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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. > @"Obtena.7952" said:

    > As always, that's not a valid question ... if you haven't noticed, many weapons aren't good. If you just want good, you simply play the weapon that is the best for what you want to be good in. This is how the game is designed and the reason why we have meta builds, etc...


    > The various weapons exist because they have a theme, not because they are 'good'. Dagger undeniably has a very obvious theme.


    Okay so it is supposed to be the best roleplaying weapon.

    The AA chain should correct your spelling and deal more damage to enemies who spell poorly.

    3 should sit you down in a chair. Not on a floor; a chair.

  2. What is this weapon supposed to be good for? Axe beats it at just about everything.

    Dagger is supposed to be better for sustain but staying at range is very good for sustain.

    The damage burst of axe 2 is better than the sustained damage that dagger brings.

    The boonflip on axe has *half* the cooldown and is an AoE effect.


    It should *not* compete with Greatsword as a power weapon at all. ESpec weapon should be better than core weapon.

    It can't compete with Axe as a second-set weapon.

    It needs to try to fit as a 'main' weapon for core Necromancer or Scourge.


    I am thinking single target lockdown/sustain weapon. With this in mind:

    AA chain 3 corrupts a boon. When in doubt, add a boon corrupt! Combines Scepter's slow, consistent boonflipping in the autochain with Axe's on-demand boonflip on 3. High risk as Necromancer to try to facemunch with dagger, but good Lifeforce and quick corrupts is high reward.

    Life Siphon pulses Cripple on the target and Resistance on the Necromancer. Resistance stops movement-impairing conditions and lets you catch up to a Crippled target. Suppressing other conditions is a nice bonus.

    Dark Pact also applies Weakness (3s) to help with sustain. Shorter CD (15-20sec). 25sec CD is insane for how little Dark Pact does! Maybe increased Immob+Weakness duration for each boon flipped (big maybe).

    Get rid of the self-bleeding stuff.


    Maybe usable in PvP/WvW now. Might be okay for a Power/Healer Scourge; lots of boonflip traits.


    Quickening Thirst kinda sucks. Health threshold CD reduction is eh, not an interesting identity, and movespeed is also eh when you can get good Swiftness in many other ways. Even Locust Signet isn't bad.

    Maybe change to "healing, damage and life leech you cause while you have Swiftness increased by 10%. Life Siphon will now grant you Swiftness per pulse, and your Dagger skills' CDs are reduced by 20%".

    Maybe this is just futzing about and Quickening Thirst doesn't need anything though.

  3. > @"Cambeleg.7632" said:

    > @Sarrs.4831: Lag issue maybe is "on the big list", but stays there since the beginning. No reason for not mentioning after more of 5 years of game. Your comment about "Lots of words spent saying nothing"... well, it's an _open letter_. Not sure what you understand as _letter_, but quoting yourself... "if you don't like long posts, don't read it". And btw, I didn't say I don't like EBG, but lag is a pain in many situations when playing in this map. Lag is a problem to be faced, not to be hidden.


    Didn't say you did say you didn't like EBG. I said you can't play it. I can't play EBG either because my internet is potato. That doesn't mean I don't like EBG.


    Yeah I only read half of it. I skipped the preamble and went straight to the meat. It might be an 'open letter' but you can still cut to the chase.

  4. DBL's objective interdependency or lack thereof are an aesthetic choice. If you don't like DBL, don't play it.

    Lag is the reality of just about everything on the internet. If you can't play EBG, don't play it. The devs know about it and it's on the big list.

    You've not actually made an argument that link servers are bad. You've just said "well player counts are down!!! and links exist!!!!" not an argument.

    Don't stand in the winds

    I don't know what this last one's about.


    Lots of words spent saying nothing. Genuinely glad that Sovereign boiled it down. Thankyou Sov.

  5. BL keys add more account value for me as well than they cost. It is 100% in the Wardrobe Unlocks. You have to have an extensive enough library that you will very rarely get a skin worth less than 100g.


    Personally I'm at the point where unless I get into a position where I can start raiding I'm not really stressed about any form of progression rather than raising my score on gw2e, so wardrobe unlocks for account value are pretty nice.

  6. > @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

    > Not 7 classes, 7 very specific builds that act in very specific ways. In some cases *with* other specific classes that are also interacting in very specific ways.


    > Therein lies the problem. **With this level of specialization, what we called "min/max'ing" in D&D, pretty much everything else is pushed out.** I contend that this situation is not healthy for the game.


    > *It also means that very small changes in the system will tend to have a ripple effect and cause large changes.* When a system is so heavily optimized, anything outside that envelope is going to perform very poorly.


    Sorry, I am seeing bad logic here.

    Classes act in specific ways, combo with other classes in specific ways, and are countered in specific ways. This is completely normal and healthy class design.

    Therefore problem? Everything is pushed out - I do not see it? And the assertion that minmaxing is unhealthy also seems like bad logic to me; it is a competitive environment and people will seek the best tools to do the job. You seek to play in a highly competitive arena but do not want to be actually running a competitive build?

    We also do have trailblazers who are at the top level of play who do not use 'meta' builds so to say that everything else is pushed out appears counterintuitive. If you have the skill to back it up, you can play what you like.


    Small changes in a balance ecosystem rippling and causing large changes may be the reality but you have not constructed an argument to suggest this is a bad thing. If everything is so tightly tuned that all it would take is a minor buff to that build for it to become an apex predator, ANet's balancing is insanely good. Remember there is always a buff that you can apply to your class, build and skills without even posting on the forums: Practicing to get better at the game.

  7. I would love to raid and am an experienced raider, I simply haven't found the time to do it in GW2. There is still tons of content which I need to do which don't have the organizational requirements of raiding; I haven't even finished my Dungeon achievements, or the new Fractals since Chaos.

  8. So I'm not a science doctor but I think balance looks pretty okay right now.


    On Metabattle 7 builds are listed as Meta.

    I think the best we've ever had is 8 Meta builds.

    The current meta builds are 2 HOT and 5 POF so there is a bit of a lean towards POF but it's not dreadful.


    When we include all 90+ builds it's 2 core, 5 HOT, 5 POF. Pretty good. I dunno if these are lingering ratings from HoT though.


    It seems to me like a fundamentally flawed argument. The issue is not that there are more classes which then creates more of a balance load; it's that there are only so many roles that can be filled and so many team slots that can be filled that to some degree, builds just can't express themselves.

    If ANet decided that only one copy of each espec could be in a single game you would see the meta category expand to 10 classes overnight. But is that a sign of good balance or good game design? Probably not.

  9. I'd love to get into raiding but there's so much in GW2 that I already haven't done, or don't get the chance to do. I still haven't done any of the new fractals since season 3. Lately I haven't even had the time to do my Diamond box.


    I'll get around to it sometime, I'm sure. At least it's not WoW where the experience is entirely ruined by the next expansion's launch.

  10. I'm disappointed in these skins to be honest. They don't look sharp.

    The only weapon that I particularly like is the T1 Obsidian Dagger.

    The name 'Obsidian' instantly reminds me of the old Greatsword from classic WoW which is still a sword which holds up style-wise to this day. If these new weapons were a little closer to that they would be very good.

  11. > @"Dopamine.7502" said:

    > Problem is you should either have all desert maps or all alpine maps. A difference in maps creates a unfair advantage to the already stronger servers. It's easier to defend north of Alpine then it is to defend north of desert bl.


    then give DBL to green instead of red

  12. > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

    > I don't understand why it's so important how someone calls WvW, if it's PvP, or it's own mode.

    > What matters is that WvW and PvP have different teams working on them, and they are pretty much content that can be enjoyed on its own, hence separate content.


    He's after the loot, not the fundamental argument. His arguments flow like water to meet his goals.

  13. > @"Ohoni.6057" said:


    > But how would you make happy a player that liked the look of Envoy armor and wanted some for himself, but did not enjoy raiding?


    I like Envoy armor.

    The only thing I like to do ingame is ERP in Salma District.

    It would make me happy to get Envoy Armor for ERPing in Salma District.


    It's the same logic.

  14. > @Ohoni.6057 said:

    > If you're just talking maps, then sure, but the PoF elite specs seem almost entirely based around sPvP comps, or occasionally WvW comps, and many of the subsequence balance changes were specifically to address PvP concerns. There's more to game design and content than just maps.


    That's not really true either. Many of the new additions to classes through elite specs appear specifically designed to offer PvE roles to classes that previously didn't have them. Renegade offers DPS options to classes which previously didn't have them, and Holosmith and Mirage offer new DPS modes of play. Scourge, Firebrand, Renegade and Deadeye all provide new support options for existing classes. I'm probably missing some for both categories; Soulbeast and Weaver provide such different playstyles that it's not even fair to just look at what they give you role-wise.


    The only elite specs which don't necessarily do much in PvE are the Spellbreaker and the Scrapper... But even then, that's a high-level analysis in that these classes are not useful for raids and fractals. They are still quite servicable for open world PvE content; even quite good, because you'll always have some goon who gets downed and you can throw a Gyro at them, and a Spellbreaker can reliably fire their interrupt-for-buff effects against PvE no-bar foes.

  15. Doesn't really make sense.


    "Three pillars" is an advertising gimmick. It's a big tent MMO trying to sell people reasons to come into the tent. We have small-scale competitive pvp, we have large-scale open-world pvp, those are things that on their own give you a very clear idea of what you're trying to sell. You're right in that 'PvE' as a category doesn't really help and doesn't reflect the current state of the game compared to launch... But the launch pitch of the game is fundamentally different from an expansion pitch. People can look really deep into what they're getting into with GW2, and broad vagaries like 'three pillars' don't actually sound like they'd be effective for sales.


    Also the argument that sPvP and WvW are dead modes and shouldn't drive content development is a bad one because sPvP and WvW already don't drive content development. WvW's had one map since HoT launch. sPvP's had like four or five. PvE's had sixteen, and fractals, and raids. PvE obviously receives its fair share of content.


    Also you don't actually care about any of the fundamental arguments you just want legendary armor for casual PvE.

  16. > @Umbramare.9156 said:

    > How to kill condi classes in PvE 101.


    Honestly this is something that's needed.


    Condition classes *should* do more damage but there should be more ramp and time involved in doing that damage. That's the whole point of a DOT class.

    Power classes buy their instant damage by doing less damage overall.

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