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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. Gw2 isn't like riding a bicycle, it takes practice. You don't stay good.

    Were people better in general back in vanilla? No, they were practicing more. Has skill level dropped? Yep. But if you're still going hard at it 6 years later it might be time for some life goal reflection

  2. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > Drats, had my halloween pail all ready to go trick-or-treating ;-(


    > Ikr?


    > Actually, I would love to see that happen during Wintersday and Halloween. Both would be nice tweaks to WvW. Yes, cosmetic, but kinda cool.


    > Maybe make the SMC lord turn into Steve... THAT would be cool...

    > (Chase you all around the castle.... heh)


    I just met Steve last weekend.

    Not sure why it's called Steve, but it'd make a good siegerazer.

  3. Timing as in you wait for somebody else to have already made the clutch play, or as in baddies didn't see you coming from the side?

    If you're fighting bad players you shouldn't need a bubble in the first place, if you're fighting competent players and you come in sideways, you'd better have stances up... Because death waits at 900 range for the first couple infiltrators.

  4. MMO's live on community. They'd never forcefully disassociate players.

    There is a precedent in RvR for balancing factions though. Towards the end of it's life Warhammer Online instituted a system with proportional loot as the incentive. Renown Ranks, a form of XP was needed to get the best stuff. As your side grew larger in relation to the opponent, ranks took longer and vice versa for the losing side. Win motivated players would stay put and gear motivated players would chase the higher RR rate to be had on the losing side.


    It was a great system, very effective and a shame it came far too late.

  5. Agreed

    We already have +500 people preselecting their team. The whole point of alliances to to give Anet more pieces to work with.

    Addressing nightcapping is a separate issue, 20 people at 4am decide matches not 500.. A penalty system for severe imbalance, some incentive to not stack-and-win is what's needed.


    Hopefully they have something in mind

  6. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > The monkey push with stances thing isn't the pro approach but it can still work because stances are still kinda crazy. the pro approach is chain veil in drop bubbles right on their face so they're dead before they even know what's up.


    Top end gameplay discussion feels out of place here

    When we talk about Www application in average it's the allah-hu-ahkbar warrior running in to bubble and trading it's life to do so... And how weird it is that the warriors themselves would want this as their role. <,<

  7. > @"Jugglemonkey.8741" said:


    > I'd argue the builds that allow you to instantly heal to full from 20% health while being tanky enough to survive a burst and having good damage on top are way more hand holding than thief ever was (ele, ranger and guardian are the worst offenders for this),


    While a healer build can heal itself to full, you've got a very different definition of "good damage" than I. Nobody ever lost a duel to a minstrels guard. Just like thieves choose between evade or stealth, other classes choose between heal or damage. Trying to do both ends in hybrids that can do neither well.

  8. > @"cryorion.9532" said:

    > > @"OriOri.8724" said:

    > > But anything less than 1 sec cast for this is broken


    > Or maybe not? In order to successfully place WoD, warrior has to use stances so they don't get obliterated/interrupted immediately.

    > So maybe if the skill is left on longer CD (90 sec), the cast time could be reduced to 3/4 or 1/2 second.

    > In the end, it doesn't matter for enemy team, the bubble will pop up anyway, it's just nice balance change for warrior.


    Having to use a few utilities to run headlong into 60+ players who see you coming ...You do know most classes couldn't do that even if they dropped _everything_ on the approach?


    We've given an unstoppable (for long enough to deliver WoD) class a skill that must be avoided by everyone. I'm not even sure how a cast time affects this skill negatively as they're immune to everything during the approach. Just hit the button a second earlier.

  9. > @"geist.4126" said:

    > > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > > Do you even play GW2? Rangers have more stealth than mesmers.


    > I really had to lol about that.



    Mostly true

    It's just a chore to do on soulbeast


    And most ramger-inclined folks are very meh

  10. > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > _someone_ deserves a lump of wintersday coal for looking down their nose at the free 20 slotters


    > There's only so many bank tabs you can fill with the spares, until you've had enough.


    Oh, I'm well and truly there with you lol

    But the trick-or-treat bags are dropping in price and there's other reward tracks

    And like, if you must have the tot bags, the PvE labyrinth farms endlessly running right now produce them at 100x the rate WvW does.

  11. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > How about an increase in ToT bags, and also an ability to trade the 20slot halloween pails for corn cobs or be able to choose that amongst several other items for the end chest? And please, not useless stuff like that desert pitcher one.


    What, you don't like mount buff food as a wvw reward?

  12. > @"Turk.5460" said:

    > I always thought it was the corpses of Dolyaks, even after they disappeared, that blocked the projectiles. I don't experience the problem when no dolyaks have died in the camps. But if dolyaks *did* die in the camp, I seemingly always get obstructed where their bodies were, for even a few minutes after they disappear.


    Nah, it's inherent in uneven ground. Notice the recently redone sections like Ogrewatch it's become nearly impossible to blink anywhere.

    I'm sure most of us are familiar with the polygonal nature of current "3D" gaming, we're all made of tiny triangles set at angles to one another. Sometimes, the edges of the triangles don't meet up properly, this creates a dead zone. When the pathing of another object (projectile, npc on quest path, player trying to blink) intersects the dead zone, it creates an error. As in the game world you don't actually pass through the air above the ground, but travel along the ground at a set height.


  13. > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

    > > > Then you should be lobbying for forced transfers to even out populations and coverage, stricter pop caps on maps to guard against blobbing, etc.

    > >

    > > I'm all for both tbh. I even made a thread proposing forced transfers once but it was not well received at the time.

    > >

    > >


    > Maybe they'll make the alliance limits small enough that to help them with world balancing. It's all we can hope for I guess . . .


    Alliance size confirmed as 500

    Number of people it'd take to dominate aatch: much fewer

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