Nice logic, nice "non-catastrophic change" because baseline fast hands is more catastrophic but you failed to back it up, much like you're failing to back this Berserker rework up that creates positive gameplay..

  3. Rifle + GS Arms Disc Berserker probably


    Bait dodge/cd with Volley and/or Gunflame > finish with Arc Divider. It's pretty hard if you get chain CC'd tho, you can only really fit balanced stance like this.


    Need Disc for the adrenaline on weapon switch and burst refund + 7% more F1 damage.

  4. > @"DanAlcedo.3281" said:

    > It fits the theme.


    > You go flaming Hulk and by jumping in water, you cool off.




    good one LOL I guess elementalist water form and staff healing rain should counter the berserker then in GW2 lore HUE

  5. ^LOL IMAGINE saying baseline fast hands is catastrophic, but the current Berserker rework and current design is "fine" and isn't potentially catastrophic based on how ANET's been doing things.


    Logical consistency at it's finest.


    TL;DR don't take fail hypocrites seriously.

  6. So it's worse than people stacking Arc Dividers, ok. Just an FYI, even Warrior has more evil things than Rampage thanks to ANET's "rework."


    I didn't even deflect to another class, that's how bad it is.


    Games bad, play something else at this point.

  7. Also signet of rage doesn't really count. It's too weak at it's current state to REALLY contend with headbutt or rampage.


    Headbutt could actually be really good once ANET nerfs Rampage (which might actually happen)


    Yes Berserker does have so little ways to get fury, but even if they did give it back to berserker mode, it won't really change much. May as well give it back there because "fury" and "Rage" are intertwined thematically anyways.


    Could make it "pulsing" too for a bit, and it won't change much. At least it isn't stability or protection or resistance.

  8. > @"RedShark.9548" said:

    > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

    > > You have to use Arms on Berserker. 100% crit burst is just too good, and 50% crit on stunned foes with unsuspecting foes is too good to not have as well depending on the build. I'd prefer the 10 vuln stacks though because it helps my team.

    > >

    > > That's the only way to remedy the lack of fury uptime for now.

    > >

    > > Maybe use Runes to make up for it. That and/or just use Assassin's amulet, but then you lose power from Berserker amulet for an STR DISC Berserker or STR DEF Berserker build. Arc Divider has to crit for when it counts or it's kinda hard to play Berserker: Berserker identity atm is (unblockable) AoE damage over spellbreaker/core.

    > >

    > > I understand why you need Fury though, it really sucks when you don't crit much for when it counts when you LEGIT have to crit a lot on berserker to be significant.

    > >


    > Arms minor furious burst also gives fury for 5 seconds everytime you use a burst skill


    > Edit. Nvm 15sec internal cd


    You also get 100% crit burst on Arms and unsuspecting foe (though it is kinda hard to stun people nowadays) anyways but I guess you could fit in 2 autos and a whirlwind attack in between before the second Arc Divider.


    It sucks that you don't get much fury outside of Berserker mode by that logic as well (Other than through Axe 2 and Runes)

  9. There's also axe MH for fury on axe 2. coupled with Arc Divider


    But it's VERY tempting to just go sword for more mobility (or to just dodge AoE) tbh and Rifle is actually nice to pair up with Arc Divider just to deal with z-axis teleports. or actually play a non-defense trait build.

  10. If by better shape you mean you press 5 buttons (signet of fury > berserker mode > arc divider > blood reckoning > arc divider)


    Then LOL, you have got to be tasteless. But w/e this game isn't gonna improve any further so long as ANET "does their own thing"


    Old berserker had a reasonable skill cap (had more feint options than Core or Spellbreaker), this one presses 5 buttons and oppress on a point, effectively limiting your OWN gameplay AND forcing people to play teleport classes. Be it better or worse, this design is catastrophic because ANET will eitehr make it meta enforcing or gut it to non-viability in one bad mistake.

  11. **There's also "1v1s" don't matter.**


    Like okay, if you're always calling your team mate for help, your other team mates are going to be outnumbered. if you don't kill the guy in time.


    That's why 1v1 builds that have sustain are ACTUALLY impactful in conquest (soulbeast, spellbreaker, etc) because matching numbers matter. And then you get morons who say "it's a team game" everytime they fail horribly or just don't know what conquest common sense is because they need someone to hold their hand because bad players.


    Or they're like plussing and can't kill within a couple of seconds and ends up making the other 3 people outnumbered. Pretty annoying, can't ever get rid of those people no matter what you do.

  12. You have to use Arms on Berserker. 100% crit burst is just too good, and 50% crit on stunned foes with unsuspecting foes is too good to not have as well depending on the build. I'd prefer the 10 vuln stacks though because it helps my team.


    That's the only way to remedy the lack of fury uptime for now.


    Maybe use Runes to make up for it. That and/or just use Assassin's amulet, but then you lose power from Berserker amulet for an STR DISC Berserker or STR DEF Berserker build. Arc Divider has to crit for when it counts or it's kinda hard to play Berserker: Berserker identity atm is (unblockable) AoE damage over spellbreaker/core.


    I understand why you need Fury though, it really sucks when you don't crit much for when it counts when you LEGIT have to crit a lot on berserker to be significant.


  13. ^And you know what ANET is going to say to that? "Warrior should lose control of itself, should be part of the mechanic"


    I doubt they're going to want you to be able to exit Berserker mode at will.


    This is why themes are garbage, just balance the game and make it fun. Like for example? If berserker should be an attack spec, then the old Berserker could've had unblockable for 4 seconds when entering as a simple fix.


    If you put baseline unblockables on Berserker mode now with it's Arc Divider? It's too broken even though it "fits" with the theme.

  14. > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

    > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

    > > > @"Vieux P.1238" said:

    > > >

    > > > hahahahaha ..plz deny it.

    > >

    > > Woodstock didn't even attempt to dodge it, because they weren't expecting it.

    > > There's a huge difference between being unable to do something and being able to do something, and not doing it.

    > > Granted, Berserker shouldn't be an opener, (And nerfing fury signet would fix that), but it's hit packets are not bugged. if you press V those hits will miss. I don't know what else to tell you.


    > No one skill should be critting for 20k plus. It doesn't matter the tell. It doesn't matter how glassy one builds. That level of damage should be impossible in PvP.


    Kinda like with how braindead Turret Engi WAS, and Mirage was before the dodge nerf, and how obnoxious soulbeast is?


    I agree, Berserker in it's current state is oppressive to some builds and braindead in it's own way. And CAN be oppressive overall with it's 4 button playstyle if backed up with a Firebrand maybe (It's oppressive because it flat it out baits double dodge IMMEDIATELY because of back to back Arc Divider vs. non-teleport builds, this build FORCES you to play a teleport build)


    **I press 4 buttons, and all your defensive cds and endurance dodges gone just like that unless you can teleport and wait out my berserker mode [And then after my berserker mode is down, you can just kill me and I can't fight back without core F1]. It's badly designed.** Pair this up with a Firebrand maybe and it might be cancer vs. EVERYTHING.


    Signet of Fury > Arc Divider > Blood Reckoning > Arc Divider "high skill cap combo" (like with what Mirage/Soulbeast have in similarity)


    I can't defend this garbage design.

  15. Oh believe me, it's VERY op vs. builds that don't have teleports and have to be on point for cap.


    You can't even play scrapper vs. a good Berserker right now for example. VERY very oppressive vs. builds that have to stand on point and can't teleport.


    But then people just make a comp that can 1v1 and teleport or soulbeast just destroys you flat out if the soulbeast has half a brain.


    God tier vs. bad builds/bad players, but can't do anything vs. ACTUAL good players with good builds and know how to simply wait out berserker mode and then kill you. That's why it deserves all the old complain about it.


    At least the old Berserker can fight back with Core F1 if Berserker mode is down. This one? Your back to back Arc Divider better kill people before Berserker Mode is down or else they just kill you and you can't fight back. **Does that sound well designed to you? The fact that you can crush bad builds/bad players but you can't do anything vs. the top notch builds that are controlled by people with half a brain?**


    Could probably borderline be godly vs. Firebrand too if you learn how to use signet of might and spam Arc Divider.

  16. Signet of Fury > Arc Divider > Blood Reckoning > Arc Divider > Escape if you miss **in sPvP**


    Is the most boring playstyle Berserker ever had to be in. Feint/fake-outs are discouraged and it's just pathetic. This rework forced Berserker to be a 4 button class when Berserker was A LOT more complex than Spellbreaker and Core in terms of fake-outs.


    This rework should be reverted (i.e. Revert Arc Divider) not because it kills fail players like Vieux P, but because Arc Divider could get things like 100% crit on burst on Arms NERFED for example when Rifle needs the 100% crit chance on burst, if you were to look at ANET's history of nerfing things. Legit, ANET could potentially leave this spec unviable because it kills fail players like Vieux P or it could make it disgustingly broken like for example giving it baseline unblockables making it not need signet of might vs. certain comps for an "aggressive playstyle." And that wouldn't be the only reason why this spec is in a potentially catastrophic state.

  17. You're either oppressive at point once you figure out how to use unblockables and learn how to deal with adrenaline issues. Or once you start fighting good players that know how to rotate, know how to z-axis teleport and wait out berserker mode. (Not like the OP who is a fail Mesmer who doesn't know how to play an instant cast evade spam class), you become very useless and eventually die when F1 on CD because they took away the core F1 for ARC DIVIDER LOL.


    It's not consistent compared to pre-rework Berserker (Which needed a small push not this catastrophic rework). Hence it is very badly designed because you're either oppressive or flat out useless.


    These changes are bad and need to be reverted, but **not because it's OP and is very good vs. bad players like the OP** but because the rework is catastrophic.

  18. Btw, you better kill people before Berserker mode runs out, or else you won't really have an F1 and not having the core F1? Makes it hard to counterpressure and fight back. This was a stupid change, and the next thing that ANET will do is probably very catastrophic or will keep the spec very useless for a long period.


    Literally the counter to this is so simple ( Just wait out Berserker mode or just flat out kill the Berserker), this is why ANET is worse than stupid (getting rid of Core F1 also gutted Berserker when Berserker mode is down and you WILL GET CAUGHT VERY OFTEN vs. competent people when your berserker mode is on CD).


    hey can just z-axis teleport or stay far from arc divider range, and then go in on you when you have nothing.


    Best. Designed. Spec. Good job ANET.


    How you are **pidgeon holed** into blood reckoning, signet of fury, signet of might, berserker stance, GS for Arc Divider has got to be the biggest joke design that I have ever seen in my life. And "you have to use GS anyways" is a stupid excuse because that gets boring being stuck to 1 weapon set for an ELITE SPEC when it was already kinda tolerable without GS (core F1 + primal F1 mind game/back to back) pre-rework (There are better ways for a "rework" and a "buff" some aspects would have been fine as is)

  19. Not only is the skill cap lower, but it is SO WEAK once people wait out berserker mode (and waiting out Warrior stances, etc was NEVER hard due to z-axis teleports, and staying out of range which was always easy)


    But okay, let's use Rage skills and extend duration so I have an actual F1...


    Guys? Why am I getting blind/weakness spammed? (No berserker stance/shake it off)

    Why am I getting one shot? (No endure pain)


    LOL so you can actually have an F1.


    Catastrophic. For this spec to be viable, you have to be full glass (or arms def berserker with lynx runes), use Arc Divider and/or kill before berserker mode runs out (And guess what counters this? Z-axis teleports or just flat out burst it down before it touches you). Bad design, **EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE** on the contrary to what know-it-all Sobx thinks. Baseline fast hands would have been better LMAO.


    Nobody asked for bad changes. ANET made this spec legit one-trick 2 buttons. This is a joke, the old Berserker was reasonable and needed a legitimate push (there ARE pushes that would've made it comparable to SB because it **already had better feint potential than core and SB**), not this garbage.


    Legit watch them give this baseline unblockable or evade eater mechanics like dragon maw to make it "balanced." Even more "sustain" would actually be catastrophic too.


    This change. Is. Bad. Bad design and needs to be reverted.



  20. Non-meta and no one will probably care but Berserker skill cap lowered (can't combine normal Skull Crack > 3 mace autos >headbutt > primal F1 skull grinder or mind game with normal F1 stow/weapon cancel dodge bait and finish with a primal burst anymore) . decapitate got gutted, and Arcing Slice change isn't special.


    Bad "fix" overall. Watch ANET make berserker "viable" but disgustingly un-intuitive and braindead in a later patch.


    Can't rely on ANET for anything.

  21. The change is stupid. I guess the Mirage dodge nerf isn't proof that ANET is improving.


    ANET will always do their own thing and just fail horribly.


    (If you're curious at my thoughts on the berserker changes, then TL;DR it lowered the skil cap and made it basic as hell when it actually had an okay skill cap with weapon swap cancels and stow weapons on the normal F1 and then finish with primal F1, or look at my past posts for more details.)

  22. > @"MrPhantasia.5924" said:

    > > @"Falan.1839" said:

    > > After some overperforming builds from the last meta were nerfed, Spellbreaker is back in full force and there is already a lot of complaints about there. I think a lot of the issues with it could be resolved by tuning down rampage. It would hit Holo aswell, but it would definitely keep being viable (I play pretty much exclusively without Elixir X on a high level).

    > >

    > > The general mechanic of Rampage however is overstacked with benefits and promotes lazy gameplay. First of all there is the extremely high dps potential on every single skill, that gets boosted even further by several dmg modifiers on warrior. In addition to that you gain 2 very useful movement skills - sometimes leading high lvl warriors to use Rampage just to disengage. On top of that you have very strong potential, (4 CCS) and a ranged cc with high dps. That in itself is already a very strong combination. However, to make things worse, you also get permanent pulsing stability AND a very strong defense (dmg reduction and increased hp pool). If you tether your enemy before activating it you can also additionally get extra might and reveal, negating another possible counterplay (strength). So basically there is almost no counterplay except extremely high corrupt/boonrip pressure on the stability paired with cc. That is unlikely to ever work in a 1v1 situation, where you are usually busy avoiding the big hits (aka all of them).

    > >

    > > So, in my opinion, at least 2 aspects of this bundle (damage, CC, movement, stability, defense) have to go. I'm personally In favour of removing the stability and defensive bonuses, making it a high risk high reward play, with still very strong combination of damage, CC and mobility but the possibility of being punished by counter CC with no available stunbreak and no increased defense to just facetank through it. As of now it's a very high reward play with close to zero risks.


    > > @"melandru.3876" said:

    > > a holo complaining about warrior

    > >

    > > holo, which is the most broken (with boonbeast) out there

    > > mobility, stealth, sustain, burst, boons, you name it, ranged pressure, melee pressure, cc

    > >

    > > oh and id i forget the broken forge skilsl? i love when forge 5 hits me through a freaking wall.

    > >

    > > if only holos would also have access to rampage, oh wait they do albeit it on a 50% chance...

    > >

    > > can't have it all right


    > Both Holosmith and Spellbreaker are the most balanced, high risk high reward, highest skill cap builds to have ever existed in entire history of Guild Wars 2 which is why Anet left them completely untouched this upcoming balance patch.


    Berserker had a higher skill cap BEFORE the patch because stow/weapon switch cancels with normal F1 dodge bait and then finish off the berserker > primal F1.. Needed unblockables though to borderline make Berserker below average.


    But uhh yeah those days aren't coming back. ANET too busy taking 1 more button off Berserker elite and limiting gameplay that wasn't even toxic and was actually well designed based off stow weapon and weapon switch cancels. Just an arc divider spamming suicider now, such a fail change.


    If Rampage does get nerfed, ANET will probably not nerf soulbeast because they think evade spam takes so much skill when that exact mentality is why e-sports died and nobody took the game seriously after HoT.

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