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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > > you buy accessories from WvW? :open_mouth:

    > > >

    > > > easier just get a brand new one from LW map?

    > >

    > > Depends on how many badges of tribute one has on hand I guess. The things keep piling up in my bank so I bought a set.


    > you can buy ascended accessories with badges of tribute??? :confused:


    Memories of battle. Hasty post is sloppy <,<

    Ain't the endless currencies awesome?

  2. > @"Spartacus.3192" said:

    > > @"Shagaliscious.6281" said:

    > > > @"Rampage.7145" said:

    > > > I am sorry but if you are outnumbered like that u need to lose everything or actually be extremly talented at the game to fight those odds, you should by no means be able to defend a structure like that for more than 5 mins or whatver times it takes for reincorcements to run there. The game is mean to be for massive battles, it is not tower defense simulator, if you read the WvW description by arenanet on the GW2 website it tells you exactly what the game mode is.

    > >

    > > Completely agree. If you are that outnumbered, you should lose objectives. The fact that 10 people, with siege properly placed can defend a structure against 30+ people is just ridiculous. I know it sucks, but what do you expect the other servers to do, not attack you because they have a lot of people in WVW and you don't?


    > Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that how towers/castles/keeps worked back in medieval times? That was the whole point of strategically placed castles/towers. A small force could hold off a much larger army for a very long time operating from well supplied and built (read T3) keep.


    > Not saying i agree with having tactivators etc but just commenting on the the statement that you "should" lose just because outnumbered.




    In medevil times, fortifications were a delaying tactic.

    If friends didn't eventually come to break the siege you'd starve to death... Unless the attacking force starved out first.. Which I guess equates in game to attackers getting bored and logging off.


  3. > @"Mikali.9651" said:

    > I put all my talent, effort, the need to progress and be a better version in anything I do, that makes my life fulfilled. Just because I want to play good, want things to matter, does not mean I do not have fun, because that exactly is the definition of fun to me.


    Hey, if spending half a week gathering and crafting for one fight is your thing those games exist. After a few years you'll realize how very little of the time spent is actually challenging or even entertaining.

    Not to mention those type always, always have one side so bloated they make BG look balanced.

  4. > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

    > > @"Rampage.7145" said:

    > > or spend 15 minutes loading up a catapult with 15 guys

    > To be fair this didnt happen much IRL either. Do you have any idea of hard it is to fit 15 guys in a catapult basket? And even if we assume some of them are children, they'll just fly all over the place when you fire. Its a mess I tell you.


    See this is why we need asurapults, economy of scale.

  5. > @"anonymous.7812" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"anonymous.7812" said:

    > >

    > > >

    > > > Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior

    > >

    > > It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator.


    > The OP consisted of much more than pulling tactics to troll - though, if repeat offenders are asked to not pull them when needed, and they continue to do so - a vacation from the game should be on the table. It's directly interfering with others' enjoyment of the game through mis-use of game features, and that is violating the **Rules of Conduct** (not a EULA) and under ArenaNet's discretion may result in account action. These are facts whether you believe them or not, and they've been used to suspend access to accounts I've personally observed.


    I don't believe for a second you've gotten people banned. Anyone.

    And if you did, and it was for pulling a lever well done! All the people blatantly hacking with impunity for years on end appreciate you flooding support with tickets.

  6. > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Seeing as support for competitive modes in the current iteration of the game has gone from primary feature in gw1 to vestigial, and games wholly devoted to RvR are coming... I'd say gw3 will really be into PvE. Maybe they'll change the name to something more descriptive like Prettier Maple Story


    > I do like how your name chose three specific initials,





    Unintentionally lol is still lol


  7. Seeing as support for competitive modes in the current iteration of the game has gone from primary feature in gw1 to vestigial, and games wholly devoted to RvR are coming... I'd say gw3 will really be into PvE. Maybe they'll change the name to something more descriptive like Prettier Maple Story

  8. > @"anonymous.7812" said:



    > Afaik, they will never perma-ban repeat offenders, for whatever reason. Players need to **shun** behavior like this, instead of celebrating this toxic behavior


    It's been a while since I checked, but when last I did the EULA didn't mention asking permission of Duckgirl or Anonymous before pulling a public use tactivator.

  9. > @"juno.1840" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Why get srsbsns about any video game?

    > > It's a tremendous waste of time and effort.

    > > Your mom isn't going to be any more impressed if it's got an Esports presence.


    > If you read the wall of text again, the OP is essentially stating WvW is not as fun because you don't actually have to try that hard. It's turned into a causal play mode which requires almost no skill. When the OP does win, it doesn't feel rewarding.


    > At least that's how I read it lol... which means I'm probably butchered it horribly.


    I see that as self-aggrandizement

    If it were really that easy there'd be far less skill gap than there is

    He also said this


    > @"Whiteout.1975" said:

    > GW2 is about as good as it get's IMO still.


    I've played full-loot PvP games before, also paid dearly for getting far, faaaarrr too into ladder rankings in other games.

    Rewards are for things that are actually rewarding.. Like a job

    Games are for fun


  10. > @"Swagger.1459" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > I don't think the game can wait until 2024


    > I bet if the resources were devoted they could do this in parts and make updates as they go.


    Buddy, we wouldn't be here if resources were involved xD

    Game didn't launch last week



  11. > @"crepuscular.9047" said:

    > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

    > > If your world is desperate for that supply drop, they probably need you in real wvw......

    > > I don't see why you should get rewards for playing in the map designed to give people somewhere to hang around when wvw maps are all full. Want wvw rewards, do wvw.


    > well, clearly you've never experienced getting whitewashed feels like, left with only spawn spots nothing else across all maps, capping a camp only provides 100 supplies, insufficient to reclaim a keep


    > and if it happens to be defended, you will need a lot more supplies to reclaim it


    You are absolutely correct.

    Even in the most imbalanced matches in the most absurdly off-kilter time zone, noone has ever managed to spawncamp all four maps. You're presenting a fictional scenario.

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