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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. Don't delete Kneel. It's an important point of balance; you forfeit your mobility in exchange for damage. If you aren't dealing enough damage it's 100% because of low AA damage.


    Delete Death's Judgment. Death's Judgment is not a satisfying skill to press. It feels wrong to use the skill before max Malice and even when you use the skill and get a big crit it doesn't feel that great. Most importantly it sits over Death's Retreat; if you want to escape you have to press 5, *then* 4, and it feels awful.


    Triple Tap is the golden child of Deadeye imo and it should be the main initiative dump. It feels good to use at all Malice levels. It has clear signaling (you shoot three times) so in PvP you don't need a big red line to tell people to dodge. It has an initiative cost that feels reasonable to spend.

  2. > @Einlanzer.1627 said:

    > Well, no, not if their skills are totally different. Lol. Are guardians just warriors?


    If a guardian's not using Monk/Guardian magic, yeah, they're just warriors. Guardians were pretty much sold as monk-warrior dualclass so if you don't have monk you're left with warrior.


    > @Einlanzer.1627 said:



    No need to be a kitten about it.

  3. > @"Drarnor Kunoram.5180" said:

    > While I do agree mostly with Lily regarding barrier, I do think that it should be a solid 2 seconds before Barrier starts to decay, and we also need stronger barriers (both base and scaling) in PvE. I would argue in PvP as well, but not WvW.


    I worry that raising the base values for Barriers in PvE would just be inviting low damage output. I don't know how well that particular statement has gone over when ANet said it, but I don't disagree when they say you can't have both good support and good damage.

  4. What I think Reaper wants to do:

    * Bunker/Tank, especially good against pressure from multiple enemies

    * Hybrid DPS, using Chill->Bleed conversions for damage

    * Power DPS


    What I think Reaper needs to be able to do these things:

    * Death Magic should be improved

    * Chilling Darkness ICD removed or reduced; PvE only, possibly

    * Change Decimate Defenses from 2% Crit Chance to 1% Crit Chance/1% Crit Damage


    What I'd like to see:

    * More chill fields & chill field priority; chill whirling is fun

    * Rework how greatsword works; Power Reaper needs a playstyle beyond 'set Gravedigger to AA at 50%'




    Also RE Relentless Pursuit; change it to "Striking a foe beneath 50% HP causes Crippled and grants you Swiftness. Granting yourself Swiftness cleanses a movement-impairing condition", pick cooldowns and durations you like. Seems to make sense for flavor. Synergizes with Blighter's Boon and Speed of Shadows.

  5. We already have a specialization for minions. It's called Death Magic.


    I wouldn't mind having new elite specializations open up new classes of AI minions. For example I think Spirits make a lot of sense for a Necromancer. But I really think that *any* necromancer should be able to say "I want to play MM" and see some degree of success by just taking Death Magic and the associated Minion traits and having some minions on the bar.

  6. For what it's worth I think it should work like this


    user input (f2-f5)

    draw an array of targets for each shade (and the player)

    draw a new array which draws all elements from the first arrays, adds a value to each array element (is this from the player, shade 1, shade 2, shade 3), and removes all duplicate targets

    output effects to targets in the array cycling through shade value count


    does this make sense

    i worry that it may be a backend nightmare

  7. > @Lalainnia.3598 said:

    > Plus it was already confirmed that they're going to increase its damage from whatever it sits at after the nerfs.


    Honestly, I'd be expecting to see more details before thinking the class is saved. They also said that they wanted to bring up Reaper's power DPS, and we got the Cold Shoulder change and Reaper's Onslaught change.

  8. > @Zenith.7301 said:

    >power reaper has no boon hate whatsoever outside focus 5 unlike condi necro.


    If we're directly comparing greatsword this is just plain wrong; greatsword has four boonflips. Axe has one of the best AoE boonflips and Dagger MH has a boonflip too. You'll also have Spiteful Spirit, you might have Weakening Shroud, you might have Well of Corruption (yes, wells are actually good) or Corrupt Boon (yes, corruptions & MoC are actually good for reaper), you can take the boonstrip sigil... You have many good options for boonhate.

  9. > @Wintermute.5408 said:

    > More importantly, why isn't Dhuumfire supposed to pulse on DS? Those on-hit traits worked previously because they were attached to AA. They simply doesn't work for Scourge, as, well, it has no AA. For me it made perfect sense when it was pulsing on DS - compensating for our inability to simply spam it like before.


    Presumably you are intended to use many of your f-row skills to send your Dhuumfire, rather than just using Desert Shroud with the occasional Nefarious Favor. How precisely this is intended to happen when you have such little LF generation with Scepter, though, I'm not sure.

  10. I really like the breakdown between Scourge and other classes.


    To be entirely honest I don't think the issue is the Scourge (though the clunky mightgranting between Torch 5 and BiP is an issue). I think it hurts much more that the Warrior support package does so much, and the Druid package is great as well.


    EA+Banners? Nobody can compete with that. 320 Power for the party that can't be given in any other way.

    Spotters+GotL? Same deal.


    How are Scourge or any other healer or any other mightstacker supposed to compete? Actually useful classbuffs & proven effectiveness v Vampiric Aura and unproven effectiveness?

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