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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. Most EU players are on EU servers. As with most EUtz guilds. That being said, there are populations during that timezone and SEA guilds staying up late.

    OP I think your idea is to command against a server already organized at that time? Good servers to oppose would be Blackgate, Northern Shiverpeaks or Kaineng. Other than that you'll be in the backcapping race that makes up so much of off hours WvW.

    With one caveat, weekends people/guilds are definitely active during EU as it's noonish for the east coast. If you login early on weekends, you'll also have SEA guilds to oppose on a different list of servers.


    If you're serious about driving routinely we also have our very own Illuminati on NA who might render guidance you'd appreciate. (But that's a secret, shhhh)

  2. > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

    > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

    > > They’re masteries that came with HoT so you must have HoT to access them. This is no different than needing HoT to access gliding and PoF to access mounts.


    > Core masteries also came with HoT and people only need PoF to access them. In my opinion, true auto-looting, whether in WvW or in PvE, should be available to all paying customers.


    Incorrect, autoloot is exclusively HoT prerequisite.

    I literally butted my head against this a month ago. PoF only accounts need to keybind a pick-up-loot button.


  3. > @"Traveller.7496" said:



    > You're wrong about server pride though, or at least I want to think that still in this day - for me it's like this: you can't change your parents, your home country, the football team you support.


    The football team you support is permanent? I live roughly equidistant to Detroit, Chicago and Green Bay. Tell me, which is my home team?

    Answer: None. I hit puberty late, no sportsball for this guy \o/




    >It's with you the whole way, like your home server. I've always frowned upon server bandwagoners.



    I have no home server, I had a _starting_ server.

    But I _do_ have a home team, it's my guild. See, it's not really _your_ server, it's anyone who ponies up the dough to transfers' server. I like to be a bit more selective about my teammates... And for that matter also my opponents. The whole point of sPvP, GvG and duelling is to remove a few variables and have a controlled, somewhat even matchup. A clash of skill rather than a chance encounter. The appeal should be evident to any sports fan, sometimes it's fun to just mash whoever together.. But then sometimes you want a championship playoff. Both things have value and variety is the spice of life.

  4. > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

    > I mean what is the point of joining a guild and not being able to use something like that and lock it behind an expansion?


    The point is to make you buy an expansion you otherwise wouldn't

    I mean, a dedicated WvW'er would be playing for free without annoying little incentives. The alternative being subscriptions or more coercive forms of revenue generation.


  5. > @"MUDse.7623" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > LB/LB the rangers ranger

    > >

    > > Except two of the same share cooldowns..


    > quickdraw is on weaponswap and many dont know how to trigger on swap effects without actually swapping off said weapon so when they build to abuse something on one weapon with weaponswaps they use 2x the same.


    I'm not familiar with quickdraw, but swapping from longbow to longbow doesn't refresh hunters shot correct? That was my poorly worded point.

  6. A bad guardian kills his group, a bad warrior kills only itself..


    Ranger is easiest not hardest (especially staff druid). Standing behind everyone else pewpewing is as braindead as it comes. With enough meatshields even the reflects don't find their way back.

  7. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > All those people who'd drop $35 in an eyeblink to transfer to BG, if they could, aren't doing so to win?

    > > >

    > > > it is, but it's not because I have interwebz links that says it's not.

    > >

    > > You mean, as in not winning currently? Because statistically they'll soon win a match, reacquire their lost fairweathers and go on another streak.

    > >



    > I was just making fun of this thread for the endless debate of what winning actually is. See, they're winning, but they're not winning because they could be making more gold in pve. (Which isn't winning either), but hey! I did not intend to contradict your post.


    And I was quoting through your post to address the general thread about a statistical anomaly you'd reminded me of xD

  8. > @"Hitman.5829" said:

    > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

    > > Sounds cool to me...make it more interesting though.


    > Make it more interesting? How about after 10 dolyaks have made it to an enemy fort, the 11th dolyak can carry10 players hidden in its cargo hahahaha



    Wow, great idea.

    Like, I'm impressed.


    But I'd say give it on the first go, dolyaks run regardless of team affiliation but deliver.. Alternate things to opponent structures.

  9. > @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > All those people who'd drop $35 in an eyeblink to transfer to BG, if they could, aren't doing so to win?


    > it is, but it's not because I have interwebz links that says it's not.


    You mean, as in not winning currently? Because statistically they'll soon win a match, reacquire their lost fairweathers and go on another streak.


  10. > @"Kovu.7560" said:


    > With the same limitations as gliding and with some minor adjustments to areas where it could be exploited, I could see mounts playing a part in wvw.

    > I suspect they're just holding off until closer to the next expansion, like they did with gliding previously.


    > ~ Kovu


    Minor adjustments?

    No, I'm afraid the work involved in making mounts WvW usable would be either massive or make them almost useless. What use would a Springer or Jackal have besides invalidating walls and gates? Does the blob really need a movement buff from Raptors and Bugs? Would people not have a caniption when defenders can use their griffon to bypass the blockade around a keep or tower? Remember, they moved Ogrewatch because it could be glided into.. And besides, alliances have already been stated as our Big Thing.


    Edit: forgot skimmer. Dem heels tho

  11. You don't really take valor for damage, you take it for monks focus and lesser smite condition. Same thing with virtues, both lines are needed to have a marginally capable guardian.

    Nice thing about FB is that you can drop virtues for it and still have access to stability without sacrificing a utility

  12. > @"LordEnki.9283" said:

    > For me the change in server location tripled my ping (Oklahoma) and it has been noticable since that change. However MO's response to those who complained was pretty much three paragraphs of "Too bad, I think it's better for everyone".


    Virginia is definitely further from Oklahoma than Texas.

    The move to the east coast reflects where their majority customer base lives


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