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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. I don't really sPvP too much. I got really into sPvP while I was working towards Ascension. It's not that I don't *like* sPvP, I just don't see the rewards there that I could otherwise get in PvE or WvW, and the fun factor isn't enough to push me over the top.


    Have you thought about adding any new Legendaries to sPvP? I don't know if it's really feasible but maybe you could have a legendary shoulderpiece or something? Not a full armor set because that's a ton of effort but I think individual Legendary armor pieces would be a great incentive for long-term sPvP play.


    Also a minor aside; it's nice to hear that we're getting new goodies for WvW. I know it's not your job but maybe have a chat with them and see if they can't have a bunch of threads similar to the ones you've done here. WvW community would really appreciate it.

  2. > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > Why!? If you beat ANY ranged player using it, the chances were they were either AFK or going to die anyway. I have lost a total of ZERO fights against a Necro and thought "kitten it, if only he didnt have Corrosive Cloud" Yeah it deletes that damage, if the person is stupid enough not to move what so ever to easily counter it.

    > I'd take forcing someone to come into MELEE as a better option than for them to move slightly to the side to counter the skill completely and continue to range spam from 1,200+ range away. The weakness wouldnt bother me either, I'd take doing a little less damage but make them come into Melee than to still have that damage but not be able to do anything about it because or mobility sucks and they are waling away from 1,200+ range.


    It sounds like you're misusing the skill.


    Do not plant the CPC on the enemy. Plant it on yourself and use your Consume Conditions as soon as you come under pressure to heal off the enemy burst so that you can then deliver your own with impunity using Scepter or Axe.


    It is 100% a defensive skill and you should absolutely not use it to try to deal damage. Use it to delete projectiles and maybe give yourself a Weakness to send; any poison or weakness that you apply directly through the cloud is gravy.


    > Who said anything about a corruption build? I am talking about making a poor skill in most situations to be a good personal skill. Its like people assume that the ONLY thing a class should have is AoE. Selfish shields are good as well, i mean its not common for Necro to actually have some sort of defense but maybe coming around to the idea that defense is good might change peoples opinions?


    I did, I said stuff about a corruption build. It's really good in a MoC build. The 33% cooldown reduction makes this skill much better at its job; deleting ranged projectile pressure, which is one of necromancer's weak points. It's still somewhat useful in a non-corruptions build, but it really shines in an MoC build.

    I am really confused about where your perspective is coming from. The skill's useful; I have found a use for it, therefore it is useful. Agree to disagree if you like, but I don't think it needs a buff. What you suggest might even be a downgrade if you do 2+ play.

  3. Hi Mike! I love you but I'm honestly a little worried about this.


    > @"Mike O Brien.4613" said:

    > * At a time when there’s a lot of debate about random boxes in gaming, we should have anticipated that a new system with a random element would cause alarm.


    This honestly really reads to me like 'I'm sorry that you took offense'.


    I usually like to give you guys the benefit of the doubt and I hope that you will earn it. Please rethink this, and the other lootbox models in the game. GW2 prides itself on breaking from convention - RNG lootboxes are now a market convention!

  4. > @ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

    > Except, that Hybrid isnt just about damage.


    In this case it is. Hybrid deals two types of damage; that's why you take it. Specifically for Reaper you use this build to overload a Thief's condi clears when they try to flee (and Bleeding takes them out) or you use it so that you are still applying pressure while attacking a Warrior through their Endure or Berserker stances.


    If your goal is a mix of defenses and damage you can achieve both of these things using Power. Just have a big weird mix of Marauder's, Cavalier's and Knight's.

    If your goal is a mix of control and damage you don't need to invest in Condi Damage to do that. You can even still take Deathly Chill to try to cover your controlling conditions.

    If your goal is to provide healing pick a different class, you have picked the wrong espec.

  5. >Do they take it? No.


    CPC never leaves my bar in WvW roaming. It deletes so much power damage and so many interrupts that it's just really situationally good as a defensive tool, and in a Master of Corruptions build, its uptime is one of the best projectile destruction uptimes in the game. The poison and weakness it applies to foes are gravy... But they're not even bad. Permanently weakened if a melee enemy tries to pressure you while you stand in your fart cloud - what's not to like?


    The Weakness is not at all an issue. Just Consume Conditions, PlagueSig, Suffer! or Deathly Swarm immediately after you use it. CPC -> CC is fantastic for allowing you to safely heal against many foes. Generally speaking, if you are playing with Corruptions and you do not have a plan to send your self-conditions to a foe or consume them, *you have not thought your Corruptions build through*.


    Very strong skill. If you are looking for defensive options in an MoC build, it should be the first thing you look at.

  6. I am more assessing the general fundamentals of the build rather than specific stats. Celestial is a good option in my opinion, but it is certainly more defensive than other stat arrangements. You may find better success with Grieving, or a mix of Grieving/Celestial. My personal recommendation would be to use Celestial armors and Greatsword, Zerker's axe and dagger, and then adjust your accessories as you feel out the build.


    I would, however, absolutely not recommend Trailblazer's, especially not with Greatsword/Axe. You simply will not be able to effectively put out damage without Power. I also don't believe that Expertise is a valuable stat; the nature of the Reaper is such that you use Chill so that you can effectively apply your Power damage. If someone is in a position in which they are forced to let Chill time out, you already have a massive advantage; pushing the duration of *all* conditions has limited returns.


    Healing Power is somewhat of a weak stat on Celestial for this build but all of the other stats are helping you, and in WvW having your stats as 'balanced' as possible has merits of its own with Bloodlust.

  7. I use a very similar build. It's pure Celestial, though. I think it works pretty well. I don't really have statistics for it, though.


    Suffer! is not especially good and you should not place heavy emphasis on it. I would probably recommend using CPC instead. CPC helps you deal with a lot of your threats. Suffer! can still be useful against specific foes, though. With dagger offhand, consume conditions, suffer and plague signet, you can somewhat keep pace with condi mesmer applications.


    I do not like CttB. Stun and stability is nice, but I don't think it is that great. I use Plaguelands instead; Plaguelands gives you exceptional cleave-and-leave to deal with bodies in outmanned fights. You can use GS5 to pull many foes into a late-stage Plaguelands to scare them with a lot of condi application.


    I use Master of Corruption to get all of these cooldowns down. Raising your CPC uptime is great. More Corrupt Boons is massive; the entire point of this build is massive boon corruption, and more of it is good against boon-happy classes.


    Use Sigil of Mischief and Sigil of Hydromancy for sweet switch procs.

  8. I don't see an issue with a bunch of them expecting you to play that class. While getting cross-class stuff is convenient, I don't think it's really the best to be able to earn these weapons without necessarily playing that class at all.


    The only 'issue' is the valuable weapons, but even then- it's just them and the Mordant weapons, and you're getting an ascended weapon with a unique skin. Assuming that's the only cost you're paying it's pretty reasonable.

  9. I don't really buy gems using real money. It feels like cheating. The gemstore is basically my endgame and buying rewards from it using ingame gold is fun. The only times I'll get gems with real money is when I'll either buy the ultimate package of an expansion or when I get a gem card from a friend.


    As far as what I buy:


    - Account upgrades are no.1. More character slots, bank slots, storage capacity.

    - Heroic Boosters are my second pick at the moment. As a WvW player the impact they have on your reward track is actually appreciable.

    - Skins are nice. There are a few skins that I will purchase as soon as they reappear (glint's gaze).

    - I rarely buy outfits and will only usually buy them if they are in a good bundle. I've bought each of the Dragon's Watch bundle packs because they came with other stuff. I made my money back on Kasmeer pack because I rolled 3 Bloodstone dyes, which was neat.

    - I have never bought glider skins (aside from as the member of a bundle) as I have Ascension. The big issue with glider and mount skins, for me, is that they aren't ingame rewards- you can make them as shiny as you like, but to me they'll never compare to something like Ascension/Ad Infinitum/Warbringer.

    - I don't expect I will ever buy a mount skin. This isn't a moral stand or anything to boycott the adoption license lootbox, I am just not interested in these items from the gemstore. In regards to mounts, I am only interested in in-game rewards. I don't feel especially strongly about the mount adoption license *other than the fact that these are 4-channel mounts when the core mounts are only 1 channel*. I am a little perturbed that they didn't leave some *basic* variety of mount as an ingame reward as these could have easily been given a map-mastery collection. One mount for each map for completing the meta, map exploration, etc., give it four dye channels- it would've been a great reason to revisit the content.

    - I occasionally splurge on keys and never get anything good.

  10. Seems like Tex is on the money


    50% of the issue is that the new content, while good, has little reason for you to go and do it again. Bounty reward tuning, event reward tuning, etc.


    50% of the issue is that new apex predators in Scourge and Spellbreaker disrupted the PvP meta.

  11. Why dungeons over fractals? The only tangible advantage I can see to dungeons over fractals is that dungeons are 'real' in that they occupy a place in the world; but that somewhat feels like a trivial distinction.


    Where do you want dungeons to fit in the OW->Fractals->Raids schema? Are they just going to fall into the same place as early Fractals?


    If dungeons are reintroduced as a form of endgame, does that not to some degree imply that the existing dungeons must be reworked and revamped to fit into the new structure of dungeons, in whatever form it takes?


    Dungeons are old enough that I would be genuinely interested in ANet saying "right we're going to turn all the dungeons into fractals, we're going to polish them up, we're going to add new rewards". But I don't know what kind of response that would get from everyone else.

  12. > @Choppy.4183 said:

    > That said, and this might be it, the wiki just says that a DE will "occasionally shout" a random line when using the skill. If that's true, I don't think we can count it as a reliable telegraph. I've no idea the percentage chance of hearing the audio.


    > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Death%27s_Judgment

    The voice line may not be consistent but Deaths Judgment has a very distinct buzzing sound while it's charging. With your audio on it is very difficult to not notice an incoming DJ.

  13. Appreciate the heads up. Would really like it if we could get more of a lead on what the balance team is doing, though, and when we can expect changes in the future. I'm sure that PoF has been a big strain but it would be great to get some steady news on balance.


    I'm actually curious how difficult it'd be to have a member of the balance team do a SOTG stream at the end of each season, and go over what they thought was good/bad/weird about the season. I'm sure they're quite busy but being able to pick their brains would be really nice.


    > @Karaeir.5097 said:

    > ...I think I have a Stellaris game to finish.


    They've been teasing too much new stuff that I can't be satisfied with the current build. :(

  14. > @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

    > I'd start by removing ALL extrinsic rewards from WvW, leaving nothing but directly WvW-specific incentives, tied directly and exclusively to winning the match, that could not be used, displayed or recognized outside of the four WvW maps and see where that takes us, population and balance-wise.


    I can answer that one for you; into the bin

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