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Posts posted by Sarrs.4831

  1. > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

    > Or perhaps it was meant to be a joke but people prefer to make it into social manifest without reason.


    Not artsy fartsy enough! Everything in this video game about killing dragons is a deep insight into the flawed nature of our societies, nay, our very souls

  2. > @Sublimatio.6981 said:

    > "we are placing gay reference here, let's add choyas and harpies to make it a joke and avoid possible negative feedback"


    Or perhaps it says something about the fundamental role of the betrothed in political marriages when the party to which one seeks to become ingratiated is fundamentally incapable of procreation. :thinking:

  3. So I don't really follow DPS meters much, but from what I understand...


    By entering a group you consent to the rest of the party seeing your combat outputs. If you don't consent to the rest of the party seeing your combat outputs, don't join a party. Is this right?


    And if you're in a party, you want to be contributing, right? You want to actually be a valued member of the group? So what's the issue with people taking objective measurements of your performance by combat logging, and using a tool to make the analyzing of that combat log more efficient?

  4. > @Ithilwen.1529 said:


    > That doesn't make sense. To illustrate what I mean, my skill bar carries a heal, blink, portal, and decoy. Each of these skills is critical, though decoy less so.


    > Sure, I could equip feedback. Doing so would make me considerably weaker. In return, I'd get a short reflect on a very long cool down. Beside that, the DE could simply wait for the reflect to fall and still do there burst.


    > To claim that this skill makes DE damage OK ignores the realities of playing PvP.



    I'm not really saying that you personally are responsible for forcing out every single Deadeye that you ever see. Feedback might not fit into your lineup, but a lot of classes specialize in projectile destruction and reflection. Tempests bring a good amount of it, and can send it to support their friends. Scrappers do a bunch. Necromancers can slot a very efficient Master of Corruption Corrosive Poison Cloud, which I pretty frequently recommend to Necromancers which are having issues in WvW dealing with projectile based classes. These make worse matchups for the Rifle Deadeye by a non-trivial amount, when you can force them to either close & engage or you can use the relieved pressure to let your CDs run down.


    You could also run Mirror, or the trait that grants you auto-mirror when you use Manipulation skills. It's a shame there aren't especially good Manipulation skills other than Blink though.

  5. 21k damage with no context. For all I know it's 25 might zerk v zerk shot.


    Deadeyes have a fundamental weakness: they are projectile class. Use LoS. Use projectile destroying or reflecting effects.


    >@Ithilwen.1529 said:

    >That's not the point. The DE can mark, then leave combat and wait. When they return they have a huge free burst. There's no way to remove the mark. So this is a death burst without reasonable counterplay.


    I haven't actually played spvp since PoF launch but it seems like a very good counter to this would be getting a buddy to go and kill him.

  6. Deadeye Rifle's issues seem to stem entirely from an underwhelming autoattack, and that's easily changed; give it a damage buff while the Deadeye is kneeling. Possibly skillsplit based, but that seems like a bit of a copout.


    Maybe add "Concentration is converted to Power" somewhere along the bottom lane. A bootleg PS that can operate from range but doesn't give banners+EA seems like an interesting composition option. Seems to make sense, snipers gotta concentrate, right


    Without seeing what the raids are going to ask of us it's difficult to really tailor suggestions.


    Also RE range v mobility&melee, range is better. Range lets you target switch more quickly without any kind of cooldown limitation. Mobility does not. Range lets you pick from more safe locations. Mobility does not; you need to be on the boss or you lose damage. Deadeye's target switching *can* be bad though because of how the mark works, if you are frequently switching from main target to offtargets you will need to run Mercy, which doesn't really do a lot for you.

  7. GS's main issue is that when you get into the sub-50% phase you just set GD to autoattack and you never press any other button, it's boring.


    If you want a skirmishing/positioning/kiting weapon, use Axe. Greatsword is for manipulating other peoples' positions.

  8. Just fix shade stacking and add tiny cast times to F2 and F5 so you can actually pressure them by stunlocking.

    Or don't, let Necros have a bit of fun in the sun, god forbid.


    To fix Reaper for Power, change Decimate Defenses from +2% prec to +1% prec +1% fero. Change Unholy Fervor from +10% axe damage to +10% damage.

    To fix Reaper for Hybrid, change GS AA-3 to place a 180-radius Chill field for 2 seconds. (I honestly like the chillwhirl interaction and it should stay an option)


    Don't neuter Deathly Chill, please. It's fun.

  9. Core necro needs a dagger that doesn't suck? :smirk:


    Seriously, though, would be nice if Dagger found its place before the next set of especs rolled out. Melee power doesn't really jive for either Reaper (having Greatsword for that job) or Scourge (being a condition spec) but if we get something like a power longbow, I really hope Dagger is in a good place by then.

  10. > @Alatar.7364 said:

    > But I have a hard time figuring out how would you make that work in a Game.


    At the end of the day it's really impossible for the developers or the support team to do this. It's ultimately up to the playerbase to create the kind of atmosphere that they want to play in.

  11. Spellbreaker because necro solidarity. I play reaper but we gotta stick together. We all necros in this.


    More seriously I see spellbreaker having less cues. Scourge has clearer cues; don't stand in the shade, don't stand next to the necro. Scourge has somewhat poor options when dealing with classes at range, with unimpressive gapclosers and limited ranged power otherwise. On the other hand Spellbreaker has all the classic tools available to warrior to control ranges.

  12. > @Dadnir.5038 said:

    > Well more or less. The point is that it's passive gameplay, not really exciting and that you end up reducing the natural decay of life force just like the old _vital persistence_. It's doomed to become mandatory however you put it for the same reason that VP was mandatory. A passive buff to the shroud uptime.


    Passive gameplay's more or less the point of a minor trait. They aren't really supposed to alter your gameplay. If they do, they tend to do it in the GM spot; Beyond the Veil actually *is* good and *is* a reactive trait which you can play around.


    Comparing Vital Persistence in Soul Reaping to Vital Persistence in Death Magic is comparing apples and oranges because the rest of the trees do different things, even before considering that they wouldn't be same by any stretch of the imagination; less actual staying power, benefit for being out of shroud.


    > That's why I would personnally prefer something that would grant us life force when we receive heal while we are in shroud. It would promote a different way to use the shroud and favour teamplay, not changing your survivability when alone but improving it when supported by others. Something that should be "logical".


    This is the sort of mechanic that Grandmaster Major traits are for. They're supposed to bring big bonuses or bring big changes to the way you play. The two bottom Death Magic perks actually do this.


    Assessing the actual idea... This is exactly what a Minor trait *shouldn't* be. "I need team support to work" just means that the tree is a non-starter in any situation which you don't have team support.

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