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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

    > Some of you don't seem to remember the original implementation of bloodlust (it was similar to this event) or are newer to the game and weren't here for it. It sucked and Anet changed it for good reason. Why they decided to do this event I will never understand. It's almost as if they are trolling the game mode.


    > Either way I'm done with their lack of understanding and caring.


    Orbs were the original bloodlust.

    And it was great, just too hackable

  2. > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Welcome to the era of the BubbleBoy

    > > While we also see tons of scourge and firebrand, when I'm in TS what I hear calls for more of regularly is more bubbles. Why? Long cooldown, super powerful skill, yes.. But it's also not an especially fun role to fill. Run in, drop your dome, then you may as well go make a sammich if you survived.

    > >

    > > Spellbreaker before PoF seemed to be a mage hunter, rushing into the backlines to dispatch weavers and mirages like the old black guard from Warhammer. But wod is too strong to not use front and center and delivering that bubble drives the rest of your build.

    > > Warriors fear they'll fall out of meta without it, but what else could be buffed in compensation? Maybe an elite that isn't so niche to one playstyle? Maybe there's more to life than being a BubbleBoy.


    > Spellbreaker existed before PoF?


    In previews

  3. Welcome to the era of the BubbleBoy

    While we also see tons of scourge and firebrand, when I'm in TS what I hear calls for more of regularly is more bubbles. Why? Long cooldown, super powerful skill, yes.. But it's also not an especially fun role to fill. Run in, drop your dome, then you may as well go make a sammich if you survived.


    Spellbreaker before PoF seemed to be a mage hunter, rushing into the backlines to dispatch weavers and mirages like the old black guard from Warhammer. But wod is too strong to not use front and center and delivering that bubble drives the rest of your build.

    Warriors fear they'll fall out of meta without it, but what else could be buffed in compensation? Maybe an elite that isn't so niche to one playstyle? Maybe there's more to life than being a BubbleBoy.

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > People always cry about how WvW is stale, dead, ruined by imbalance and go on to make extensive change requests that more often than not would effectivly kill the game with their own version of downed state, their own idealized model of server matchups and transfer restrictions, remake stealth, delete the mesmer, change WvW entirely and what have you... yet at the same time, people have a hissy fit over a weeks worth of an event that doesnt really change anything.


    > Its a curious thing.


    Ever offered to take a finnicky person to a restaurant?

    "Where you wanna go?"

    "Oh, I don't know..."

    "" K let's go here"

    "Oh no, not there"

  5. > @"Ubi.4136" said:


    > I don't see this as a "get people out of a tower and in This event may be temporary, but their vision of wvw is starting to show. Welcome to the ktrain festival, where blobs should be able to flip everything in under 2 minutes and never die.


    What, just now starting to show?

    No, TC has just completed it's journey from _have_ to _have not_ . But Anet is consistent, the game's main theme is inclusivity. Whatever five can do, 50 does better.



  6. > @"Flintbrow.7985" said:

    > Ok, drop Firebrand because it's really only a support spec. Embrace core guard meta build and get Valk armor and zerk and/or Cav trinkets. Done.


    Well, if he really wants to use a shield, which he does, I'd advocate Dragonhunter with marauder. Shield punting through a Test of Faith is easy and effective.. For vanilla guard you really want a focus or torch.


    But yeah, not FB

  7. > @"Lobsters.3869" said:

    > How can u already be complaining about something after Anet opened BG so you could transfer? Geez Wheez.


    It's his first time off Mag. Give the man a break

    I think we've all spent time on BG at this point, and the 3 of us all specifically know why one might move a toon off Mag.... The wood leagues are kinda threadbare.BG is the polar opposite

  8. > @"Blocki.4931" said:

    > Solution: Capture ruins and make your team win. You can solo it, gogogo


    Agreed. The bloodlust nodes are so long ignored that they're almost.. undiscovered territory? It's a significant cultural shift to as a roamer think that this is where you should roam now.

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