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Posts posted by akenoyuki.8210

  1. This is not a fix, but a nice way to knowing whether it's really bug on the game or just pc/internet problem


    Do something like this on your GW2 shortcut path `"D:\Guild Wars 2\Gw2.exe" -mapLoadinfo`

    The `-mapLoadinfo` will show you the percentage of map loading screen.


    Short story, I've been having similar infinite loading screen issue few weeks ago. After using the mapLoadinfo, I realize that it load but reaaaaaaally slow (around 0.2-0.3%/s, even though I can play youtube video at 1080p without buffering). I suspect that this is because of my internet, so I complain to the ISP, they then call me back after few hours and said that it should be fixed and the game loading speed seem back to normal now.


    However, If you see the percentage is already at 100% yet the loading screen still there... I hope it got fixed soon :)

  2. Finally beat him with my `Scourge`


    The trick is stalling him first until breakbar shows, This is how I do it:

    I put [sand Flare], [Flesh Wurm], [sand Swell], [spectral Walk], and [Flesh Golem] on my utility

    The weapon is scepter-torch and armor is full Trailblazer

    `Phase 1:`

    1. At enter, Put [Flesh wurm] at the side of the arena (let's say right side), then prepare the [sand Swell] on the left side

    2. When his red-name pop up above his head, count until 3 second and teleport yourself using the sand swell

    3. Spam "F" key to teleport between portal

    4. Use your healing [sand Flare] as much as possible since your health will likely always on below 50%

    `Phase 2: (Sand Swell end)`

    1. When your sand swell portal no longer available, run using [spectral Walk]

    2. Prepare to hit Turai Ossa with your scepter 3 (Feast of Corruption) as soon as his boon up to corrupt his boon such as 25 might and others

    3. Return to your initial [spectral Walk] position when he is close to you

    4. Use your [Flesh Wurm] when he is close to you again

    5. Summon [Flesh Golem] and prepare for Phase 3

    `Phase 3: (Turai Ossa using his ground slam skill)`

    1. Turai will use ground slam on the center of the arena

    2. Watch when he using his throw-weapon on you

    3. Evade it (otherwise he will gain his buff again)

    4. His breakbar shows up -> use the flesh golem knockdown ability

    5. DPS him HARD!

    `Phase 4: (Second ground slam)`

    1. At some time, he will use his ground slam again on the center, this mean he will be using the throw-weapon again

    2. Evade his throw weapon skill again

    3. His breakbar shows up -> use the torch 5 (Oppressive Collapse)

    4. DPS him HARD with all your skill to remove his remaining breakbar and kill him

    (At this point, even if you downed, your flesh golem, the condi you put on him, and downed 1 skill should still enough to kill him)

  3. > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

    > > By the way... am I the only one who thinks joko will do **/dance** after he says "Break a leg people, It's SHOWTIME!" :o


    > Yeah you are the only one.



    But... but... why wouldn't he?!


    > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

    > > @"Vavume.8065" said:

    > > > @"akenoyuki.8210" said:

    > > > By the way... am I the only one who thinks joko will do **/dance** after he says "Break a leg people, It's SHOWTIME!" :o

    > >

    > > Yeah you are the only one.


    > But not necessarily the only one who thinks he _should._



    That phrase is so perfect that I wouldn't be so surprised if suddenly disco music start playing, flashy light everywhere, joko and his people start dancing

  4. > @"NiSHAN.4385" said:

    > > @"Linken.6345" said:

    > > wasnt there a sale that end in the next couple of hours?

    > > I heard somewere they extended the code "WelcomeToGW2" 30% off to end sometime monday the 11 instead of 8.

    > > Edit

    > > The extension was due to alot of people having trubble applying said code.


    > tried it, it's not working.

    > Any idea if they do sales on the 80$ versions ?



    Unfortunately, no. The coupon code of "WelcomeToGW2" is only for the Standard (29.99) and Deluxe (54.99) edition - [Twitter Link](



    And the sales is until Monday, June 11, 11:59 PM Pacific time - [Twitter Link](

  5. ALL OF IT

    The most important thing for me is the story

    And from Core Tyria to Heart of Thorn to Path of Fire, each story is really good.


    But if I have to pick, I'll vote for HoT because I also love map-scale metas.

  6. WvW is on my number 1 list of fun thing to do (Story progression if we got an update).


    Other than that... I just walking around randomly in open world finding nice place to screenshot

    And maybe joining world boss meta / HoT meta also nice, there are always some funny chat going on in there.


    For PoF, by all means, go for it. The story and world is really well polished :smile:

  7. Wiki haven't told what % for each infusion but...

    If +10 is +33%... I believe +30 is 99%...

    I believe +15 is around 50% if it follow that math pattern.


    Maybe you can stack swiftness with the infusion to test it out?




    >! Fun fact:

    >! You need `1,048,576 Swim-Speed Infusion +10` and around `24245 Gold` for a +30 swim speed infusion

    >! Holy kitten! do people really need that much swimming speed?

    >! Even the ascended only have Core Tyria stats on it (no PoF and HoT stats) also you can get the ascended from very rare drop chance in the treasure box itself

  8. The only way I know is to deport them far away where Joko can't reach'em.

    >! Remember there are this Awakened Sunspear Champion on Domain of Istan that stay on a cave so that Joko can't control him?

    >! He say something about "can't obey what you don't hear"


    But as for 100% cured and live again like using phoenix feather, I don't think that's possible, once you dead, you dead.

  9. Keep watching LFG 30-40 minutes before the event start.

    Or you can also make one yourself, I'm sure people will join (including me)


    Super short tips

    > If anomaly is `running`, spam your CC skill (Stun, knocback, etc.)

    > If anomaly is `crouching`, kill the anomaly fragments before they reach the main body

    > If anomaly is `attacking`, attack him


    Spawn Time

    > Timberline Falls at `0:20`, `6:20`, `12:20` and `18:20` UTC

    > Iron Marches at `2:20,` `8:20`, `14:20` and `20:20` UTC

    > Gendarran Fields `4:20`, `10:20`, `16:20` and `22:20` UTC

  10. 1

    > If it's only Raptor WITHOUT maxing it's masteries for longer jump, I think that's okay to use your level 80 boost.

    > - Raptor from first story

    > - Springer from Desert Highlands, only need you to collect carrots and pay 50 Trade Contracts and 1 Gold

    > But you will need Raptor Canyon Jumping abilities to go there. (Or TP to friends if you have it)

    > - Skimmer, from Elon Riverlands, only need you to deliver food or heal npc and pay 50 Trade Contracts and 4 Gold

    > And same with Springer, you need Raptor Canyon Jumping abilities to go there (Or TP to friends item)


    > .

    > If you want ALL the mount (including griffon) and MAXING their masteries, that's gonna be a really hard if you are not familiar with how your class work and with the gear you get from level 80 boost.

    > - Most enemies in PoF maps are really aggressive and do a lot of damage.

    > - There are some ground trap that will dismount you.

    > - You cannot mount and run if you are on a battle mode

    > - Griffon require you to finish whole PoF story, every heart npc, and 250 Gold



    > Stories is divided for each character.

    > But your mount, your gliding, and all your masteries will stay with you on every character.

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