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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. I don't know how much Alacrity you can realistically get out of Ventari Herald but I think that's the only way this would be especially useful; filling a hole in your Ventari Alacrity rotation on the cheap.


    It seems like it's just there for that. Your group need Alacrity, Assassin's Presence and a pretty unimpressive amount of Might? Ventari Renegade. Overall, pretty meh.

  2. > @Lily.1935 said:

    > 1. Would be too powerful. I don't mind some change to it, but it should still have its normal theme and function behind it. Passive life gen is not something that makes good gameplay.


    Do you genuinely think it's too powerful?

    Obviously in a PvE context it is not powerful at all. It will not make you move out of Curses/Soul Reaping/Scourge, Spite/Curses/Reaper, Spite/Soul Reaping/Reaper, or Curses/Soul Reaping Reaper.

    In a WvW context it is not particularly powerful because you can enter every fight with 100% LF anyway.

    In an sPvP context, you enter the first engagement with roughly 15-20% LF more for taking Death Magic than you otherwise would. Is this good enough to pull you away from the Curses/Soul Reaping/Scourge wombo combo?


    If it's too powerful, you would likely change your trait picks based on it. I don't see people doing that.


    > 2. Should be a Grandmaster. As I suggested above.


    I don't think it fits into GM at all with the tree as it is. You're just comparing Flesh of the Master to Corruptor's Fervor which is a drastically less interesting decision as you're comparing toughness to toughness. Down in Master it makes sense.

  3. I don't feel like doing a big block of suggestions so I'm going to make a little block of suggestions.


    1. Add +x% Life Force per y seconds to Soul Comprehension. If you were getting 1% LF every 2 seconds for taking Death Magic, Soul Comprehension is actually doing something. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

    2. Condense the minion traits into one trait. "Flesh of the Master" master tier, you gain bonus toughness per minion, and your minions explode when they die. Make the +damage and +hp effects baseline. You shouldn't need to focus so much on condition clearing since you now have room for Shrouded Removal.

    3. Add in new traits to fill the room left by minion traits. I don't really care what. Decaying Swarm Adept, something cool for the GM, idk.

  4. > @juno.1840 said:

    > Except they already have such a button : [unravel](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unravel "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unravel")


    Which has an opportunity cost that you don't seem to think exists. Unravel isn't cheap. It's *expensive* to spend a utility slot that otherwise doesn't do anything. You can't get away with that in sPvP or WvW.


    > Ignoring your "don't play weaver" comment as it's completely useless. I could just as easily say "I don't like what you're saying, I'm not going to read it". Useful, right?


    It's practical advice. If you want to instantly full attune to other elements, play an elite specialization that is designed to instantly full attune to other elements. Weavers are designed around dual attunements. Why would you play an elite specialization based around dual attunements if you want to ignore dual attunements?

  5. > But due to that eotm does not get the pip reward they flock over in the q and they just not into that more serious wvw thus the comanders are very restricted in what they can do.


    So instead of trying to get these players banished back into EOTM maybe you should try to help them integrate in your WvW community, get more active, and have more fun.


    Honestly- since you've said you're in a 4-queue server- it reads to me more like you don't want these players to integrate, you just want them out so you can play. If queues are seriously an issue for you, you should seriously think about leaving whichever server you've overstacked and taking yourself and your friends to a lower population server.

  6. > * Eotm = Pug wvw.

    > * Core WvW = organized groups fights.


    Pretty plainly, this smacks of elitism. People are free to do "pug wvw" wherever they like, and they're free to do "organized group fights" wherever they like.


    I find the idea that new players to WvW, even "EOTM players", should not be drawn to WvW for the rewards perplexing on a personal motive level. Do you not want new people getting into the gamemode proper? It seems odd to suggest that they should stay 'in their place' in the waiting room of WvW.

  7. Yes, this track needs a review.


    The Sunspear Weapon Boxes do nothing for you once you have unlocked all 16 Elonian Weapon Skins.

    The repeatable Desert Armor Box will reward you with *Elonian* gear, the stuff the story gives you for free, not *spearmarshal's* gear which would actually be good.

  8. Very impressed with the griffon. Not necessarily the griffon itself but how ANet managed to make a 'power increase' that sucked a lot of gold out of the economy without actually making a power increase, as the griffon is only necessary for a handful of mastery insights (which you can use a mesmer for anyway).

  9. > @Parlance.9584 said:

    > Title.

    > I see a lot of threads on here saying "oh you can just avoid the circles!" The circles are literally the size of a point. Not only that, but they have a bunch of other tiny circles that they spread around the point to keep you from getting close to it.

    > 90% of games I play are predetermined by who has a scourge on their team, and if 1 team gets lucky and has 2 scourges on their team its game over.

    > It's not fun to fight, and it's not fun to play matches around 1 class. It's the equivalent of that Bunker Rev build except you will actually die.


    Scourge being fair or fun aside...


    Scourge are a point control class with a point control mechanic. Why should they not be effective at suppressing a point?

  10. What build precisely are you wanting to use which needs another +15% bleed duration? Honestly, it's not going to be too painful if you have Malice sigil or a bit of Viper's to raise your condition duration across the board; most builds which primarily rely on bleeding have other boons on their lineup, as well.

  11. I've found as sword/dagger, if you aren't sure where you'll want to be in 4 seconds, switch to Earth. If you're safe to continue attacking, switch to fire and do 2-4-5 to send out might blasts & damage. If you're not safe, switch to water and do the same rotation and you'll blast your own water field twice for a bunch of healing. If you need more healing, water again and 3-5, or Earth again for 2-5, blasting the field with more evade frames.

  12. The problem isn't whether Expertise is good or bad, the problem is whether Ferocity is trash with Scepter and Torch. Short answer; it is. You will not get meaningful gains from that ferocity.


    Not having Dhuumfire is going to seriously reduce your capacity to condi bomb. If your goal is to use a Terror bomb to deal a big chunk of damage you'll likely find Master of Terror to be very valuable, or Vital Persistence which is always a boon to Scourge.


    If you are wanting to play a Griever's build I would be seriously reconsidering trying to do it as Scourge. Reaper with Bleed duration bonuses and a Greatsword is likely going to do it far more efficiently.

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