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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

    > > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > > Because hammer stun train was so fun, right?

    > >

    > > It was more fun than the scourge train :/


    > I disagree. Way less builds were viable.


    Way less builds were present as well.

    The game got streamlined a lot in the leadup to HoT

  2. > @"Israel.7056" said:

    > > @"Sylosi.6503" said:

    > > There is nothing more amusing in GW2 than the irony of being on TS/Discord (or watching a stream) where some guy is calling the group or individual they just beat terrible, oblivious to the reality that in 2018 more than ever WvW is trash tier PvP and if they were even vaguely decent they would be off playing a skilled, competitive PvP game, not pseudo PvP for PvE players.


    > This is about as good as it gets for an MMORPG.


    Yeah people keep saying that, but nobody will share which game it is.

    I thought it was kinda funny seeing Mithril Warhammers active in the Crowfall alpha. Those guys are so set on the perfect mmo that they haven't actually played one in a decade. Seems kinda like saving yourself for the perfect girl into your 40's

  3. Realized I should vote.

    Most of the game is invested in minimal effort. As the least effort team-wise is a team of one, most of WvW is played as duel-within-a-group. Yes, zergs are dominant but they're also becoming rare as popular commanders fade out and aren't replaced. So as far as I see it, the future of WvW is going to be large masses of pugs aimlessly wandering around.. And with that will come a strong presence of whatever the best 1v1 spec is.


    People that know me like the op might think I'd prioritize time zones, but I don't feel this is a balance issue so much as a design flaw... There's 20 million Australians, there's 500 million people in the western hemisphere. Of course the Aussies can't fill a system designed for the population of the US and Brazil, and they were given no incentive to try. Such being the case, there was no time zone balance to begin with, and any attempt by Anet to offer such feature will be new ground.

  4. > @"TokenG.7863" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"TokenG.7863" said:

    > >

    > >

    > > > Because so many don't want to teach. They would rather berate and troll new players about how bad they suck when they start out. Everybody sucked on their first week playing.

    > >

    > > ...And somebody told us we sucked too.

    > > Welcome to the internet!

    > >

    > > > Players come in to wvw usually not ready for what they meet, especially this late in the game. They don't know to look for stab or invulns on targets before they mash a button. Or what traits or gear to take to survive. Most of that takes some guidance to figure out. Some people are just too lazy and don't have any inclination to learn.

    > >

    > > A LOT of people are too lazy to learn. Sometimes they even have the gall to complain to other customers, like they were NPC's here for their convenience, without doing so much as a Google search. As you say the games' indeed long in the tooth, the media is there free for perusal.


    > So what's the solution? Is there one at this point. Just let it die ? How does someone balance a game around a players's skill level if there isn't even a metric there for that. Or just ball as many veterans as you can into an alliance and just go out and kick the teeth out of everything that isn't even a challenge. I'm genuinely interested in how thats going to turn out.


    I don't ball as many veterans as possible into one group as I can <,< Most of us don't, there's only 2 +30 veteran guilds left on NA. In fact, just last week we adopted a new player who'd watched a few minutes of youtube.. That's how low standards are.. Just being self reliant enough to ask his computer a question that's been answered a million times by people, already, was enough to stand out. And dominating in WvW Zerg fights is about a very small number of people in that Zerg _actually doing what they're supposed to_


  5. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:


    > > The primary benefactor of downstate isn't the better, it's the bigger.


    > From a roaming perspective the PRIMARY benefactor of no downstate is HIGH burst stealth and/or ranged classes. That't it.


    > If they bring back no downstate i for sure will not be playing my rev....i will bring out my hated (i hate it) DE and collect bags from the comfort of towers/keeps and never have to worry about leaving it to stomp.



    Son if you were really roaming there'd be nobody there to res you.

  6. > @"TokenG.7863" said:



    > Because so many don't want to teach. They would rather berate and troll new players about how bad they suck when they start out. Everybody sucked on their first week playing.


    ...And somebody told us we sucked too.

    Welcome to the internet!


    > Players come in to wvw usually not ready for what they meet, especially this late in the game. They don't know to look for stab or invulns on targets before they mash a button. Or what traits or gear to take to survive. Most of that takes some guidance to figure out. Some people are just too lazy and don't have any inclination to learn.


    A LOT of people are too lazy to learn. Sometimes they even have the gall to complain to other customers, like they were NPC's here for their convenience, without doing so much as a Google search. As you say the games' indeed long in the tooth, the media is there free for perusal.

  7. WvW just fits really oddly into the game gw2 has become, by that I mean it's pve.

    You can play the majority of this game by spamming 1, not knowing a thing about build synergy (or selecting traits) or even being aware of your hero panel. They try pvp, they're automatically matched with others of similar competence, in general the game doesn't even let on that there's things they've missed.. Until they come to WvW where they're hit with every inadequacy like a blast from a fire hose.


  8. $20 to transfer and make the game enjoyable is far preferable to chucking the works and starting a new game out of boredom. For those of us who play more than a weekly guild event, the actual fighting quality is somewhat more important.


    On the other hand, I have no doubt GSCH finds the wood leagues adequate to their needs and Fog can hardly be blamed for bias toward server loyalty after petitioning Anet to name one in his guilds honor successfully.




  9. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > @"shiri.4257" said:

    > > > @"Ronnie Hu.1694" said:

    > > > what kind of top 10 is this ? did u join every guild to come out this list??

    > > >

    > >

    > > Why would we need to join these guilds to come to these conclusions? These guilds are a representation of those we have fought. That are recognized for their wvw prowess to swing match ups.

    > >

    > > Put it out to a public vote? Please, **wvwers are just attention kitten, entitled, and incompetent plebs** that couldn’t even figure out which way to turn a door knob to get out of their moms basement and discover that 300 lb chick in the guild was actually a dude that catfished them for a gem card.


    > Did you just insult all WvW'ers which includes yourself or did i read that wrong?



    Don't all MMORPG players harbor a core of self loathing?

  10. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > TL;DR


    > Downed state is a core mechanic of GW2 that makes the game unique. It adds a deeper tactical level to combat and promotes smart play instead of just overloading damage, forcing people to either CC ressers or stomp downed with the help of various available skills and proffesion unique mechanics. It gives players the capability of helping each other even when the skill level vary wildly between fighting groups, making combat more flexible instead of just being "I'm better than you therefor I win".


    > Now, certain people dont like this because while most of them - if not all that are vocal on it - will already be good players that can win 1v1, 1v2 or 1v3 on their class of choice or zerg commanders that constantly win zerg battles, they want to **win even more** so they can show their obvious superiority, the rest of the community be damned.


    Bad players are worse at ressing too.

    The primary benefactor of downstate isn't the better, it's the bigger.

    The blob is king. Downstate is it's crown and it rules safely seated on its throne, the AoE cap


  11. > @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"grave of hearts.7830" said:

    > >

    > > > And I didn't say to become blizzard,simply I point at one of the best examples on what gameplay innovation is about.

    > > >

    > > >

    > > If it weren't the least successful thing on their roster I might agree with you.

    > > But if great gameplay leads to dead games you can hardly blame devs for generally avoiding it.

    > >


    > Can you drop the trolling down a notch?


    When did the definition of trolling expand to reiterating facts?

    You might like HotS, but some people liked Crystal Pepsi and New Coke too

  12. > @"grave of hearts.7830" said:


    > And I didn't say to become blizzard,simply I point at one of the best examples on what gameplay innovation is about.



    If it weren't the least successful thing on their roster I might agree with you.

    But if great gameplay leads to dead games you can hardly blame devs for generally avoiding it.


  13. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > > > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.

    > > >

    > > > How do you know this? I need to know.

    > >

    > > That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year back when Anet released a graph


    > What does some unlabeled bar graph from a year ago have to do with today? BG has been closed since that unlabeled bar graph from a year ago was released.


    In large-scope demographics? All servers have seen attrition at a roughly equal rate.

    Sorry you guys didn't win a few times. I know it's rough, the rest of the servers can relate.


    Things are all better this week though, aren't they? This week's great right?!


  14. > @"knite.1542" said:

    > > @"gebrechen.5643" said:

    > > It's not that BG hasn't the numbers, they are still the realm with the biggest user numbers as they always were.


    > How do you know this? I need to know.


    That ceased being a favorable talking point about a year back when Anet released a graph

  15. > @"Jwoww.4315" said:

    > BG rarely queues maps anymore, even on reset. NA timezone is the only one that really gets any worthwhile numbers, other time zones may have a group running for a couple of hours and that's it, and they are not blobs groups. NA slot is the only time zones that gets a blob, and it not even every day. otherwise it's havoc's and pugs that take care of the rest.


    BG forever outmanned, the national anthem


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