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Posts posted by LetoII.3782

  1. > @"Waffle.3748" said:

    > > @"javascript.7924" said:

    > > watch this video it might help. THere are some other videos on ranger pick stuff in his playlist

    > >


    > 48/50 in squad, I have a feeling that it ain't the ranger doing any work considering most of the top 10 is scourge xD


    Scourge pressure is definitely the part I remember about Tswarm

  2. Guardian usually adds vitality with gear. Power uses marauder, Condi uses dire or trailblazer. Both give around 20khp which is adequate. Passive movespeed is available in dragonhunter traitline or traveler runes. Greatsword is viable in most guardian builds, pulling mobs into a clump makes short work of most content.


    Guardian doesn't really need might stacks, you'll have some, but your damage comes from percentage increases in certain situations like you having retaliation or aegis or the enemy being on fire or crippled.


    Good place to start: marauder (power) or dire (condi) with travelers. Radiance, virtues and dragonhunter. Slot your beloved greatsword, also a sword then shield or focus for power, torch for condi. Then, pick out the right traits based on power or condi. Do not hybrid, pick ALL the traits that compliment your gear choice.


    Now grab a few traps, test of faith works great with greatsword and shield, it does damage whenever mobs cross the perimeter but is for power only. Procession of blades works with both, it's a lawnmower. Dragons maw destroys break bars. A fun burning combo: purging flames (it's a consecration fire field) around a group of mobs, do your greatsword 5 pull then whirl combo with greatsword 2. As a former necro main that combo should seem familiar, it's just as lethal on guard.


    One last thing I almost forgot: Save a utility for Stand Your Ground. It's an instacast shout which breaks stun and gives stability. That's your panic button.

  3. > @"Coinhead.7591" said:



    > To be clear: Longbow is not a great weapon at the moment, but its not trash either.


    If you try to go toe-to-toe with a decently played PoF spec you'll quickly come to a different conclusion.

  4. > @"Kyarra.8912" said:


    > Really? I think it was quite opposite: you came here and mocked video, that was made by other user, and commented my words about LB being still usable in OW. I guess you wanted to remind us (make us feel guilty?) we are weaklings, while real players, who DO play this game correctly, can do anything with a stick.




    His video argued that LB is in a good place as it works in open world PvE.

    My video displayed that ANYTHING works in open world PvE, therefore open world PvE functionality is not a balance metric.


    You are making it a me vs. we for some reason? Because I quoted you I'm guessing?

  5. > @"Kyarra.8912" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Do try to stay on topic guys, the support group is in general discussion

    > I guess I am on topic. You are allmighty shining hero, who can do meta-events, farm Palawadan and kill champions with a stick, or barehands, or smthing. Some of us, however, cannot. What can be more "on topic"?



    The topic at hand is does DH longbow need a buff

    You on the other hand are for some reason trying to make me feel guilty about playing the game?

    Maybe it's a lapse of knowledge, here's a handy link





  6. > @"Kyarra.8912" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Open world requires nothing

    > > It can be done naked with a stick

    > Sorry for our worthlessness, but some noobs here DO need a build and some weapon to do OW events.


    > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

    > > @"Kyarra.8912" said:

    > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > Open world requires nothing

    > > > It can be done naked with a stick

    > > Sorry for our worthlessness, but some noobs here DO need a build and some weapon to do OW events.


    > This! Some off us get very little time to play do to life and kitten so our skill level may not be high and find some ow content challenging


    I work 90 hours a week

    Do try to stay on topic guys, the support group is in general discussion

  7. > @"Kyarra.8912" said:

    > I guess it's more like "I won't use this in fractals or raids, but OW requires different build and weapon set anyway"


    Open world requires nothing

    It can be done naked with a stick

  8. Choosing to participate in the team game as the smallest possible team is a personal choice to be outnumbered in most situations.

    Groups of more than one player don't stop to cull down to even numbers, why should a solo be any different?

    Part of solo roaming is knowing these facts and acting accordingly.

    Passive-agressive posts lashing out against these facts accomplish nothing.

  9. > @"shortcake.8659" said:

    > > @"Jeknar.6184" said:

    > > > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

    > > > If all rangers wanting to play range would just swap to Rev, now that will be very useful in any zerg/squad.

    > > >

    > > > But then again most Rangers think they are there to just pew pew and not know the full potential of longbow 5.

    > > > That skill can so easily clear siege on walls and supply huts if you have the view options set correctly but not many rangers know or do that.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Oh, you mean like a Staff Ele can do with Meteor Shower while contributing more to a zerg fight?


    > I don't know if you're just clueless or what, but a ranger can hit WAY, WAY more things than a meteor shower ever can.


    To be fair, so few rangers know they can do this it escapes public attention


  10. > @"Jazz.4639" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > > > Yeah it's not a slight on your gameplay, we all run into scrubs.

    > > > > I just don't see the logic. How do you pass on the six second invuln? ><

    > > > > Maybe they like being in burst videos

    > > >

    > > > It's 3 seconds in WvW and I assume they cannot fit it on their glass cannon skill bar.

    > >

    > > There's also a passive which requires no utility slot

    > > It's longer duration than the active which is lol


    > the funny thing is, that the druids all had double stone signet (or at least one of them, the fights are just cut to the essentials so you cant see it) but it seems soulbeasts using something else for some reasons.


    Signet of the Hunt for a mid-burst unblockable option is my personal third utility...

    For what ranger I do


    > @"Kovu.7560" said:


    > Because Dolyak Stance is a thing. People kitten about the very brief-3-second-immunity-to-raw-damage signet... I get much more mileage out of the stance that (traited):

    > • Has 3x the duration

    > • Breaks a stun

    > • Grants Stability (10 seconds or so coupled with Moa Stance and bounce-able with the pet)

    > • Completely prevents soft CC (this is a big one, kids. For 9 seconds rangers can pretend to be warriors!)

    > • Affects allies

    > • Lessens condition damage in addition to power damage (an absolute beast when coupled with the trait that has protection mitigate condition damage.)


    > Seriously, people don't appreciate how loaded that stance is.


    > ~ Kovu

    Agreed, traded zephyr in for it.



  11. > @"Justine.6351" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Yeah it's not a slight on your gameplay, we all run into scrubs.

    > > I just don't see the logic. How do you pass on the six second invuln? ><

    > > Maybe they like being in burst videos


    > It's 3 seconds in WvW and I assume they cannot fit it on their glass cannon skill bar.


    There's also a passive which requires no utility slot

    It's longer duration than the active which is lol

  12. > @"Jazz.4639" said:

    > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

    > > Do EU rangers have something against signet of stone?

    > > Is it "cultural"? O.o


    > uuuhm dunno, if i remember right i saw quite few ranger running it, dunno if one of them is in the vid but when not than its just coincidence.


    I saw a signet of the hunt in there..

    But yeah, I'm like wth is going on here <,<

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