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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Combo Breaker.5486" said:

    > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > It would appear, although it has not been stated, that they want more than 12 host servers. Or, more accurately, less mercenary servers. So, by keeping the host servers closed, it pushes people into the other servers.

    > >

    > > It wouldn't shock me if they waited a few weeks post expac release to open any of the ones currently closed.


    > There is 12 servers that are ranked.. The one in dead last is the onlyone open, no option to join a competitive server exists, this is such a turn off lol.. So someone's only option is to join the server in dead last or a merc server which doesnt even play with the same people consistently lol.....


    Only the 3 unpaired servers play with the same group consistently.

    Being on the host or the merc is inconsequential

  2. > @Ragnarox.9601 said:

    > (1): +50 condition damage

    > (2): +5% Quickness duration

    > (3): +100 healing power

    > (4): +on hit quickness for 3 sec (30 sec cd) + protection for 6 sec (45 sec cd)

    > (5): +150 condition dmg

    > (6): +25% Movement Speed + 50 condition dmg and healing power + 15% quickness duration


    And a supermodel that likes ugly guys and cleaning houses to marry while your at it, Anet

  3. > @TheOneWhoSighs.7513 said:

    > On one hand, mounts would be pretty fun in WvW, depending on how they're implemented.


    > On the other hand, mounts would make responding to attacks across the map faster. Which would make sieging t3 objectives that much harder.


    > If they were balanced well, they would be fine.


    > But do I trust ANet for balancing WvW? Not really.



    The Zerg is fast enough

  4. Litany of wrath gets fairly close to 20s with valor.

    But yeah, Firebrand is going to get destroyed by interrupts. Thieves running pulmonary impact especially. A few days after the patch goes live the general population will know this and solo FB will be their favorite treat.

    Even as a dragon Hunter I expect a fun time. Lots of time to pewpewpew between 1200 and 120 range, and if they do survive to get in melee range , well they won't.. because they can be left in the dust at will. But if they do by some miracle LB4 punt puts them right back at range AND shuts down whatever tome they were opening.


    It's gonna be a slaughter

  5. A> @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > Scepter can easily become condi with minor changes.


    > Skill 1: New attack chain (3 attacks)

    > → Same as live

    > → Same as live

    > → Does burning

    > Skill 2: Symbol same as live, but the projectiles pierce enemies, instead of being absorbed. Maybe reduce impacts from 8 to 6.

    > Skill 3: Cooldown reduced from 20s to 15s, also does 2 stacks of burning

    Scepter does seem lagging since sword buff. But mace needs love more

  6. > @Sao.7146 said:

    > > @RabbitUp.8294 said:

    > > > @Abelisk.4527 said:

    > > > The change above is a L2P change but 100% a buff.

    > > >

    > > > Also I'm surprised at how the cast time is still being pointed out. 0.5 is really short of a cast time imo...

    > > >

    > > > Mantras I feel were introduced to cover 1 utility slot, 2 at most, and maybe the heal/elite. With their small use I think they're good in their current state. Kinda like Glyphs from Druid.

    > > >

    > > > Overall this is very exciting and promising! Looking forward to be playing firebrand soon. =)

    > >

    > > 0.5s is 0.5s higher than similar skills.

    > >

    > > Attunements, Death/Reaper Shroud, Berserk, Celestial Avatar, Beast Mode, Photon Forge. All of them, every single transform/skill swap profession mechanic is instant cast. So don't tell me "oh the cast time is low enough", for other classes, the baseline is 0s, instant cast, as low as it gets. Guardian gets a minor improvement, and we are supposed to be thankful for the "buff".

    > >

    > > Druid's glyphs don't have the same radius problems, they are 300 radius AoEs, so bad comparison. Doubly bad, because you chose the one skill type that is regularly used for every single of the 5 slots in raid builds.


    > Conjure Flame Axe 0.25s Conjure Frost Bow 0.25s Conjure Lightning Hammer 0.75s Conjure Earth Shield 0.75s Conjure Fiery Greatsword 1s


    What's the cast time for attunement changes? Tomes aren't an elite

  7. What about Portugese?

    OP is aware Brasil isn't Spanish speaking?


    Personally I'm quite pleased Anet chose not to segregate us like the EU servers, I've played with people from around the globe on the NA servers and were those people in their own cluster that'd not have happened.


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