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Everything posted by Sylvyn.4750

  1. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said: > > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > > > CONS: > > > - It might have worked better as a Warclaw skin > > > > Yeah, it seems out of place as a Jackal skin...jackals are usually slender, this thing doesn't look like it would even fit through a sand portal. I would have bought it as a Warclaw skin, though. > > > > > My guess is that it was made on a jackal skin for more availability. Probably way more players with jackals than warclaws. Probably more in sales this way, too. Out of the non-WvW terrestrial mounts...jackal, raptor ,springer or roller beetle...it's a tough choice, just doesn't fit well in any of those, but I guess if you had to shove a square peg in a round hole, jackal would do. Maybe it's time for a new type of mount, a beast of burden, like a pack mule, water buffalo, ox, camel or horse that has a special ability of doubling your bag size or acting as a quick access to your bank account while you're on the dusty trail.
  2. > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > CONS: > - It might have worked better as a Warclaw skin Yeah, it seems out of place as a Jackal skin...jackals are usually slender, this thing doesn't look like it would even fit through a sand portal. I would have bought it as a Warclaw skin, though.
  3. Wow...no one needs to ask "where's the beef?" in this case...that's a lot right there!
  4. Every mount should be modelled with a Charr or Norn so people can get an idea of scaling on a worst case scenario! I got a Vigilant Sabreclaw skin for WvW, not realizing until afterwards that larger character models make them look like they could easily tip the mount over...looks great on my Asura, though.
  5. Is this a game engine issue or a computer hardware issue? I was going to quip something like "get a better graphics card" so the CPU isn't throttling performance at 1080p, but then I realized the state of supply/demand we are in affecting CPU and GPU availability....
  6. > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said: > > @"Fuchslein.8639" said: > > > > So you have numbers what makes how much dmg? > > Why yes, I do ;) At least, I know how to get them. > > The way that the game calculates damage isn't mysterious. All of the equations are on the wiki ([condi,](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Condition_Damage) [power](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Damage). The only hard part is putting it all together. But, what you can do is take some shortcuts to see how much you'll be doing in each little part. > > Say, for example, you want to compare how much condition damage you do in Sinister gear as compared to Viper. The [item Nomenclature](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Attribute_combinations) page has how much each set gives you. Throw on some runes and sigils (Bursting, Malice, Nightmare), and you'll get the following stats > > Sinister: 1,556 condition damage, 0 expertise, 30% total condi duration, 5% increased damage > Viper: 1,348 condition damage, 633 expertise, 72.2% total condi duration, 5% increased damage > > From there, you can see how much damage you'll do with each condition. For example, say that you have a skill that inflicts 1 stack of bleeding. Bleeding does 0.06 condition damage + 22 for every second. So, we'd get the final numbers: > > Sinister: 121.13 damage per second for 1.3 seconds, coming to 157.47 damage > Viper: 108.02 damage per second for 1.72 seconds, coming to 185.80 damage > > You can do these kinds of calculations for all of the other conditions, and for all of the other gear prefixes. You can change runes, add or subtract traits, add might, etc. For reference, this means that Sinister does 84.8% the damage of Viper. > > -------------------------- > Woof...Condi isn't very straightforward when it comes to stacking attribute points in Condi vs. Expertise...the bottom part of your link to Condi damage calculates a break even for when you have too much of one or the other that isn't doing you much good...I've generally run Power builds as I only do WvW and Open World stuff...in WvW you just don't know how long a condi will be applied before it gets cleansed, and in most Open World situations, mobs don't last long enough to get the full effect of a condi anyway.
  7. Allow extra mounts just on DBL, since both vertical relief and horizontal distances are greater, it's needed. Plus, would give DBL an extra perk to get more people playing on it. Flying mounts could have the same no-fly zones as gliders to keep them in check.
  8. Good points...I just hate it when you're focused on defending one wall against blue team and green team is on another wall out of sight and you don't know it until they're spilling into the keep behind you...at least Fire only has one inner wall to guard if two teams break in through outer, but Air still has two approaches on inner. Doesn't happen often, but it happens.
  9. > @"Sviel.7493" said: > @"kamikharzeeh.8016" > > There are definitely some servers where the organized core does not run RBL, and also some guilds that won't run it scattered on random servers. That's why I prefer to look at multiple tiers at once: I want to see if the map itself leads to activity differences rather than if players avoiding the map does so. If the map changes activity, that could be a good or bad thing depending on how it does it. If players boycott a map, that doesn't tell me anything about the map itself. Still, if players dislike a map in large numbers, it's worth checking out why. > > To that end, I've already measured how long it takes to run from one objective to another in both ABL and DBL*. Most of the times are very similar, though running from home spawn or Middle Keep to the Side Keeps is a bit longer on DBL. However, since the side keeps have no double siege spots, it takes longer to break in as well. There is also much more opportunity for scouts to delay assaults. Meanwhile, running from the Northern towers to their respective camps is actually shorter on DBL with no cliffs to carefully jump down like on Alpine. The short version is that it isn't objectively harder to defend stuff on Desert, nor is it harder to reach places nor does it take longer across the board. I think that's why we don't see significant differences in map activity when players actually play all of the maps. > > If people are still getting lost despite roads between objectives being clearly marked...I don't think that's the map's fault. > > * Inter-keep travel times: http://puu.sh/H8Hav/38fafb83b2.png > * South BL travel times: http://puu.sh/H8HaL/383762474a.png > However, the intra-tower and intra-keep travel times in DBL are larger, which does make an impact on defense. If you're on either the north or south wall defending against an attack, you can't even see if another group is hitting the opposite wall. Both northern towers and the keeps have large central structures/mounds that hinder mobility and line of sight between walls. It's like they built DBL keeps and towers expecting a much larger influx of WvW players, as you would need multiple guards standing post to have eyes in every direction, where one would suffice on ABL. They could also tone down the rocks and low shrubs that I often seem to get hung up on in mid-fight..:P Other than that, I think DBL is worth keeping...good for roaming, and I do enjoy the diversity in terrain.
  10. Honestly at this point the best tactic is to go ahead and jump into WvW and see who's running during the hours you typically play. Since guilds tend to bandwagon to one server or another to tip the scales in their favor, it's not that easy to say who is on what server anymore. There still might be some dedicated guilds on Ebay that haven't moved, but I couldn't tell you who those are, maybe someone from Ebay will chime in.
  11. Anyone have a take on why Ascended is account bound, but they'll let you sell Gen 1 Legendaries on the TP? You can sell all the way up to Exotic, can't sell Ascended, but then can sell some Legendaries...just seems odd. If they really want a person to explore Tyria to get a Legendary, why allow it to even be purchased for gold? Seems like once they've introduced a contradiction in the game, it opens the door for more kittens...
  12. I honestly don't see much of a difference between a once-a-day autofarm of your home instance versus the Expedition contracts that give you harvested stuff without having to travel on a daily basis, as long as you at least log in for the day.
  13. > @"Dawdler.8521" said: > > @"Sylvyn.4750" said: > > And for reference, here are the DBL voting results...relying on Reddit posts quoting the original forum posts because the forum posts no longer exist: [https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4p13ub/desert_borderlands_will_stay/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4p13ub/desert_borderlands_will_stay/) > The forums still exist. > > https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/wuv/WvW-Poll-14-June-Desert-Borderlands-Closed/page/4#post6212591 > > > Aha! Thanks...neither my google or forum search on it was coming up with any results other than the Reddit posts, and then the forum links in Reddit were broken, too.
  14. And for reference, here are the DBL voting results...relying on Reddit posts quoting the original forum posts because the forum posts no longer exist: [https://reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4p13ub/desert_borderlands_will_stay/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4p13ub/desert_borderlands_will_stay/)
  15. I dunno where you got your intel but no vote got over 50 percent on the linkings so they split the difference on where the majority of the votes hovered around. https://amp.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/4nijk2/wvw_poll_6_june_world_linking_schedule_results/
  16. > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said: > Wait, they DON'T let you pick which one you want to use? Nope, it's random...
  17. The worst task to finish a Daily in WvW is having to wait for the Veteran Creature to spawn, which can be long enough that your participation level drops a tier...no bueno...I'd like to see that task replaced with something like repairing a certain number of tower/keep walls or destroying a certain amount of enemy siege, something that increases or helps maintain participation levels. More PvE in WvW would just end up working against progress in the skirmish and selectable reward tracks like it often does waiting for the Veteran Creature. Maybe Anet should allow for a Rent-A-Claw, costing a certain amount of gold/silver per hour, until a person is able to obtain their own permanent one?
  18. > @"Veprovina.4876" said: > Let's see... > > https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~6-73227 > > This is how much it costs to convert your entire ascended armor set to one of the pricier stat combinations. About 40 gold. > This is basically 2 dailies of running T3 or T4 fractals. > > https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculator/a~0!b~1!c~0!d~4-72875 > > If you have 4 weapons, it's another 20 gold to change stats on them. One day of T3/T4 fractals. > Let's see, play WvW exclusively, make 2g per day on the dailies with the rest of one's drops being complete RNG...allows for stat swaps once a month...hmm...I see some inequity between game modes here...I guess "server pride" is the one prize/consolation that no other mode gets.
  19. Anyone else have the issue when mounting up that you see the generic Warclaw skin for a second before it morphs into one of your updated skins? For reference I have the Saberclaw and Sand Lion skins that I use. I guess it's loading the basic stats for the Warclaw first and then changing the skin out a second later. Yeah, I need to upgrade my potato rig, so maybe the delay is on my end, but it's weird they would even program it to always load the basic skin before swapping it out.
  20. Too bad it's only 2.5 minutes, but the Beatle's "I'm Down" is a good one... "You tell lies thinking I can't see You can't cry 'cause you're laughing at me I'm down (I'm really down) I'm down (Down on the ground) I'm down (I'm really down) How can you laugh when you know I'm down (How can you laugh) When you know I'm down"
  21. Just remember that we voted on the official Anet poll on this topic several years back and it was made clear that if DBL was voted out of the rotation entirely, Anet would not put any resources to making new WvW maps in the future, so we voted to keep DBL in the rotation, and for some it was a bitter pill, but they swallowed it to have any hope at all for new maps in WvW. However, we're still waiting for those resources to come to fruition as we still haven't seen a new map, but perhaps it is just taking a backseat to class balancing and server/alliance restructuring.
  22. Thanks...he finally showed up in Metrica Province. He definitely was not showing up in other locations that I checked, so I wonder if they cut back his schedule or if it is partially bugged.
  23. WvW reward tracks...get to do what I enjoy and collect the currencies without dealing with RNG.
  24. He's supposed to be in Malchor's Leap right now, and following the map, he's nowhere in sight...
  25. He seems to be lost again...I submitted a ticket after searching several of his known locations/times for a couple days in a row...
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